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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King

Page 156

by J. R. R. Tolkien

  Emyn Uial see Evendim, Hills of

  Encircling Mountains 948

  End, the 251

  Endless Stair 502

  Enedwaith 1089

  Enemy, the see Morgoth; Sauron

  Ent-draughts 471, 478, 561–2, 574, 956, 981

  Ent-house(s) 471, 482, 483, 484

  Entish see Ents: language of

  Entmoot (Moot) 478, 481–5, 564, 1092, 1093

  Ents 442, 464, 465, 468, 472–87 passim, 499–500, 544, 549, 558, 561–74 passim, 577, 582, 585–8 passim, 955, 978–81 passim, 996, 1093, 1130–1; Onodrim (Enyd) 442, 499, 1130; shepherds of the trees 468, 499, 549; Entings 475, 478, 981; Entmaidens 475; Entwives 472, 475, 476, 483, 486, 586, 982; language of (Entish) 465, 473, 477, 478, 480, 486, 1130–1; remembered in song or tales for children 476, 477–8, 499, 549–50; Shadow of the Wood 580

  Entwade 435, 439

  Entwash 373, 421, 427–30 passim, 436, 450, 456, 458, 468–71 passim, 490, 505, 507, 569, 667, 804, 1067; vale of 389, 424

  Entwood see Fangorn Forest

  Éomer, son of Éomund (Éomer Éadig, Third Marshal of Riddermark or the Mark, later King Éomer, King of the Mark) 432–9 passim, 443, 459, 509, 513–38 passim, 543, 544, 550, 551, 556, 577, 579–80, 595, 774, 777–8, 779, 785, 792, 795–8 passim, 801, 802, 804, 807, 830–8 passim, 843–9 passim, 856, 861, 862, 863, 866, 867, 868, 873, 879–82 passim, 888, 955, 960, 964, 965, 966, 969, 974–8 passim, 1070–1, 1090, 1092, 1095, 1097, 1098

  Éomund 438, 1070; see also Éomer, son of Éomund; Éowyn, daughter of Éomund

  Éored [a troop of Riders of Rohan] 435, 437, 830, 836, 837, 838, 975

  Eorl the Young (lord of the Men of the éothéod, King of the Mark) 431, 435, 436, 508, 512, 516, 537, 549, 969, 976, 977, 978, 1053, 1063–5, 1068, 1071, 1087; House of [dynasty] 519, 522, 523, 579, 580, 784, 785, 797, 868; house of [hall] 600; house of [both], i.e. hall and dynasty 581, 867; lords of the House of see Théoden: household of; Oath of 1053, 1054, 1071; Sons of Eorl (Eorlingas) see Rohirrim

  Éothain 434–5, 439

  Éothéod 1063, 1065, 1087

  Éowyn, daughter of é omund (Lady of Rohan, later of Ithilien, the White Lady of Rohan) 512, 515, 520–5 passim, 777, 782–5, 795, 796–7, 801, 802, 841–5 passim, 858–70 passim, 874, 958–66 passim, 969, 977, 978, 1070, 1090, 1095, 1097; disguised as Dernhelm 803, 804, 830, 836–41 passim, 978; Lady of the Shield-arm 1070

  Ephel Dúath (Mountains of Shadow, Shadowy Mountains, Haunted Mountains, fences, walls of Mordor) 244, 251, 288, 401, 631, 636, 639, 641, 642, 649, 650, 651, 659, 692, 697, 699, 703, 708–10, 717, 723, 730, 731, 736, 764, 801, 884, 885, 899, 900–1, 916, 918, 919, 922, 927, 941, 971, 1055, 1127

  Eradan 1039

  Erebor (Lonely Mountain, site of Dwarfkingdom) 11, 27, 74, 228, 229, 240, 280, 343, 376, 522, 872, 878, 881, 968, 981, 1072, 1073, 1077–80 passim, 1087, 1088, 1090, 1094, 1095, 1126; Folk of see Dwarves of Erebor; gate of 1080, 1095; Great Hall of 1072; key of 1088; Kingdom of Dáin 1072; Kings under the Mountain II

  Erech 782, 874, 1093; name 1129; Hill of 782, 789; Stone of see Stone of Erech

  Ered Lithui (Ashen Mountains) 625, 631, 636, 637, 639, 891, 923, 927, 933, 1045; mountain-walls of Mordor 625, 631

  Ered Luin see Blue Mountains

  Ered Mithrin 1064

  Ered Nimrais see White Mountains

  Eregion (Hollin) 47, 242, 253, 254, 282–6 passim, 301, 303, 306, 985, 1039, 1071, 1082–3, 1092, 1118, 1126; elven-script of 253; Elves of see Elves: of Eregion; road from, to Moria 300, 301, 303; see also Elven-smiths

  Erelas 747, 805

  Eressëa 244, 956, 1042, 1082, 1116; Isles of the West 1060; Lost Isle 956; Haven of the Eldar in 1035

  Erestor 240, 265, 267, 269, 972

  Eriador 3, 4, 15, 174, 1039, 1041, 1043, 1054, 1061, 1076, 1077, 1080, 1083–8 passim, 1107, 1127, 1130

  Erkenbrand, lord of Westfold 523, 529, 530, 531, 541, 543, 545, 551, 1093

  Erling, son of Holman ‘the greenhanded’ 1105

  Errand-riders of Gondor 748, 751, 762, 765, 798, 802, 835

  Erui 875; Crossings of 1047, 1086; see also Battle of the Crossings of Erui

  Esgalduin (Elven-river) 191, 193

  Esgaroth (Long Lake) 30, 57, 229, 1078, 1089, 1129; language of 1129; Men of 1129

  Ethir Anduin see Anduin: mouths of

  Ettendales 203

  Ettenmoors 200, 264, 274, 1040, 1086

  Evendim, Hills of (Emyn Uial) 1051

  Evendim, Lake (Nenuial) 244, 993, 1044, 1051, 1097, 1111

  Evenstar see Arwen

  Ever-eve (Evereven) see Eldamar

  Everholt, great boar of 1069

  Evermind see Simbelmynë

  Evernight 235

  Everwhite, Mount see Oiolossë

  Exiles see Elves: Noldor; Númenóreans

  Express train, as analogy 28

  Eye, the (of Barad-dûr, of Mordor, of Sauron, Great Eye, Lidless Eye, Red Eye, etc.) 364, 365, 366, 401, 446, 452, 499, 564, 589, 605, 625, 630, 631, 632, 642, 738, 879, 880, 885, 898, 936, 942, 946; Red Eye (Evil Eye, the Eye), as emblem 416, 451, 821, 888, 903, 913, 924; sometimes used as a synonym for Sauron

  Faces, so called by Gollum, see Moon; Sun

  Fair Folk see Elves

  Fairbairn, Elfstan 1097

  Fairbairns of Westmarch (of the Towers) 14, 1097, 1105

  Faithful, the see Númenóreans

  Falastur 1044, 1085

  Fall of Gil-galad, The 186

  Fallohides 3–4, 6, 1085, 1130; names 1135

  Fang, Farmer Maggot’s dog 92, 93

  Fangorn, the Ent see Treebeard

  Fangorn Forest (Entwood) 285, 373–4, 381, 421, 427, 428, 429, 437, 438, 440–3 passim, 450–9 passim, 461–500, 504, 547, 548, 549, 553, 560, 563, 564, 565, 585, 586, 588, 779, 978, 981, 1092; name (Fangorn) 1131; East End 468

  Fanuidhol the Grey (Bundushathûr, Shathûr, Cloudyhead) 282, 283, 333, 985

  Far Downs 4, 5, 1030, 1097, 1105

  Faramir, son of Denethor (Captain of Gondor, of the White Tower, Lord, later Steward of Gondor, of the City, etc.) 15, 245, 246, 657–96 passim, 707, 708, 711, 722, 726, 755, 759, 765, 766, 772, 808–27 passim, 850, 852–7, 860–6 passim, 870, 884, 885, 914, 922, 937, 959–69 passim, 974–8 passim, 1056, 1057, 1090, 1092, 1093; Lord of Emyn Arnen 1039; Prince of Ithilien 969, 976, 977

  Faramir, son of Ondoher 1049

  Farin 1079

  Farthings 9, 99, 232; see also Eastfarthing; Northfarthing; Southfarthing; Westfarthing

  Fastred, killed in Battle of the Pelennor Fields 849

  Fastred, of Greenholm 1097, 1105

  Fastred, son of Folcwine 1054, 1069, 1088

  Fatty Lumpkin 144, 145, 146, 148, 179

  Fëanor 304, 597, 598, 1033–4, 1083, 1116, 1117; letters see Elvish writing; Star of the House of Fëanor [of silver, had eight rays] 304; see also Eldar

  Felagund see Finrod Felagund

  Felaró f (Mansbane) 435, 508, 1065, 1068

  Fell Winter 177, 288, 1089

  Fellowship of the Ring (Fellowship) see Company of the Ring

  Fen Hollen (Closed Door, the Steward’s Door) 826, 827, 851, 855

  Fengel 977, 1069

  Fenmarch 803, 804

  Ferny, surname 155

  Ferny, Bill (Chief’s Big Man) 160, 165, 173–4, 179, 180–1, 182, 199, 204, 221, 990, 992, 994, 999, 1004

  Ferry see Bucklebury Ferry

  Ferry lane 96, 98

  Fíli 1076, 1078, 1079

  Fimbrethil (Wandlimb) [Slim-birch] 475, 476, 486; name 1131

  Finarfin 1128, 1137

  Findegil, King’s writer 14, 15

  Finduilas of Dol Amroth 961, 1056, 1089, 1090

  Finglas see Leaflock

  Finrod Felagund (Friend-of-Men) 1042, 1082, 1128; House of 80

  Fire- (Fiery) Mountain see Mount Doom

  Firefoot 524

  Fireworks 24, 25, 27–8, 360, 361

  Fíriel 1049, 1086

  Firien Wood (Firienwoo
d) 803, 1069; alluded to 804

  Firienfeld 794, 795

  First Age 1033, 1034, 1041, 1071, 1082, 1107, 1118, 1128, 1129

  Firstborn see Elves

  Fish and chips 655

  Fladrif see Skinbark

  Flet (talan) 342–3, 344, 345, 346, 351, 354, 383, 388

  Floating Log, The 1001

  Flói 321

  Flourdumpling see Whitfoot, Will

  Folca 977, 1069

  Folcred 1054, 1069, 1088

  Folcwine 977, 1054, 1067, 1069, 1088

  Folde 803, 804

  Folklands 9

  Forbidden Door see Door of the Dead

  Forest River 367

  Forlond see Grey Havens

  Forlong the Fat, Lord of Lossarnach 770, 846, 849; name 1129

  Fornost (Fornost Erain, Norbury of the Kings, Deadmen’s Dike, north-city) 4, 5, 9, 244, 781, 993, 1040, 1041, 1051, 1086; last battle at see Battle of Fornost

  Forochel 1041; see also Lossoth

  Forochel, Bay of 1086, 1127

  Forochel, Cape of 1041

  Forodwaith 1041

  Forsaken Inn, The 187

  Fourth Age 14, 1033, 1082, 1096, 1112

  Fox, thinking 72

  Fram 1064, 1065

  Frár 322

  Fréa 977, 1068

  Fréaláf Hildeson 977, 1067, 1068, 1088

  Fréawine 977, 1065, 1068

  Freca 1065, 1066

  Free Fair 10, 1025

  Free Peoples (of the World, Free Folk) 265, 275, 281, 464, 954

  Frerin 1072, 1074, 1079

  Frogmorton 1001, 1002, 1003, 1096

  Frór 1072, 1079

  Frumgar 1064, 1097

  Fundin 1074, 1075; see also Balin, son of Fundin

  Gaffer, the see Gamgee, Hamfast

  Galadhrim see Elves of Lothlórien

  Galadriel (Lady of Lórien, of Lothlórien, of the Elves, of the Galadhrim, of the Golden Wood, of the Wood, the Lady, Elvish Lady, etc.) 15, 343, 347–78 passim, 387, 388, 426, 427, 432, 437, 438, 439, 472, 496, 502, 503, 510, 514, 524, 567, 611, 666, 679–80, 708, 712, 720, 729, 731, 733, 776, 862, 875, 902, 912, 915, 918, 920, 926, 938, 945, 952, 972, 975, 976, 979, 981, 982, 983, 985, 1022, 1023, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1060, 1063, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1094, 1096, 1128; Lady that dies not 667; Mistress of Magic 667; Queen Galadriel 547; Sorceress of the Golden Wood 514; White Lady 679; gift of sheath for Andúril to Aragorn 374, 511; gift of belt to Boromir 375, 416, 666–7; gift of hair to Gimli 376, 378, 382, 503; gift of bow and arrows to Legolas 375, 387, 498, 510; gift of belts to Merry and Pippin 375; gift of box to Sam 375, 938, 952, 1022–3, 1028; magic of 362; Mirror of see Mirror of Galadriel; Phial of see Phial of Galadriel

  Galathilion [the Tree of the High Elves, which was derived from the elder of the Two Trees of the Valar, Telperion and Laurelin] 971

  Galdor 240, 249–50, 254, 256, 266, 267

  Galenas see Pipe-weed

  Gamgee family 69, 1105, 1137; name 1138

  Gamgee, Bell née Goodchild 1105

  Gamgee, Bilbo 1105

  Gamgee, Daisy, daughter of Hamfast 1105

  Gamgee, Daisy, daughter of Samwise 1105

  Gamgee, Elanor 1026, 1029, 1031, 1044, 1096, 1097, 1105

  Gamgee, Frodo 1029, 1105

  Gamgee, Halfast 44, 45, 1105

  Gamgee, Halfred, of Overhill 1105

  Gamgee, Halfred, son of Hamfast 1105

  Gamgee, Hamfast (the Gaffer, Old Gamgee) 22–4, 26, 38, 63, 69–70, 75–6, 263, 361, 363, 366, 608, 611, 623, 624, 637, 657, 680, 700, 934, 995, 1011, 1014, 1022, 1024, 1026, 1091, 1105; Ranugad (Ran) 1136; name 1136; and potatoes (taters) 22, 24, 654, 1014

  Gamgee, Hamfast, son of Samwise 1105

  Gamgee, Hamson 1105

  Gamgee, Hobson ‘Roper’ 611, 1105

  Gamgee, Marigold 934, 1105

  Gamgee, May 1105

  Gamgee, Merry 1029, 1105

  Gamgee, Pippin 1029, 1105

  Gamgee, Primrose 1105

  Gamgee, Robin 1105

  Gamgee, Rose, daughter of Samwise 1029, 1105

  Gamgee, Rose, wife of Samwise see Cotton, Rose

  Gamgee, Ruby 1105

  Gamgee, Samwise (Sam, Hamfast’s Son, Master Samwise, Sam Gardner, etc.) 13, 14, 22, 24, 44–7 passim, 50, 58, 61–214 passim, 219, 220, 223–7 passim, 230, 231, 233, 237, 238, 239, 271–407 passim, 413, 414, 419, 439, 472, 482, 490, 496, 571, 590, 603–742 passim, 792, 796, 811–12, 815, 889, 897–947 passim, 950–7 passim, 966, 970, 975, 982–1031 passim, 1044, 1090–9 passim, 1103, 1105, 1107, 1112, 1138; Banazîr 1136; Berhael 953; name 1136

  Gamgee, Tolman ‘Tom’ 1105

  Gamling the Old 530, 531, 535, 536, 538, 543

  Gammidge, Hob ‘the Roper’, ‘Old Gammidgy’ 1105

  Gammidge, Rowan 1105

  Gamwich 1105

  Gamwich, Wiseman 1105

  Gandalf the Grey (Mithrandir, Greyhame, Grey Pilgrim, Grey Wanderer, Gandalf the White, the Wise, White Rider, Leader of the Company, etc.) 9, 11, 13, 24–7 passim, 32–6 passim, 39–69 passim, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84, 87, 103, 105–9 passim, 132–3, 140, 141, 151, 166–74 passim, 183, 186–9 passim, 191, 195, 198, 199, 206–10 passim, 219–32 passim, 238, 239, 247–72 passim, 275–336 passim, 355–68 passim, 393, 396, 397, 402, 414, 416, 435, 437, 441, 444, 453, 465–7, 472, 492–529 passim, 539–60 passim, 563, 567, 570, 572–600 passim, 615, 640, 644, 647, 670–1, 677, 679, 682, 685–6, 687, 693, 700, 708, 732, 747–61 passim, 765–8 passim, 772, 773, 776, 780, 793, 796, 799, 806–29 passim, 843, 850–9 passim, 862–73 passim, 877–85 passim, 888–92 passim, 934, 947–56 passim, 966, 968, 970–1, 975, 979–80, 983–96 passim, 1018, 1030, 1055–6, 1060, 1069, 1077–8, 1080, 1085–93 passim, 1096, 1133; Grey Fool 824, 853; Incánus, Olórin, Tharkûn 670; Lathspell 513; Stormcrow 513, 750; voice of 401, 495

  Gap of Rohan 258, 287, 296, 374, 437, 481, 505, 550, 678, 890, 982

  Gardner family 1099, 1105

  Gardner, Frodo 1105

  Gardner, Holfast 1105

  Gate of Kings see Argonath

  Gate of Mordor see Morannon

  Gate-stream see Sirannon

  Gates of Gondor see Argonath

  Ghân-buri-Ghân (Wild Man) 831–5, 836, 976

  Ghâsh 327

  Gift of Men (Doom of Men) 1035, 1061, 1063

  Gildor Inglorion 80–6 passim, 105–6, 126, 132, 172, 210, 590, 1028, 1113

  Gil-galad 52, 185–6, 191, 243, 244, 253, 1034, 1036, 1037, 1082–5 passim

  Gilthoniel see Elbereth

  Gilraen 1057–61 passim, 1088, 1089, 1090, 1113; name 1128

  Gilrain 875

  Gimli, son of Glóin (Durin’s son) 240, 276, 279–405 passim, 414–43 passim, 488–550 passim, 556–7, 560–4 passim, 572, 575–9 passim, 584, 585–6, 600, 658, 673, 773, 775–90 passim, 792, 796, 802, 848, 872–8 passim, 881, 883, 888, 954, 955, 956, 970, 976, 978, 981, 1033, 1078–81 passim, 1098, 1132–3; Lockbearer 503; one of the Three Hunters 420, 491

  Gladden Fields 52–3, 244, 254, 274, 1088, 1089; Disaster of 52, 243, 1038, 1085

  Gladden River 274, 1041, 1053, 1063, 1074, 1127, 1129, 1130; sources of 274

  Glamdring 280, 310, 323, 330, 511, 993

  Glanduin 1039

  Gléowine 976

  Glittering Caves of Aglarond 547–8, 600, 776, 955, 978; Lord of see Gimli

  Glóin, son of Gróin 228–30, 239, 240–2, 249, 250, 255, 268, 269, 1076, 1079; see also Gimli, son of Glóin

  Glóin, son of Thorin I 1079

  Glorfindel (Elf-lord) 209–14 passim, 220–7 passim, 239, 240, 265, 266, 267, 269, 276, 972, 1051, 1070, 1092

  Goatleaf, surname 155

  Goatleaf, Harry 151–2, 164, 174, 990, 992

  Goblins see Orcs

  Golasgil 771

  Goldberry (River-daughter) 119, 120, 122–6, 128, 129, 131–2, 135–6, 145, 148

  Golden Hall (Golden House) see Meduseld

  Golden Perch, The 88, 93

  Golden Tree see Laurelin

Wood see Lothlórien

  Goldwine 977, 1068

  Gollum (Sméagol, Slinker, Stinker, etc.) 11, 12, 13, 33, 34, 48, 53–60 passim, 249, 251–6 passim, 261, 272, 274, 312, 314, 318, 337, 345, 350, 382–6 passim, 395, 402, 455, 456, 604, 605, 612–55 passim, 660, 672, 675, 684–727 passim, 732, 738–9, 815, 914, 918, 925, 926, 936, 938, 939, 943–7 passim, 1087–94 passim; name (Sméagol) 1030, 1036; Sméagol-Gollum debate 632–4

  Gondolin 243, 316, 357, 1034, 1115

  Gondor (South-kingdom, South, Southlands, etc.) 4, 8–9, 14, 15, 240–8 passim, 252, 256, 266–7, 279, 296, 331, 338, 367, 368, 390, 392, 396, 402, 415, 417, 422–3, 431, 432, 433, 436, 442, 474, 475, 508, 510, 513, 516, 522, 528, 563, 597–8, 609, 636, 639, 650, 659, 660, 666, 667, 670, 671, 678–9, 684, 690, 691, 692, 694, 697, 702, 711, 729, 747–59 passim, 763–70 passim, 780, 782, 795, 798, 799, 802, 803, 804, 811, 813–14, 820, 824, 831, 833, 834, 838, 846–9 passim, 855, 860, 862, 869, 873, 877, 881, 882, 883, 886, 888, 890, 892, 900, 952, 957, 958, 965–6, 971, 974, 977, 986, 987, 992, 1005, 1033, 1037–40 passim, 1043–56 passim, 1060, 1064–71 passim, 1078, 1080, 1084–90 passim, 1095–8 passim, 1127, 1129, 1131; Realm in Exile 1038, 1084; Stoningland 849, 1054; names 1128, 1129; calendar, reckoning of 1033, 1068, 1107; City of Gondor see Minas Tirith; Council of 1049; Crown of see Crown of Gondor; Errand-riders see Errand-riders of Gondor; Fields of see Pelennor; Kings, Ship-kings of 594, 1038, 1064, 1085; language of 845, 1069, 1113, 1115, 1133, 1134; Lords of see Stewards; Men of (folk, people, race, etc.) 9, 267, 390, 436, 439, 636, 639, 669, 678–9, 681, 750, 828, 832, 845, 846, 877, 890, 948, 954, 959, 965, 966, 967, 975–6; Minstrel of 954; Northern Army of 1049, 1064; palantír of 597; southern fiefs 750, 848; tombs of see Hallows; wardens of Gondor upon the West (at Orthanc) 555; writing in 1122; East-borders 436; North March 668; South Gondor 1047; see also Anórien; Beacon hills; Ithilien; Minas Tirith; etc.

  Goodbody family 28, 29, 30, 1100

  Goodbody, Lily (Baggins) 1100

  Goodbody, Togo 1100

  Gorbag 735–42 passim, 899, 902, 905–6, 913, 919

  Gore see Naith of Lórien

  Gorgoroth 244, 401, 636, 642, 682, 705, 710, 892, 900, 901, 922, 923, 927, 934, 941, 950

  Gothmog 846

  Gram 977, 1068

  Grange, Old 1016

  Great, the 2, 270

  Great Armament 1084

  Great Battle, at end of First Age 1082

  Great Bridge see Brandywine Bridge

  Great Danger 1029

  Great Darkness, of Morgoth 468, 473, 486

  Great Enemy see Morgoth


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