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Jaybird Page 42

by M. A. Foster

  “I promise.”

  I WAKE TO the sound of my phone ringing, Dude LAW flashing on my screen. “Lucas, you’re lucky I love you,” I say by way of greeting.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “Yeah, but it’s fine. Is everything okay?”

  “My dad just told me about Alex. I was calling to see how you’re doing.”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “Hell, no! There’s no way I would go along with keeping a secret like that from you.”

  “Weenie did.”

  “Yeah, well…” He sighs. “…I can’t imagine it was easy for her. She probably only did it for Alex. Where are you?”

  “St. Thomas. We’re on spring break.”

  “I know. You guys want some company? I really want to see you.”

  “You know I never turn down a visit from the LAW,” I drawl, teasing.

  He chuckles. “Funny. Kali and I will be there probably the day after tomorrow. Is that cool?”

  “Sounds perfect. The whole gang will be here by then.”

  “Hold on a sec,” he says and there’s a muffled voice before it becomes louder once more. “You’re on speaker, Jay. Kali wants to say hi.”

  “Jayla,” Kali says. “I swear the hits just keep on coming. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ve come to realize that this is my life and anything is possible.”

  Zach chuckles beside me.

  “It’ll all work itself out. Go back to sleep. I love you. We’ll see you in a couple of days,” Lucas says.

  “Love you, Jayla,” Kali says.

  “I love you, too. Bye.”

  “JJ!” EVANGELINE YELLS as she comes bursting through the front door and slams into me.

  Oomph! “I’m so sorry,” she cries.

  “Weenie, you’re choking me,” I say and Zach guffaws beside me.

  “Hey, Jay,” Alex says as he steps through the door.

  Evangeline releases me from her bear hug and wipes her tears as I walk into Alex’s open arms. He hugs me as if his life depends on it. “How much do you hate me?”

  I pull back and look up at him. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

  He shrugs.

  “Are you mad at me?” Evangeline asks.

  “I am not mad at you. I just…. I don’t understand why I’m the only one who didn’t know.”

  “It wasn’t my call,” Alex claims.

  “I know.”

  “Okay, you two. Zach and I are gonna leave you to it,” Evangeline announces before she presses a kiss to Alex’s lips and heads for the door. “Meet us down at the beach when you’re done,”

  “Bye, babe. I love you,” Zach says, leaning over to kiss me before he follows Evangeline out the door.

  Alex and I each take a seat at the kitchen table, just staring at each other for a minute.

  Alex tilts his head a little. “You can ask me anything, Jay.”

  “I don’t even know where to start,” I admit.

  “Then I’ll start.” He leans forward with his forearms resting on the table. “I always knew my dad wasn’t my real dad. My mom never kept it a secret. All I had to do was ask. But I had a dad who loved me. He coached my little league games, volunteered for school field trips, gave me advice on girls, bought me my first box of condoms—”

  “Eww.” I roll my eyes. “TMI, Alex.”

  Alex laughs. “He taught me how to drive, helped me pick out my first car and always made sure I had gas money. Every so often I’d think about my real father, wondering if he would’ve done those kinds things for me if he were around. Then I’d feel guilty, like I was betraying my dad. It wasn’t until my first year of college, when my parents sat me down and told me who my real father was. It’s not every day you find out your real father is a famous rock star and the lead singer of one of your favorite rock bands. I laughed. I thought she was kidding. She went on to tell me that she and Marcus met at a diner, after a night out drinking, where she and her friends had stopped for “drunk food”. It wasn’t love at first sight or anything. She was a twenty-two-year-old girl with a crush and a once in lifetime opportunity to spend the night with a rock star.

  “I asked Marcus if he was married when he and my mom met, because rock star or not, I would’ve lost all respect for him if he were. He swore to me that he hadn’t met Emerson until later.”

  “I still don’t understand why he didn’t tell me,” I add. “How did you even get in touch with him?”

  “My dad had a lawyer friend who referred us to Mike Easton.”

  “Mike Easton? Zach’s dad?”

  “Yeah.” He laughs softly. “Long story short, after my mom explained the situation, Mike excused himself from the room and returned fifteen minutes later to tell us that Marcus agreed to meet me.

  “We spent the next year getting to know each other before he invited me to California to meet you. He was very protective of you, Jay. Even from me. But before I got to California to meet you, he found out he was sick. I don’t know why he didn’t want to tell you, but I suspect his illness was more than you could handle without the added drama of an illegitimate son from a one-night stand.”

  “Gross. Stop saying, ‘one-night-stand’. No one wants to picture their parents having sex, let alone with someone who isn’t the other parent.”

  “I have something for you,” he says, pushing back from the table and making his way over to his bag, which is still sitting by the front door.

  A few moments later, he sits back down at the table and passes me an envelope with the familiar handwriting addressed to Jaybird.

  “What’s this?” I ask with a shaky voice.

  “It’s from Marcus.”

  The man had a letter for everything.

  “Have you read it?”

  Alex frowns. “No. I would never do that.”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it, Alex.”

  He nods stiffly as I open the envelope and pull out the letter.


  If you’re reading this letter, then you know Alex is my son and your brother. I can only imagine what you must be feeling and all the questions running through your mind.

  First, you need to know that your mom is the love of my life and when you were born, it was the best gift she could’ve given me.

  Alex’s mother, Sophia, and I spent time together before your mom and I ever met. We were at the end of our tour in Florida when I met Sophia. I missed my flight back to LA, but I was lucky to get a last-minute flight to LA from Tampa. That was the day I met Em, the love of my life, my soul mate and the woman who would become my wife. It was fate.

  Your mother and I wanted to tell you about Alex. And we’d planned to. But before we had the chance, I got sick. It was just too much to dump on my baby girl all at once. I’m sorry if you’re hurt, but I was only trying to protect you. Your mother wanted to protect everyone, including Alex and his family. They’re good people and at the end of the day, he’s still my son. And he’s still your brother. He’s still Alex.

  Give him a chance.

  Love you always,


  “Maybe I should be asking if you hate me?” I admit, setting the note on the table between us before swiping the tears from my cheeks with the backs of my hands.

  Alex frowns. “Why would I hate you?”

  “Because I had him as my dad for seventeen and a half years and you only got a few years with him before he died. I feel guilty for that.”

  “Don’t feel guilty. I told you, I have a dad. He might not have been the man who gave me life, but he raised me and I love him. And besides, I had something that you didn’t and that makes me feel a little guilty.”

  “What’s that?” I ask, sniffling.



  Em tells me prom is the most important dance of the school year. I can only offer you the same advice as I did for your Homecoming dance. Have fun and make lots of memories. You have my vote for Prom Queen.

>   Love you always,


  P.S. Tell your date to keep his hands to himself.

  I SURVIVED A vicious attack and the possibility that I’d never sing again. I’d almost accepted that as my fate, but every day I was reminded by the people who love me, that defeat wasn’t an option. I’m going to get up on that stage tonight and show my classmates that I’m not only Jaybird, I’m a King.

  We don’t cower.

  We conquer.

  PROM NIGHT IS upon us and I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I was here with Reagan. I shudder at the thought. This year it will be so much better because I’m here with my girl.

  Cherry approaches with caution, making sure Jay sees her before she reaches for her hand. Although Jay is doing much better and the nightmares are gone, she’s skittish and startles easily. “You ready, Jay?”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask.

  “Yes, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll be right in front so you can see me. If you need me, just say the word and I’ll get you out of here. Okay?”

  She nods. “I’m fine, Z. Relax.”

  I pull her tight to my side and nuzzle her neck. “I love you, my beautiful, strong, stubborn girl.” I pull back and she tilts her head and pushes out her lips. I press a kiss to her lips and smack her on the butt. “Go on before I change my mind, throw you over my shoulder, and take you back home.”

  Yes, home. I’m still living with her. I’m never leaving.

  She rolls her eyes and snorts a laugh. “Horndog.”

  I hold my breath, watching as Cherry leads Jay backstage. “Hey,” Cole says beside me, following my gaze. He shakes his head. “She’s amazing.”

  “She’s stubborn.” I laugh. “And she doesn’t like to lose.” I remember her words from our first date.

  “Where’s Harper?” I look around.

  “She’s backstage with the other girls. Em’s back there, too. They wanted to surprise Jay and have some girl time with her before she gets on stage.”

  “Are you guys back together?”

  Cole shrugs. “It’s complicated, but I love her.”

  “Yo!” Brad says as Evan grips my shoulder and smiles. “Is our girl gonna sing tonight?”

  I nod, suddenly feeling an overwhelming wave of emotions.

  Cole hooks his arm around my neck and leans in close to my ear. “You all right?” I nod. “It’s okay if you’re not. It’s only been a few months. You might not have taken the physical blows, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t hurt, too. Everyone who cares about her has been affected in one way or another. Thank you for sticking by her and going through the motions. I know it hasn’t been easy, but you have no idea how much my family appreciates it.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. I love her. I’m never leaving her.”

  Cole smirks. “You signed?”

  I nod. “You?”

  Cole grins and tugs me closer. We’re gonna be teammates again.

  Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the people you love. Football isn’t forever but Jay is. I still haven’t told her yet. I’m waiting to until after graduation to tell her the news.

  The Gulf Coast University football program is fairly new compared to other universities. The football team isn’t bad, but with Cole and me on the team, they’ll be a whole lot better.

  Principal Avery takes the stage with a few short announcements. He skips over the rules, telling us to just enjoy ourselves—but not too much, of course. The man hasn’t stopped smiling since his son came home and they discovered Harper was their granddaughter. She’d been under his nose the whole time, just like Alex had been with Jay.

  Things between Alex and Jay have been good. They laugh a lot, and now that the secret is out, it’s obvious they’re siblings.

  The girls come rushing out and find us in front of the stage. “I’m so nervous,” Lexi squeals.

  “Why are you nervous? You singing tonight?” Evan asks sarcastically.

  “Shut up, Evan. I’m nervous for Jay.”

  “She sang at Zach’s birthday,” he reminds her.

  “She sang ‘Happy Birthday.’ This is different. You know everyone is curious to see if she’s still got it.”

  “Is she nervous?” I ask.

  “Doesn’t seem that way,” Harper answers and Lexi nods in agreement.

  Ashton walks up hand in hand with her boyfriend. “Is Jay gonna sing tonight?” she asks.

  A lot changed the day Kali and Jay were attacked. People, too. Including Ashton. It’s like she had a personality transplant. I’m not used to her being so… tolerable.

  “Yep. She’s up first,” Lexi tells her.

  “Zach!” I look over my shoulder to see Kali squeezing through the crowd, making her way over to us while dragging Lucas behind her. I chuckle. He’s gotta be hating life right now, but like I said, sometimes we make sacrifices for the ones we love.

  I notice the curious looks he’s getting, knowing it’s only a matter of minutes before he gets mobbed by a bunch of high school girls.

  He must be aware of it, too, because he says to Kali, “I’m gonna go hang backstage with Eva.” He gives her a kiss, glancing at me over her shoulder and rolling his eyes. “I can’t believe I’m actually at prom.”

  “Hey.” She slaps his arm playfully. “You never got the high school experience either. At least now you can say you went to prom.”

  Lucas groans. “Let’s just see how it goes for now. I’ll see you in a few,” he says before heading over to where Eva is standing with Alex.

  “Do we know what she’s singing tonight?” Kali asks.

  “The one she wrote for Zach, ‘Piece of Me.’”

  I smile at that. God, I love her so much.

  ‘Piece of Me’ hit number one within the first week of its release and remained at number one for twelve weeks straight.

  The lights fade out and the sound of a piano drifts from behind the curtain. The curtain pulls back and there’s my girl sitting at the piano in her beautiful champagne-colored gown. Cherry and Olivia are singing backup.

  ‘Piece of Me’ blends into another song and someone elbows me. “I know this song,” Lexi squeals. The girl is like a musical encyclopedia. “It’s called ‘Fight Song.’” When Jay sings about scars, she runs her finger across the scar in her hairline. When she sings about pain, she presses her hand over her heart. As the song comes to an end, my girl stands up, flexes, and points to the “Conquer” tattoo on her bicep and the whole room erupts in cheers.

  Eric walks out and takes over the piano and the music switches to “The Fighter” by Gym Class Heroes, and ends with “So What” by Pink. The whole place goes nuts and sings along. People love and care about her. It fills my chest with pride. When the song ends, Jay throws her arms around Eric and he swings her around and kisses her on top of her head. They turn, facing the crowd and when she smiles, I see her eyes are lighting up. When her eyes find me, she blows me a kiss and mouths, “I love you.”

  My girl is definitely back.


  I graduated high school.

  “I never thought I’d see this day,” Mom says, her eyes filled with tears.

  I know what she means, but I can’t help it. She brings it on herself. “You didn’t think I’d graduate from high school?”

  She scoffs, wiping away her tears. “No. I never thought I’d get to see you walk across the stage and accept your diploma with the rest of your class. This is a big moment for me, too.” She’s been very emotional lately. She says it’s hormones. I say it’s just her being crazy.

  Since our group has become so enmeshed, our graduation parties have been combined and are taking place at the Heritage Bay Beach Club. The security is so tight, even the President would approve.

  Zach wraps his arms around me from behind. “Babe, I have a graduation gift for you,” he growls in my ear.

  “It’s gonna have to wait till after the party, horndog.” I lau

  “I’m standing right here,” Mom says.

  “Oh.” I snort at the same time Zach says, “It’s not that. Come with me.”

  Zach leads the way through the French doors and out to the balcony overlooking the bay. He reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket, pulls out a folded piece of paper, and passes it to me.

  “What’s this?”

  “Read it.”

  Slowly, I unfold the paper and skim over the words “Letter of Intent” and at the bottom of the page is Zach’s signature. “You committed to Gulf Coast University?”

  He nods.

  I was afraid Zach would choose Gulf Coast University because of the attack, but the letter is dated a couple of weeks before the attack happened.

  “You did this for me?”

  “I did this for us. We’re a team. You said that once.” He leans over and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Football is my life, but you’re my everything, Jay.”

  His words are familiar.

  I’d said something similar about my dad at his funeral.

  Zach was there.

  My eyes well up with tears. “You were at the funeral?”

  He nods. “I was.”

  I press my hand to my chest. “I don’t know what to say, Z.”

  “Say yes.” He drops to one knee, pulls a ring from his pocket, and I move my hand to cover my mouth. “Jayla Mackenzie King, I love you. Every good decision I’ve made so far is because of you. You are the strongest, most beautiful person I’ve ever known, inside and out. No one has ever made me smile, laugh, or even cry as much as you have. You make me feel things that I only ever want to feel with you. I’ll never forget the day I met you in your sparkly shoes and your princess shirt. When you kicked Logan in the shin and called him a punk, I thought you were the coolest girl I’d ever met. I think I loved you then. Our first kiss confirmed my feelings for you were real. And then that summer in St. Thomas, I knew without a doubt that you were it for me. You’re my girl, Jay.” Zach gets to his feet and wraps his arms around my waist. “Marry me?”


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