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Wish for Love

Page 20

by Daria White

  This couldn’t be his brother. “I appreciate that, but I was wrong. You always supported me. Truth is, you going after your dreams inspired me to do the same.”

  “I uh… love you.”

  “Love you too.” Cole swallowed the lump in his throat. “So, uh… how about them Yankees?”

  Seth laughed. “Not a fan, you know that.”

  “Who doesn’t like the Yankees?”

  “Me, but there’s something else I need to tell you.” He stood upright and sauntered over to the couch to sit next to him.

  “What’s that?”

  “I reached out to my former agent last year. I wrote a book.”

  “You did?”

  Seth bobbed his head. “An autobiography. My life in the NFL, how being injured changed me, but how I still persevered. I got a publishing deal.”

  “You got a publishing deal? That’s why you couldn’t make it to the wedding?”

  His brother smiled. “Yeah, I met them in person. They loved it, and they want to put together a book tour.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I felt embarrassed. Has-been NFL player trying to get back on his feet. I wanted to make the town proud again.”

  “We’ll always be proud.”


  Cole clinked his glass with his brother at PV’s Bar & Grill. After taking a gulp, his bottle thumped on the bar once he placed it down.

  “So, Brian called her?” Seth asked. Then he took a seasoned fry in his mouth.

  “You sure you don’t mind—”

  Seth raised his hand to ward off his comment. “It’ll take time, but I’ll be fine. You weren’t the only one who grew up. Life’s too short to wallow.”

  Cole cracked a smile.

  “So, Brian called?”

  “Yeah, and I panicked and left. She called, and I missed them. I haven’t called her back.”

  His brother scrunched his eyebrows. “Why not?”

  “I guess… I don’t want to hear what she has to say.”

  “What if its good news? What if she’s through with Brian?” Seth nudged his shoulder. “Take it from someone who’s already lost her. Don’t let her go.”

  Cole opened his mouth to respond but stopped. Celeste looked over their way, and her eyes focused on Seth.

  “What do you think of Celeste?”

  Seth’s eyebrows shot up. “What?”

  Cole gestured in her direction, and Seth jerked his head toward her. Celeste settled in a near booth with three other females.

  His brother sipped his glass. “Why do you ask?”

  “She likes you.”

  “Since when?”

  He eyed his brother. “You haven’t noticed? I can feel the tension from across the room.”

  “We talk now and then in passing but it’s nothing serious.”

  “I understand.”

  Seth leaned forward and rested his elbows on the bar top. “You want the truth?”


  “Celeste… she’s the one that got me thinking about publishing my book.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I wrote a few chapters, and it slipped in our conversation one day when I stopped by the diner for lunch. I told her I wasn’t sure, but she said she would be the first to read it when I finished it.” His brother hung his head.

  “That’s nice of her.”

  “It was. She’s sweet.”

  “So, you have noticed her?”

  Seth’s eyebrows furrowed. “Sure I did, but that means nothing.”

  “True.” Cole ate a French fry.

  “I don’t know about anything happening—”

  “Seth?” a female voice interrupted.

  Both brothers angled their bodies to face Celeste, who stood only a few inches away from Seth. Despite her biting her lower lip and scraping a hand through her hair, she rolled her shoulders back.

  “Yes?” Seth replied.

  “This is way out of my comfort zone, and I know this is not the right time, but I’m taking a risk.” She took a calming breath. “I like you. I always have. Whether you like me, I wanted to be honest and tell you the truth.”

  If only he was as bold.

  Seth cleared his throat. “I… don’t know what to say. You kind of… caught me off guard.”

  Celeste’s eyes shimmered with affection for him. “I know this was as random as it gets, but I wanted you to know.”

  Seth rubbed his chin. “You think we… can talk?”

  Celeste beamed. “I’d like that.”

  Cole checked his watch. “Well, I need to get going.” He stood upright and left a tip for the bartender. He didn’t say another word, but tiptoed around them and sauntered out the door.

  He pulled out his phone again, calling Leah. Nothing. He tried once more as soon as he settled in the driver’s seat of his truck. Should he give up? He cranked the engine and headed to her house. How angry was she? Sure, he could have picked up the phone, but her ex-boyfriend calling unexpectedly rattled him. He wouldn’t repeat his mistakes. Whoever loved him for him, he would cling tight to those people no matter what.

  Thankfully, there was little traffic to Leah’s house. Traffic jams in Piedmont Valley, rare. Cole pulled into her driveway only to have his heart sink. Her car wasn’t there. He blew out his cheeks.

  Did he wait too late? Why did he run when all he wanted was to hold her? The first sign of adversity and he bolted like lightning.

  The next time they talked, he would lay his cards on the table. He would never again rob her of her own choice. If she chose him, he would respect her decision either way. Was that real love, letting a person go? What if her happiness meant giving up his own?

  Cole gripped the steering wheel. The only thing that would calm his nerves was his deserted barn. Cranking the engine once more, he pulled out of Leah’s driveway. The hum of the engine kept him company as he drove in silence.

  Chapter 27

  Leah helped clear the plates from Gemma’s dining room table. “I’m glad the spring festival is still on. Too bad about all the damage to the center.”

  Gemma collected the glasses. “I know. From what I hear, we got a donation for the repairs.”

  “Any idea who?”

  “They said the person wanted to remain anonymous, but if I know April, that won’t be for long.” Gemma winked.

  The corners of Leah’s mouth turned up. “You’re right.”

  Gemma placed a hand on her hip. “Talk to me. I know that look.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Tell that to someone who hasn’t known you since elementary school.”

  She sighed. “Cole and I hit a rough patch. I’ve been calling and missing him. As soon as I got things settled with Brian and Seth—”

  “You talked to Seth finally?” Gemma reclaimed her seat at the dining table.

  “Yes. I don’t know if he’ll ever get used to the idea, but he said he wants me to be happy.”

  Gemma touched a hand to her chest. Were those tears in her eyes? She fanned her face. “Sorry, it’s so sweet.”

  Leah settled back into her own seat across from her best friend. “Are you crying?”

  “Sorry, I’ve been a little emotional lately.” Gemma’s voice choked with tears.

  “More than usual?” Leah joked.

  “Don’t make fun of me when I’m pregnant.”

  Leah’s mouth fell open. “What?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “What!” Leah’s voice raised in vocal pitch.

  “I know. I can’t believe it either.” Gemma dabbed her eyes.

  “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Me too. Chase can’t wait either.”

  Leah’s heart soared for her friend like an eagle dallying with the wind. Her friend would make a great mother. Was Cole her forever? How she wanted him to be. For the rest of her life, she wanted her life with Cole.

  She could still sense his lips to her forehead. His strong hands
splayed across her back. For a moment, Leah believed the world vanished around them. Like a mirage, it showed before her eyes, but all the mattered was Cole. Being with him meant the world to her. With him, her heart unfolded like a flower.

  Though her heart was certain… is that what he wanted? He feared so much of her not choosing him, would he choose her? With him well known in photography, would his work come between them? He wouldn’t let that happen. Not after the way he kissed her.

  His eyes had fixed on hers, so soft and sweet in his expression. The way he leaned in to erase the distance between them frequently touching her hands and face. How she longed to stay in that moment. His lingering touches made desire pool within her. All the while, the more difficult questions pressed on her mind.

  Could Leah support him if he wanted to travel again? Would she pick up her life and go with him? She always wanted to travel but never thought she possessed the courage to do it. Those days were long gone. Could she leave what she knew for him? Her nerves twitched.

  “Leah?” Gemma tilted her head to the side.

  Leah stood upright. “I should go.”


  “I… want to be by myself for a while.”

  “Leah.” Her best friend reached for her hand. “Everything will work out fine.”

  “I know.”


  Leah rushed to the door upon hearing insistent knocks. Looking through the window, her eyes bugged. She fussed over her hair and smoothed down the front of her shirt. She opened the door to stare at Cole.

  “I’m so sorry.” Walking inside, he gripped her hands and pivoted her body toward him. She shut the door with her foot.

  “I called you,” she replied.

  “I called you.”

  Her shoulders drooped. “So, this whole time we’ve been playing phone tag?”

  “I stopped by earlier, but you weren’t here.”

  “I was at Gemma’s.” A slow smile built on her face. “She’s pregnant.”

  His eyes beamed. “That’s great.”

  Leah slipped her hands from his. “It is. I’m happy for her.”

  “I’m so sorry, Leah. I shouldn’t have run out on you like that. I lost my head for a second.”

  She folded her arms and walked to her kitchen. He and Chip followed her. Cole kneeled to give a pat to her puppy, but then his eyes focused on her again.

  “I don’t blame you,” she said.

  “I should have trusted you.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “If you said it was over between you two, I should have believed you.”

  “Brian did… want to get back together.”

  Cole sighed. “What did you say?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “For the first time, I told him how I felt. I’ll always care about him, but the past needs to stay that way.”

  His mouth twitched into half a smile. “I wish we could’ve talked sooner. It would have saved us a lot of confusion.”

  “How are you and Seth?”

  He blew out his cheeks, resting his elbows on the counter. “He kicked me out of his house.”

  Her lips parted. “What? Cole, I’m so sorry I—”

  He waved his hand warding off her response. “It’s okay. We talked it out. I even patched things up with my dad.”

  “When did all this happen?”

  “In between us playing phone tag.”

  “I want you to know… I talked to Seth. I finally got things straight between us.”

  Cole stood upright, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “He didn’t tell me, but I can’t say I blame him. What happened?”

  “We agreed that we’re better off as friends.”

  He inched closer. “So… where does that leave me?”

  “You tell me.” With each step Cole took, heat radiated from her chest. Leah licked her lips. An overall tingling returned in her body. If he stared any harder, she would surely faint. Did he see her knees shaking?

  Closing the distance between them, he laced his fingers with hers. “I meant what I said, Leah. I want this.” He lifted her hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. She shivered. Then he draped her hand over his shoulder. His hand bracketed her waist. “I missed you like crazy, Leah.”

  “Not as much as I missed you,” she breathed.

  Then he kissed her as if they had never kissed before. A low pleasant hum slipped from her mouth when his lips claimed hers. Her arms encircled his neck. Did he lift her off her feet? Her brain fuzzed with static unable to concentrate on anything but him. She loved being in his arms.

  Deepening their kiss, he stole her breath. As his soft pecks lingered over her lips, her brain turned to mush. He must have set her back on her feet, because she sensed the ground beneath her once more. Then his hand caressed her cheek trailing all the way back to the nape. Leah’s body temperature rose to new heights. Goosebumps raised on her skin. When he broke away, she gasped.

  Cole smiled against her lips. “I told you I missed you.”

  “I see,” she said.

  Chip barked, and the couple laughed.

  Leah then rested her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head. She inhaled his scent as her eyes shut. Was it too soon to say she loved him? They only had one date, not counting their dinner together since he left abruptly. Cole stroked her back as if he wasn’t in a hurry to move. She gladly stayed.

  “You know…” he said, “With the festival this weekend, I will need a date.”

  She raised her head to look up at him. “Oh, really?”

  He clutched her tighter. “You know anybody in town that would like to go with me?”

  “Kind of short notice don’t you think?” she joked. “A woman needs time to prepare.”

  He laughed. “What?”

  “Yeah, to coordinate outfits, hair, makeup, and don’t get me started on the shoes.”

  “You’re too much, you know that, right?”

  “Not for you though.” She stroked his stubble, tracing his chin with her fingers.

  His eyes turned serious, smoldering with intensity. “You’re more than enough for me, Leah Morris. You’re everything I ever wanted.”

  She melted like ice. Where did he come up with such sweet things to say? Did he know his words washed over her like sea waves? Speechless, she raised on her tiptoes and kissed him again. He returned the sentiment, his lips meeting hers. Leah ran a finger across his jaw, and when they broke away, she grinned.

  “I’d love to go with you.”

  “What?” he asked.

  Leah stifled her giggle. “The spring festival, Cole. Remember?”

  He rubbed his forehead with a smile. “Right, the festival. I’m sorry you…” His eyes gazed into hers. “You…”

  “I know.”

  They both laughed.

  Chapter 28

  Cole tapped his foot as he leaned against his pickup. Then his eyes lit when Leah emerged from her front door. She hugged the woman inside and then hurried to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, he scooped her off the ground.

  “Somebody’s happy to see me,” he joked.

  “Like you weren’t counting the minutes,” she said.

  He set her back on her feet. “More like seconds.” His lips brushed over hers as he cradled her face in his hands. Hers enclosed his waist, and the heat arched up his back.

  “I’m assuming I’ll see you two at the festival,” a female voice interrupted.

  Leah and Cole broke away to find Mrs. Hartley staring with her glasses hanging from her nose.

  “How are you, Mrs. Hartley?” Cole asked.

  She smirked. “Just peachy. I’ve got my eye on you two.” With that, she slid inside her Toyota Camry.

  Leah covered her mouth to stifle her laugh. “We keep getting caught.”

  “Not the worst thing we’ve done.”

  “At least no one’s car was towed.” She slid past him to get into the passenger’s seat.

  Cole’s mouth twitched. �
��Again, someone has a heavy foot on the gas pedal.” He settled then into the driver’s seat.

  “Oh, wow,” Leah breathed.

  “What?” He cranked the engine and pulled into the street.

  “This will be our first public outing together. As boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “That sounds nice,” he said.

  “I like it too.” He reached for her hand and clasped their fingers over the console. “So as your boyfriend, it’s my job to—”

  “Boyfriend?” She grinned from ear to ear.

  “You bet I am.”

  “No objection to that. Please continue.”

  He laced their clasped fingers together. “I already know you love classic films and chocolate muffins. If I had to guess, you’re favorite color is… green?”

  Glancing at her for a second, her stare was blank.

  His forehead furrowed. “Wrong?”

  She laughed. “No, good guess.”

  He steered further down the street. “You tease. Next question, favorite food?”

  “My mother’s mac and cheese.”

  “Favorite place in town?” he asked.

  “The fountain, hands down,” she replied.


  “It’s a place that makes me happy.”

  He wanted to be a part of making her happy. How the words rested on the tip of his tongue.

  “I may not eat any cookies tonight.”

  “Not you, Ms. Sweet Tooth.”

  She tilted her head toward him. “Try helping your mother bake half of twenty-four dozen sugar cookies.”


  “Exactly. Thankfully, my mother has a system, but that’s a lot of work.”

  “I helped my mom once, but it’s not my thing.”

  “What’s yours besides pictures?” she asked.

  “Old films.”

  She grinned. “I thought we established that as my thing.”

  “I like what you like.”

  “Not everything, Cole. Come on, what’s your thing?”

  “You won’t laugh?”

  “I promise.”

  He changed direction and took another route.

  Leah’s eyebrows raised. “This isn’t the way to Will’s ranch.”

  “You asked me what my thing was.” Cole drove further until he came to his spot at the old barn. Slowing down, he parked the pickup and cut off his headlights. “This is my thing.” His free hand pointed to the sky. “I enjoy coming out here to watch the stars. I’ve spent a lot of time out here thinking.”


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