Wish for Love

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Wish for Love Page 18

by Daria White

  Dropping his chin to his chest, Cole released a shaky breath. His spirits sunk like a stone. He wanted to fade in the background as he did with objects when he manipulated photos. No Photoshop could help him now. Holding up a finger to Jeremy, he excused himself to his office.

  At that moment, he contemplated calling his brother. What would he say? Seth, though back in town, wasn’t home from work yet. Could Cole consider this an emergency call? No. He couldn’t tell his brother over the phone. As a man, he needed to tell him face to face. Would he gain his brother’s respect when he did?

  A sour taste settled in Cole’s mouth. He would tell him tonight. Once he finished dinner with Leah. On one hand, he wished time would speed up so he could see her, but dreaded the ticks on the clock knowing he would have to confess to his brother.

  Like a ship tossed back and forth on the waves of life's sea, solutions tore at Cole’s insides. He couldn’t give up Leah. He barely had a chance with her. Seth knew what it was like to have her in his life, and he threw it away. Was that Cole’s fault his brother realized his mistakes too late?

  His chest heaved a sigh. He loved his brother. He didn’t want to hurt him, but how many more times could he take a backseat? Didn’t the town still refer to him as “Seth’s little brother?” He had to travel the world to gain a name. While Leah wasn’t a conquest he wanted to win, didn’t he deserve a fair shot with her?

  Like lead, his footsteps were heavy as Cole moseyed his way back to the front room. April emerged from the dressing room and wrapped her arms around Jeremy’s neck. He leaned forward and kissed her lips, bringing out a giggle from his bride-to-be. Cole then grabbed his camera.

  “You two ready?” he asked, forcing enthusiasm on his face.

  April bounced on her toes. “I can’t wait!”

  Jeremy kissed her temple.

  Cole directed them to the backdrop for their photos. Like standing at a crossroads, no decision would be easy. He sighed as he directed April and Jeremy’s photo shoot. He couldn’t let Leah go. His brother would have to understand.

  Chapter 24

  Chip’s barks alerted Leah someone was at the front door. Primping in the mirror one final time, she scurried to answer it. Her body relaxed the moment Cole’s eyes rested on hers. He carried grocery bags in each hand.

  “I told you I would cook.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “I thought it’d be fun to do it together.” He walked past her toward the kitchen. “Besides, this will prove that I can cook.”

  Leah and Chip followed him. Once he sat the bags on the counter, Cole bent down to greet her puppy. Chip reached out a paw, and Cole took it kindly. Chip immediately jumped in his lap. He patted his back.

  “I guess I have his approval.”

  “Maybe,” she teased.

  One final pat to Chip and Cole stood upright. He washed his hands at the sink and then focused his eyes on Leah. She smoothed the front of her off-the-shoulder shirt. He drew closer to her, and the heat radiated through her chest. To her surprise, he kissed her forehead.

  “You look gorgeous,” he whispered.

  She eyed him. “You look good too.”

  He then raised her chin with a curled knuckle. “Should I kiss you now or later?”

  A low pleasant hum escaped her throat. How she wanted to kiss him when he first walked inside her home. She loved them cooking together and pressed her lips together to stifle her squeal.

  Instead, she cleared her throat. “I’m starving.” She slid past him but stopped mid-stride when he clutched her hand. Lacing his fingers with hers, he brought her to his chest. Resting his forehead against hers, Leah’s fingers rested against the nape of his neck.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi.” She breathed in his manly scent, not wanting to be anywhere else.

  He swayed her back and forth, and soon the couple danced in a circle. Leah leaned her head on Cole’s chest, while one of his hands splayed across her back. The time glided like a dream. His arms held her so secure. She never thought she would feel this treasured. Was this how it was supposed to be? If only her conscience didn’t upset her stomach. Her body stiffened, and Cole tipped his head back, glancing at her face.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Leah peeled his hands from her waist and moseyed to the other side of her kitchen island. Resting her palms on the countertop, she faced the man who was winning her heart.

  “Seth knows about… us.”

  Cole stared as if to search her face. “You told him?”

  “No. I met him for lunch today to… tell him how I felt. He saw us at your studio. He came by to drop off some dinner from your mom.”

  Cole made a steeple with his fingers and pressed them against his mouth. “What did he say?”

  “Not much, but I know it hurt him.” Leah wrapped her arms around herself.

  His mouth twisted, but then he walked over and captured her hands in his. “I’ll talk to him. I was planning on it anyway, so I have to say something tonight.”

  “I hate—”

  “I know.” He kissed her forehead. “It’ll be fine. Once he knows the whole truth, we’ll all be better off.”

  Leah sighed. “Are you sure? You didn’t see his face, Cole.”

  He pulled her closer. “I’m sure. I know my brother. He might want to knock me out, but he’ll understand.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Fixing his eyes on her, he said, “It’ll be okay. We can still have a good time tonight, but if you want me to go, I will.”

  Inspecting his face, she couldn’t deny the sincerity in his eyes. “Stay with me.”


  Her heart melted like the frost in the spring. She threaded her fingers through her low ponytail. “What are we cooking tonight?”

  Cole waggled his eyebrows. “Bruschetta chicken.”

  Her mouth watered, and she licked her lips. “You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “How hard can it be?”

  Leah’s mouth curved up.


  “What do you think?” Cole asked, as they sat at her dining room table.

  She stared at him, taking another bite. “Not bad.”

  He threw his head back with a chuckle. “Okay, you don’t have to give me credit.”

  She smiled. “Fine, you can cook. But this came from the back of a box.”

  He held up a finger. “The recipe came from the back of a box, but we cooked and seasoned the chicken ourselves.”

  Leah sipped from her glass of raspberry lemonade. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Why didn’t you tell me how you felt before?”

  Cole paused mid-bite. Placing his fork down, he angled his body toward hers. “Honestly… I didn’t think you would choose me.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  “I told you before I always felt second best next to Seth. I tried not to compare myself to him, but between family and friends, I couldn’t escape it.”

  With a stunned look on her face, she said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want you to look at me differently. You saw the best in me… and I didn’t want you to see me at my worst.”

  Leah ran her hand down the swoop of his cheek. “Cole…”

  Clutching her hand, he kissed the inside of her palm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down.”

  “You didn’t.” She reached out and hugged him, draping her arms around his neck.

  Cole encircled her waist, inhaling her fragrant scent. Like sweet thoughts in a dream, his body relaxed in her embrace. He lost himself in her, feeling safe and whole when they were together. His next words rested on the tip of his tongue. I love you, Leah. I love you so much.

  Caressing the back of his head, she cradled him to her. He didn’t want to leave. If he could stay with her forever, he would. Once he pulled away, heat crept up his spine the moment he focused on her face. L
eah’s fingers smoothed over his shoulder and every cell in his body came to attention.

  Did she know the power she possessed over him? The thought of giving her up caused a burning sensation inside his stomach. Like a great ring of pure and endless light, she brought the joy in his life. Knowing she felt the same, he could never walk away from her.

  “Did you bring a dessert?” A silly grin formed across her face.

  Cole winked at her. “Depends.”

  “On what?”

  He leaned forward. The steady sound of her breathing whistled in his ears. Her delicate touch to his neck made him inhale sharply. Entranced by her full lips, he kissed the corner of her mouth. Drawing back, he watched her eyebrows squish together.

  She said, “I think you missed.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Running his thumb over her cheek, his mouth slid over hers. She electrified him as her lips meshed with his. Cole drowned in the moment, but the tingling in his chest heightened. If only he didn’t have to talk to his brother. Would Seth understand? They were brothers. They would work things out, right?

  Why couldn’t he block his thoughts now? Leah was in his arms. How he wished for this moment, and now that he had her, the worst-case scenario stared him in the face. He didn’t want to think about it now. Still, it racked his ears like an explosion of steam-whistles. Willing himself to stay in the moment, his hands brushed through Leah’s curls, loving her soft locks.

  Then he moved his hands over the back of her neck, giving her one final kiss before bringing their foreheads together. She rubbed his forearms, and he hoped she didn’t sense the tension in his muscles.


  “Sorry, a lot on my mind.”

  “Is it what I think it is?”

  “Figuring out what I’m going to tell Seth.”

  Leah patted his arm. “I’m sorry I put you in this mess.”


  “If it wasn’t for me, you and Seth wouldn’t have this problem. I don’t want to come between you two. Maybe this is a—”

  “Don’t Leah. I know things didn’t turn out the way we planned, but you…” Closing his eyes, he took a calming breath. “I want to be with you.”

  Cole stroked her chin with his thumb and forefinger. His breath caught when she leaned in closer. Focusing on her lips, he closed his eyes, but barks in the background interrupted the moment.

  Leah kissed his cheek. “He’s feeling left out.”

  “I would be too if he had all your attention.”

  Leah touched his face and rose to her feet. “Want some dessert?”

  Cole bent over to Chip, reaching his arms forward. The puppy padded its paws toward him. “Sure.” He scratched behind the puppy’s ears, and then a buzzing phone bounced on the table. “Is that your phone?”

  “Yeah, it might be Gemma. Can you check?” she asked.

  Cole reached for her phone and turned to glance at the screen. His mouth slackened, and being at a loss for words, he put the phone down. Did he read the message right? He clicked on the screen once more.

  8:38 PM… Brian: Thanks 4 giving me another chance. Call u when I get a minute

  What did that mean? Cole pushed her phone to the side. What did this mean for them?

  “Was that her?” Leah asked. “I missed lunch with her today, so she may have been calling to reschedule.”

  “No,” Cole said, his voice clipped.

  Leah paused in front of the island, stepping away from the carton of ice cream. “What’s wrong? Something happen?” She wiped her hands with a dishtowel and shuffled over to him.

  Silent like a passing cloud, Cole slid her phone toward her. Then he got to his feet. He stared as she checked her messages. Her eyes widened, and then her gaze flicked to him.

  “I can explain,” she said.

  “I’m listening.” The tightness in his jaw caused discomfort, but it didn’t compare to the ache in his chest.

  “He wants to talk.”

  “Since when?”

  “I don’t know. He has a new number, and you know I don’t answer numbers I don’t recognize.”

  “What does he want?”

  “I haven’t talked to him yet.” Her shoulders drooped. “I’ve been avoiding it.”

  Cole rubbed the back of his neck. “I should go.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Why?”

  “I think it’s best until you figure things out.”

  A stony expression transformed her face. “So… that’s it?”

  He rubbed his head to ward off his mounting headache. “No… that caught me off guard.”

  “How do you think I feel? I didn’t ask him to call me. Why are you acting as if this is my fault?”

  Cole heaved a sigh, taking her hands in his. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Do you always assume the worst of people?”

  Like a cold wind, her words went through him. Did he always assume the worst? Why couldn’t he trust her the way he wanted her to trust him? So what if her ex called, he didn’t ask her to marry him? Judging by her frown, Leah wasn’t ecstatic about Brian reaching out to her, anyway. Still, Cole’s doubts chattered like a noisy argument. He couldn’t silence them.

  “Cole?” She touched his forearm.

  He kissed her in response. It was the only rational thing to do, and thankfully, she didn’t pull away. He held her to his chest, lingering over her mouth allowing himself to let go. Finally, he pulled away, and he heard Leah gasp.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Do what you need to do.”

  “What about us?”

  “I’ll be here.”


  “I’ll be here in any form you want me.” With that, he stepped away, leaving her alone in the kitchen and proceeded to the front door. Once inside his truck, he released a deep breath. He backed out of the driveway, dreading the approaching conversation with his brother.


  Cole walked into Seth’s house. He rubbed at his face and eyes. He and Leah could work things out. Surely, she wouldn’t rekindle with her ex-boyfriend. Not after he abandoned her for his career. Dragging his footsteps, he rehearsed his words in his mind. More important matters were at hand than Leah’s ex-almost fiancé.

  He found Seth sitting on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. The light from the television glowed from his face, but judging by his brother’s grim expression, Seth didn’t care for what he was watching.

  “Hey,” Cole said. “You got a minute?”

  Seth muted the TV but avoided eye contact. “What’s going on?”

  “I need to tell you something about… Leah and me.”

  Seth turned his face toward him. His eyes narrowed. “What about you two?”

  “Well… I have feelings for her and I—”

  Seth dismissed his comment with a wave. He jumped upright and paced past Cole. Still, Cole followed him.

  Minutely shaking his head, Cole asked, “You won’t hear me out at least?”

  “Hear what?” His brother cracked his knuckles. “How you went behind my back? How you stole the only woman I’ve ever loved?”

  “I didn’t go behind your back.”

  “Do you know how it felt to see you kissing her?”

  Cole’s nostrils flared. “How do you think I’ve felt all this time? Do you know what it felt like to have her choose you over me in high school? Besides, you left her.”

  “What?” Seth shuffled back a step.

  “I’ve always cared about her, but she chose you. I got stuck in the friend zone never getting a fair shot.”

  His brother pointed at him. “It’s not my fault you said nothing!”

  “I know, but I’m not backing down now.”

  “So, you steal her away? I’m your brother!”

  Cole’s pulse sped, his heart pounding. “This is why I can’t talk to you! You’ve never cared how I felt. It was always about you. Your career. Your football dreams. When was the last ti
me you supported me? All you care about is you. You don’t deserve her!”

  His brother’s expression grew tighter. “Is that what this is about? I didn’t cheer for you so you get your revenge by using Leah. That’s low Cole. Even for you.”

  “I’m not using her! I love her!” Like a blast from a horn, his words boomed from his mouth.

  Seth crossed his arms across his chest. “At least that’s something we have in common, but I’m not apologizing. You didn’t tell me.”

  Cole ground his teeth, and his muscles quivered. “You’re right. I said nothing, but I’m not doing that anymore.”

  Seth’s cold eyes bore into him. “Maybe you should crash at mom and dad’s tonight.”

  He flexed his fingers. “What? You’re kicking me out?”

  Seth drifted past him without another word. Cole huffed a breath and strode to his bedroom. Grabbing a duffle bag, he packed what he needed for the night.

  Chapter 25

  “You’re beating that dough hard.” Leah’s mother raised an eyebrow. Tilting her head to the side, she drew her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Leah pressed her fingers into the dough. With the spring festival approaching, they were baking sugar cookies for the extravaganza. With a compilation of hamburgers, hot dogs, and a plethora of desserts, Piedmont Valley never disappointed to bring its community together. Responsible for half of the twenty-four dozen sugar cookies, Leah volunteered to assist her mother. Thankfully, her mother was more than halfway finished. How? She wished she possessed her mother’s baking skills.

  “I’m fine.” Though her lips pressed together, she willed her nerves to relax.


  She paused in front of the counter. “Yes.”

  Her mother wiped her hands with a dishtowel. “What’s wrong?”

  Shoulders drooping, Leah sighed. “Brian called.”


  “Two weeks ago. He has a new number, so I didn’t know it was him until he left a voicemail.”

  “I see.”


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