Book Read Free


Page 11

by M. A. Foster

  “I don’t have my phone.”

  “Mmhmm.” I’m calling bullshit.

  “Zach,” she whines, stomping her foot like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

  “Reagan,” I mimic.

  “God, Zach, we’ve been broken up for three months. Get over it already. Believe me, if I could go back and change what happened, I would. We were together for nine months.”

  I exhale a harsh laugh and shake my head. “Three months,” I correct, “and you cheated on me.”

  “Maybe I wouldn’t have cheated if you hadn’t flown out to California to chase after some girl who didn’t even want you.”

  What the hell? “What are you talking about?”

  “The only reason you even asked me out was because your little girlfriend in California dropped you.” I flinch. Reagan notices and straightens her shoulders with a newfound confidence. “Chelsea told me you were using me and that you’d never date me seriously because you were in love with Cole’s cousin.”

  What the fuck, Chelsea?

  I make a mental note to call Chelsea later and rip her a new one. Chelsea and I aren’t exactly friends anymore, but back when we were, I finally broke down and confided in her about Jay. And if what Reagan is saying is true, then Chelsea is a deceitful bitch.

  “I’m not doing this with you right now,” I say, sidestepping Reagan and heading over to my friends who are lounging around on the outdoor pool furniture, conveniently next to the keg. Pounding a few fists along the way, I step up beside Brad and Justin while Evan works the keg. Evan shakes his head and passes a Solo cup to me.

  I huff out a laugh as I reach for it. “Thanks.”

  Justin curls his arm around my neck. “Please tell me you’re not hooking up with that again. Because I’ll give you my hundred bucks to stay away from her.”

  I shake my head. “Keep your money, dude. I’m not interested in going back there. Ever. Been there, fucked that and, apparently, so has everyone else.” I hold out my cup and gesture to Evan’s brother, Grayson, who’s sitting with my other teammates. “The T-shirts are on backorder.” Justin and Brad laugh and Evan just shakes his head.

  Yeah, I know. That was a dick thing to say and my dad would probably kick my ass if he heard me disrespecting the judge’s daughter, but Reagan brought all of this on herself. “I’m gonna go find Lindsay.”

  TAYLOR SWIFT DRIFTS from the speakers above as I slip on a bikini cover-up before grabbing a pair of sandals from the shelf. Cole texted me that he’s on his way, so I expect him to be here any minute.

  After Cole left for practice this morning, Mimi and I explored the rest of the house. I love my office and adjoining music room. Both rooms are decorated in the same color scheme. The walls are painted in a shimmery silver-gray color. In the office, a white desk is centered under the window and a teal-blue velvet sofa is centered against the opposite wall with a silver and white coffee table on top of a faux zebra skin rug.

  But what I love the most is the beautiful white grand piano in the music room right in front of the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the front lawn. My fingers were itching to play but I knew if I sat down, I’d be there for hours and I didn’t have that kind of time today.

  “Taylor Swift, really?”

  “Oh, shit!” I yell, my sandals flying out of my hands. Pressing my hand to my chest to calm my racing heart, I turn to face Cole, who’s standing in the doorway with his hands braced on each side of the frame, laughing. “You scared me!”

  Still laughing, he leans forward and shakes his head, feigning disappointment.

  I give an unapologetic shrug as I slide my feet into my turquoise Tori Burch jelly thongs. “Guilty pleasure,” I say with a wink. “It’s catchy.”

  “It’s all the same shit about putting her exes on blast.”

  “Yet guys are still lining up to date her. Go figure. Besides, all singer-songwriters write about relationships, sex, love, and broken hearts,” I explain. “People can relate.”

  Cole zeroes in on my cover-up and whistles between his teeth. “Emerson will never let you leave the house wearing that.”

  I look down at the thin, cotton crochet cover-up that falls just below my butt. “She bought this for me, so I think I’m good,” I deadpan as I turn back to the shelf and reach for a tote. “You said the party is on the beach.”

  “Just put some shorts on under it, Jay,” Cole says in a firm tone, reaching over my head and pulling the tote from the top shelf before passing it to me. “And hurry up.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I say, “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Jayla King, aka you’re not the boss of me,” before brushing past him and grabbing the denim shorts I’d laid out earlier. I shoot Cole a wink as I slip them over my bikini bottoms.

  “SO, WHAT’S GOING on with you and Zach?” Cole asks, waving to a security guard as he passes through the gates of a different neighborhood.

  “Nothing. Hey, why didn’t the guard stop you? If this were my neighborhood, there’d be a GI Joe hanging off your hood right now. Are all of the neighborhoods here gated?”

  Cole barks out a laugh and points to the sticker in the bottom left corner of his windshield. “I live in this neighborhood, too. And, yes, they’re all gated. You have GI Joes because you live in the wealthiest neighborhood in this town. There are a lot of important people who live in there and they pay out the ass for security.”

  “So, whose party is this?” I ask when Cole pulls up to a massive Mediterranean home and parks beside a black Jeep Rubicon.

  “His name is Brad Manning. You’ll like him. Everyone likes the Mannings. And I’ll introduce you to Lexi, Evan’s girlfriend. She’s a trip. I think you two will get along. But just a head’s up, she’s a huge Marcus King fan and from what I’ve heard she has a little girl crush on the cartoon version of Jaybird.”

  “Great,” I mumble, rolling my eyes behind my dark sunglasses. “She’s not one of those girls who’ll follow me to the bathroom and try to take pictures of me or my lady J, is she?”

  Cole looks over at me with furrowed brows and says, “Your what? Oh, my God, Jay. Gross—no! I doubt she’ll even recognize you.”

  THE PULSING BEAT of The Chainsmokers’ “Roses” drifts from the back of the house. Cole and I sing along, bumping shoulders and hips as we make our way down the path running along the side of the house, leading to the back gate.

  Brad lives on the beach side of the island. His backyard is a blur of shirtless guys, bikini-clad girls, and red Solo cups. A game of water volleyball is in play, the net stretched across the pool.

  I grab hold of Cole’s bicep as he leads the way through a sea of people, greeting his peers with a few nods and fist bumps along the way. People are downright staring at us, a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Girls are looking at me as if I’m their competition.

  Cole turns his head and says, “They’re all wondering who the lucky girl is.” He laughs.

  I snort and shake my head. Cocky bastard.

  “Mackenzie!” A blond guy holding a red Solo cup waves us over from under the covered porch. “It’s about damn time you got here. Thirty minutes, my ass.” He punches Cole in the arm. “That’s for earlier, asshole. This shit still hurts.” He looks down at his chest and brushes a hand over his nipple, a purplish bruise around it. “What the hell took you so long? Did you stop by the spa for a bikini wax on the way?” He snickers and I burst out laughing.

  This has to be Brad. He looks like a Brad, an all-American boy with short, blond hair, blue eyes, and a perfect smile. He’s cute.

  His blue-eyed gaze moves to me as if he’s just now noticing me. I lift my hand and offer a small wave. “Sorry. It’s my fault. Wardrobe issues,” I say, extending my hand. “I’m Jay.”

  His eyebrows jerk up to his hairline. “Well, shit. You sure are.” He takes my hand and glances over at Cole. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Jay.” Brad winks.

  “Really? From who?” Cole asks with a smirk.

  Brad shrugs
. “You?”

  “I hope it was all good,” I joke, playing along.

  “Good. Interesting.” He grins and turns to a couple standing nearby with their arms around each other. The girl has on a red string bikini and big sunglasses, her caramel-colored hair piled into a messy bun on top of her head. Her guy is also wearing sunglasses and black and red board shorts. His hair is dark brown and he has tattoos on his biceps and chest.

  He kisses her on the nose and she giggles.

  “Would you two give it a rest,” Brad teases and both of their heads swivel our way.

  Hot damn.

  “This is Evan and Lexi,” Cole introduces them. “This is my cousin, Ja—”

  “Jayla King,” Lexi breathes out in almost a whisper and I’m immediately scanning our surroundings to see if anyone heard. “Holy shit, what are you doing here?” she asks. I frown. “Oh, my God! Evan.” She bounces on the balls of her feet and looks up at her boyfriend, then back at me. “I’m sorry. I’m acting like a crazy fangirl.” She slaps a hand over her mouth.

  I’ve never had anyone fangirl over me before. It’s kinda weird. But she’s kind of adorable.

  “I think what she’s trying to say is it’s nice to meet you,” Evan jokes. Lexi nods.

  I turn to Cole with a half smile. “You said she wouldn’t recognize me.”

  “It’s a cartoon.” He gestures to me. “How the fuck was I supposed to know?” He turns to address Lexi, Evan, and Brad. “She’s Jay Mackenzie. My cousin from California. Okay?” The three of them just nod.

  Maybe I should leave.

  Cole sees the worry on my face even behind my sunglasses. “It’s fine, Jay. They’re my good friends and they know how to keep a secret. Brad’s parents are good friends with Mimi and Mac. Lexi’s mom is some famous actress or some shit and Evan’s dad owns the company for all the security on the island. You can trust them. I promise.”

  I nod, still processing everything.

  “You want something to drink?” Cole asks.

  “Just water.”

  He points to Lexi. “Lexi, you want a drink? Or a valium?” he adds, teasing.

  “No, I’m good.” She waves him off and turns to me. “I’m so sorry,” she apologizes. “I’m a little in shock. I literally just read your interview last night and now you’re standing here. I can’t believe it.” She giggles nervously. “You’re even more beautiful than your cartoon.”

  I laugh. “Thank you. I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  Lexi scoffs and waves off my compliment. “Thanks. And don’t worry, I won’t say anything, Jay Mackenzie.” She winks. “I know how this shit works. That’s why I live here with my dad and not my mom.”

  “I can’t believe you recognized me from a cartoon picture.” I snort. “I can’t wait to tell my mom.” I scan the crowd, looking for Cole. “Hey, can you point me in the direction of the bathroom?”

  “I’ll show you,” Lexi offers.

  She leads the way inside the house, weaving through the crowd. The bathroom is occupied, so Lexi and I make small talk over the music.

  “So, are you here visiting?” Lexi asks.

  “Actually, no. I live here as of yesterday.”

  “You’re kidding. How exciting! Tell me you’re coming to Heritage Bay Academy.” She slaps a palm to her forehead. “Of course, you are. You’re part of the Project Mayhem class.”

  I smile and nod. “That’s the plan.”

  “Awesome. Maybe we’ll have a few regular classes together. I’ll be happy to show you around.”

  “So, who is your mom?” I ask.

  Lexi glances over her shoulder quickly. “Diana Cooper.”

  My eyes nearly pop out of my head. “No way!” Diana Cooper is a huge movie star and my mom’s favorite actress.

  Lexi shrugs. “We don’t talk much. She’s too busy to be a mom. I’ve lived here with my dad since I was four. I don’t really even know her.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  She shrugs again. “It’s cool. I’m happy here and I have Evan.”

  “What does your dad do?”

  “He’s a real estate developer.” She smiles, knowingly and points to herself. “You’re looking at the product of a one-night stand.” She turns her attention to the bathroom door. “Jesus, what the hell is taking so long?” Lexi bangs on the door. “Hurry up, assholes. Some of us have to pee.” Female laughter echoes from the other side of the door. A second later, the door swings open and my heart drops into my stomach.

  IN MY SEARCH for Lindsay, I see Piper peeking her head out the bathroom door and looking around.

  “What are you doing, Piper?”

  She sighs in relief and waves me over. “Zach! I need your help.” She reaches for my arm, pulls me into the bathroom, and closes the door. She turns her back to me, holding her bikini top strings in her other hand.

  “Those jerks out there keep pulling on the strings. Will you tie this for me in a double knot? I tried to do it but my hair keeps getting caught in the knot.”

  “Hold your hair up.” I take the strings from her grip and tie them in a double knot. “Is that better?”

  Piper turns and smiles. “Much. Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.” I smile back.

  “And can I just say thank you for always being so nice to me and not grouping me with the rest of my friends? I know Ashton and Hannah get on your nerves, but I want you to know I don’t agree with them. I think Reagan is an idiot. You’re a good guy and you deserve better.”

  I’ve never been attracted to Piper. Probably because she’s friends with Reagan or because of her reputation. But every rumor I’ve ever heard about her contradicts the girl standing in front of me. She isn’t flirting with me or dropping to her knees; she’s being genuinely nice.

  I smile. “Thanks, Piper, and so do you. Let me know if anyone else gives you a hard time and I’ll take care of it.”

  Someone bangs on the door. “Hurry up, assholes. Some of us have to pee.” I chuckle at the sound of Lexi’s voice on the other side of the door. She’s such a little firecracker.

  I tug on the strings once more. “You’re all set. This thing isn’t coming undone. You might have to cut it off later.” I chuckle, reaching for the door and pulling it open. Piper laughs, double-checking her top as she leaves first and I follow. Just as I step into the hall, I freeze.

  It takes a second for my brain to register that the girl leaning against the opposite wall with the black hair and aquamarine eyes is Jayla King. My girl. “Jesus, Zach,” Lexi chides. “The bathroom? You couldn’t use a bedroom like everyone else.”


  Piper scoffs. “Chill, Lexi, he was helping me with my top. We weren’t doing anything.” Piper looks up at me, then follows my gaze to Jay.

  Piper lifts her hand and gives a small wave. “Hi, I’m Piper.”

  “Hi, I’m Jay.” Jay smiles at Piper before her gaze moves to me. “Hi, Zach.”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, shocked, my tone harsher than it was meant to be and she frowns.

  Piper turns to me. “Thanks for the fix,” she jokes with a wink. “See you later.” Then just to make things more awkward, she smacks me on the butt and walks off.

  Jay points to the bathroom and I move to the side to let her by, catching a whiff of her familiar scent. She always smelled so good. Expensive. Not like that fruity-flowery stuff Reagan used to drown herself in.

  When the door closes, Lexi eyes me skeptically. “Piper? Really?”

  I give her a pointed look. “I was helping her with her top, Lexi. That’s all.”

  She looks at me with skepticism.

  Jay comes out and Lexi steps into the bathroom as Jay moves back against the wall to wait for her. She’s so goddamn beautiful. Her nose is pierced with a tiny diamond stud. Her sunglasses are resting in her dark hair that’s piled on top of her head. She’s taller than I remember. And thinner.

  For some reason, I feel the need to expl
ain myself. “I know that looked bad, but I really was just helping her out with her top.”

  Jay gives a careless shrug and it’s like a stab to the heart. Of course, she doesn’t care. Why would she? I feel my shoulders sag slightly.

  “How are you, Zach?” she asks, pushing the knife in deeper and giving it a little twist. She hasn’t called me Zach since we were six. I’ve always been Z. I loved it the first time she called me that; it made me feel cool. That was our thing. To this day, no one is allowed to call me Z.

  Then I come to my senses and remember this girl broke my fucking heart.

  “I’m good,” I reply in a clipped tone, making her frown again.

  “Zach.” Lindsay walks up and hugs my arm. Her timing couldn’t be more perfect. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

  I smile, lifting my arm and draping it over her shoulders. “You found me.” I wink.

  I do and say dumb shit when I’m feeling vulnerable or exposed. That’s exactly how I’ve felt for the last five minutes. For the last year.

  Lindsay turns to Jay and smiles. “Hi, I’m Lindsay.”

  “Hi, I’m Jay. Nice to meet you.”

  “Jay is Cole Mackenzie’s cousin,” I tell Lindsay, extending the introduction. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”

  “Oh?” she says. “That’s awesome. It’s really nice to meet you.”

  The bathroom door opens and Lexi comes out. “Hey, Lindsay.”

  “Hey, Lexi.” Lindsay reaches out and gives her a quick hug.

  Lexi turns to Jay. “You ready?”

  “Yep,” she says, pushing off the wall. Without another word or glance my way, she walks off.

  “I’m gonna use the bathroom,” Lindsay says, bringing my attention back to her.

  “Okay. I’ll be outside,” I tell her and hurry off to find my soon-to-be ex-best friend, Cole Mackenzie.

  I FIND COLE near the keg talking to Evan, Justin, and Brad. “You okay, Zach?” Brad asks through a chuckle as he passes me a red Solo cup.

  “Not really,” I say, turning to Cole with a look that clearly says “I’m fucking pissed.”


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