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James Locker- The Duality of Fate

Page 6

by Martin Lundqvist

  They met at the sports bar near John Dean's house, and John Dean started the conversation.

  John Dean:

  - You look like shit mate, how much have you been drinking the last few days?

  Michael Fuller:

  - I have had a few...

  - ...bottles of...

  - ...Whiskey.

  - You don’t look that well either?!

  John Dean:

  - That's correct I was called up at 230 this morning by Mosman local police due to murder, and what is worse is that you are somehow involved.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Me? How on earth would I be involved?!

  John Dean:

  - Well, you called on the murder victim's intercom and threatened her. A few hours later she was found dead, shot with six bullets...

  Michael Fuller:

  - What are you talking about?

  - I was looking for Antonio DiMaestro. Some woman at his house responded via the intercom. She was speaking poor English so I might have got annoyed, but I did not threaten her. Someone murdered her?!

  John Dean:

  - Yes, that was Miranda DiMaestro, the wife of Antonio DiMaestro. Furthermore, I did a trace on your phone for the actual night, and you were staying in Mosman until 1230. How do you explain that?

  Michael Fuller:

  - Well, I had a drink at the local pub watching a game, was it 1230? It feels like I left at 11 pm.

  John Dean:

  - Well, your phone connected to the base station that connects the DiMaestro mansion until 1230. The estimated time of the Miranda DiMaestro murder is 1215. You better give me a reasonable explanation on why you contacted the DiMaestro mansion in the first place.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Okay wait a sec; I just need to go to the bathroom.

  Michael Fuller went to the bathroom; he was sweating heavily, and panic spread like a plague across his body. He had been drinking heavily for almost 48 hours straight with little or no sleep. His vision was fading, and Michael saw the shadows around him moving. He could hear the dark voices around him speaking in a foreign demonic tongue. "This is why I need my job back, to keep me from drinking too much and giving my life a purpose," he thought. Without a purpose his life was void and black, he had been alone for so long, so he even forgot how it felt actually to feel something for another human being. On a level, he loved his daughter, but it's been so long since they hung out and did something meaningful and connecting, so he had forgotten how that love felt. Now he could feel how the shadows tried to claim his soul, but he would not let them, he would fight back. He stuck his fingers down his throat and vomited heavily down the toilet. Afterwards, he took a gulp of mouthwash he always had in a miniature bottle in his jacket pocket. He threw it away after use; he had decided that he would not need it again. He went back to the table where John Dean was drinking a beer to pass the time.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Sorry about that, could you please put away that beer?

  John was looking at Michael for a second and realised that this was not his battle to fight, so he complied and left the almost full schooner of beer at the bar.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Thank you, I just realised that I needed to get my alcohol problems in check.

  - Oh well anyway to describe my real reason for going to the DiMaestro mansion, you need to know the actual reason for my resignation.

  - I did not resign because of liver problems but because I was set up by someone...

  - Barry got tipped off that I was storing large quantities of cocaine at my house, cocaine that I would supposedly have stolen from the crime scene of the Lopez murder. Antonio DiMaestro owns the warehouse where Lopez was killed, and I have been making inquiries about him on my spare time as I am not at all satisfied about the case being handed over to OC after the alleged killer, Angelo Ramirez, was killed at the airport.

  - Apparently, I asked too many questions and was causing troubles as someone found it a good idea to waste a lot of cocaine to set me up.

  - Barry then got tipped off by someone and sent two guys he apparently knows from some shady security company. They found the cocaine, 3.5 kilos to be exact, in my house with my fingerprints on it, and they gave me two options: Either signing my resignation or facing charges in court. I decided to sign my resignation. Barry then handed me the cocaine told me to destroy it in his private bathroom, which I did.

  John Dean:

  - Fascinating story Michael, but sadly alcohol-induced paranoia. There is no chance you would get away with such a crime if Barry was not part of a conspiracy against you and wanted to cover up his role in it. If Barry were a part of a plot against you, he would not let you destroy 3.5 kilos of cocaine.

  - If Barry, however, were an honest cop, he would have let this case run via internal investigations, and you would be facing a long-term jail penalty.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Well, Barry also known as the bitch is a very particular person. For him, appearance is everything, and the image of the CSMI is his baby, and he loves it more than anything. Barry does not care particularly for either justice or truth as long as everything looks good. That's why he chose to cover it up. You do realise what a shame it would be for the department if it's leading and the most famous detective was charged with serious drug charges?

  John Dean:

  - Well, you might be right; Barry is indeed a fucking retard so what you say makes some sense. However, I am not convinced. I might, however, help you for old friendship's sake on one condition...

  Michael Fuller:

  - I am listening.

  John Dean:

  - I am broke, my marriage is crumbling, and my daughter's condition is getting worse. I need money Michael, and I know you are rich.

  Michael Fuller turned red of anger and disappointment. His certainly did not feel like his life as a sober alcoholic had turned out for the better during the ten minutes he had tried it. Michael felt desperate for a drink, he could see the bottles in the bar, and they were calling his name. He regained his composure and replied.

  Michael Fuller:

  - John, this is outrageous! I thought you were my friend during all these years, and now you do not believe in me at all. Still, you are selling out and offer me help in return for money. You have indeed fallen deeply from the man I used to know.

  John Dean:

  - Well, I guess we both have. Any man, even a great one, can fall if the winds of fate blow in that direction. But this changes nothing. I need money, $10,000 to be specific that will keep me floating for a while. Don't see it as a bribe; see it as helping a friend in need. If the winds change I promise to pay you back.

  Michael Fuller:

  - And if I don’t pay?

  John Dean:

  - Well then this meeting never took place, I won’t turn you in, but I won’t help you either.

  Michael Fuller was contemplating his options. They were dire indeed. The facts against him in the Miranda DiMaestro case was not enough for a conviction at present, but god knows what other proofs could be fabricated against him if the conspiracy indeed was within the CSMI. John Dean was acting a bit suspicious Michael Fuller reckoned; could he be the one behind it all? Well, it seemed unlikely. Because if John Dean were actually in it for the money, he would make a lot more from selling the stolen cocaine himself, than from blackmailing Michael Fuller for ten grand. Money was not an issue for Michael Fuller either as he owned a large beach house near Palm Beach. The house was over-dimensioned for his needs, and he rarely went to the beach anyway. If he sold the house and settled into a smaller apartment, he could make millions of dollars, was it then really worth the hassle of not being able to clear himself for $10,000? He decided to accept John Dean's offer.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Okay, I accept your offer, should I transfer the money right now?

  John Dean:

  - No that would be traceable if our connection is discovered, I’ll come
by your house tomorrow afternoon with the files, make sure to have the money ready in cash.

  They agreed to meet up at 5 pm the following day, and they separated for the evening. John Dean had severe anxiety while travelling home. For sure his economy was saved for at least six months if he got the money. He could finally get back on track with his mortgage and even have enough over to do things he liked. But how would explain this sudden influx of money to his wife? And what if he got caught? Most of all he was worried about his human development and his downward spiral down into the darkness he had spent all his life trying to fight in society. He had seen a lot of police officers join the force for all the wrong reasons. Some had enlisted for the lust of violence, and they regularly used excessive force when making arrests. Some had joined for the desire for power and authority, and they routinely harassed and threatened people for the rush of it. Finally, some officers had joined to get a badge and a carte blanche to skim the other criminals for money. He suspected that both Thomas Anderson and Adam Smith were in the latter category and used their badges to get free drugs and hookers. Of course, he could not prove it; he had never even tried. John Dean reckoned that they probably only did drugs when they had a few days off work as there were random drug tests in place among police officers, but his opinion about them was clear; there was just something about them that wreaked corruption. Now he might place himself in the same category as Thomas Anderson and Adam Smith or even worse. Because something had been severely wrong with Michael Fuller's behaviour this night, and chances were that if he was left unchecked, he could and would do a lot worse things than stealing drugs.

  3.8 Adam Smith and James Locker playing video games at Adam Smith’s place

  IT WAS THURSDAY EVENING, and James Locker and Adam Smith were meeting up at Adam's place to play the yearly instalment of the Aussie Rules Football game. From a gameplay perspective, the game was utterly rubbish most likely due to the considerably lower budget a game aimed at the limited Australian market would have. As both Adam Smith and James Locker were pretty hard-core AFL fans though they still saw the game as an excellent opportunity to experience those massive victories over their rivals, they would never experience if the tried playing Aussie Rules Football in reality. Since Adam Smith, in general, was the far better video games player of the two he beat James Locker big every game, which brought him great joy, but also a bit of frustration.

  Adam Smith:

  - Hey, mate; you better start focusing! It takes half the pleasure of beating you when you are not even trying!

  James Locker:

  - Oh sorry man, I am a bit off my game today, I guess I am overthinking things.

  Adam Smith:

  - I see. Awesome thoughts, lame thoughts or plain strange ideas?

  James Locker:

  - Well, I was considering the option to change my name to get a new start in life.

  Adam Smith:

  - But why on earth would you be unsatisfied with life and wanting a new start?

  - You just landed a promotion, you fucked half Asia during your holiday, and in spite of being over 30 you are still neither fat nor ugly. You lead a remarkable life I reckon. Learn from me and be awesome as well.

  James Locker:

  - So you are happy with life then?

  Adam Smith:

  - Yes of course! I get fed, paid and laid what is there to whine about?

  James Locker:

  - Well, you might want to get loved and appreciated for who you are?

  Adam Smith:

  - Look if I wanted to listen to emotional whining when playing video games, I would get a girlfriend and play with her.

  - Here are two shots of absinthe bottom up and harden up James.

  After sculling the shots, James Locker realised that Adam Smith was probably not the right person to share his complex inner thought with, which in a way was good as Adam Smith undoubtedly had a point. Sometimes it was better just to keep things simple. Fuelled by this insight James Locker spent all of his focus and the rest of the evening trying to beat Adam Smith in that damn video game!

  3.9 Friday afternoon and the Antonio DiMaestro still at large

  THE LAST STAFF MEETING of the week took place on Friday afternoon. A few new pieces of evidence came up, but James Locker reckoned that none of the new pieces of evidence was of such value that it was motivated for the team into working overtime during the weekend. The report from the forensics team stated that they had found DNA from four different people in the mansion, two males, and two females. The two women DNA were identified as the housekeepers, Kim-Ji-Wo who worked in the estate three times a week, and the late Miranda DiMaestro. The housekeeper had a sound alibi for the evening and also no apparent motive for suddenly killing her employer so James Locker decided that no additional resources should be allocated to keep her under surveillance.

  The two male DNA was a more significant issue. One of them was from Antonio DiMaestro which proved neither his guilt nor his innocence as it's natural that a forensics team find DNA from the man who is supposedly living in the house. The second Male DNA was a more significant issue, however. It could be from the killer if Antonio was not the killer or it could just be from whoever visited the house in the last few days.

  Fortunately, they had managed to get access to the security room of the building with the mainframe of the safety of the building. The investigators also found a large sum of money there as well a minor amount of cocaine, clearly indicating what kind of business Antonio DiMaestro was doing. As expected all of the feeds showcasing the actual murder had been remotely deactivated, but apart from that, there were security feeds for a long time back. The group decided that these feeds were of importance and the work to go through them was assigned to Samantha Robinson and Thomas Anderson, a task they both seemed happy to receive.

  Considering the DNA from the unknown man Adam Smith and John Dean were assigned to find alternative killers. The main priority was to identify the man who called on the intercom earlier that evening and threatened Miranda DiMaestro, but they were also to make inquiries among Antonio DiMaestro's business contacts to find out if he could have any enemies who wanted to set him up. John Dean had been paid by Michael Fuller not to disclose that Michael Fuller was the one who called on the intercom and was also in the neighbourhood at the time of the murder.

  3.10 Friday Night equals Laser tag night

  SINCE THE WORK WEEK was over, Thomas Anderson and Adam Smith decided to spend their Friday night playing Laser tag. They did this now and then and tonight's session was of great importance to get their skills up for the Central Sydney Laser tag championship held the following week. Friday nights were the best nights to play they reckoned as it was $15 for an unlimited number of games and a lot of people playing. Accompanying them this week was Samantha Robinson who Thomas Anderson had persuaded to join their team for the upcoming championship. Since they did not want any team members, who sucked they decided to give her the necessary training before the games that mattered.

  After three games they decided to take a break, and they had the following conversation.

  Adam Smith:

  - Three games: three first places; I am indeed still the king of Laser tag.

  Samantha Robinson

  - Oh, Adam, you are so sexy, I am getting all wet.

  Adam Smith

  - Uh really?

  Samantha Robinson

  - Yeah, not from you, but from sweat. Running around with a toy gun thing you are doing is more fun than I imagined. Next week will be awesome.

  Adam Smith:

  - Yeah, you are better than I thought, I feared we would be stuck with a feeder just because Thomas wanted to make a lame pickup attempt, but you might get better than him.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Hum, I did not bring her as a lame pickup attempt, I brought her because we need four players for the championship next week so that it will be you and I, Samantha and James.

  Adam Smith:

>   - James??! He sucks worst player I have seen!

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Well, that's because of his colour blindness, James can only play well when he knows the people he is playing with, he does not function at all in mixed teams.

  Adam Smith

  - We'll see about that. I got to go; I am getting laid tonight!

  Adam Smith smiled with a huge smile.

  Thomas Anderson

  - No, you are not. You are just making up an excuse so you can leave with three consecutive first places, I am not buying that one, we'll keep playing my stamina is better than yours.

  Adam Smith:

  - Oh really? Look at this text!

  Adam Smith handed over the phone to Thomas to show an SMS conversation he had with a woman. The entire dialogue consisted of different smileys, question marks, and exclamation marks. Not many words were written. The last message from the woman was a question mark, followed by Adam's response an exclamation mark


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