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Jaybird Page 41

by M. A. Foster

  “You must be Zach,” she says with a sad smile, holding out her hand. “I’m Doctor Jasmine Ramos. Jayla has told me a lot about you.” She perches on the edge of the bed and lightly brushes her fingers down the side of Jay’s swollen face before she turns to me. “I think it’s time we get to know each other and talk about what happens when this sleeping beauty wakes up.”

  “IT’S TIME TO go, Jaybird.”

  “I don’t want to go, Daddy. I want to stay here with you.”

  “I know you do, baby, but you can’t. You have to go home.”

  “I don’t want you to leave me again. Come home with me.”

  “I never left you, Jaybird. I live in your heart, your memories, your thoughts and in your dreams. You’re a part of me, forever. And until it’s time for us to be together again, I’ll be here, watching over you, always loving you. I’ll never leave you. Never. I promise.”

  “Daddy, please—”

  “You’re a King. What do Kings do?”


  “Go home, baby. Show everyone that my little Jaybird is strong, a fighter. And tell the big guy I miss him, too, and to stop blaming himself. This isn’t his fault. Tell him I said thank you for taking care of my family. And tell Em that I’m proud of her and that I love her, always.”

  “I will.”

  “Tell Zach that I expect him to take care of you and to love you the way you deserve to be loved. Don’t settle—”

  “—for anything less. I know, Daddy.”

  “I love you, Jaybird.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.”

  I BUCK MY hips and kick my legs, trying to knock Austin off me, but he’s too heavy and I’m fading fast. My lungs burn, begging for air as I switch between clawing at the hand around my throat and blocking the blows to my head, face and ribs.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

  “Jayla—shit! Go get the nurse. She’s trying to pull out her breathing tube.” Mom.

  “Princess, hold still.” Bass.

  “Jayla, sweetie, it’s okay,” a female voice says soothingly. “You have a tube in your throat to help you breathe. You have to calm down if you want me to take it out.” I feel her grasp my hand. “Squeeze my hand if you understand.”

  “Did she squeeze it?” Mom asks.

  “Yes. It was weak, but I felt it,” the female voice replies.

  More commotion and other voices fill the room.

  “Daddy, she’s waking up,” Mom says.

  “Jayla, can you open your eyes for me?” Mac Daddy.

  “Come on, baby girl, open your eyes for Mac Daddy.” Mimi.

  “Is she awake?” Weenie.

  “Kind of,” Mom says. “She was trying to pull out her breathing tube.”

  Another male voice breaks through the commotion. “Okay. I need everyone to clear the room for a few minutes so I can remove her breathing tube and check her over.”

  “I’m not leaving,” Mom demands. “Eva, text Zach and let him know she’s waking up.”


  JAY’S BEEN IN the hospital for three days now and she still hasn’t woken up. Her latest CT scans showed that the medicine used to reduce the swelling in her brain is working, but it’s up to her body to decide when she would wake up. The doctors are still concerned about the damage to her throat, mainly her vocal cords, but that determination can’t be made until after she wakes up.

  Hopefully, it’ll be soon.

  I miss her.

  I wanted to stay with her until she woke up, but, unfortunately, with only three months left before graduation, I can’t afford to let my GPA slip and risk losing everything I’ve worked for. It’s like running a marathon and collapsing three feet from the finish line.

  As Mr. Baxter babbles on, my mind is on Jay. The images of her battered face and lifeless body lying in that hospital bed are something I’ll never forget.

  Cell phones aren’t permitted in class, but Principal Avery gave me special permission to keep mine on me as long as I keep it on vibrate. Thank God for that because when my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to see a text from Evangeline, my heart soars. She’s awake.

  “HERE YOU GO, babe.” Zach drops two pills in my palm and hands me a bottle of water. “I’m gonna run home for a little bit, but I’ll be back in a few hours. Get some rest.” He kisses me on the forehead. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I whisper. “Give Zoe a kiss for me.”

  “I will. Rest up like the doctor said and, hopefully, soon I can bring Zoe over to see you. Logan says she asks for you every day.”

  It’s good to finally be home, in my own bed, after spending nearly two weeks in the hospital.

  I’ve had a lot of visitors since I woke up, including the police. I couldn’t use my voice yet and, honestly, I was relieved I wouldn’t have to talk about it. I remember everything that happened that day. Every touch. Every sound. Every word. Every blow from his fists. The pain. The fear. But there are some things that are a little fuzzy.

  Lexi, Harper, Cherry, and Olivia came to the hospital every day after school. Turns out Olivia’s older sister, Holly, was one of my nurses and, she was also friends with Harper’s sister. Zach’s parents, Logan, Principal Avery, my teachers, my friends, Juliette from the dance studio, Xavier, and the Mannings all came to visit.

  Even Chelsea drove down from school. She cried when she saw me. Thankfully, Zach and Justin knew how to handle her.

  Lexi told me that the day Kali and I were attacked, Ashton showed up at the hospital and hasn’t left her side, since. Ashton even brought flowers—ranunculus—my favorite. Which, to me, meant she was trying to make amends. She apologized for the way she treated me and asked for a second chance.

  A wise man once told me that life is all about chances. Including second chances.

  Judging by the by the expressions on everyone’s faces, I looked like shit. I decided I didn’t want to see my injuries, so I’ve avoided mirrors at all costs. Zach hung a sheet over the mirror in my bathroom—even though he says I’m being ridiculous—so I can’t see my reflection when I brush my teeth or undress for the shower.

  Kali came by the hospital and introduced me to her parents. To say I was shocked by her story is an understatement. Holy shit. What that poor girl has been through is unbelievable. Her parents want to take her back home, but she wants to stay in Heritage Bay until graduation. Mom finally convinced her parents to let her stay with us, where she’d be safe, especially since Bass hired more security due to the media camped outside the gates and Lucas is here to help take care of her. I know Kali carries some guilt over what happened to me, but the only ones to blame for this are Austin Boyd and Tripp Daniels—or as Zach refers to them, “the pieces of shit.”

  Dr. Ramos has been staying with me for the past week. She was there when I woke up at the hospital but left before I was released. When the nightmares started, my mom asked her to come back.

  Zach is practically living with me. He refuses to let me out of his sight and I’m okay with that because I’m afraid to be alone. Mom didn’t even bat an eyelash when he walked in with his bags packed and demanded he was staying. She even helped make room in my closet for his things.

  Cam left for baseball camp a week ago and things still unresolved between him and my mom. Zach told me Uncle Liam found out about my mom and Cam and he was pissed. Liam swung on Cam. Cam fought back and security had to break them apart.

  Bass is back staying in his apartment. And my amazing Grace, poor thing, has been staying in one of the guest rooms to be closer to me.

  Harper has been staying with her dad at Principal Avery’s house. I still can’t wrap my head around that.

  Slipping out of bed, I make my way out to my balcony. There’s still a slight chill in the air in the early morning. I spot a familiar figure perched on the dock. Grabbing a blanket, I slowly make my way down the steps.

  “Can’t sleep?” I croak. My throat is still healing. I sound like shit.

  Bass smiles at me over his shoulder and watches as I approach. He reaches out and grips my arm to steady me, as I ease myself down to sit beside him and pull the blanket tighter around me.

  “You’re supposed to be resting, Princess,” he says. “I take it Romeo left.”

  “Yeah.” I sigh. “I can’t sleep, B. I’m afraid to fall asleep.”

  He wraps his arm around my shoulders and tucks me in to his side. “Tell me why.”

  I shrug. “I can still feel him. His lips, his tongue, his hands, and his fists.” I shudder. Bass tries to cover the growl by clearing his throat. “Every time I close my eyes, I see his face, and I want to throw up. Sometimes when Zach kisses me or hugs me, I have flashbacks. I try to shut it off because I don’t want to hurt Zach. He’s having a hard time as it is.”

  He rubs his hand over his bald head. “Is that what your nightmares are about?”

  I nod and he gives me a reassuring squeeze, but not too hard since my ribs are still healing. “I’m sorry this happened to you, Princess. I’ll never be able to forgive myself for not being there.”

  “Oh, my God, B, stop that. It’s about as much your fault as it is mine.”

  Bass stays silent.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.”


  “I talked to my dad.” I smile and Bass lifts a curious brow. “He told me to tell you to stop blaming yourself and to tell you thank you for taking care of his family.”

  Bass just nods and lowers his head.

  WALKING INTO MY house, I head straight upstairs to my room and fall face first into my bed. It’s Saturday and I just need a few hours to myself. Jay’s nightmares are becoming more frequent, which keeps me up half the night, taking a toll on my sanity. This past week I’ve had a hard time focusing and have been struggling to stay awake in class.

  “Zach,” my mom whispers as she walks into my room.


  She sits down on the edge of my bed and runs her fingers through my hair. “What are you doing home? You okay?”

  I roll to my back and look over at her. “Jay’s been having nightmares.” My mom frowns. “She’s not doing well, Mom. She flinches every time I touch her or kiss her and I know it’s because she’s thinking of that piece of shit. She’s wounded physically, mentally, and emotionally. Her doctor warned me this might happen. I just want to help her feel safe again.”

  “Zach, I don’t think Jayla expects you to do anything except be there for her. I think just having you by her side is all she needs. Don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. Just be there for her. If it gets to be too much, then come home. I’m sure she’ll understand.”

  “I’m not leaving her. I just need a couple of hours to myself. I’m exhausted.”

  She pats my back and stands. “Get some rest. I’ll wake you in a couple of hours.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  She smiles, knowingly. “Of course.” She bends over and kisses my forehead like she used to when I was little. “Get some sleep,” she says as she turns and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

  OVER A MONTH has passed since the parking garage incident. I’m back at school and things are progressing. My injuries are mostly healed and, luckily there was no permanent damage to my vocal cords.

  Things are going well with the Project Mayhem students. Alex and I are working out some details so we can take them on tour as our opening act. We want the world to see the results of the Mayhem Foundation’s first project. It’s the best way to get the word out and bring in more donations to the charity. We’re hoping to branch out into another school the year after next.

  Spring break is upon us and tonight we’re celebrating Zach’s nineteenth birthday at Oceanside Grill. We reserved a private room for just our families and close friends, with security standing right outside the doors.

  When the server brings out the cake, Zach tells me he wants me to sing “Happy Birthday” first.

  When I was attacked by that psycho I didn’t think I’d survive. But I did. However, the probability of losing a part of who I was made me realize I had taken my talent and opportunities for granted. Just because I didn’t want to be a rock star didn’t mean I shouldn’t appreciate the gift I’d been given. It’s true what they say, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” The whole table applauds and I catch Mom wiping her eyes.

  After cake, I excuse myself to the bathroom and Zach insists he go with me. As we step back into the room, I catch the tail end of a hushed argument between Mom, Alex, and Evangeline.

  “This is Zach’s night. We can talk to her about it tomorrow,” my mom argues.

  “The longer you put this off, the more pissed off she’s going to be,” Eva says.

  “He was my father, too, and barely in my life before he was gone,” Alex barks out. I gasp but no one hears. Zach puts his hand on my back. “She’s all I have left and I almost lost her, too. You’re not protecting her—you’re lying to her. You’re all lying to her.”

  I charge further into the room. “You’re my brother?” I choke out.

  All three of their heads jerk in my direction, clearly shocked they’ve been caught. Evangeline gasps and covers her mouth. Her eyes instantly well up with tears. Alex nods slowly, gauging my reaction.

  “Why would you keep that from me?”

  I look up at Zach and he shakes his head. He didn’t know.

  My heart pounds against my chest as I scan the faces around the room. Some are filled with shock and others are filled with guilt.

  “Jayla, listen to me,” Mom starts.

  I shake my head. “What the hell? You all knew he was my brother?”

  My gaze moves back to Alex, taking in his features. I mean… yeah, I always thought he could pass as a young Marcus King, with his blue-green eyes, dark hair, physique, and even the way he performs on stage. It’s been right in front me this whole time. He’s Marcus Alexander King twenty years younger. How did I not see it?

  “What’s your full name, Alex?” I ask.

  “Marcus Alexander Reyes-King,” he answers in an apologetic tone.

  A mixture of anger and disappointment grips my heart. My eyes fill with tears.

  I look up at Zach. “I’m sorry, Z. I have to get out of here,” I whisper.

  Zach tugs me closer to his chest. “Then let’s go.” He takes my hand and we head for the doors.

  “Where are you going?” Mom asks.

  “Princess,” Bass calls.

  I pause and turn around. “Excuse me if I don’t want to spend another minute with a bunch of liars. I’m not a baby, you know, I don’t know why you keep treating me like one. I’ve been through a lot in the last year. My own brother has been right in front of me almost every single day and none of you thought it was important enough to me to tell me the truth. I can’t be near any of you right now.” I turn on my heels and storm out of the room with my bodyguards right behind me.

  Once outside, I turn to Zach in a huff. “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday dinner, Z. I promise to make it up to you. Would you mind going back to get my purse? I’ll wait here.”

  “God forbid after that dramatic exit you should have to go back for your purse.” He chuckles and dodges my hand as he goes back inside.

  “IT’S YOUR MOM,” Zach says, holding out his phone.

  Taking his phone, I bring it to my ear. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, Jayla. Thank you for speaking to me.” She pauses. “You’re in St. Thomas?”

  Call me impulsive, but I was pissed at my mom and the rest of my family. So, Zach and I drove straight to my house from the restaurant and grabbed our bags, which were already packed because we were supposed to leave the day after tomorrow. Luckily, George, my trusty pilot was available at the last minute. I feel bad for leaving our friends behind, but I need a few days alone with my guy. Zach called them from the airport to apologize and that I’ll be sending the plane to get them.

I just need some time alone, okay? And don’t worry, Troy and Levi are close by.”

  “I’ll respect that. We shouldn’t have kept that from you. It was wrong. Don’t blame Alex, though. It was my choice to wait. I thought with everything that’s happened, it was too much and it would be better to wait until after you graduated. Unfortunately, someone got hold of the information and leaked it to the media before I got the chance to tell you. I hope you don’t hate me. I—”

  “Would you stop saying that? I told you before that I could never hate you. I have a lot of questions, but I need to wrap my head around this first.”

  “I feel like I’m failing at this single parent stuff,” she cries.

  “Mom, stop. That’s not true. You have been the best mom anyone could ask for. I love you and your craziness. Mean it.”

  “Ha-ha. How’s Zach? Is he ready to bail yet?”

  “Pssh. Please. Have you met Elizabeth Easton?” I laugh and Zach looks over at me with raised brows.

  “Okay. I’m off to LA to meet with Chandler and our attorneys to see if I can get this story retracted. I won’t let the media ruin the reputation Marcus worked so hard to build. He and I loved each other and he didn’t cheat on me. And I won’t let them make Sophia out to be a home-wrecker. She’s a good woman.”

  I sigh in relief.

  “Two words, Mom. Miles. Townsend.”

  “Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “Dad trusted Miles. He’s on our side. Alex’s article isn’t supposed to come out until next month. There’s still time. Let Miles help.”

  “I’ll do that. Good thinking, Jayla. We’ll be going over some last-minute details for the tour, so please answer your phone when I call.”

  “I will. I love you very much, Mom. Even though you baby me too much and piss me off, I know you only do it because you love me and want to protect me.”

  “You’ll understand one day. I love you, baby. I’ll call you when I get to LA. And promise me that you’ll give Alex a chance.”


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