Book Read Free


Page 17

by M. A. Foster

  My phone vibrates on the table and Zach’s name pops up on the screen. I’m too pissed off to talk to him, so I send him to voicemail. A text immediately follows.

  I’m sorry. Practice got out early and I fell asleep. Are you still at Mac’s?

  “Zach?” Harper asks.

  I nod and hold up my phone. “He said he fell asleep.” I snort. “Whatever.” I roll my eyes.

  “Do you think he’s lying?”

  “No… I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know him anymore.”

  “Well, you’re here now, so maybe it’s time to get to know him again. See if he’s the same guy you fell in love with.”

  “Maybe.” I sigh. “But he’s not off to a very good start.”

  “ZACH,” MY MOM whispers.


  “Wake up,” she says, a little louder this time with a hint of irritation in her voice.

  “What?” I groan and reach for my cell on the nightstand, pulling it close to my face to check the time—8:15 p.m.

  And four texts from Jay.

  I’m here.

  Where r u?

  Hope ur ok.

  U could at least text me back to let me know ur ok. Even if u stood me up on purpose.


  I try calling her first and, of course, my call goes straight to voicemail. So, I shoot her a text.

  I’m sorry. Practice got out early and I fell asleep. Are you still at Mac’s?

  “You have company,” my mom continues.

  I roll to my back, swiping a hand over my face before looking over at her. “Who is it?”

  “The slut.” She curls her lip and flicks her wrist in a dismissive gesture.

  I let out an irritated huff. “The slut” is Reagan, who is becoming a huge pain in my ass.

  “Do you want me to tell her to leave?”

  As much as I would love to let my mom go all bitch on Reagan, I need to put an end to this shit.

  “No, I’ll talk to her.” Tossing the covers back, I roll out of bed.


  “It’s fine, Mom,” I toss over my shoulder as I head downstairs.

  “Hey,” Reagan says as I step out on the porch in a pair of basketball shorts and pull the door closed behind me. Her eyes move over my naked chest, up to my sleepy eyes and wild bedhead. “She could’ve told me you were sleeping.”

  “I’m up now,” I reply through a yawn, running my fingers through my hair. Leaning with my backside against the wall near the door, I cross my feet at the ankles and my right arm over my chest to grip my left bicep. “What’s up?”

  “I was hoping to catch you after practice, but your Jeep was already gone when I got to the parking lot. You guys got out early today?”

  I nod. “I’m not trying to be a dick, Reagan, but why are you here? What do you want?”

  “To talk.”

  “If it’s about Jay, I already told you at lunch that it’s none of your business.”

  She rolls her eyes. “We never got things sorted out between us after we broke up.”

  “There’s nothing to sort out. You cheated on me and I broke up with you. That was months ago, and since then you’ve been trying to hook up with my friends. So why are you here?”

  “The truth is, I texted Evan by mistake. That text was meant for Cole.”

  “So, you admit you were trying to screw my best friend?”

  “No. I was trying to get your attention. To make you jealous. It was stupid and I’m sorry. Cole went off on me at Brad’s party and told me to stop texting him. I keep screwing up with you and I don’t know how to make things right again. I made a mistake, Zach, and I’m sorry. Why can’t you see that? I was stupid for listening to Chelsea and I know it’s my fault. I messed everything up. Just…. Why can’t things just go back to the way they were?” she cries.

  I blow out a breath, deciding it’s time to lay it all out for her so we can move on. If I plan on going after my future, I need to clean up my past. “Listen, I believe you’re sorry and, no, you shouldn’t have listened to Chelsea. I didn’t go to California to ‘chase after some girl who didn’t want me’,” I say, quoting her exact words. “But yes, I went there for Jay and her family. Honestly, I thought I was over her. I thought I was ready to move on. But then I saw her, and I realized I wasn’t even close. And if given the choice, I would always choose her. I’m not telling you this to hurt you. I should’ve ended things between us the second I came back from California. I liked what we had and I’m sorry if I made you feel used but it doesn’t make it okay that you cheated on me.” She winces.

  “If you’re so into her then why aren’t you two together?” she asks swiping the tears from her cheeks.

  I’ve been asking myself that for the past year. “I’ve known Jay for a long time. Things are complicated between us right now, but if there is a chance we can work through it and be together, then I’ll do whatever it takes. You deserve to be with guy who wants to be with you. I’m just not that guy.” I push away from the wall and pull her in for a hug. “I’m sure there are plenty of guys who would love to go out with you. Just stay away from the ones with girlfriends.” I chuckle and she smacks me playfully on the back. “Friends?” I ask.


  “SUP,” COLE SAYS, leaning against the locker beside mine.

  “Not much,” I reply as I reach out and tousle his hair. “Your hair looks pretty today.”

  “Asshole.” He jerks his head back and does something with his fingers to make the strands stand up like a messy faux hawk.

  He’s such a fucking girl.

  “Did you and Jay get your shit worked out last night?”

  No, I made things worse. After Reagan left, I went back upstairs and tried calling her again and again, following up with several apology texts. She didn’t reply. And we’re right back to her ignoring my calls and texts. But on the bright side, she hasn’t blocked me and I get to see her today. And every day.

  “No, he stood me up,” Jay answers, walking up to her locker, twisting the lock before flinging open the door, and blocking me from seeing her face.

  Cole’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline before he turns around to face her, putting his back to me.

  “Jay,” I begin just as Reagan walks up.

  “Hey, Zach,” she purrs. “I hope your parents were cool with me coming over last night.” Seriously?

  My eyes shift to Jay, but her face is hidden behind her locker door. Cole is saying something to her but I can’t make it out. “What are you doing, Reagan?” I hiss.

  “What do you mean?” She glances over her shoulder and then back at me. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m glad we talked and worked everything out.”

  I jerk my gaze to Cole, who’s giving me a death glare over his shoulder. He shakes his head and mouths the word “dick” before turning back to Jay.

  Jay slams her locker shut before they both walk away, neither of them glancing my way.

  “Hello, Zach.” Reagan snaps her fingers in front of my face.

  “What?” I snap.

  “What’s your problem?” She cocks her hip with a smirk.

  “You know exactly what my problem is. I thought we were cool. Why are you trying to ruin this for me?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. Stay away from her. And me.” Slamming my locker shut, I storm off.

  OF COURSE, THE universe hates me because when I walk into first period, there she sits. One row over and one seat up from mine. I could reach out and touch her, but I wouldn’t dare. She’d probably rip my hand off and slap the shit out of me with it.

  Instead of going straight to my desk, I make my way over to hers and drop to a knee so that we’re eye level, even though she has her head down to avoid looking at me. “I didn’t blow you off for her. She’s—”

  “Stop,” she growls, holding her hand up and lifting her head, locking her angry eyes on mine. “I don’t care what you do or who you do. Just leave
me alone, Zach.”

  Mr. Baxter walks in carrying a briefcase and his usual Starbacks. “Good morning, everyone. Please take your seats.”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  “Sure.” She looks up at me with a fake smile. “Text me.”

  Oh, she’s a smartass now.

  “MMM. IT SMELLS good in here,” I announce as I walk into Mimi’s kitchen and find her pulling a pan of brownies from the oven. “Oooh, brownies!” I reach for one that’s already cut and on a platter.

  “No, don’t eat those,” Mimi snaps, making me flinch and toss the brownie back on the tray. “These are Mac Daddy’s special brownies.” She grins like the Cheshire cat and moves the tray to the other side of the counter. “You can have one of these.” She points to the pan she just removed from the oven.

  “What are special brownies?” I raise my brows. “Like pot brownies?” I’m only half joking because with Mimi, one can never be too sure.

  “Damn!” She slaps a hand on the counter. “Why didn’t I think of that?” She snickers. “Now that would be fun. But these are made with all the healthy stuff that Mac Daddy dislikes.” She winks. “Got to keep my man healthy.”

  “He’s a doctor. He should know better.”

  “He’s also a man, sweetie.” She gives me a look that says, “Enough said.”

  “A very lucky man,” I agree with a wink.

  “So, how is school going? I heard Alex is your teacher. That must be fun.”

  “School is good. The Project Mayhem class is my favorite one of the day.”

  “How are things going with Zach?”

  “Not good,” I admit before popping the last bite of brownie in my mouth. I haven’t talked to him since our little exchange in class yesterday. “He asked me to meet him at Mac’s for dinner Monday night and never showed up. The next day I found out he stood me up to hang out with his ex.” I still can’t believe he stood me up. Thank God Harper took pity on me and joined me for dinner. At least I got a new friend out of it.

  “No,” she gasps. “Zach? He’s such a sweet boy.”

  I shrug. “He’s not that sweet, Mimi. He’s kind of a dick. He acts like he can barely stand to be around me and it’s not because he’s shy. I’ve seen him with three different girls since I got here.” I shake my head. “I’m not into manwhores.”

  Mimi laughs. “Manwhore?”

  I shrug again. “It’s a—”

  “Honey, I know what a manwhore is. His name is Liam Mackenzie.”

  I burst out laughing, nodding and pointing to her. “Liam would be so mortified if he heard you call him that.” I make my way to the refrigerator for a bottled water. “I don’t know, Mimi. Zach and Cole have this little clique of friends and I feel like an outsider. I don’t know what I thought would happen, but I didn’t expect Zach to hate me.”

  “Honey, Zach doesn’t hate you. I’ll tell you what I used to tell my kids. If you have something to say, then say it. If you want to know something, then ask. Don’t make assumptions. Life is too short for ‘would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.’ If you want something to happen, don’t wait for it. Make it happen.”

  “You sound like my father.” I smirk.

  “Marcus was a smart man.” She winks.

  Yes, he was.

  “I appreciate the advice. I need to get going.” Grabbing my purse, I pull it over my shoulder. “Thanks for listening, Mimi,” I say, leaning over, kissing her on the cheek. “I wish I could hang out longer…” I look down at my watch. “…but my first pole-dancing class starts in twenty minutes.” I snort and take off toward the front door as Mimi chases after me, whipping the hand towel at my butt.

  Damn, she’s fast.

  “You better be joking,” she calls to my back just as I yank open the door.

  I smirk over my shoulder and answer her with a wink. Just as I pull the door closed, she calls out, “Smartass.”

  THE FIRST WEEK of school comes to an end, and Project Mayhem is off to a good start. It’s only been a week, but things are going well, and Alex seems pleased. I know I am. Alex has split us up into two groups. In my group is Cherry, Olivia, Eric, and Jones. His name is Frankie Jones but he prefers to be called Jones. They’re a talented bunch and they’re eager to learn.

  Cherry is a trip. She’s beautiful with a head full of light brown spiral curls that bounce with each step, bright eyes, and a voice that sends chills up my spine. Olivia reminds me of a surfer girl with her white-blonde hair and cute little freckles across her nose. She comes off as shy… until you put a microphone in her hand. Eric is a fantastic singer, a boss on the guitar, and he’s equally amazing on the keyboard. Jones has a great voice as well, although he just wants to play the drums.

  We’ll have to work on that.

  Alex grades us by our performances. He issues a challenge and we perform. Today is the first pep rally of the school year to welcome everyone back to school and to kick off the first football game of the season against the Eagles. Our class has been practicing all week. Today we’ll be performing alongside the marching band, dance team, and the cheerleaders.

  Even though we have three classes together, I’ve pretty much kept my distance from Zach since our little exchange in class on Tuesday. I smile politely and I’m friendly in class when necessary, but I keep our interactions to a minimum. Even going as far as to eat lunch with my Project Mayhem class in the performing arts building. Harper has been eating with me almost every day and sometimes even Lexi pops in for a while, which I’m sure probably drives Evan crazy. The guy can’t be away from her for more than a minute.

  Honestly, I think it’s sweet.

  Evan reminds me a lot of my dad and the way he was with my mom. I swear she couldn’t be out of the room for more than five minutes before he was calling out for her.

  Cole asks me almost every day to come eat with him at his table in the dining room. He’s assured me that Zach didn’t blow me off for Reagan, and though I’m still pissed Zach stood me up, I believe him. But still, Reagan’s little stunt that day sticks in my mind, as if she’d done it on purpose to keep Zach and I apart. As if she’d been doing it all along.

  Either way, I’m not interested in getting tangled up with the mean-girl squad. In all honesty, smacking a bitch will only tarnish my sweetheart image, piss my mother off, and embarrass my father.

  JAY HAS BEEN keeping her distance from me all week, although, she’s not flat-out ignoring me. She still says “hi” when we run into each other at our lockers or in class, but only if I say it first, and she doesn’t make any other attempts to talk to me. When she comes into the dining room to get lunch, she’ll stop at our table briefly, to talk with the guys and Lexi before she goes to the performing arts building to eat with her new friends. Sometimes Lexi eats with her. Pisses Evan off. I’ve given her space all week but after today, I’m done. We need to talk, or have it out. Whatever she chooses. But, either way, it’s happening.

  The first pep rally of the year usually starts out with Principal Avery making a few announcements before introducing the football players. Then the band performs, along with the dance team, while the cheerleaders get everyone pumped up for the upcoming game. It’s been the same every year for a long as I can remember.

  Apparently, the pep rally is taking place in the new building. The main area is set up like our old auditorium, but nicer. Much nicer.

  “Well, this is different,” Brad says, rocking back in the plush leather seat.

  “Do you know what they have planned?” I ask, looking over at Cole.

  Cole scowls. “How the hell should I know?” Someone’s bitchy today.

  “You gonna be able to play tonight, Mackenzie?” Brad asks.

  Cole’s brows pinch in confusion. “Yeah, why?”

  “Because it sounds like you got your meriod.”

  “My what?”

  “Your man-period,” Brad explains. I grin as Cole flips him off.

  Principal Avery walks out on stage holding a microphone.
“Good afternoon, students and faculty of Heritage Bay Academy. On behalf of the Mayhem Foundation, welcome to our new performing arts building.

  “This year, we’re going to do things a little differently. As you know, we have a group of new and extremely talented individuals who have come to us through the Mayhem Foundation called Project Mayhem. These individuals have worked hard all week to perform for you, so I’m not going to stand up here and waste any more of their time. Please welcome the students of Project Mayhem, the Hurricanes cheer team, dance team, and marching band.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to see this.” Brad chuckles.

  Principal Avery walks off stage and that all too familiar chant of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” begins. The curtain opens and the cheer team is on one side of the stage, the dance team is on the other, and Project Mayhem students are in the middle wearing jeans and school spirit T-shirts. Stomp-stomp-clap… stomp-stomp-clap. A skinny dude with spiky dark hair steps forward with a microphone in hand and starts singing the opening verse. Cherry moves to the front and sings along as the song rolls into Queen’s “We Are The Champions.”

  “You know,” Brad says, leaning closer to my ear. “I think Cherry might be my new favorite flavor.”

  Cole and I burst out laughing. “Dude, that was fuckin’ awesome.” Cole reaches over me and pounds his fist against Brad’s.

  As the song slows, the beat changes and Jay moves to the front of the stage, wearing a football jersey custom-made in her size with a number one on the front and “Mackenzie” across the back. She moves across the stage like a natural, bouncing around, commanding everyone’s attention and singing about “crying to your mama” as the group behind her claps and sings along in the background. It’s obvious she was born for this shit. I quickly glance over at Cole and see him watching her with a proud smile on his face.


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