Book Read Free

Wish for Love

Page 13

by Daria White

  9:31 PM… Cole: I watched another classic tonight

  A smile tugged at her lips.

  9:34 PM… Leah: Which one?

  9:36 PM… Cole: Henry Fonda. The Wrong Man

  9:38 PM… Leah: Good one LOL

  9:41 PM… Cole: LOL goodnight Leah

  9:43 PM… Leah: Goodnight

  She plopped on her bed. She covered her face with her hands.

  Chapter 18

  “So, that’s where I am right now.” Leah’s stomach tensed. She sighed. “I mean nothing happened between Cole and me. Then I attempt to go out by myself and Craig shows up.” She shrugged her shoulder. “He seems sweet, but now Seth wants to hang out.” She tugged at her earlobe. Her eyes focused on Molly, the horse.

  Molly neighed, and Leah patted the mare’s back. “I guess when I think about it, Cole is the one I can be myself with. Seth is… well, he’s fun and spontaneous.” Leah stepped onto the mounting block and mounted Molly. She then led her around the fenced area, the clunks of her hoofs filling the background. “It’s like, on one hand, I know what to do and then…” She raised an eyebrow. “I’m talking to a horse.”

  Molly neighed once more. Leah released slow easy breaths as she and Molly trotted around.

  “You two have really connected,” Will commented.

  Leah pulled gently on the reins, and Molly halted. She stroked her once more. “Yes, we have.”

  “You’ve come a long way in such a short time.”

  “Maybe I had it in me all along.” Leah checked her watch. Directing Molly back to the mounting block, she swung her leg over Molly’s back and dismounted. “I need to get going. I used my lunch break to come here.”

  Will bobbed his head. “I’ll take Molly back to the stables.”

  Leah waved as she jogged to her car. The drive back to her boutique wasn’t long, but she enjoyed it. Quickly changing her clothes once inside her store’s restroom, she returned to her office, only to hear a knock on her door.

  “Come in.” Leah pulled up her laptop.

  Her store manager, Amber, walked inside, bouncing on her toes eagerly. “Do you have a minute? You have a visitor.”

  Leah's fingers paused from the keyboard. She turned to face Amber. “Who is it?” She reached for her planner. “I don’t recall having any appointments today.”

  “It’s April Cummings.”

  Her eyes widened. “Show her inside.”

  Amber clapped her hands, and Leah figured it was due to her being April’s best friend. Leah stood as April padded through the door. She immediately rushed over to embrace Leah.

  “It’s good to see you. I hope I’m not interrupting showing up unannounced,” April said. Her coffee brown eyes gleamed and a wide grin illuminated her round face.

  Leah gestured for her to sit down. “Not at all. I just got back from my lunch break. What’s going on? Everything okay? Congratulations.”

  April bounced in her seat. “Thank you. I’m so excited. I mean, when Jeremy got down on one knee, I almost fainted.” She reached out her hand and flashed Leah her engagement ring.

  Her eyes bugged at the solitaire diamond. “Wow… that is perfect for you. I’m thrilled for you guys.”

  April touched her other hand to her heart. “Thank you. I can’t wait.” She then folded both hands in her lap. “Which is why I’m here. Holly told me you designed her wedding dress. I knew you had your boutique, but I was considering only buying a dress.” She then crossed her legs. “But after seeing Holly’s dress and how it was exclusive to her, I decided I want the same thing. So… would you consider designing my dress?”

  Leah beamed. “I would love to.” Her heart drummed inside her chest. “When’s the wedding?”

  “We haven’t set a date yet, but I’m thinking in the fall.”

  She made a note on her notepad. Next, she opened her laptop and searched for wedding dresses. “Any style you wanted? Mermaid? Sleeved gown?”

  April tilted her head to the side. “I love mermaid style.”


  “Definitely a veil.”

  She then turned her laptop screen for April to see. “This will give me an idea of what you’re looking for. Here…” She pointed to an ivory lace dress. “This has a scoop neck compared to this one with A-line neck. V-neck is always a favorite of mine.”

  April cupped her cheek in her hands as she rested it in her palm. Leaning forward, she crossed her legs. “So many options.”

  “Don’t get overwhelmed. That’s why I’m here. You tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.” Leah gave her a smile, hoping her assurance relieved the bride-to-be.

  April leaned back in her chair but then her eyes lit as if she saw her inspiration. “I love this one.” She pointed to the mermaid styled short-sleeved dress. “I love the neckline, but can we do strapless?”

  “Absolutely,” Leah said. She added the changes to her notepad.


  Chip barked and jetted toward Leah, his little ears flopping as he bounded up and down the floor. Warmth radiated through her. How did she ever live without her little puppy? She opened her arms and hugged him close while squatting to the floor. Her phone buzzed in her purse, so she freed him from her grasp to check her messages.

  6:21 PM… Seth: On my way. See u soon

  Leah’s eyes widened. She dashed to her bedroom in search of something to wear. She decided on her fitted jeans, but switched her top to a white t-shirt and floral blazer. She pulled her loose curls into a high ponytail. Chip circled her, his pink tongue out. She bent and patted his back.

  She balanced herself against the wall as she slipped her feet into her heels. She tilted her head. She scurried to her closet only to hear her doorbell. Chip barked and sped to the front door. Leah slipped her feet inside her flats.

  She strolled to the front door. She opened it to see Seth, his eyes gleaming.

  “You look great,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  He lowered his head to the floor. “You got a puppy.” He squatted to the floor and reached out a hand. Chip hesitated but soon reached out his paw. “He’s cute.” Seth scratched behind his ears.

  Leah reached down and picked up her puppy. “He’s going to keep Mrs. Hartley company tonight.”

  “Oh, good.” He waited as she gathered up her purse and Chip. After dropping Chip off, Leah settled into the passenger’s seat of Seth’s truck.

  “How was your day?” Seth asked.

  “Good. I’m designing another wedding dress. Did you hear about Jeremy and April’s engagement?”

  “Yeah, Cole told me about it.”

  Her chest fluttered at the sound of his name. “Yeah, it was exciting. April can’t wait.”

  Seth turned the corner heading down the road. “Jeremy’s done well for himself. Knowing April though, the wedding may be over the top.”

  “All brides can be that way in one form or another.”

  “Is this the second dress you’ve designed?” he asked.

  “Yes. It’s been a…” She folded her hands in her lap. “It’s been overwhelming, but I love what I do.”

  “I miss those days.”

  She cocked her head toward him. “You don’t enjoy coaching the kids?”

  He sighed. “I do. I never thought I would be a coach, but when you’ve planned your life another way, reality has a way of taking away your dreams.”

  “I’m sorry, Seth. I can’t imagine what that feels like.”

  He kneaded his shoulder. “It was rough. For a moment, I wondered would I ever walk again. That was the worse pain I ever felt, but once I finished physical therapy, I knew it wouldn’t be the same.”

  “You put this town on the map though. Piedmont Valley was proud. They still are.”

  “Are you?” he asked.

  “I am. I was happy for you. For a while, you were living your dreams.”

  “But I left you behind.” His jaw slackened.

  “I understood.”

>   He cleared his throat. “Well… hopefully, you’ll have fun with what I have planned. Are you up for it?”

  “I think so.” She leaned forward to look outside the window. “Albert’s Deli?”

  Seth pulled the truck over to park. “I thought we could take a walk down memory lane.”

  Leah stared at the neon sign and grinned. “Let’s go.”

  Upon entry, the doorbell chimed. The line of customers was short, so she and Seth walked to claim a spot. A few people occupied small tables and chairs, while some gathered at the eating counter with stools along the front window. Leah heard the chatting of friends, crackly wax paper, and the ding of the cash register.

  As they approached the counter, her eyes spotted an expansive case filled with cured meats. Her mouth watered at the sight of pepperoni, turkey, and smoked chicken. Sandwich fixings followed such as lettuce, several kinds of cheese, pickles, onions, tomatoes, olives, and hot peppers. A fridge and cooler sat behind the counter, along with deli slicers, trays of baguettes, and fresh sandwich bread.

  Albert’s eyes shined at the sight of her, with the corners of his eyes crinkling. His thick eyebrows raised at their arrival. The fluorescent light above gave a glow to his bald dark brown head. To be in his early sixties, his bulky build showed he kept in shape. “Well, well, look at you coming to visit me today.”

  Leah waved. “I see you around town and at church.”

  Albert shook his head. “But I enjoy seeing you here, at least more than once.” His eyes shifted to Seth. “Seeing you two here brings back memories.”

  Seth folded his arms as his eyes perused the menu above. “I think the lady still prefers your turkey club sandwich. I’ll have the same.” He nudged Leah’s shoulder. “Am I right?”

  “You remembered?”

  “Some things I do.” A corner of his mouth quirked up.

  Celeste came from the back with her hands full of chips to restock the rack. Her eyes lit when she saw Seth, and Leah tilted her head noticing the woman’s eyes gleam. When Celeste’s eyes met Leah’s, she scanned between her and Seth. Her shoulders drooped, and she returned to the kitchen. Albert used his gloved hands to prepare their orders. Seth shifted from one foot to another as Leah eyed him.

  “You’ve changed,” she said.

  “How so?”

  She gave a half shrug. “Just not the same boy I knew in high school.”

  “You look the same. Beautiful as always.”

  Her lips parted. “Always the smooth talker.”

  Seth let out a deep breath. “I think I used it to impress you.”

  She cocked her head toward him.

  “I guess when you play sports, the stereotype of that’s all you know can grate on you. No one really took me seriously, thinking all I knew was how to throw a football.” He faced her. “You made me feel like I could do anything.”

  She swallowed. Her heart fluttered. “You never told me that.”

  “You believed in me, Leah. I’ll never forget that.”

  “Pickup 22,” Albert announced.

  Leah blinked. What did she say to Seth? “I think that’s our order.” She pivoted to find a table while he retrieved their food. She settled into a chair still taken aback by Seth’s admission.

  “Here we go,” he said, placing a plastic food tray on the table.

  Leah reached for her sandwich, only to graze Seth’s hand. His eyes stared, but she resumed arranging the food on their small table.

  Seth relaxed in his chair across from her. “Something wrong? You look a little…”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What?”


  “I’m fine.” She bit into her sandwich. Despite the succulent turkey touching her tongue, her mouth went dry. She then sampled her glass of water Seth brought.

  “Would you rather go somewhere else?”

  She swallowed, ignoring the prickling sensation on her scalp. “No, I’ll be fine. This feels… like a… date.”

  “I guess my plan to sweep you off your feet’s not working.”

  She avoided his gaze, staring at her half-eaten sandwich. “What happened to hanging out?” She lifted her chin to face him, determined not to sigh aloud.

  “It started out that way, Leah.” His eyes gazed into hers. “I didn’t plan on this.”

  “Seth, before you—”

  “Let me finish, Leah. I have one more place to take you. If you’ll hear me out, I can explain everything.” He sounded so hopeful.

  If only her feelings for Cole didn’t surface. When did they become stronger than those she had for Seth? Was it the dance at the wedding? The way he held her and swayed her across the floor stole her breath. A feeling of emotional connection percolated between them. She could still feel his thumb tracing her jawline, leaving a trail of heat behind on her skin.

  Now as she sat across from Seth, the clarity descending upon her broke her heart. Though the thought of reconciling with him crossed her mind, Cole had her heart. Her body went still that night at the wedding. If April hadn’t squealed, he would have kissed her. Even worse, she would have kissed him back.

  Refocusing on Seth, she once again saw the optimism in his eyes. “Okay.”

  Dinner went smoother with their small talk, but a heavy feeling in her stomach intensified. Seth would steal furtive gazes off and on. With his expression sweet and soft, she knew there was something he wanted to tell her. If it was what she assumed, it had to do with their relationship.

  Once they finished dinner, they both said goodbye to Albert. Celeste stared after Seth, and Leah slipped her a curious glance before waving. Seth escorted her back to his truck, opening the door for her. She settled into her seat and crossed her ankles in front of her. Seth didn’t say a word when he slid into the driver’s seat. Jazz music from the radio filled the background as they cruised down the road.

  Leah bit on the inside of her cheek. What could she do? Then her eyes diverted out the window. Seth parked his truck, and she unclicked her seatbelt. Her chest tingled as they exited his truck.

  She paced toward Piedmont Valley’s lake. The trees bowed casting their own reflection on the water. Moonlight peeked through the billowing clouds and glittered off the waves. Thin tree stumps stuck out from the water, which gently lapped the shoreline.

  The gravel crunched underneath her feet as she walked toward the long dock. The wind whispered through the trees, while the insects buzzed. Fresh air filled her lungs. It brought back the memories of Seth bringing her here.

  “I haven’t been here since…” She twirled around to face Seth.

  “I asked you to be my girlfriend here. This was where we had our first kiss.”

  Her eyes widened. “Seth, I—”

  He maneuvered closer to her. “I’m sorry, Leah. This didn’t turn out the way I planned it.”

  “Seth, what’s going on?”

  “I wanted to take you… on a retrospective date.”


  “I know.” He drew closer. “Being with you and hanging out together has brought back all those feelings I felt in high school. To be honest, I don’t think they ever went away.” He caught her hands in his, allowing his thumbs to graze her knuckles.


  “I don’t know if we’ll ever get back what we had, but I know I never should have left you. It’s the biggest regret of my life. I had everything I could ever want, but you weren’t there to share it with me. When I got injured and had to come home, seeing your face made me smile for the first time.”

  The thickness in Leah’s throat increased. His admission made her wish things were different. The love of her life as a teen, but as a woman could they get back what they had? Did she want to? Would it even be the same? In that moment, she wanted to disappear. She hung her head. “I can’t lie to you, Seth.”

  “I know it’s a lot to take in, but Leah, I—”

  “You can’t, Seth.” Her eyes brimmed with tears. She raised her chin. “I can’t…”<
br />
  Seth’s jaw went slack. He cupped her cheek, allowing his thumb to graze her jawline. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Her shoulders drooped, and she avoided eye contact. “You didn’t. I’m a little overwhelmed. Everything’s happening so fast, and I’m trying to process it all. I need time to think things through.”

  He released his grip on her hands. Leah rubbed her forearms unsure of what else to say. Did she tell him his brother was the one who had her second-guessing things?

  “I’m sorry, Seth.”

  He rubbed the back of his head. “I didn’t mean to make things awkward between us.”

  She inched closer and swept her hand in his. “I don’t regret one second what happened between us. It’s… we’re different people now. A lot has happened in my life. The man I thought I would marry left me behind. If you can be patient with me—”

  He clasped her hand tighter. Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “Take all the time you need.”

  She let out a shaky breath. “Thank you.”

  Seth led her back to his truck, opening the door for her. The drive back was silent, and Leah didn’t fill it with useless conversation. What could she say?

  Pulling back up to her driveway, she unfastened her seatbelt. She went for the door handle, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  “I want you to be happy, Leah.”

  Leah glanced over at him. “I want the same for you too.”

  “I’ll be out of town for a few days. Think we can talk when I get back?”


  He gave a half smile. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, Seth.”

  After picking Chip up from Mrs. Hartley’s, Leah walked through her front door, not stopping until she reached her bedroom, even as Chip squirmed in her arms. Her puppy licked her chin, and she grinned. Still, she wanted to retreat in her house and never leave. How did she handle all of this? How did she choose?

  On one hand, she and Seth shared a romantic history. They could pick up where they left off. Choosing Cole meant walking into the unknown. If they became more than friends, would the transition be smooth or awkward?


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