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Doctor's Orders: A Steamy Medical Romance

Page 9

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Chapter 8

  And the next day was at least as bad as she had anticipated, and it seemed just that much worse because, for the first time in her life, she was being most thoroughly punished after having learned just how much of a kick it was to be holding the paddle rather than being on the receiving end of it. Although Darcy did her best not to think about that, it was there, in the back of her mind, from that point on. Very little had changed about her life, really; she was still teased unmercifully and denied release; she was still subject to the same amounts and types of punishments that she always had been.

  She was the one who had changed.

  And she thought the doctor probably recognized that fact, although he hadn't done anything about it, really, except for beginning to include her in punishments that involved her fellow coworkers—many of which seemed to be about Angine and just how badly she was adjusting to her sudden loss of power around the office and her new position as whipping girl. Angine—unlike Darcy—was much more comfortable dishing out the discomfort.

  It was often Nurse Carson who was set to punishing the woman who pretty much filled the shoes that she was in now. Not that she let that effect the way she treated Angine. Not in the least. Nurse Carson had entirely too much pride in her work to do that. She just…wouldn't, no matter who the girl had been.

  Darcy, who was occasionally called into the room for some reason when Angine was being punished, usually by Carson, was a silent witness to how Carson treated Angine and wouldn't necessarily have been quite as neutral as she might think she was—especially when it came to punishments. Carson was much harsher on Angine than even Darcy, and that was saying something. Something about Angine rubbed the new assistant the wrong way, and Angine was made to pay for that quite dearly and consistently.

  And when she was called into the doctor's office during a time when she wasn't normally supposed to be there—being fucked or spanked or otherwise driven crazy in order to keep her constantly on the edge of having an orgasm—she was surprised to see the newest person in the office was there, also—Nurse Taft.

  Although he had definitely gone against type in hiring Nurse Carson, here was proof that he was completely back to normal. This was one exquisite looking young woman, with flawless skin, beautiful features, long, wavy hair and a non-stop figure that the doctor assured Darcy was entirely natural, and he would know. He, of course, did all of the intake and insurance exams on the staff. Nurse Taft's blush at his statement was even more legendary—and pervasive—than Darcy's. While she achieved a bright glow, this girl turned an alarming shade of red, and since she was a blonde with very fair skin, it contrasted even more than it might have. The effects might have made someone else look damned ugly, but she was too beautiful a woman for anything so endearing to mar her perfection, so it ended up being kind of sweet and charming.

  "I called you here, Nurse Hanson, because I'm assigning you to train Nurse Taft."

  Darcy was speechless and was barely able to recover from the shock in time to save herself from a spanking right then and there.

  "Yes, sir."

  "I'm going to trust you to teach Nurse Mandi Taft everything she needs to know to succeed at this practice and perform her duties seamlessly, as well as introducing and integrating her into the current staff and getting her familiar with our…extracurricular activities."

  Darcy nodded, still digesting what was happening.

  "Of course, with those responsibilities comes a certain amount of power. You will be required to reprimand Nurse Taft if she makes an error, and those errors will reflect negatively on you, also."

  In other words, if her trainee didn't do well, she was going to be able to punish her. However, that was small comfort, because if Taft didn't do well, then she wasn't the only one who was going to be punished for it—and Darcy didn't need any help in that area.

  But, as usual, she wasn't being given any choice in the matter.

  The doctor dismissed them with an imperious wave of his hand, and Darcy decided quickly that it was going to have to be the "tough love" route for this one. There was no way she could take any more discipline than she was already being subjected to.

  So, she pulled the younger girl into the break room. It was ten in the morning, and morning breaks hadn't begun, so it was deserted. But she consciously didn't lock the door. If someone came in, she would begin to teach the young woman that was not considered a valid cause for calling a halt to whatever was transpiring—be it a spanking or an exam or something even more intimate and mortifying.

  Darcy put her hands on the girl's shoulders and shook her, none too gently. "Listen, I don't know just how much you know about what goes on around here—"

  "I know everything. The doctor has explained it to me. If I make a mistake, you're going to punish me. I wish it was the doctor, though, instead, but you'll do." She sounded as vacuous as she looked, and that was a frightening thought for Darcy, whose butt was on the line in many different ways here. "I like being spanked."

  Darcy very much doubted that she would be quite as excited to be punished once she was through with her. As Darcy readied a few things in preparation for Mandi's punishment, she was looking around at the opulence of the décor and equipment.

  "Damn, I thought this place was amazing when I got the tour, but it's even better—"

  "Shut up and take your clothes off." Darcy crossed her arms across her chest expectantly.

  "What? Now?" For all her bravado about liking to be spanked, she sounded as if she thought it was a joke.

  "You're taking way too long to obey me. Don't think about it, just do it!" In about five seconds flat, she had the new nurse standing in front of her, buck naked, having assumed the traditional virginal stance and looking at her absolutely aghast. All of the times she had been ordered to get out of her clothes quickly had taught Darcy a thing or two about how to disrobe herself—or someone else, apparently—with the utmost efficiency.

  At first, she thought she might bend the girl over the back of a chair, but then she considered her age and decided to treat her like the young girl she was—if a bit younger—and put the straight-backed chair into the middle of the room, sat down on it, and hauled her over her thighs without another word.

  "You can't do this!" Mandi cried indignantly, but she had no idea just how indignant she was going to have cause to get.

  "Of course, I can," Darcy returned evenly as she arranged Mandi more to her liking, tipping her head further towards the floor, deliberately keeping her off balance, spreading her legs naturally by forcing her to balance atop her nearest knee, then gathering her wrists at the small of her back.

  "No! You can't!"

  Not bothering to answer the younger girl's protests, Darcy instead began to swat her—loud and hard—on what was her, of course, perfectly proportioned behind. "Of course, I can, and I will. You heard the doctor as well as I did. I'm responsible for you and your behavior, and I am not going to have you reflect badly on me, and I am not going to let you get me into any more trouble than I already am, even if I have to blister your behind from the time we open till the time we close, all day, every day."

  Darcy wasn't hearing any more back talk, because she'd rendered Mandi completely incapable of doing so. The poor girl was too busy trying to deal with the horrible sensations Darcy was causing—the residual burning of the swats that were being applied to her backside, as well as the rapid-fire accumulation of ten more of them within a very short period of time.

  In other words, Darcy was doing exactly what she had learned to do from what had been done to her. "Now. When the doctor or any of the other nurses—including and especially me—tells you to do something, you're going to do it to the very best of your abilities and as quickly as is humanly possible. You're going to be quiet and not ask too many questions, and you'd better bet that if I hear anything different about your behavior from anyone else—Heaven forbid, from the doctor or Nurse Carson—then you and I are going to be spending even more time
together than I have already planned, and you're not going to like any bit of it."

  She hadn't really known why she had kept it with her, but for some reason, she had taken to keeping the tawse that she had used on Angine in her pocket, and she withdrew it now. Without another word to Mandi, she brought it down with all her might onto the unsuspecting young woman's behind and continued to do so at a furious, all out pace until even the weeping and wailing had stopped, and Mandi was hanging limp over her lap.

  Then she kept her there for what seemed to Mandi to be a terribly long while as her rear end continued to sizzle and burn, even though no one was touching it.

  When she was finally allowed up, Darcy grabbed a hold of her hand and kept her close by, just in case, allowing her to dress again, but only as Darcy closely inspected each garment, finding a lipstick stain on the inside of her collar where no one else would know of its existence.

  "Well, that's earned you a punishment this afternoon, too. I believe you're free at three. Meet me at my locker. And I'm going to expect to see you every morning at nine for a regular maintenance spanking, just in case you've done something I've missed."

  Sobbing softly, Mandi managed to get herself clothed, her lower lip practically dragging on the ground at her supervisor's pronouncements. She'd barely been here two hours, and she'd already been spanked once and earned two others! She was beginning to wonder if the money was worth it, but before she had a chance to really consider it, she was dragged out of the room and back into the learning fray.

  As everyone around her had been hard on her, so Darcy was equally as hard—perhaps more so—on Mandi, and that was a full-time job. She was a sweet girl and tried very hard to do what she knew she was supposed to, but she seemed to always get caught up in things she shouldn't have—like chatting incessantly with the patients instead of doing the usual intake interview that the doctor expected to be done in a timely fashion, so that when he came into the room, she was still discussing the latest episode of "American Idol" with Mrs. Rose rather than getting her vitals and her chief complaint—even if there really wasn't one and the woman was here for her regular "maintenance" appointment.

  She was on time, Darcy had to give her that, but she was also forgetful and distracted, and more than a little tense—becoming more so after every punishment session she earned, because she knew that she was only a mistake away from earning more of the same—worse than the same, because it would be delivered as soon as possible to what was sure to be an already flaming behind.

  Darcy was so concerned about her that she spoke to the doctor, suggesting something unusual that would require his intervention.

  "Nurse Taft, would you report to the doctor's office at your earliest convenience, please." Even though it had ended with "please,” even Mandi had been there long enough to know that it was not a request.

  She finished the chart she was working on and headed down the rabbit warren-y path to the nondescript door, meeting Darcy there as she did. That had her hesitating, wondering and worrying why her supervisor would be there.

  Darcy sighed in exasperation as Mandi stood there with her hand on the doorknob but didn't do anything. "Are we going in, or are we going to spend the rest of the day in the hall?"

  Brought out of her reverie by Nurse Hanson's sarcastic tone, Mandi opened the door.

  The doctor was there, along with Nurse Carson, who flanked the doctor behind the desk. As she stood at what she had learned—the hard way—was attention, Nurse Hanson began to undress her. Mandi tried not to notice, but she wasn't doing a very good job of it as she nervously peeped and whimpered as each new field of skin was revealed to everyone's gaze.

  When she was naked except for her very high-heeled platform shoes, Nurse Hanson joined the other two behind the doctor's desk. "You are here because it has been suggested that perhaps you could do with a bit of…physical counseling."

  Mandi just looked confused, as Darcy had known she would.

  The doctor smiled—sort of—but Darcy could have told him that his attempts just looked wolfish rather than comforting; not that he asked.

  They ended up in the mirrored exam room, with Mandi lying strapped to the exam table. Darcy had done it, quickly and efficiently, and with a minimum of fuss from her trainee, for which the doctor was eternally grateful. He hated to hear a woman whine, especially when it was entirely without reason.

  He was going to give her a reason shortly, though.

  "Now, we're just going to take your temperature, just to make sure there's nothing else going on."

  Darcy saw him pick up a butt plug thermometer that was much smaller than she had seen—or felt—before, although by the way Mandi carried on as it was being inserted, you would have thought it was the biggest one in existence, so much so that he had a gag applied immediately that managed to muffle her complaints, if only somewhat. The woman had a strident voice that carried, almost over a big wad of bandages.

  "Flip her over."

  She was still wearing the plug, even though it was well past the point of registering, not that Darcy was going to point this out to either of her bosses. It bobbed there quite a bit as she was rearranged, and as soon as he saw it, the doctor reached out and twisted it a whole rotation, all the way around, while Mandi tried to let her complaints be known about how he was mistreating her.

  But she hadn't seen—or felt—anything yet.

  Her legs were secured well apart from each other, her butt high in the air, her arms extended out with her wrists bound to the top corners of the table.

  "My, my, my, Mandi. You do have a mouth on you, don't you?" he asked no one in particular as he strolled to the mirrored door that was the cabinet where the implements were stored, perusing them thoughtfully for a while before selecting a long, ruler like length of Lexan that had Darcy cringing at the thought of that thing being brought down on her own rear end. She was very surprised it hadn't been already. "I'm glad Nurse Hanson brought it to my attention."

  Even though she was facing away from him, she could watch him in the mirrors, beginning to keen in earnest when she saw what was in his hand.

  "Now, I know you haven't been here very long, and Nurse Hanson tells me that you're never late, that you're very good with the patients, and that you're just as pleasant to the staff. I've also heard that you're distracted to the point that you forget things or don't do them completely, and that you're resistant to the discipline Nurse Hanson has used to try to help you adapt to your new workplace.

  "Now, I know Nurse Hanson. She's very conscientious, and she's not going to be any too happy with someone she thinks isn't making her best effort, especially since your misbehavior puts her pretty ass on the line, too, and believe me, it's been on that line quite a bit, and she's definitely not looking for more.

  "But, here I am, taking time out of my busy day to deal with you, when I could be with a patient making money. And you can bet that you're not going to be the only one in this room to have to pay for that. I imagine you already know that that's going to trickle down to you, though." He eyed Darcy for a moment, who did her best not to gulp nervously at the thought.

  There was no warm up. There was nothing beyond that lecture before he lay that twelve-inch length across those quivering buttocks, creating an inch-wide line of angry red flesh that stood up and began to swell immediately—as did the others that followed in quick succession.

  At first, it was apparent that Mandi was sobbing and wailing because of that first, new layer of assault on her tender flesh. It must've been horrifyingly painful, Darcy thought. She couldn't really even remember the first time the doctor had disciplined her. There were too many others afterwards that crowded it out of her mind.

  And then everyone heard the quality and tone of her groans change—deepen and lengthen—as the next layers were added, much less systematically than the first, which was the easiest to see the evidence of and to know where to land the next stroke. The next layers were apt to cross each other three or four or f
ive times, covering the exact same spots again and again and again, maddeningly so.

  But it wasn't until her skin was near purple from his ministrations that the doctor turned to Nurse Hanson and handed her the implement. She left his side only long enough to hang it back up and close the cupboard, and by the time she got back, the lengthy part of him that was most interested in Mandi was already exposed, and he was positioning himself behind her.

  "Remove her gag, Nurse Carson, please."

  The room was immediately filled with her cries and pleas, still begging him to stop spanking her with that rigid plastic ruler, until she felt him snug the tip of his penis up against an opening she couldn't hope to defend.

  "You're quite wet, Mandi," Doctor Brackett announced casually as he waggled himself against her, bathing the head of his cock in her juices. "I think you like all of this, otherwise, you'd be dry as the Sahara."

  Slowly, very slowly, he began to stuff himself up inside her, as the three of them watched Mandi tilt back her head and scream full throttle, trying to buck and writhe to get away from that completely unavoidable invasion, not managing to dislodge—or even delay—his advance into her in the slightest.

  He didn't stop until his balls hit her thighs, and then he jerked his hips forward, hard, just to make sure he'd hit bottom, causing a long, low moan from Mandi, who appeared to have surrendered to the inevitable.

  Nurses Carson and Hanson watched as the doctor fucked their new coworker, taking his time, teasing her by removing himself, making her think that he was going to cease and desist, only to plunge right back into her, to the hilt, as always, and begin banging away at her again while she had to lie there and take it.

  Take him.

  In the end, the only scream was his of pure ecstasy as he emptied himself into her, holding her hips still for him to drill into her several more times before he finally collapsed.

  Nurse Carson was ready and waiting with a wet wipe, which he used then threw away before adjusting his clothing back to the way it had been when he'd entered the room.


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