Wish for Love

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Wish for Love Page 17

by Daria White

  She rose to her feet. “I don’t have an appointment.”

  “So, you’re a walk in?”

  She swayed from side to side. A pleasant hum escaped her throat. “I thought the photographer here would be kind enough to make an exception. We go way back.”

  Cole lifted the camera and clicked a photo. “Did he like you back then?”

  “You tell me.” She laced her fingers together behind her back.

  His body went still, his eyes piercing into hers. “He did.”

  She held her breath for a moment. All this time, how did she not know? How did their friendship change to something more? Leah covered her face with her hands. Then Cole’s hands brought hers away from her face. His thumb grazed over her knuckles.

  “Tell me what’s wrong,” he asked, sounding worried.

  “Nothing. It’s…” she met his eyes with hers. “So much has changed, and it’s…”

  “Overwhelming?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “A little.”

  He then released his grip on her fingers and rested his hands on her shoulders. “We can take it slow. There’s no rush.”

  Her lips parted in a grin. “Are you sure? Because you’ve already kissed me.”

  He chuckled. “I kissed you?”

  “If I remember correctly, yes. Thank goodness Mrs. Hartley intervened.”

  “As I recall, someone was on the other end of that kiss.” He embraced her waist. “I don’t recall hearing her complaining then.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Maybe she didn’t want to.”

  Cole leaned in but paused, bringing their mouths within the same breathing space. “How about now? Does she trust me?”

  She whispered, “She’s always trusted you.”


  Their lips met, and euphoria washed over Leah as white foam on swept sands.


  Cole dropped his keys in the basket. He hated saying goodnight to Leah, but he lost track of time and the hour drew late. As he entered his room, his body tingled. Leah. She mattered to him more than anything in the world did. Could they make it work? Did that explain her sad eyes at the studio?

  Cole settled on his bed, rubbing one hand down his pant leg. Did Seth text her? Would she tell him if he did? He rubbed his eyebrow. Now came the test, and he wouldn’t fail.

  He waited too long for this moment. The nights they spent studying together, how he wanted to drape an arm around her. The night of prom, he wanted to kiss her goodnight. Graduation day, he longed to hold her hand when they tossed their caps in the air. He asked tonight if she trusted him. Transparent as the shining sun, she answered from her heart. Didn’t she?

  Yet, his doubt lingered like an unloved guest. Though Leah played off her frustration, he sensed something more, but he didn’t pry. Things being so new between them, he didn’t want to pressure her.

  Lowering his head, he couldn’t deny the joy blossoming inside. Heat radiated through his chest. Whatever the future, he wanted to face it with Leah. Love beamed on him like an unclouded sun.


  “Leah, you seem sad,” Luis pointed out as they danced back and forth.

  Leah pressed her lips together in a slight grimace. Though the salsa music played in the background, a heavyweight settled in her chest like a stone. In less than forty-eight hours, her life had flipped. Then she fumbled, tripping over her own feet, throwing her and Luis off balance. Thankfully, he steadied her.

  “Leah, do you need a minute?” he asked, sounding concerned.

  She blinked her eyes, refocusing on the conversation. “I’m okay. I’m sorry.”

  He cocked his head toward her. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  She and Luis resumed their positions, falling back into the rhythm of the class. For the rest of the class, Leah kept up with the rest of her salsa lesson. By the time Juan and Gia called it a night, Leah dabbed the sweat from her forehead. If only she could hide out. If Cole were with her now. He had held her hand gently as he kissed her, brushing his fingers against hers.

  What did Brian want? As soon as she accepted her feelings for Cole, Brian texted her and later called when she made it home from Cole’s studio. She couldn’t avoid him forever. Waving goodbye to her dance classmates, she stepped out to the sidewalk. She heard the cars driving past, along with the breeze fluttering. Curiosity rising inside her, she listened to the voicemail.

  “I guess I missed you,” Brian said. He cleared his throat. “Look, Leah, I need to talk to you. I don’t want to say it over the phone because it’s too important. Call me back, please.” Silence followed.

  Leah lingered with her phone to her ear as she paced to her car. Did they not settle everything when he left Piedmont Valley? She would never forget the tears she shed when he moved away. Her heart wept like a full sponge and loneliness had struck her like a blow.

  Yet, Brian’s voice sounded serious. Perhaps he wanted to catch up, but why? Leah was living her life and getting along without him. New beginnings stood ahead for her. Contentment spread through her body.

  Entering her home, she saw a note from her dog walker. Then she heard Chip’s barks. He rushed to her feet, and she squatted to embrace him. She scratched his belly, and Chip wiggled on his back, his tongue hanging from his mouth.

  “When did everything get so complicated?” She couldn’t talk to Brian—at least not now. He would have to wait. Leah stood, leaving Chip wagging his tail in front of her.

  She strolled to her kitchen and rested her elbows on the island. How did she clean this up? Meeting with Seth for lunch, he didn’t deserve her silence, although he agreed to give her time to think. Leah blew out her cheeks, clueless on her next move.

  Chapter 23

  Leah tapped her heels on the checkered tiled floor of Carol’s Diner. Cutlery clinking on tables and scratching against plates filled her ears, along with the gurgle of water filling glasses, and friends talking and laughing. She rubbed her clammy palms together. She gulped her water to relieve her dry mouth, but it didn’t extinguish her frayed nerves.

  For the first time, it fell in her lap. Is this what it felt like to break someone’s heart? Then the front door swung open, and the bell rang above as more customers trotted inside. He walked over to her booth, a grimace lingered on his face.

  “Have you ordered yet?” Seth asked, his voice clipped.

  Running her fingers through her hair, Leah’s pulse increased. “Not yet. How are you?”

  Seth’s eyes flashed at her. “Alright.”

  “Thanks for meeting me.”

  “No problem.” He rested his elbows on the table, twisting his watch on his wrist. He sighed heavily.

  “Everything okay?”

  “You tell me.” With a pinched expression, Seth leaned in closer. His head cocked to the side.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t called you sooner. A lot has changed, and I…” Her words hung on the tip of her tongue.

  Seth’s gaze flicked up for a moment, but then he fixed his eyes on her again. “I learned something, Leah, the day I got hurt on the field.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He rubbed his brow as if to ward off a headache. “I thought I had it all figured out. I was going to be the best quarterback that ever lived. I would break records and make my family proud.”

  “You did. Everyone is proud of you.”

  His shoulders dropped. “I know. It was my dream, but dreams aren’t always the way you want them.” With eyes like limpid pools in a shadow, Seth continued. “I’ll understand, Leah, if your dream of us has changed. All you have to do is be honest.”

  She lowered her gaze for a moment. Then she lifted her chin, her throat tightening. “There was a time… when I was in love with you, Seth Parsons.”

  He bit down on his lower lip. “I loved you too, Leah.”

  She wanted to dash out the door, but she needed to finish. Though her stomach hardened, she pressed forward. “I’m so
sorry and I appreciate your honesty, but… I don’t think we can get back what we had. I don’t… feel the same.”

  He lowered his face but once he exhaled deeply; he lifted his chin. “Is that why you didn’t tell me about you and Cole?”

  “What… I… how did you—”

  “My mom wanted me to drop off some dinner for him, so I stopped by his studio. Imagine my surprise when I saw you there—with him.”

  Her mouth fell open. She was silent, sitting before him like a little statuesque figure. Leah squeezed her eyes shut. He couldn’t have. A flush of adrenaline tingled through her body. How did she explain? Her plan didn’t factor in either of them; her life changed since her wish.

  Leah clasped her hands together in her lap. She closed her eyes and summoned a deep breath. Then her eyes shifted to him. “I’m sorry.”

  He slowly shook his head and cleared his throat. “If you don’t mind, I’ve lost my appetite.” He got to his feet, avoiding her gaze.

  Leah jumped up and clutched his hand. Thankfully, Seth didn’t jerk away. “Seth, please understand. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  He gave a mirthless laugh. “I guess I deserve that. I said that same thing to you, didn’t I?”

  Her chin quivered. Taking a deep, pained breath, she closed her eyes. “I’m not the same girl you knew in high school, Seth.” She opened her eyes and glanced up at him.

  Stepping back, Seth unclutched her hand. His grimace lingered as he pivoted to leave the diner. The pain in the back of Leah’s throat increased. Losing her own appetite, she grabbed her purse to leave. She wished she could go back and change what happened. Seth’s broken demeanor replayed in her mind. Now every nerve in her body seemed like a strained harp-string ready to snap at a touch. Exiting the diner, she pulled out her phone and called Amber.

  “Yes, Ms. Morris,” she answered.

  Leah rubbed her forehead. “I’m going to take a longer lunch break. I’ll be back at the store in an hour.”

  “No problem. Is everything okay?”

  Leah looked heavenward. “Everything’s fine. Call me if there’s an emergency.” With that, she hung up and scurried to her car.


  Shoulders rolled back, Leah’s eyes fixed on the mixed grasses and clovers. Sunbeams flashed on her face like a sudden divine delight. As her eyes further perused the terrain, some wildflowers added a spot of color, while tractors and farm equipment filled vacant spaces. A breeze shushed through the grass, flies buzzed, and Molly’s hooves pawed at the dirt. Leah patted the mare’s back.

  She inhaled the sun-warmed earth and blooming flowers. Gently gripping the reins, she directed Molly back to the stables. How would she get out of this mess? Blowing out her cheeks, a sinking feeling resonated in her stomach. Inwardly, she cringed. Experiencing this from the other side, she never understood the pain of breaking someone’s heart—until now.

  Seth’s gestures were sweet, and yet she couldn’t deny the passion igniting inside her with Cole around. Her lips twitched into a grin. Her thoughts centered on the facts revealing the truth.

  She loved Cole. It shook her heart as the wind would a reed. If only her happiness didn’t mean the pain of another person. Guilt poured over her like a trembling flood. Sure, she could apologize, but she couldn’t turn off her feelings. While she shared memories with Seth, the promise of something new with Cole brewed inside her.

  For the first time in a while, she wanted to try. Her fears, she could face head-on. Her journey to herself had proven what she was capable of all along. No longer would she hide behind her relationships. She would be loved for who she was and would refuse any man who would want her to conform to his life and plans without considering hers.

  Seth didn’t fit completely into this category but… Brian did. Too many times, she’d given in, silenced herself, thinking she was “keeping the peace.” Yet, her voice in the relationship died. How did she let it go on for so long? Why wouldn’t she speak up? Although Brian wasn’t the enemy, he didn’t make her needs a priority.

  Her excuse… at least she wasn’t alone. It wasn’t enough anymore. Singleness wasn’t a curse. In fact, since she had taken a break, she knew her heart much more now than ever before.

  Back at the stables, she dismounted Molly and allowed the mare to nuzzle her face. Dust and dirt filled the air, and Leah choked on the dust that crept into her mouth. She unsaddled Molly after leading her back to her stall. She’d come a long way from someone who feared horses.

  Giving Molly one final pat, Leah walked out of the stables. Waving goodbye to Will, she continued to her car, sliding into the driver’s seat. As soon as her phone buzzed, she answered Gemma’s call.

  “Hey,” Leah greeted, cranking the engine.

  “Where are you?” Gemma asked, sounding worried. “I thought you were stopping by the shop after lunch.”

  Leah rubbed her face. “Sorry, Gem. It’s been…”

  “Been what?”

  “Seth knows about me and Cole.”

  “That’s great you told him.” When nothing but silence followed, Gemma pressed, “Leah? Am I missing something?”

  “Cole… surprised me last night with a picnic at his studio.”

  “Aww… he was always my favorite.”

  Leah broke into a grin. “Can we focus, please? I didn’t get a chance to tell Seth. Cole kissed me, and Seth saw us through the window.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I met him for lunch today and I forgot to tell you. He looked…”



  Gemma sighed. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know now. I wanted to explain, but he wouldn’t give me the chance.”

  “Explain what?”

  “That I didn’t mean to hurt him. I didn’t plan on any of this, Gem. I was finally okay with being by myself.”

  “I know.”

  “So why does it look as if I’ve complicated things even more?”

  “How do you feel, Leah?”

  Her bottom lip quivered. “I want to try with Cole.”

  “Then go for it. Seth will understand. He of all people will understand. Give him time and then tell him what you’re feeling. He loves his brother, and if he still cares about you, he’ll want both of you to be happy.”

  Would he? He wouldn’t hold a grudge against her and Cole. Leah thumbed her ear with her free hand. Perhaps Seth needed time to get used to the idea. However long he needed, she would respect his wishes.

  “Thanks, Gem,” Leah said.

  “So… you and Cole?”

  “We kissed.”

  “But you want it to be more?”

  “I think so.” Leah’s phone beeped in her ear and she looked to see who was calling.

  It had to be important, since Brian didn’t take her silence as a clue she didn’t want to be bothered. Leah ran a hand down her neck. When her phone buzzed again, she checked to see he sent a text message.

  1:15 PM… Brian: Hear me out Leah. That’s all I ask

  She put the phone back to her ear. “Gem, I’ll talk to you later. I need to change and head back to the boutique.”

  “No problem.”

  Leah hung up cradling her phone in her hands. A small part of her wanted to know what he wanted. What if he needed closure? As she tapped her lips, she sent her reply.

  1:20 PM… Leah: Okay


  “Thanks for doing this, Cole,” Jeremy said. He twisted his wristwatch. “If only April would hurry and change.”

  Cole chuckled. “I wouldn’t rush her. I’ve learned that a woman likes looking her best in engagement photos.”

  Jeremy stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I’m getting married.” A glazed look overtook his face.

  Cole cocked his head to the side. “You’re ready, right?”

  Closing his eyes and exhaling deeply, Jeremy met his stare. “I know I am. It’s a little… overwhelming.”

p; “You wouldn’t change things, would you? About April?”

  Jeremy stared into space, as if smiling at nothing. A silly love-struck look made his eyes beam. “No, I wouldn’t change my mind. I love April more than anything.”

  Immediately, Cole recognized the feeling. Leah’s face was like a light that brightened his days. If she called his phone now, he would race to answer. What he wouldn’t give to see her, but he couldn’t abandon his work. Was she thinking about him as he was about her? Taking a deep breath, Cole willed his body to relax. He loved the sound of her laugh. Her bravery, though she denied half the time what she could do.

  “Are you okay?” Jeremy asked, waving his hand in front of Cole as if to wake him up.

  Repeatedly Cole blinked. “Yeah, why?”

  “I asked what you thought of the mid-century modern house I showed you two days ago.”

  “It was nice, but not my style. It has the space, but I can’t see myself living there.”

  His friend bobbed his head. “I’ll make a note of that. I’ll get back on it. I have two more lined up for you so let me know when you’re free.”

  “I will.” Would Leah like his place once he chose one? He imagined her coming over and cooking dinner with him. Would they bake her beloved treats or stick to the homemade meals they grew up eating?

  “Cole, you sure you’re okay?”

  He swallowed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing. Looks like I’m not the only one thinking about his woman.”

  Cole’s lips parted to answer, but his phone buzzed in his back pocket. Once he retrieved it, heat radiated through his chest at the message.

  1:43 PM… Leah: Dinner tonight? I’ll cook

  The words jumped off the message like crickets in the moonlight. He wanted to run a victory lap, but that would be unprofessional in front of his clients. Jeremy probably wouldn’t care, but his unusual behavior already raised questions. Cole wanted none snooping, even though he considered Jeremy a friend. Was he ready for people to ask questions? He and Leah weren’t even official yet. Yet, he answered her message.

  1:45 PM… Cole: I’ll be there

  He had a date with Leah. Surely pigs were flying, since he never thought this day would come. Did he really kiss her? Yes. Was he falling in love with her more and more each day? Yes. Would Seth be upset once he found out?


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