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Enlightened by Magic: A Gargoyle Shifter Paranormal Romance (Guardians of Magic Book 2)

Page 15

by Elena Gray

  “It’s just us,” Nicholai called out.

  I pressed between Roark and Slade, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw Nicholai with what must be the prisoners. Some were covered in cuts and bruises. Too weak to stand, they were held up by the stronger ones. Their clothes weren’t as disheveled as the others, so they must have been recently taken. I wondered which of the girls was Rose and Natasha.

  “Were there any problems?” Roark asked.

  Nicholai rubbed his chin, then rested his hands on his hips. “We didn’t see any guards, which has me worried. Why would they leave all of these prisoners unattended?”

  I clutched my stomach as our bonds vibrated with uncertainty. My guardians drew the same conclusion as me. This was too easy. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. What if this was a trap?

  As I continued to search the group, I realized Samara wasn’t there.

  “Where’s Samara?”

  “She went looking for Natasha and Rose,” Draven growled as he paced back and forth.

  “They weren’t with the other prisoners.” Nicholai was doing a better job at controlling his anger than Draven was. “Samara didn’t want to wait while I brought them to you, so she went off on her own.”

  “Thomas?” Jax’s question drew all of our attention. He was staring at the group of prisoners. I had no idea who he was looking at. I thought Thomas was Samara’s human boyfriend. What could he possibly be doing here?

  A young man in the back stepped forward. His clothes were torn and dirty. His red hair hung limp across his forehead. “How do you know who I am?”

  My guardians all began to talk at once. I couldn’t make out what they were saying as one spoke over the other. I had an idea what had them so riled up. Why would they bring a human here, and why Samara’s boyfriend?

  As I tried to make out what they were saying, Samara reappeared. “I found Rose and…”

  Her mouth hung open when she saw Thomas.

  “Samara?” he asked, looking as shocked as she did. This was going to be even harder to explain than the supernatural prison. How did we tell him that his girlfriend was a ghost?

  “Thomas, why are you here?”

  Samara asked the question at the same time Thomas asked, “Are you a ghost?”

  Samara waved her hand at him. “I don’t have time to explain all of this now. I need to know how you ended up here.”

  Thomas stared at her for a long moment before he gave himself a quick shake and focused on her question. “Umm. After you left that night, I followed you. You were acting strange, and I was worried. I remember hearing a noise and then I woke up in a cell.”

  “Did they hurt you?” she asked, her eyes scanning his body for injuries.

  “Not really. They kept trying to inject me with different things, but then would get angry that whatever it was didn’t work.”

  Samara laughed. “That’s because I put a protection spell on you a while back. You’re mortal and I always worried about you. I used old magic for the spell, but I wasn’t sure if it would work. Thank goddess it did.”

  I wondered if I could use that spell on my guardians. I would do anything to keep them safe now that we were all back together. I’d have to ask Samara later.

  “I found Rose and Natasha,” Samara said as she twisted her hands in front of her. “They’re on the other side of the basement in some kind of torture chamber. We need to hurry.”

  “Nicholai,” Quinn said. “Can you open a portal for Slade and the prisoners?”

  “Hold the fuck up,” Slade growled. I could feel his body shifting into his gargoyle form. He must be getting stronger, which meant he should be able to heal faster.

  “Slade, I’m not going to argue with you.” Quinn bellowed. “Go with the prisoners. You aren’t strong enough to help us.”

  “Like hell I’m not,” Slade roared.

  I bumped into Jax as Slade’s wings snapped out. One knocked Roark in the head. I smothered a giggle as Roark rubbed the sore spot and glared at Slade.

  Quinn lifted his hands and took a step back. “Okay. I was wrong. Your bond with Katarina must be stronger now that we’re all together.”

  Slade’s skin shimmered and returned to its normal golden color as his wings folded behind him. Quinn scrubbed his hand over his face. I could see the soldier in him trying to come up with a new plan.

  Glancing at Draven, Quinn said, “I know you aren’t going to like this, Draven, but you’ll have to go instead. Someone needs to tell the council what’s happened and to look after the prisoners once they’re through the portal.”

  I thought Draven would argue with Quinn, that anyone else should go but him. I knew he didn’t want to let Samara out of his sight. He surprised me when he turned to Nicholai. “Guard her soul with your life.”

  Nicholai’s jaw tightened before he gave a curt nod. Draven took his place beside him, his fingers twitching at his sides as the portal appeared. He couldn’t even hug Samara goodbye.

  Samara pressed her palm over her heart, just as the portal opened and the prisoners stepped through. Draven was less than a foot from the opening, when he gave Samara a half smile, his eyes filled with sadness. And then he was gone. The portal snapped shut behind him, then vanished.

  My heart ached for Draven. He had to shove his feelings for Samara aside so that the prisoners would be safe. Now that I was surrounded by my guardians, I couldn’t imagine having to leave one of them in danger.

  As if sensing my anguish, my guardians pressed close to me. I rested my head on Slade’s arm, letting the security of my men soothe my fears.

  Samara’s voice shook as she broke the silence. “Let’s get the girls and go home.”

  Chapter 17


  The brick wall crumbled under my grasp as I stared into the room my captors used to torture all the supernaturals they held hostage, including me. It was similar to one of the laboratories at the academy, only twice as sophisticated, excluding the large wooden wheel at the center. Straps were attached to the bottom and top, which held their subjects in place as they tortured them.

  I’d spent my fair share of time on the wheel, taking physical beatings from fists, weapons, and even magic. Since Katarina had started coming to me, I’d been able to handle them far better than Rose or Natasha. My soul might be shattered, but the abuse hadn’t broken me. Thanks to Katarina.

  Staring at the wheel, and seeing Rose strapped to it, filled me with rage. I might not have been able to help her before, but I sure as hell could now. A demon stood beside her with a half empty vial of lavender matter. I knew where it was coming from, and the knowledge fueled my rage even more.

  The straps on Rose’s wrists kept her in place. If not for the restraints, her unconscious body would have fallen to the floor. Her chin touched her chest, and her breathing appeared shallow. Time was running out.

  I shifted my gaze to the body lying on a table, not far from the wheel. It took a moment to realize it was Natasha. Every breath she took sounded ragged and forced. Her body was covered in bruises, and from what I could see, her face was swollen and bloody.

  I wanted to rush into the room and rescue them both, but Katarina’s hand gripped my arm as she shook her head. Reining in my emotions, I cursed myself for my recklessness. I could have gotten us all killed. There were too many demons inside and I had let my emotions cloud my judgment. We needed to have a plan in place before we rushed into a battle. For all we knew, other demons were lurking in the shadows. It always felt like I had an audience watching my torture sessions.

  “How do we proceed?” Jax whispered as he walked up behind me.

  “I can’t see the whole room,” I answered. “So I have no idea how many demons are inside. I’m afraid if I push the door any wider, it will draw their attention. I also don’t see the mage that’s in charge.”

  Samara gasped as she saw her best friend and the lavender ethereal energy getting sucked from her body. “She didn’t look this bad when I found the
room earlier. What are they doing to her?”

  “They’re draining her powers,” I said, hating the thought of how many other supernaturals they’d killed this way. “We need to think fast if we’re going to save them.”

  Samara covered her mouth when she spotted her other friend’s limp body. Tears formed in her eyes. Within seconds, Nicholai had his arm around her. Something appeared to be going on with her and the Shade. I’d have to ask her about it later.

  “Pull yourself together, Samara,” Roark urged. “Get angry at those who are responsible, then do something about it.”

  Nodding, Samara wiped the tears from her face. She squeezed Nicholai’s hand and smiled at Roark. “I’m good. Let’s do this. How can I help?”

  Everyone turned their attention to me, looking for leadership. Before my capture. I would have given them answers without a second thought. Now, I second guessed every decision.

  “I have an idea,” Quinn chimed in. “The four of us can take on the demons while Nicholai helps Katarina with Rose and Natasha. Once the girls are safe, Nicholai and Katarina can assist us with the demons.”

  I nodded my head. It was the only logical thing we could do. I just prayed I had the strength I needed to take on one demon, much less two or more.

  As if Roark had read my mind, he looked at me with a devious grin. “I brought something for you.” He reached underneath one of his wings and pulled something from his back.

  When I recognized my battle ax, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Thanks, brother. I’ll definitely need that.”

  As I took the ax from him, the power within it fused with my own energy, filling me with a surge of strength. I felt more like myself every second I was with my brothers.

  “Call forth your element,” Jax told me just as the ground rumbled. He had his earth element locked and loaded. Judging by the heat coming from Quinn and the cool, damp energy from Roark, I knew both had their elements ready to unleash.

  Focusing on the air I drew into my lungs, I called my element to me. The small draft near the floor built into a stronger breeze. I didn’t want a gale-sized wind yet. It would alert the demons to our presence, but I had to admit to myself that rekindling my affinity to my element increased my strength another fold.

  “You good?” Jax asked me as his lips crooked in a smile.

  “I’m great. Let’s do this. Follow my lead.”

  When the demon next to Rose turned to retrieve a new vial, I motioned to my brothers and pointed at each demon I wanted them to attack.

  Nothing else was said as we put our plan into motion. While my brothers split off from me, I rushed toward the demon closest to Rose. He was the one I recognized from my torture sessions, and he got his share of licks in when the mage was away from the wheel. It was time to exact my revenge.

  I heard the clank of Roark’s sword as he went to battle with one of the other demons. By the time my target heard the noise, it was too late. His black eyes locked on me and widened seconds before I struck him with my ax. The satisfaction that vibrated through me as my ax sliced through flesh gave me another burst of power.

  Grinning at his pain, I said, “Say hi to Hades, asshole.”

  Screeching pierced the air when he fell to the ground. A dark mist spilled from his body and he began withering away. A few seconds later, he evaporated into nothing.

  Once he disappeared, I focused on my next target. I crossed paths with Nicholai, Samara, and Katarina on their way to free Rose and check on Natasha. I gave them a quick nod and darted behind them.

  My brothers were in a battle with a group of demons just when three others spotted me. They charged me a second later, but I was ready.

  When the first demon was a foot away, I lunged at him, slicing through his body with my ax. I sent a gale wind into the second, spinning him away from me while I decapitated the third. By the time the second one came back for another round, I hurled my ax at him. It lodged in his face just as I gripped the handle and yanked down, splitting him in two.

  Jax joined me, his back pressed to mine as a group of five demons launched themselves our way.

  Between the fractures Jax formed in the foundation and the mini tornados I launched at our attackers, we were holding our own. I sliced through another demon just as I noticed Roark and Quinn. Roark left a trail of demons in his wake with Quinn’s help. Quinn busted his mace through skulls, faces, and even chests, ripping apart anything that got in his way.

  By the time they’d finished, the room stood empty of everyone but our group and the young witches we’d come to save. The plan we’d set in motion had been successful. Almost too successful. I worried more demons would arrive, or the mage would return. I still wasn’t convinced this was a trap. We had to get everyone out of here.

  “Is everyone okay?” I asked as I approached the wheel. Roark joined me while Quinn and Jax rushed over to check on Natasha.

  I hadn’t realized how quickly the battle was over until I saw the progress that Katarina and Nicholai had made. They’d only had a chance to loosen Rose’s ankle straps and were working on the last strap around her wrist. As soon as Rose was free, she fell toward the ground.

  Roark scooped her in his arms, catching her before she hit the floor. I heard someone gasp as I looked toward the door we’d entered. Another prisoner stood in the doorway, one we had somehow missed during our search.

  When he approached the wheel, he knelt in front of Roark. “I am Drothan, son of Droth, and the witch you’re holding is my ward.”

  Roark eyed the guardian from head to toe, and from what I could sense, he was scrutinizing the young warrior.

  “Were you with this witch when she was captured?”

  Drothan lowered his head farther. “No, I was not. I had just received my assignment to guard her when I was ambushed by a horde of demons. Please, hand her to me. I am responsible for life.”

  “Are you capable of carrying her out of here?” I inquired as he turned his eyes on me. “You’ve suffered your own share of trauma.”

  The young guardian stood and partially shifted so that his wings expanded. Holy shit. He was an obsidian dragon. His inky scales glistened in the light. They would make a great shield should we face another attack.

  Although he had bruising on his face and arms, he seemed strong enough to take on the task. Besides, he was Rose’s guardian. We had no right to keep them apart. If anything, they could help each other heal once they were united.

  I nodded at Roark, who looked to me for an answer on what to do. He placed Rose in Drothan’s arms and stepped back.

  “Slade, come quick.” Jax’s voice was thick with fear. I rushed over to him just as he lifted Natasha into his arms. “She’s fading, brother. We need to get her to a healer.”

  “I can help,” Nicholai announced as he left his spot near the torture wheel and joined us. He said nothing about how he could help. Instead, he rubbed his hands together as hard and fast as he could. A white light formed between his palms. When it enveloped his hands, he parted them and placed both on Natasha’s temples. The light filtered into her skin before he moved down her neck, chest, waist, and legs. When he finished, Jax felt her pulse again. The wheezing I’d heard a moment ago faded, and I feared it was because she’d taken her last breath.

  Jax glanced at me and breathed a sigh of relief. “Her pulse is better. I think she’ll be okay until we can get out of here.”

  “Then let's go. I want out of here as much as anyone.” I pointed to Nicholai. I had no idea how he came to be on our team, but he’d proven to be a valuable asset. “Can you open a portal for us?”

  “Yes,” Nicholai responded. He waited for everyone to join us.

  He was about to open the portal when the hinges squeaked and the door across the room opened. A broad-shouldered man in a cloak walked inside, but part of the hood covered his eyes. His energy seeped darkness as a gray mist shadowed his every move.

  He waved his hand and Nicholai’s portal sparked then disappeared.

  When he reached for his hood, my stomach rolled. I didn’t have to see his face to know who he was. The intricate pattern tattooed on his hands was all too familiar.

  This was my torturer—the dark mage responsible for everything. The one who had stabbed Samara and taken me captive.

  “My, my, what do we have here?” His deep voice stoked my anger to life. “Escaping so soon?”

  “Son of a bitch.” The scornful tone in Jax’s voice had everyone looking his way.

  “You shouldn’t talk about your mother like that,” the mage smirked.

  “Fuck you,” Jax spewed the words through clenched teeth. “You have no right to talk about her. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s obvious, isn’t it?” the mage taunted. “I always told you I’d find a way to be the most powerful mage that ever existed, and I’m well on my way to achieving it.”

  The more I listened to their conversation, the more confused I grew. This was the same man we had run into the night Samara snuck into the human realm to meet Rose and Thomas. Jax had nearly torn off the man’s arm that night, but he never gave any indication that he knew the mage.

  “Brother, do you know him?” I waited for Jax to answer, but his only response was to nod. “Why did you not mention it the night at the club, when he bumped into Samara?”

  “I didn’t realize who he was. Had I looked harder I would have known. What you don’t see is those tattoos on his arm glowing, a dead clue that he’s glamoured his true identity.” Jax pointed to the mage’s hands, but I saw nothing other than their black ink. “Only dark mages can see the glow, which is how they find each other but hide their dirty secret from the rest of the supernatural world. I see it because of the dark magic in my blood.”

  “He’s correct.” The mage laughed. “How come you didn’t notice my glamour the night at the club?”

  Jax stepped closer as Katarina grabbed his arm. The mage’s gaze fell on her and the anger inside me intensified.


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