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The Secret

Page 2

by Maggie Cole

  Good luck with that, I thought. This time, I kept it to myself.

  Collin knew his client well. "I understand what you're saying. We definitely want to get more endorsements, so we will need to work on that."

  "Keri has huge potential for retail.” I wasn't just saying that, but he needed to be smart, and I didn't know if he was going to be able to evolve.

  I could feel Collin ogling me again with his no-emotion stare. I didn't know how he kept so neutral, and it was bugging the heck out of me. Not because I couldn't read him, but because it was sexy as hell.

  Collin Corwin had a sense of mystery about him that put my nerves on high alert. I hadn't ever met anyone who could stay cool for so long, and it fascinated me.

  Liv changed the subject to another Volts player Collin was bringing over to the firm. I was relieved to be off the topic of Keri James.

  We finished dinner. The conversation continued in the kitchen. The four of us started cleaning up.

  "I can take care of this. You all can go sit down." Liv pointed to the bar seats.

  "No way," Collin rebuffed. "You cooked, you shouldn't have to clean."

  Seriously? Did he really say that?

  Liv laughed. "Guess you grew up in a house with girls?"

  His face started to turn red. "Four sisters."

  Damn, he's hot when he blushes.

  "I knew it! Are you close?"

  Collin shrugged. "They are all still out in California. I don't get out there very often anymore."

  "What made you move to New York?" I asked him.

  Happiness spread across Collin's face. "The Volts signed me."

  "How long did you play?"

  His face became neutral again. "Seven years."

  I must have hit a nerve. Mental note, don't discuss Collin's past baller career.

  We cleaned up, and Tom handed us fresh drinks. We discussed our firm, Collin’s firm, and Tom's different business projects.

  As the night progressed, I could see that Collin was brilliant in his work, and his reputation wasn't merely talk. I sat next to him, across from Liv and Tom, thinking how nice it felt.

  It's not that I dated dumb guys, but they didn't have the intellectual capacity to handle me long term. If I was honest, I sought those types of guys out on purpose. I knew they were boys I could have fun with but not get serious about.

  Until lately, I had liked it that way. It had worked well for me, and I had my pick of the litter. I broke things off when it became boring, but something had changed recently, and I didn’t know why.

  I realized that Collin was the full package, with the body and mind that generally would have me running away. I had a feeling that anything with Collin wouldn't be just fun. The fact that I was contemplating it surprised me.

  Throughout the night, I could feel his negotiator's face gazing over at me, giving me zero indication of anything. It was driving me batty, and making me wetter than a horny teenager.

  He's freshly divorced. You'll be the rebound girl. Don't go there, Meg.

  It started getting late and it was a work night. I told everyone I was going to head back to my place. Collin was also ready to go and picked up his phone to call his driver.

  "Don't call your driver. I'll have Gary take you both home if you're okay sharing a car?" Tom asked.

  Collin and I both nodded our heads.

  Outside, in the car, Collin rolled up the window so Gary couldn't hear our conversation.

  "You seem to know PR well."

  I couldn't disagree. "It's the only thing I've ever done."

  Well, not the only thing, I thought. My mind raced about the things I wanted to do to him.

  He was beyond gorgeous, but his mysterious aurora captivated me. The entire night I had sat with dirty thoughts racing through my mind. I knew I shouldn't go there with him, but I couldn't fight it. My mind wouldn't stop.

  And I could not stop imagining what his fingers alone could do to me.

  "How serious were you and Keri?"

  Ugh. Are we seriously going back to Keri again?

  "We weren't. It was just fun."

  A new facial expression flooded Collin's face. Gone was the neutral and cool Collin I had experienced in the house. He looked...happy? Relieved? Hopeful?

  There was no doubt now. It was clear that Collin was interested in me. Excitement gushed through my veins. I leaned into him closer, "I told you we were over. We have been for months now."

  Collin slowly licked his lips and scanned my face. He stared at me for a minute then finally asked, "But Keri still wants you?"

  Damn Liv for saying that.

  I couldn't deny it. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to change tactics. I leaned in and whispered, "Why are we still talking about Keri James?" I put my face right next to his.

  He gave me a smoldering look that made me want to cum in my panties.

  I took it as an in, grabbed his face, and kissed him. He started kissing me back. I crushed his mouth harder and propelled my body on top of his.

  His hands ran through my long hair. I pushed my body closer to his and could feel his erection twitching into full bloom.

  This guy knew how to kiss, and my entire body was craving him now.

  Collin's arms tightened around me. His oversized hands caressed my back as his mouth moved onto my neck.

  I let out a slight moan as he made his way back to my mouth.

  Collin wasn't an amateur, and I hadn't been this turned on by anyone in a long time.

  I wanted more. I thought I was going to get more. But suddenly, Collin pushed me back. Out of breath, he said, "We can't do this."

  I jerked my head back, confused, as my heart raced, and I also tried to catch my breath, "Why not?"

  "Keri is my client. This isn't a good idea." His voice was once again cool and in control.

  Has he not heard me all night?

  I adamantly, and a tad pissily, told him, "I'm not with Keri."

  He pulled me off his lap. "It doesn't matter. You were."

  Anger surged through me. I hurled at him, "You're going to judge me for who I've dated in the past?"

  Collin gazed at me with sad eyes. "I'm not judging you. I can't be with my client's ex."

  I grabbed his face in both my hands. "I told you we dated. It was fun. It wasn't serious. I didn't want more with him."

  I thought I saw a pleased look pass across his face, but it quickly faded. "And there lies the problem, Meg. He wants you. I can't do this."

  I hadn't realized that the car had stopped. He removed my hands from his face, opened the door, and stepped out.

  "Collin," I called after him, but he quickly shut the door.

  I sat in the car in bewilderment. For the first time in my life, I wanted a man who wouldn't let me have him.


  My dick was hard as a rock. My blood pumped through my veins scorching hot. The car pulled away, and I sat outside on the front steps to cool off.

  The night air was a tad chilly, and it felt good. I cursed myself for giving her any indication that I wanted her. She was off-limits.

  Keri James was a hot-head who was about to sign a huge deal. I wasn't going to screw that up, or my relationship with him. Meg may be over him, but the fact that she was all he talked about told me he wasn't over her.

  Yep, he had it bad for Meg Grail, and I could see why.

  She was beyond gorgeous. Seeing her in person confirmed that the pictures I had salivated over online and in the paper didn't do her justice. Her green eyes and red hair were as fiery as her personality. She was sexy, and she wore it with confidence.

  She turned me on like nothing I'd ever experienced before.

  I wanted her, but I couldn't go there. I wouldn't allow myself the pleasure.

  The air snapped at my face as I sat on the cold stoop. But it only got hotter as I thought about how I wanted to make her cum in ways no one else had before.

  Leaning on the top of my knees, I put my hands on my face. This
wasn't good. I needed to snap out of it. It would be playing with fire, and I would get burned.

  I could still feel her body on top of mine. Her pussy had sat on my dick, underwear only, and I could feel the heat of it throbbing against me. Dirty thoughts of what she would look like naked, sweating on me and calling my name, consumed me.

  Ugh. I needed to stop. No. It couldn't be. I wouldn't put everything I had worked for, as well as my client, at risk. It wasn't fair. I was going to have to keep it in my pants.



  Early the next morning, I was in the coffee shop next to the office. I stood in line, got to the counter and ordered my latte, when I heard, "Make that two."

  I turned around. Keri James was standing there. Cocky as usual, his player smile lit up his face.

  What once turned me on was seriously starting to turn me off. After not sleeping all night, this wasn't what I needed.

  All night, and into this morning, I couldn't get Collin or our kisses out of my mind; the way my body felt against his, or the way his body had responded to mine.

  He was attracted to me. I knew it. I had to figure out how to get him to forget about Keri James.

  But here was Keri, all up in my space, way too early in the morning.

  "What are you doing here, Keri?"

  "You playing hard to get, babe?" Keri cockily leaned in to kiss me.

  I pushed him away and out of the kiss, then remembered why he was here.

  It wasn't like me, I always knew what was going on, but I had forgotten that we were meeting with Keri and Collin first thing this morning.

  I grabbed my latte and started walking into the building. Keri followed me, blabbing non-stop.

  Walking into the lobby, past security, I saw Collin standing at the elevators, with his negotiator's face. He shot a glance at Keri's coffee cup and mine, then briefly locked my eyes.

  Great. Collin probably thinks Keri and I had a sleepover and decided to celebrate our hot sex with coffee.

  “Collin, my man!” Keri slapped Collin a high five.

  Collin slapped him back. “Hey man, you ready?”

  Keri laughed. “Who you talking to, Collin? I’m Keri James. I’m always ready!”

  Typical Keri cockiness. I rolled my eyes.

  Collin noticed my eye roll, but his negotiator's face didn't reveal any emotion.

  Keri turned and grabbed me by the shoulders, “Collin, have you met my girl, Meg?”

  I once again slid out of his grip. “Not your girl, Keri,” I stated with an irritated voice.

  “She likes to play hard to get, but she’s got a sweet spot for me." Keri winked at Collin.

  I glared in disgust at Keri. This was going to be a long morning.

  The elevator opened, and we moved to the back as more people started coming in.

  They were excited to see Keri, and his typical egotistical self was happy to give them a show. I wondered if Tom could give him some lessons on how to be famous and still humble?

  I stood next to Collin, who was all negotiator. I grazed his hand with mine, took my pinky finger and stroked his, and tried to show him that I still wanted him and had no interest in Keri. My heart sank when he pulled away.

  He was still holding onto his rule.

  Jeez, Collin, and Liv should write a book on workplace dating rules.

  The elevator opened on our floor. Liv was standing in the lobby, talking to our receptionist, Lilly.

  Hellos were exchanged, and Lilly led the men down to the conference room.

  Liv and I put our purses and jackets away in our personal offices. We met up outside the room. Before we walked inside, she peered closely at me. “Meg, are you okay?”

  “Yes. I didn’t sleep well. All good.”

  She nodded. We walked in, and I couldn’t help it. I stared at Collin, who held my glance for a moment and then turned to focus on Keri.

  Get ahold of yourself, girl. You don’t chase guys. They chase you.

  But Collin wasn’t a “guy.” He was a man—a delicious piece of man that I was dying to devour.

  “Let’s get started.” Liv’s voice snapped me back to reality.

  The next hour was frustrating. Keri annoyed the hell out of me. Everyone was dumbing it down for him, but his ego wasn’t allowing him to see that he needed to morph.

  I lost track of the number of times I heard, “I’m Keri James…”

  Collin, Liv, and I continued to share frustrated glances.

  Finally, I had enough. Keri was wasting all of our time, and none of us had time to waste.

  Glimpsing over at Liv, I gave her an apologetic look. It was time for something drastic.

  I tried to give Collin the same courtesy, but I didn’t know if he realized what my look meant.

  I walked over and sat down right on the table next to Keri.

  Slowly, I crossed and uncrossed my legs, then crossed them again. I knew that it would get Keri's attention. My black wool pencil skirt inched up my thigh. I bent forward to look directly in his eyes, knowing that the buttons on my shirt would reveal my cleavage.

  His eyes took the bait, and it lured him in.

  I could feel Collin’s glare, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and I couldn't worry about that right now.

  “You want to make more money?” My voice was low and calm.

  With puppy dog eyes, he said, “You know I do, babe.”

  I ignored his babe comment. This wasn't the time to remind him I was not his babe. “Then you need to shut up and listen to what we’re saying because if you don’t, you’re going to be making exactly what you make now and someday you’re going to run out of all of it. When you do, it’ll be back to the hood for you. Is that what you want?” I asked him in a very controlled voice.

  I knew what Keri’s deep down fear was. He had admitted it while drunk one night. And drunken words were always sober thoughts.

  Pain moved into Keri's face. I had called him out on his biggest fear, and he knew I was right.

  “No, Meg. I don’t want that,” he responded almost in a trance.

  I continued giving him the staredown, pausing so he could let everything sink in. I leaned in closer, “The salary cap means that you have no choice but to merchandize if you want to keep living large.”

  Keri solemnly shook his head. “I know, babe.”

  I inhaled deeply. “You trust me, right, Keri? You know I would never do anything to hurt you, right?” I meant it. I did want the best for Keri.

  He nodded. “You know I trust you.”

  I continued to gaze at him. “If you trust me, then you have to let me do my job. But I can’t do that if you don’t man up.”

  One thing Keri couldn’t stand was someone challenging him on his manhood.

  I paused, staring into his eyes for at least a minute. The room was dead quiet.

  “You ready to put on your big-boy pants and join us in this meeting, so you don’t end up back in the hood?”

  Keri took a deep breath. "Okay, Meg.”

  I stood up and patted his shoulder. “Good. Let’s go through this again.”

  Liv looked at me. I signaled for her to take over and moved back to my side of the room.

  Collin was full-on negotiator, and not giving me any feedback.

  For the rest of the meeting, Keri was cooperative, but I couldn’t get the thought out of my head that there was no way Collin was going to make a move.

  I had shown him the true extent of how much Keri wanted me. He saw the power I could hold over him, and no way was that going to inspire him to risk his relationship with his client for me.

  The rest of the meeting, I worked hard to be my typical boardroom self and focused on Liv and Keri, as I tried not to gaze at Collin.

  When the meeting ended, Liv excused herself to go to her next session. I walked both men to the lobby.

  Collin turned toward Keri. “Keri, I’ll catch up with you later. I need to talk with Meg about other client issues.”r />
  I tried to hide my confusion.

  “All right, man. Tell Turbo I'm ready for my shoe!” Keri slapped Collin on the back.

  “Got you covered,” Collin told him.

  Keri bent down and tried to kiss me on the cheek, but I leaned out of it. He gave me a cocky laugh and sauntered into the elevator. “I’ll see you later, Meg.”

  I turned to Collin.

  The negotiator looked me in the eyes. “Can I talk to you in your office?”

  “Sure.” Leading him down the hall, I wracked my brain. What does Collin want?

  I wasn’t used to not being in control with men. I always knew what they were thinking. Collin was the first man that I couldn't read.

  We walked into my office, and he shut the door.

  I went and stood in front of my desk, and Collin stood right in front of me.

  “What was that?” Collin’s sexy voice was calm and in control.

  “What was what?” I tilted my head toward him.

  He stepped within inches of me. “What you did with Keri.” He pointed to the conference room. I could smell his Tom Ford cologne, and it made my insides twitch with desire.

  I jerked my head, “You’re kidding me. Your client is now on board. You should be thanking me.”

  “You always do that? Get what you want?” His eyebrows raised in question.

  No, apparently not, because what I want is to sit on your dick, but you’re not letting that happen with your rule.

  “I know how to get the job done.” I confidently gave him a challenging stare.

  He stared at me for several uncomfortable minutes. His face was neutral like always, and he kept scanning my eyes.

  I got a bit pissed. "Are you just going to stare at me? Is there some reason we're having this conversation?"

  He finally handed me a piece of paper. “Eight o’clock sharp tonight. Don’t tell anyone and don’t be late.” He turned and walked out of my office before I could even open the paper.

  Stunned, I stood there, then quickly unfolded the piece of paper. It had an unfamiliar address.

  What exactly is Collin planning?

  I couldn’t concentrate all day. I Googled the address and found that it was a condo building.


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