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James Locker- The Duality of Fate

Page 18

by Martin Lundqvist

  "More trouble is coming" John Dean muttered when he saw James Locker accompanied by Samantha Robinson approaching. James Locker looked quite angry, and John Dean knew that this was going to be a confrontation.

  James Locker:

  - Hey John. Please follow us to the meeting room; we need to talk to you.

  John Dean was considering if he should argue and ask why they took him off privately. He knew that it would probably not be a good idea as he from their perspective had fucked up. Hopefully, they would accept his apologies and move on without question his loyalties or get the idea that he had been collaborating with Michael Fuller. John Dean followed his colleagues into the meeting room.

  James Locker:

  - Jessica Hall was killed the night towards last Tuesday. Now on a Monday almost a week later you have been unable to find anything useful on the surveillance tapes, and I would like to know why?

  John Dean:

  - Well, I told you I could not see anyone entering Jessica Hall's apartment at the time of the murder. I don't know why frankly, but the video seems strange for the time around the assassination like someone edited it in a way I have not seen before.

  James Locker:

  - Okay. Samantha claims that you were very unhelpful when she requested your assistance in identifying the mysterious drunken man during the Wednesday. How do you explain that?

  John Dean:

  - Well, I was stressed from home, and when my daughter got sick during the afternoon, I just closed down my files to be with her as soon as possible without worrying about the handover.

  James Locker:

  - Okay, I see, but that still does not explain why you used a biometric password for the files or why you could not just get by the station to unlock the data during the Thursday or the Friday...

  - I am sick of your bullshit. Just get your thumb out of your arse and on that biometric password scanner so Samantha and I can work on the files. You are off this case. Proceed to work on the Father Walker case report. Hopefully, you won't fuck that up.

  John Dean chose to not respond to James Locker’s verbal assault. He unlocked the files and left the room without a word.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - A bit hard on him hey?

  James Locker:

  - No, I don't think so. He has been spending most of the investigation sulking over the fact that I got promoted instead of him. Since he is apparently stalling, he is better of wrapping up some other case that sabotaging this one.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - So what do we do now?

  James Locker:

  - Well, you better get us some coffee we are not leaving this room before we have identified the mysterious drunken man!

  A short while later Samantha Robinson came back with one triple shot latte each as this was a task that was going to take a lot of focus...

  5.33 The inner circle has a lunch discussion

  FOR THE FIRST TIME in a week, the team was making serious progress. Since James Locker believed someone was compromising the team, he decided to only take his inner circle out to lunch instead of sharing the case with the entire group. A group consisting of James Locker, Adam Smith, Thomas Anderson and Samantha Robinson met up at a dinner serving excellent rump steak close to the police station. After eating their meals, James Locker decided to take the initiative.

  James Locker:

  - Thank you for joining me today. I will move away from my rule to not discuss work during lunch break as these are extraordinary circumstances.

  - We found out today that Michael Fuller had been at both the crime scenes just hours before the killings took place. We discovered this through reviewing the surveillance tapes that John Dean has been investigating the last weeks'. Considering how fast we found out these facts, there is every reason to believe that John Dean, in fact, has intentionally been sabotaging our work.

  - The question is. How do we proceed?

  Adam Smith:

  - Well, that's a simple one. We got to the high command of the police and request arrest orders for both of them as they are apparently up to no good.

  James Locker:

  - Well by principle you are right Adam. Problem is we don't have evidence against any of them that would lead to any convictions at present. If we go in and arrest them now, we are in big trouble in case we can't find the evidence necessary. Bear in mind that these are our colleagues and respected member/ex-members of the force after all.

  Thomas Anderson:

  - What if we just have informal questioning with both of them without actually bringing up any accusations, that can't bring us any harm?

  James Locker:

  - Well indeed our careers can't be damaged by just informally questioning Michael Fuller and John Dean, but there is a problem. If we ask them informally and any of them is the killer that person will have all the time in the world to get rid of all the evidence.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - So you are scrapping the Antonio DiMaestro trail then?

  James Locker:

  - Well not entirely. He is still of the highest interested for questioning, but after all, there is not even any indication whether the man is alive or not. All the traces we have got from him the last month might as well be someone else trying to frame him for the murders

  Adam Smith:

  - Well, you got the point boss. How do you reckon we should proceed?

  James Locker:

  - Well, I reckon we should get permission from Barry Itch and the High Command to tap Michael's and John's phones and see where it leads us. It is imperative however that you don't share this information with the rest of the group as we can't tell the allegiances of the other team members.

  Samantha Robinson:

  - I find this to be a North Korea approach, with distrust and spying on your peers. I don't like it at all, but given the proof, we have of Michael's and John's hostile approach I am obliged to agree with you.

  James Locker:

  - Thank you, Samantha. Yes, this is not the usual approach, but extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary solutions.

  - Has anyone anything to add?

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Well, I have another thing that speaks for your approach. My research showed that Michael Fuller is behind the "Vanessa" account on the dating website.

  Adam Smith:

  - I don't see the big deal; it's obviously a prank. Can it be illegal?

  Thomas Anderson:

  - Well, I don't think it would be illegal no, but it's one thing when you do it and then have a laugh about it and an entirely different matter when Michael Fuller does it with the intent of breaking James down, don't you think?

  Adam Smith:

  - Well, I guess you are right...

  James Locker:

  - Anyway. I don't want to be the crazy one later on. Does everyone in this room agree on a path of action where I ask Barry Itch for permission to tap Michael Fuller's and John Dean's phones and locations for the last two weeks to find clues that will lead us forward in the investigation?

  Samantha Robinson, Adam Smith, Thomas Anderson

  - Agreed

  James Locker:

  - Great. I will talk with the BITCH, and hopefully, we'll soon be ready!

  5.34 Failed Communication with Barry Itch

  IT WAS MONDAY AFTERNOON, and Barry Itch was sitting quite content in his office. He had had a good weekend providing him with the best of life. Barry being a high-ranking police director, received a paycheck that enabled him to enjoy the best of life and the weekend that passed had contained all of it both when it came to the company, drinks, and activities. He had enjoyed listening to Wanda complain about how dreadful and horrible it was to have Adam Smith on part 2 of her workplace equality seminar. Although Barry Itch acknowledged the importance of his wife's work, it was still a good feeling for him to let her experience what he had to deal with on a daily basis. After all, a lot of his subordinates were lowbrow grunts wh
ich apparently had some undefined usefulness in the organisation, but Barry Itch simply could not stand dealing with them. In that way, it was a shame that Michael Fuller had been forced away as he at least was intelligent enough to stimulate the brain and match Barry Itch when it came to intellectuality.

  Barry Itch saw James Locker entering his office, and in the glimpse of an eye, his good mood left him. To Barry, James Locker had indeed been a pain to deal with, and he had not met the expectations Barry Itch had set for him. He made a mental note to find a permanent replacement for Michael Fuller as soon as possible and demote James Locker to inspector again as he was just too much hassle to handle. James Locker approached him and started talking.

  James Locker:

  - Hey sir. I have some important news to share with you. Please look at the videos I have prepared for you at my tablet.

  Barry Itch:

  - I see a drunken Michael Fuller arguing with someone...

  - Michael Fuller is not working here anymore why are these movies relevant?

  James Locker:

  - Because the videos show Michael Fuller arguing with the murder victims just hours before the killings.

  - Furthermore, John Dean was unable to report on Michael Fuller's presence in these shots although he worked with them for over a week. For Samantha and me it took two hours. So he must be stalling at best and actively sabotaging the investigation at worst. I have taken him off the case effective immediately

  Barry Itch:

  - I see. What you are implying is very serious indeed if it turns out to be true. As John Dean is still working for us, it would have to be internal investigations investigating his case.

  - With Michael Fuller, you are clear to take him in for questioning, but you don't have enough evidence to put him in custody.

  - I will, however, get all the clearances needed to tap his phone and trace his position. You'll have the approval tomorrow.

  James Locker:

  - Is it a good idea stalling this even more? If John Dean had not been delaying in the first place, Jessica Hall might still have been alive.

  Barry Itch:

  - Well sadly for you James the wheel of justice runs slowly. Now if you excuse me; I have other matters to resolve.

  After James Locker had left his office, Barry Itch felt very uncomfortable. An internal investigation was the last thing he wanted considering how he handled the cocaine issue with Michael Fuller a few weeks ago. This time the threat was real to Barry Itch. If Michael Fuller got caught, there was a grave risk that he would drag him down the abyss. But why would Michael Fuller kill the wife and mistress of Antonio DiMaestro? Barry Itch had known Michael Fuller for over 20 years, and although they have had their differences in the past, this seemed like madness and not at all the Michael Fuller he knew. Barry Itch had had a hard time dealing with Michael Fuller in the past, but that had mostly been due to his impulsiveness, drunkenness, and recklessness. Stealing cocaine from a crime scene somehow match this description as it was not unlikely that someone addicted to alcohol had an affinity towards other drugs as well. But these murders were very thoroughly planned and perfectly executed, and Barry Itch could not see Michael Fuller killing anyone that way. It was also a mystery to him how Michael Fuller would practically perform these murders considering how drunk he was the hours before them. Then again alcoholics often could function almost normally even while drunk, so it was not an impossible scenario.

  Barry Itch finally made up his mind about the “Michael Fuller being the Killer” scenario. He did not buy it and as he did not; he saw nothing wrong in refusing James Locker's team the right to trace and tap John Dean's and Michal Fuller's phones. He would not run the issue with his superiors, but he would tell James Locker that he had when he came by tomorrow.

  5.35 The Killer makes his final preparations

  THE KILLER SAT RESTLESSLY in his car parked in Palm Beach one block away from Michael Fuller's beach house. Tonight was the night to strike, but he somehow would have to convince Michael Fuller that it was a perfect idea to see Emily Luong in Claymore supposedly the worst suburb of Sydney. As it seemed, Michael Fuller had given up so this would not be an easy task, but he hoped he had precisely the bait needed to fry this fish! The Killer picked up his phone and dialled Michael Fuller's number. Getting that phone had been a hassle as every sim card was supposed to be registered with an ID card according to Australian law. Apparently, he had been able to acquire a sim card anyway as most things were available for someone willing to pay the right price but it still had been an unwelcome hassle.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Hello, who is this?

  The Killer

  - It's a friend.

  Michael Fuller:

  - All of my friends carry names. If you don’t then fuck off

  The Killer

  - Okay then, It’s Jordan Palmer

  Michael Fuller:

  - That's better.

  - Although I don’t know you so what do you want?

  The Killer:

  - Well, suffice to say we have common enemies. James Locker is an infiltrator at the CSMI; he has been working for Antonio DiMaestro all along.

  - I know who can help you prove it.

  Michael Fuller:

  - I don’t care about that anymore. I have quit the force for good and put all of that behind me.

  The Killer:

  - Well, that's a shame because that means in 24 hours you'll be in custody for the murders of Jessica Hall and Miranda DiMaestro. You see they have surveillance tapes showing you at the crime scenes hours before the killings as well as location data for your mobile phone showing that you were in the area during both murders. Just because they failed getting rid of you by planting the cocaine in your house it does not mean they will fail again.

  Michael Fuller:

  - You have my attention Jordan.

  - So who can prove this conspiracy you are talking about?

  The Killer:

  - Well, James Locker's ex-girlfriend Emily Luong who lives in Claymore can tell you all you need to know about his shady connections. From there it's up to you.

  Michael Fuller:

  - Alright, I will play along with your games stranger. How do I find this woman?

  The Killer:

  - I will text you the address. Go tonight, they are bringing you in tomorrow, and from there it's too late!

  The Killer was checking the trace he had on Michael Fuller's phone. Soon he would know if Michael Fuller had swallowed his bait or not. What was his contingency plan if Michael Fuller did not take the bait? Well for sure he could still frame Michael for the other two murders, but it would be difficult going through with the Emily Luong murder. That would indeed be a missed opportunity as that killing was the final piece of breaking James Locker down before killing him. The Killer did not have time to think more about his contingency plan as his master plan was working. He could see Michael Fuller moving on his tracking monitor and a short while after he saw Michael Fuller's car passing down the crossroads. It was time to strike. He had been checking out the Fuller residence for a couple of hours before making the call just to make sure there were no surveillance systems installed since his last visit. There wasn't, but he could still not be sure that there were not any hidden cameras in the building invisible from the Internet. This scenario would apply if Michael Fuller had somehow anticipated his plan and installed analog tape-based cameras. Just in case the Killer decided to wear a mask while breaking into the building knowing that even if detection would mess up his attempt to frame Michael Fuller, it would still not lead them to him. He planted the evidence where the masterpiece was the almost two month's old severed head of Antonio DiMaestro. He placed the head on a pedestal in Michael Fuller's meditation room. The severed head on a stand would undoubtedly give any investigator entering the room the impression that Michael Fuller had lost his mind. Combined with the other evidence as well as well as Michael Fuller's proved presence at all the crime
scenes it would be more than enough to lock Michael Fuller up for good.

  The Killer smiled. It was time for the second last kill, and then he would finally be free.

  Chapter 6: The attempted murder on Emily Luong

  6.1 Michael Fuller gets a bad hunch

  Michael Fuller was driving on the highway towards Claymore when it finally got up for him what an absurd mess he had put himself in. He was driving his replacement car with a blood alcohol level way above 0.5, a few days after a car crash that demolished his car and could have killed him if he hadn't been able to brake, in the last second. He was driving towards a destination to see a woman who supposed to be James Locker's ex-girlfriend and was meant to give him pointers on how to clear himself. But there were too many "if'" in this scenario for Michael Fuller to feel comfortable at all. For starters how did he know that this woman the mysterious caller referred to knew anything? How could he be sure that James Locker was the one behind it all? It could be anyone in the police or even outside for all that mattered. All Michael Fuller knew was that his life was like the motto on the Australian coat of arms. "Never stand still." He was heading into the night towards an unknown destination, but at least if he were to go down, he would not do it without a fight. If Antonio DiMaestro and his scumbag crew wanted him, they would have to come and get him! He looked at the gun which he had brought tonight. It was a heavy calibre Desert Eagle with a lot of punching power. If they wanted him, they would have to come and get him! With renewed energy, he headed towards Claymore in the darkness of the night.


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