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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 1-3

Page 44

by Kennedy, Elle

  On the bed, Aidan let out a ragged moan and gently moved Savannah’s head away. “Not yet,” he ground out. “I want to come inside you, honey.”

  Savannah let Matt give her one more swipe of the tongue, then sat up and turned to meet his eyes. The expression on her face sent a bolt of desire straight to his cock. Her cheeks were pink, her lips wet from sucking Aidan, her eyes glazed and heavy-lidded.

  “Are you having fun?” he couldn’t help but rasp.

  She nodded slightly. Her gaze traveled to his erect cock. “Come here,” she ordered.

  He stood up and moved toward her. She took him in her mouth and he almost keeled over from the sensation. Aidan slid up so he was sitting behind Savannah, wrapping his muscular arms around her so he could cup her tits with his palms. As Savannah’s tongue danced along his shaft, Matt’s eyelids fluttered. He forced his eyes to stay open, to watch the way Aidan’s fingers played with Savannah’s rigid nipples. Fuck, that was hot.

  His reluctance was slowly dissolving like a teaspoon of sugar in water. This wasn’t as painful as he’d thought it would be. Aidan knew how to please a woman, and judging by Savannah’s muffled moans she obviously enjoyed the way the other man fondled her breasts. Matt was as hard as a rock, eager to fill Savannah’s ass with his cock at the same time another man penetrated her tight pussy.

  Savannah nibbled on his tip and another groan slid from his mouth. No, this encounter wasn’t awkward or painful at all. Here he was, with a good friend of his, the woman he loved, and the chemistry between the three of them was out of this—

  The woman you love?

  It was a miracle his dick didn’t go soft at that moment. The appearance of the L-word in his brain shocked the hell out of him. Was he in love with her? How was that possible? His gaze swept over her flushed face, those perfect breasts and tanned skin and tousled blonde hair. He loved seeing her arousal, loved the little sounds of pleasure she made in the back of her throat. He wanted her to feel good. He wanted to make her happy.

  Fuck, he was actually in love.

  The newfound emotion brought a rush of pleasure to his body. Suddenly he needed to be inside her, some primal urge to claim her taking over. Pulling his dick out of her mouth, he strode over to the bedside table, yanked open the drawer and grabbed the box of condoms he’d stashed in there the other day. He took out a tube of lubrication and set that down on the bed, then removed two square packages from the box, tossed one to Aidan and ripped the other open so he could sheath himself.

  “Who do you want in your ass?”

  Savannah looked up in surprise at Matt’s gruff inquiry. At her obvious hesitation, he shot her a mocking smile. “This is your show, darlin’. Tell us what you want.”

  Her face pink with excitement, she answered his question with actions rather than words. Straddling Aidan, she lowered herself onto his waiting erection, moaning as she fully seated herself. Matt’s chest tightened with pure heat as she bent forward and pushed her ass up in the air in invitation.

  He didn’t need to be asked twice.

  Coming up behind her, he widened his stance, then picked up the lube and squeezed a generous amount into his palm. As Aidan thrust upward to meet Savannah’s frenzied movements, Matt got Savannah nice and slick. When his tip rubbed her tender opening, she cried out in delight and wiggled against him.

  “Slow down, honey,” Aidan murmured, planting his hands on her slender hips to steady her. “Let him work his way in.”

  Matt’s entire body burned with red-hot lust as he eased into that tight rosette. He reined himself in, gritting his teeth to stop from coming right there and then. It felt like an iron fist squeezing his cock. His head lolled to the side. Fuck. So good. No way was he lasting more than a minute.

  While Aidan kept Savannah still, Matt moved in and out, slowly going deeper at each lazy drive of his cock. When his entire length was buried inside her, all three of them groaned. And then they started to move.

  * * *

  Savannah wondered if it was possible to die from ecstasy. She’d been with two men before, but Matt and Aidan were by far better endowed than her previous lovers. She felt unbelievably filled as their cocks slid in and out of her. Her pulse hammered in her ears, her breathing labored as she rode Aidan. Behind her, Matt kept to an excruciatingly slow pace. She knew he was allowing her to get used to the sensations, but his languid movements drove her crazy.

  Twisting her head, she met his eyes and issued a breathy command. “Faster. Please.”

  His features tight with desire, he offered a quick nod, then plunged into her so hard she cried out with pleasure that bordered on pain. Beneath her, Aidan’s dark eyes glimmered with unrestrained heat. “That’s it, honey, fuck me harder.”

  It was too much. Every muscle in her body was coiled, like a rattlesnake ready to pounce. She needed to come so badly she could barely breathe, definitely couldn’t form any coherent thoughts.

  “Rub her clit,” came Matt’s hoarse demand.

  Her vision went hazy as Aidan reached between them and captured her clit between his fingers, rolling it gently. She sagged forward, nearly drowning in the waves of bliss. Aidan’s cock stretched her aching core, and Matt was buried so deep in her ass she didn’t know where she started and they ended. In the back of her mind, she realized it was not Aidan, but Matt she was more focused on. She was listening to his breathing, feeling his hands digging into her hips, groaning each time his erection slid into her. Aidan’s fingers between her legs felt incredible, his hard body beneath hers was amazing, but only when she focused on Matt did she feel the ripples of impending orgasm dance low in her belly.

  Since now wasn’t the time to question that revelation, she closed her eyes and lost herself in the moment. Her muscles tightened, contracted, coiled again and then seemed to snap apart as release crashed into her. Pleasure sizzled through her veins, infusing into the tips of her nipples, her clit, her core.

  As she came apart, she felt more than heard each man lose control. Aidan’s cry was huskier, more restrained, while Matt gave a guttural groan that sent shivers through her. She was nearly panting as the two men came, as Matt tenderly caressed her hips and Aidan continued to brush his fingers over her clit.

  “Holy shit,” Aidan swore when their heavy breathing finally grew quiet. One hand touched Savannah’s chin. “That was first-class.”

  She managed an exhausted smile. “Right back at you.”

  Her body suddenly felt empty as Matt pulled out of her ass, followed by Aidan’s gentle withdrawal. She rolled off him, smiling again when she watched him hop off the bed and fumble on the floor for his clothes. “I should get going,” he said absently.

  Evidently he wasn’t a cuddler. She admired the attitude, though. He’d gotten what he wanted and now he was taking off. Right to the point. She liked that.

  “Thanks for coming over,” she murmured.

  He laughed softly. “I should be thanking you. You were amazing.” He glanced over at Matt, who was slipping into his boxers. “Thanks for having me, bro.”

  Matt just shrugged. “Anytime.”


  Savannah wondered if that meant he wanted Aidan to play with them again. The thought made her stomach a little unsettled. Aidan was insanely cute and definitely talented in bed, but during those last few moments before her orgasm, Matt had been the only man on her mind, the only one she’d been concentrating on. She wasn’t sure why that happened, or how she even felt about it.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Matt said to his buddy.

  With another dimpled grin, Aidan offered a cute “Later, Savannah” and followed Matt to the front door. She heard the door open, close, then lock. When Matt appeared at the foot of the bed a moment later, he wore a wry expression on his handsome face.

  “You okay?” she teased. “Or did we wear you out?”

  “I’m fine.” He cleared his throat. “So listen…”

  A startling combination of hope and disappointment clamored
inside her. He was going to break it off with her. This threesome had evidently been too much for him. He’d only been pretending to enjoy it, but now that his friend was gone, he was going to tell her that he didn’t want to be with someone as slutty as her. Awful as it was, it was what she’d been trying to achieve, yet a part of her was upset that it had been so easy, childish as that was.

  “Savannah, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  Even though she was lying down, she almost fell over. “What?”

  “You heard me,” he said gruffly.

  “You…I…of course you’re not.” She sat up abruptly. “That’s silly.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “Why exactly is that silly?”

  Panic spiraled through her body. How was this actually happening? This damn threesome was her way to try and put some distance between her and Matt. All those dates and talks and the staggeringly amazing sex… It scared her. After the fierce jealousy she’d experienced when learning that Annabelle had slept with Matt, Savannah had realized just how close she was to developing real feelings for him. It was like she was falling off a cliff and had two landing options—the water, which meant being safe and happy but alone, or the jagged rocks, a relationship that, like all the others, would end in heartbreak.

  She didn’t want to crash into those rocks. Her first priority had always been herself, and so she’d tried pushing Matt away by bringing another man into their bed.

  And he’d liked it!

  She’d seen the fire burning in his eyes when both he and Aidan had been fucking her. And now he was telling her he loved her?

  “You can’t actually mean that,” she burst out. “And is this really the time you want to declare your love? After I just slept with your friend?”

  “It was just sex,” he said with a shrug. “But you and me…that’s more than sex. I think you know it but you’re too scared to admit it. We get along—”

  “So?” she cut in. “I get along with my dentist—that doesn’t mean we love each other.”

  “We laugh together,” he went on, ignoring the interruption. “We like the same shitty horror movies, we have mind-blowing sex, we never run out of things to say to each other.” Looking aggravated, he put on his T-shirt, then buttoned up his jeans. “So yeah, all those things make me think this is more than a fling.”

  She bit on her thumbnail, reverting back to an old habit she only turned to when she was seriously panic-stricken. He couldn’t really mean any of this. Or at least, the love part of it. They’d known each other two weeks, a month if you counted the first meeting at the bank. That wasn’t enough time for him to fall in love with her.

  She didn’t want him to fall in love with her.

  Matt released a ragged breath. “Why does it not surprise me that you’re reacting this way?”

  She bristled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means you’re a coward, Savannah. You act all tough and confident, like you don’t care about anything but having a good time, but we both know that’s a big fat lie. You want a relationship—you’re just too damn scared.”

  Her lips tightened in offense. “I told you, I’m not a relationship person. They never last for me.”

  Matt barked out a humorless laugh. “Because maybe you haven’t found the right man, ever thought of that? If you’re not meant to be with someone, obviously the relationship will end. But when you find the right person…” He let the comment hang.

  “And I suppose you’re the right person for me?” She scoffed. “We’ve known each other a couple of weeks, Matt. It won’t work out between us.”

  He raised one dark eyebrow. “Do you have psychic powers I’m not aware of? How do you know it won’t work out?”

  She raked her fingers through her hair in an aggravated gesture. “Because it never does. Not for me, anyway. Something always ends up going wrong.”

  “Maybe it won’t this time,” he said quietly.

  “And maybe it will.” She stuck her chin out stubbornly. “I made the decision a long time ago not to take that chance. I don’t want any more broken hearts. And I’m tired of the awful sense of boredom and sadness I feel when the thrill dies.”

  Realizing she was still naked, she scrambled off the bed and angrily rummaged on the floor for her clothes. She shoved on her jeans without bothering with underwear, threw her shirt over her head, and crossed her arms. “Look, I really do like you,” she said, softening her tone. “Enough that I don’t want to come to the point where I don’t like you anymore, or where you don’t like me.”

  “And what if we never reach that point?” he challenged.

  Her shoulders sagged. “I always get to that point.”

  Frustration creased his forehead. “So you’re just planning on living the rest of your life in fear, avoiding anything good that comes your way? Because damn it, Savannah, we are good. And you’re a fool to throw it away.” His voice hardened. “I told you how difficult it is for me to talk about my emotions, but I was willing to take the risk, to tell you how I feel.”

  Pain circled her heart. “Matt…”

  “Whatever,” he muttered. “Obviously you can’t take a risk of your own.”

  “That’s not fair,” she protested. “I’ve made it clear from day one what I wanted out of this. I never lied to you or misled you.”

  He released a heavy sigh. “You’re right. You didn’t. But things have changed since day one. We have the potential to be really good together and you’re too scared to give us a chance.”

  To her dismay, tears stung her eyelids. But the fact that she was about to cry only brought a spark of anger to her belly. Why was he pushing her? She’d told him her feelings about relationships. Just because he’d suddenly decided he was in love with her didn’t mean she was going to launch herself into his arms and profess her undying love.

  Unbearable silence hung between them, until Matt finally cursed under his breath and took a step back. “Forget it. I’m not going to beg you to have a relationship with me. I’m not that guy. But I’m not going to pretend this is just a fling either.”

  She blinked, trying to stop the tears from falling.

  “So here you go,” he said in a tone lined with resignation. “You’ve got your wish. A couple of weeks of casual, no-strings sex. Hope you had fun.”

  Without another word, not even a goodbye, he turned his back on her and left the apartment.


  “Are you drinking?”

  The outraged female voice jolted Matt from his catnap. Cranking open one eyelid, he saw two pretty faces hovering above him. His fuzzy eyesight recognized Annabelle, but it took a few seconds to register the petite brunette beside her as Holly Scott, Carson’s wife. He wasn’t used to the haircut yet. Holly had recently chopped her long brown hair into a chin-length bob, which emphasized her emerald green eyes and the delicate angles of her face.

  Propping himself up on the couch cushion with his elbow, he glanced at the half-empty beer bottle on the coffee table and mumbled, “It’s from last night.”

  Annabelle planted her hands on her hips. “I can see the condensation dripping down the side. This was just opened.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. “It’s ten in the morning, Matt. That’s so pathetic.”

  No, what was pathetic was telling a woman he loved her for the first time in his life only to be shut down big-time.

  But he decided not to say that aloud.

  “Since when did you two become my mother?” he grumbled, sitting up with a tired yawn.

  “Since you promised you’d let us borrow your SUV for the wedding today,” Annabelle snapped. “I texted you about it last night and you texted back yeppers. I took that to mean you’d help out.”

  He straightened up, rolling his shoulders to get the kinks out. He’d been lying on the couch for about three days now, only dragging himself up to get a beer or use the john. Empty pizza boxes were stacked on the floor and he wrinkled his nose at the stale odor of ol
d beer emanating from the empty bottles littered all over the room.

  “Shit, I forgot about that,” he said, shooting them an apologetic look. “Do you just need the keys or am I driving you over to the banquet hall?”

  “There’s a ton of stuff to carry in,” Holly said, “so it would be cool if you could come and help unload.”

  “You don’t have to stay for the wedding obviously,” Annabelle added.

  He lifted his arms above his head and stretched. “Okay. Let me hop in the shower and then I’ll take you.”

  Leaving them in the living room, he headed to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, and shaved three days’ worth of stubble off his face. Holly was right, he realized as he stared at his tired eyes in the steamy mirror. He was pathetic. So things had ended with Savannah. Big fucking deal. It only went to show that his initial decision to stay single had been a smart one. Love made people go nuts. His sisters had turned into mushy, sappy idiots, and so had he, the night he’d told Savannah how he felt about her.

  He was better off alone. Better off going back to his old lifestyle, making sure things stayed light, and keeping his damn feelings to himself.

  After dressing in jeans and a T-shirt, he reentered the living room to find that it was now spotless. In the ten minutes he’d been gone, Annabelle and Holly had carted off the pizza boxes, gotten rid of the bottles, and even wiped down his coffee table. The flowery scent of air freshener hung in the large space, and both women were sitting on a couch now cleared of the random items of clothing previously strewn on it.

  “Jeez, you really are my mother,” he muttered.


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