Only You

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Only You Page 12

by Bishop, K. M.

  I closed my eyes and tried to go someplace else mentally so that I would not blow my entire load right then and there. I pulled back slightly, holding her head in place as I eased out of her until only the head was still resting inside the contours of her sweet lips. And then I inched forward slowly.

  Her hands were on my hips, steadying herself, guiding me inside of her graceful surrender. Her tongue was so busy, gliding and dancing up and down the thin skin of my hardness.

  I had to have her. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I pulled out of her mouth and instructed her to move up on the bed. She gladly did so with a sweet look of desire in her eyes.

  “Spread those legs, move that wetness around yourself,” I said.

  She giggled and then began to do as I instructed. Her long, slender fingers eased into her wet, glistening folds and plunged deeply inside of her. Then she pulled out softly, showcasing to me the wetness that was now dripping out of her sweet pot full of the most special kind of honey.

  I stroked myself watching with growing interest. It was so fun to watch each other playing with ourselves, the passion building between us, the lust that was too much to take finally happening here. I could barely take a full, deep breath. My breaths were coming in short, shallow gasps, my head feeling light and a little dizzy, and my pulse was pounding in my ears.

  “Tell me what you want,” I said.

  Maria smiled. “I want you to come over here, and fuck me silly.”

  “How badly do you want it?”

  “I want it so bad. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I need you inside of me…”

  I climbed onto the bed and then I grabbed Maria by the ankles. I placed them over my shoulders and she squeezed her legs together slightly so that she was effectively trapping my head between her feet. I leaned forward slightly and entered her deeply.

  Sliding into her was like penetrating the most pristine lotion that had ever existed, and within that lotion were millions of sensory activators that lit up every single sensation of total bliss imaginable within my manhood. I’d never felt anything quite so utterly satisfying in my entire existence.

  “Fuck…” I groaned.

  I moved inside of her slowly at first, but deeply on every single thrust. My masculinity plunged into her wetness, deeper, and deeper, waiting at the end of each thrust to let out an expression of bliss disguised as a sighing breath of sweet relief. I arched my neck back, and let my head move my eyes up towards the ceiling, as if thanking the universe for this gift of complete ecstasy the likes of which no human being had ever been gifted before.

  Maria tightened her grip on my neck between her soft ankles. Her sensuous feet were sliding against my face. I kissed the arch of her beautiful foot softly with my lips. I wanted to consume every inch of her immaculate body.

  I leaned against my knuckles on the bed and shifted my weight up on my toes so that I could penetrate my beloved deeper, pounding harder into her sex, spreading those pursed lips around my shaft, and drawing inspiration from her releasing juices as they dripped down my skin towards my taut sack and curled under my testicles which were smacking snugly against her smooth skin.

  With every plunge it felt like her body was wrapping around my head and pulling on me, drawing me deeper into her as I continued to press no again and again.

  “Yes…oh… I’m going to come soon…” Maria moaned in my ear. She bit my lobe then, licking it afterwards as if to apologize for her zeal. Then again, her teeth found their mark. I loved the sharpness against my flesh. She could always bite whatever she wanted to bite of mine… and I meant anything… Whatever I could ever do to give her any little hint of pleasure, I was more than happy to do it.

  I pulled out of her just then and turned her over, using her hips as a guide. She started to get up on her knees, but I stopped her by putting a slight bit of weight on her ass, and then kissing her hard when she turned her head in question. Then I guided her back to the bed so that she was now flat on her chest, with her legs closed together. Her succulent sex was pushing back against me and with just a bit of a lean I entered her from behind.

  She gasped and arched her back, laying her head against my shoulder as I hugged her close to me lovingly. I inhaled a huge whiff of her sexy scent and let her hair rub against my face, smelling all of the beautiful aromas of her sex.

  I glided in and out of her faster and faster, thrusting my hips forward and back without stopping or pausing between movements. She was so wet now. Her lust was comforting my member as it jutted in and out of her tight, wetness, keeping it right on track and on course for the epic orgasm that was building within me. My manhood felt so tight that it was almost painful. I imagined it had turned an almost purple color from the intensity.

  “Do you want me to fill you up?” I asked, whispering, almost growling into her ear. I kissed her lips, her ears. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes, flood me over,” she repeated. “I need it all.”

  Hearing those words from her right then was all that I needed to hear. My body responded and the intense orgasmic rush rocketed through me hotly.

  “Yes!” I yelled as I spilled my hot, salty, juice into her waiting, and ready body.

  She quivered beneath me, bucking her hips as tightly against me as she could, reaching backwards to grab my ass and hold me against her.

  I closed my eyes and let the feelings flow through me as the orgasm began to fade, ejecting the last little bit of fluids out of my body.

  A moment later she had her own climax. I held on as long as I could, pumping myself into her, even though I was already spent.

  “Yes!” Maria gasped.

  Her whole body convulsed against mine, her head thrashing wildly and narrowly avoiding hitting me in the nose.

  I wrapped my arms around her tighter, squeezing her against me as she writhed and groaned in her total release of physical and emotional climax.

  At last we both lay still together in the darkened room, kissing and caressing our spent bodies.

  Eventually, Maria found sleep. I was getting close, but I was so amazed and filled with wonder at what had just happened. The woman of my dreams was there in my arms. Everything I’d ever wanted in my life, all I’d hoped for in another human being, I had found in her.

  This evening had turned out better than I’d ever thought it would. But deep down, I knew that this was the beginning of something very special. I’d never known pleasure on an emotional or a physical level such as this.

  As I started to drift off to sleep, I found myself thinking about the team and what would happen if this was ever found out. We’d have to be so careful until the season was over. And then we could do what we wanted and pretend that all of this had taken shape afterwards. There would be rumors of course, but no one could prove anything. At least not if we were careful. That was the most important thing. I would never forgive myself if Maria lost her job over this. But I couldn’t help the way I felt. I had to give us a try. And apparently, she did too.

  I had a feeling that this was it. I had found the woman that I’d been searching for my entire life. I had no doubts about this. This was what I wanted, what I needed. I just hoped that she felt the same way about me. I hoped.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It had happened. And it was spectacular.

  I had to open my eyes and close them several times to make sure that I had not actually dreamt it all. Combing through my mind, my memories, I couldn’t recall any actual dreams last night. All I could remember was the beautiful way that Jacob had touched me, the passion we’d shared, and the most beautiful sex that anyone could have. It had all happened to me, to us.

  I knew this was likely to get me in hot water. We could keep it under wraps for a while, but for how long? How long until someone saw something? A flirtatious glance, a longing look, a loving touch, or just a Freudian slip of the tongue—something would happen that would expose us to everyone else. And then the shit would hit the fan.
Our asses would be in ringers.

  But maybe we could pull it off, at least until the end of the season. And then we would be fine. We would be ok. We could move on and be happy being a part of each other’s lives out in the open. No one would have anything they could say about it.

  I just didn’t know if we could make it that long. It was early in the season. And since I was the new girl in town, everyone would be looking at me to see how I was fitting in and with who. Plus, a college town like this was rank with gossip hounds.

  I stretched widely and spread out in the bed. The earliest rays of light had begun to dance behind the shade and the room was brightening up a smidge. It was probably a little bit after six, but I was usually up by then. Even on a Sunday.

  I was just about to close my eyes again and enjoy my comfortable bed some more when I noticed that the other side of the bed was empty.

  Where was Jacob?

  I listened for signs that he might be in the bathroom, but I heard nothing.

  Then I smelled the sweetest aroma. It smelled like pancakes. Oh, that was righteous… Where were they coming from? My kitchen? Had Jacob made breakfast? No way… surely not… a man who could cook? Yep, I’d just found the perfect man. Absolutely.

  I rubbed my eyes and gave myself another stretch before swinging my lazy bones out from under my comfy covers and onto the floor. I grabbed my house robe and walked down the hall to the kitchen. There was Jacob wearing only his underwear and a t-shirt cooking up a storm. It was a beautiful sight.

  I smiled as I entered the room and he turned his gaze to look at me. His eyes caught mine and we shared another smile. “Hey there,” he said warmly. I walked over to the stove where he was flipping over pancakes and gave him a soft kiss on the mouth.

  “Good morning,” I said. “What is all this?”

  “This is breakfast,” he announced as he shut off the stove. “Have a seat.”

  He had already set the table. I took a place and waited as he poured me a hot, steaming cup of coffee that smelled delicious. Then he grabbed the pan from the stove and laid out two large pancakes on my plate and then two on his plate. They looked fluffy and amazing. Last he dropped a few pads of butter on the pancakes and drenched them in warm maple syrup.

  “Wow, this looks amazing,” I said.

  “I hope it tastes amazing,” he replied. “Dig in.”

  I took a bite and instantly I was exalted to another plane of feeling. It was perfect. “How did you learn to cook like this?”

  “What cooking? It’s pancakes.”

  “My pancakes always turn out burnt or runny, and way too thin and crispy.”

  “Well, I guess I just have the magic touch when it comes to pancakes then. How did you sleep?”

  “Like a baby,” I said. “Last night was… just out of this world.”

  He smiled warmly with a nod and a pat on my hand with his. “I know.”

  “And this morning it still feels like I’m walking on air sort of, not to sound totally cheesy and lame.” I was now embarrassed that I had said that.

  “Well, that is alright. I feel the same way and I’m not afraid to admit it to anybody. This is right.”

  “Ok,” I said. “But now we have to face the real-world truth, the consequences.”

  “Aww, you are going to ruin this breakfast by talking about things like that? Not cool.”

  “I know it’s not cool,” I said. “But we have to face it. There are some ground rules we have to lay down if we want to stay undetected by those who would do us in.”

  I was half joking and half serious, but the way I said it made us both laugh. Wow, I was corny in the mornings sometimes.

  “Jeez, that is a big stretch,” Jacob said. “But then again, you are right. So, what is the plan? It sounds like you’ve got one.”

  “I do. First, we need to make sure that we just put our feelings in a closet in our minds when we are at the school, or anywhere in town for that matter. We just pretend that we have only the strictest of a professional relationship going on.”

  “Ok,” Jacob said. “So, we just pretend that we don’t have feelings for each other? That’s been brutally tough so far. You know this.”

  “I agree. But it’s the way it has to be. So, you and I both will have to live with it.”

  He frowned as he took a sip of coffee and stared at me over the cup. He looked a bit smoldering. Very sexy.

  “Fine. What else?” He asked sitting his cup back down.

  “Well, when we get together, it will have to be here, and we will have to be very discreet about coming and going from here together, and you will have to be careful about no one seeing you driving over here. I’ll start parking in the driveway, so you can pull into the garage and close the door behind you. I’ll give you my backup garage door opener.”

  He chuckled. “I feel like we are hiding activity of some big crime we are involved in. This is a bit nuts.”

  I smiled. “Yeah, but it has to be done. And it is kind of fun, right?”

  “Absolutely fun,” Jacob said.

  “Good. Now, if we want to go somewhere together, we go to another town, or somewhere that no one from the school will happen to spot us. I know it’s tough, but it will only be for a few more months, remember.”

  “Right,” Jacob said. “A few months. It seems so long.”

  I finished my second pancake and pushed my plate away. I was stuffed. “You save room for a third? I still have batter,” Jacob offered.

  “No, thanks. I’m stuffed to the gills,” I said.

  Jacob nodded with a satisfied look and got up to pour himself another cup of coffee. He sat back down and as he did so, I couldn’t help but admire his sweet, washboard abs.

  “Random question,” Jacob posed. “If you could travel anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would it be?”

  I leaned back in my chair and raised the cup of coffee to my lips. “Well, that is a tough one.”

  “I’ve got a few in mind. I just wondered if you would be interested in going to some of the same places.”

  “Maybe. Where are you thinking?”

  He shook his head. “No. I asked you first. It has to be fair.”

  “Fair?” Everything was a competition to him, wasn’t it? I found that charming somehow.

  “Well, yeah. I want to see if we picked the same spots. Name your top three.”

  “Oh, now it’s a top three. It feels like you are raising the stakes on me. But ok. I’ll play along. I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska, England, and Thailand.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Wow. That’s amazing. Two out of three. That’s pretty good.”

  “Which one was different?”

  “England. I’ve been there. Very nice. But I’ve always wanted to visit Transylvania.”

  I furrowed my brow. “Why?”

  He laughed. “You’ll think it’s silly.”

  “Probably, but indulge me.”

  “Ok. I have always wanted to take the Dracula tour. You know the castle of Vlad the Impaler.”

  “What? That’s bizarre.”

  “But very cool.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I guess it could be…”

  “I’ve always been into history like that and when I was a kid I was a huge Dracula fan.”

  “You know the vampire thing is not real, right?”

  He smirked. “Yes, I’m aware. But I still think it’s gnarly. Would you be down for going there sometime?”

  I shook my head. “No, I think I would have to sit that one out.”

  “What? I thought you were more adventurous than that. At least judging by last night…”

  I laughed. “Wow, you had to go below the belt, didn’t you? That’s not right.”

  “Sue me. But am I wrong in assuming that there is a lot about you and what you might be interested in that I just don’t know about yet?”

  I waited before answering, letting the weight and full impact of the words really fall into the air around us and
have a little life of their own before I decided to respond. “Oh, you don’t know the half of it. Maybe, if you’re lucky you will find out.”

  “I got to admit, I’ve been feeling pretty lucky lately.”

  “You are so full of yourself,” I said. “I think you should rest up a bit. You need to recoup your strength so that you will be at your best for practice tomorrow, right?”

  “Oh, don’t tell me you believe in that superstition?”

  “Which one?” I thought I knew the one he was actually referring to, but I wanted to hear him elaborate on it.

  “That superstition that says that if you have sex on game day or before athletic performance that you will suffer a loss of strength and coordination.”

  “Ah, that. Yeah, I might have heard a bit about that somewhere before.”

  “Did you hear it around the locker room or the field house by any chance?”

  I shrugged trying to be coy and fun.

  “Well, some of the guys have this thing going on where they’ve actually sworn off women for the season. They think this will somehow drive their peak performance and help them get that pro contract we are all after.”

  I laughed. “Wow, so how is it working out?”

  “Terribly. None of them have been able to actually stick to the deal. In fact, it seems that this has made them all way more interested in finding that special lady out there. And I don’t think this is having any negative effects on their training or playing at all.”

  “That is a funny idea,” I said. “I wonder what prompted such a ridiculous notion?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “What do you have going on the rest of the day?” I asked.

  “We actually have a weight lifting session at noon. And then the coach wants to have a light practice after that.”

  “On a Sunday?”

  “Yep,” he said. “No rest for the wicked. And our coach is about the wickedest. The guy is a bona fide sadist, I guarantee it. And I’m pretty sure he has it in for some of the guys on the team. So far, I’ve managed to stay on his good side, but I’m close to letting him have it about the way he shows his rage on some of my teammates, my friends.”


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