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Mark 2.0

Page 14

by Prax Venter

  Or he could enhance her experience with some subtle cheating. She did want to experience being with a Lover, after all.

  Mark targeted the walls of her vagina as his swollen head slid them apart and turned on a controlled trickle of a heal.

  “Bwa-!” Chorra’s eyes opened immediately, and Mark wondered if he’d gone too far, but that was not what he was feeling from her. She narrowed her eyes as the ecstasy spread from her crotch to tingle through her whole body.

  “Would you like more Lover’s power pumped deep into your pussy?” he whispered.

  Chorra thought about it for a handful of slow thrusts before she finally nodded and whispered back.


  Abby moved from kissing the equivalent of the bird-woman’s cheek to cradling her head in her lap instead, stroking the feathers on her neck. The harpy between them hardly noticed the change in position as Mark poured more and more healing energy directly into her pleasure center via the sex organ he was also currently stuffing with his cock.

  “Oh please… more,” Chorra moaned, closing her eyes.

  She asked for it.

  While still slowly filling her up from the inside, he let her feel the full force of his Lover’s magic.

  “Mmohh it feels soo gnhh…” The fragile harpy locked up as a powerful and long-overdue orgasm took hold of her mind.

  Mark could have probably cum inside of her right then and there, but it was something he didn’t think she wanted to happen. Instead, he tightened his cock muscles, giving her hot harpy pussy something solid to gnaw on as she came.

  When she was coming down, Mark slowly slid out, and she cooed cutely again from the overstimulation.

  “I’m in no rush,” Mark began, “but does the Charm thing have to happen now, or can we rest a moment?”

  “We can rest,” Chorra panted and then let out a deep content sigh as she slowly rubbed the feathers on her stomach.

  “You can rest,” Abby said as she crawled toward Mark. “I desire to suck the sperm out of Mark’s cock.”

  He was still on his knees between Chorra’s talons, but Abby was small and slipped right between them. She wasted no time licking the pink-and-teal harpy’s cum off his still-erect shaft.

  Chorra sat up on her feathered elbows and locked eyes with him over Abby’s bobbing head. A swirl of complex emotions came from her but she hadn’t really understood or enjoyed oral sex until what Mark had done to warm her up and please her. Her beak made it virtually impossible to reciprocate, but the harpy moved over to offer her large, fluffy breasts to enjoy.

  Mark attempted to remain on his knees as she pushed one of her bumpy red nipples into his mouth while Abby slurped on his shaft, but Chorra pressed her chest into him and he ended up on his back with his head in her feathery lap.

  The bird-woman contently let him suckle and squeeze her soft squishy tits while Abby did her best to suck him dry. After all the intense sexual activity, it didn’t take long for him to let go. The petite abyssal horror pressed her lips down as far as she could handle as he unloaded his own pent-up orgasm.

  She swallowed every drop and then planted a sloppy kiss on the underside of his sensitive throbbing head.

  Mark let out a huge sigh as he looked up through Chorra’s cleavage to calm blue skies far above. If it weren’t for that dick Detrious, this really would be a proper Sanctuary.

  Relaxing in the harpy’s lap with post-orgasm contentment, he mentally replayed the progress he’d made today, but it didn’t take long before the absence of Sasha and Jezebel hit him hard. They’d been gone for only a few hours, and most of that time he was in Abby’s mindscape, yet he missed them… Deeply. All the experimentation today without them was beneficial, but he didn’t feel strong enough yet to do anything that would be truly effective against Maliah. He might not be able to see his own ability path but was aware of his powers expanding with each batch of essence channeled through him to his Enthralled. The thought led to his missing energy from the Oral Sex Goddess, and despite his latest offering, the flow was still sealed off from the outside.

  They needed to get out of here and see what was going on. They needed to get stronger.

  He squeezed Chorra’s scaly pink leg. “Are you ready to put on a demonstration of your natural harpy ability?”

  She gazed down at him still lying sideways in her lap. “Yes. You both have taught me much today… Focused my spiritual beliefs, helped define my purpose, and you’ve taught me the confidence to ask for the things that give me pleasure.”

  Abby sat up from her spot snuggled up to Mark’s side.

  “Incorrect. You must demand those things and settle for nothing less.”

  “Well,” Chorra said, blinking her large eyes, “perhaps… but I am ready to demonstrate how harpies create Recall Charms. Would you like it to be anchored to this location?”

  Mark sat up and faced her. “Sure. It doesn’t really matter, so here will be fine. Before you do, can you explain the process first?”

  She tilted her head. “I- uh, concentrate and condense the space before the lode line in my beak into a solid form that represents the location. As I said, I am not talented at this and can only create lumps. Most harpies can imprint a clear archetypical icon representing the stored recall point.”

  Mark held up his hand before she got too far.

  “Lode line?” he asked and knew Jezebel would normally be all over this. He tried to swallow the sharp pang of her absence and focused on Chorra’s lesson.

  “Here,” the harpy said as she used a pinky to draw a line down the center of her short beak. “When I was young, I learned there are metallic channels that form here. They help me navigate using a natural, constant force my kind can sense called Still Wind. It flows everywhere without moving- almost everywhere. It’s weaker underground and stronger in the sky.”

  “A magnetic field,” Abby said.

  Chorra nodded. “I’ve heard this force called many things.”

  “How long does the process take?” Mark asked, not seeing anything different about the center of her beak.

  “Only a moment.”

  Mark puffed out a breath. He was never going to be ready without knowing what the hell it even looked like.

  “Okay,” he began. “I’m almost certain I need to look into your eyes to get anything, but I believe contact could help. Can I hold your hand while you do it?”

  She nodded and held one out to him, palm up. He took it, cleared his mind, then gave her a sharp nod. He was as ready as he’d ever be.

  “Usually I close my eyes for this,” she said, “but I, well, I am beginning… now.”

  Mark let his truth seeing eye loose to probe deep into this digital monster-woman kneeling in front of him. Despite her mind being a small part in a vast, multidimensional fantasy game, Chorra had lived inside it. Tears, joy, sorrow, regret, all of it. The flesh of her wrist bore scars from her forced imprisonment, and Mark grew distracted by the weight of her memories- the richness of this simulated mind…

  Then, a burst of power caught his attention. Being inside Chorra’s mind was nothing like being inside one of his Enthralled. The sensation was more esoteric and abstract. Time seemed different as well. Turning his perspective around to try the same “looking outward” trick he’d used in Abby, Mark saw the Harpy’s focused intent on triggering the charge that had accumulated in what she’d called a lode line running from her brain to the tip of her beak.

  From the outside, he noticed a white spark near her feathered forehead that began traveling down this organic-metallic strip as if someone was striking up a match in slow motion. With his perspective split between his normal and his magic eye, Mark watched how harpies generated Recall Charms by using an innate magic ability to focus the Still Wind humming around the cardinal directions of this world.

  A rough nugget of the chalky substance Mark had assumed was plaster popped into existence at the tip of her short beak and fell into her other hand, waiting for it. With the
process complete, a light dusting of disappointment fell over him. A key piece of hardware was required to successfully duplicate this ability.

  Mark pulled back from his deep mental dive and sucked in a sharp breath once he was back into his own skull.

  “Thank you,” Mark said, squeezing her hand once and then let go. “I learned a lot.”

  Abby moved in close to inspect the shapeless lump of a Recall Charm resting in the harpy’s hot-pink hand.

  “But can you now craft these?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t think so,” Mark said. “I’d need to have my own lode line in my nose or something. They use a natural magic ability to affect a non-magical phenomenon. Still Wind seems to be more than what we know as a magnetic field, but it’s still a natural part of this world- at least the way I understand how all this is supposed to work.”

  Abby turned her yellow eyes to his. “Statistically speaking, you will succeed, eventually.”

  He gave her a wide smile. “Are you saying you believe in me?”

  “I believe in us.”

  His remaining Enthralled felt a flash of sudden loss regarding Sasha and Jezebel that was so strong, it echoed back to him. She’d only had one sexual encounter without either of them present and it had been her very first time. She had lost her virginity to Mark over chilled champagne within a wandering, sentient pancake house. Even then, they didn’t wait long before joining the others in a marathon of flesh and sex. Now, even though she loved Mark with all of her otherworldly heart, the others made her whole.

  The “you-know-that-I-know-that-you-know” feedback loop happened between them again, but they were getting used to the sensation. He nodded and willed the infinite reflection to condense down into a single line of indisputable agreement. Abby nodded back.

  Both he and his Enthralled mini boss spent the rest of the loop in quiet contemplation while Chorra flew off to continue her own soul searching.

  Within the silence of their grotto, Abby practiced her newly unlocked Telekinesis while Mark tried to explore the limits of his own mind. It wasn’t the same as exploring one of his bonded monster-women, nor was it like being in an NPC like Chorra. His own thoughts kept getting in the way and snapping him back into his own body. When he was able to clear enough static to attempt a real glimpse, he found that movement was impossible. It was as if he dragged the virtual landscape with him, shifting all observable space an equal amount with every forward push. How was he ever going to fully turn his True Sight on himself? The intense focus and resulting paradox made his head hurt the old-fashioned way, so he stopped.

  He tried to relax and watch Abby, but the tension of the coming fight grew more intense with every passing moment. It felt like waiting for the dentist to call your name. Or more like waiting to be called before battle within a gladiatorial arena…

  A flash of foreign memory struck him like a punch in the gut. Mark was within an enormous, dusty coliseum packed with a cheering crowd as flames from a distant blurry monster engulfed an enormous serpent-woman he’d never seen, but the echo of her pain resonated with how Sasha had been ripped from his mind only hours ago.

  “Gah!” Mark grunted as he violently forced the intruding memories out of his mind.

  Abby sighed. “Why are you thrashing about?”

  He looked over in time to see a small pebble drop to the ground. She was making progress and he’d interrupted her.

  “Other Mark’s barging in again. I don’t know… it feels as if a part of me is being erased every time I remember something from his time in the Crystal Heart. Maybe not erased but changed.”

  Abby lowered the tentacle she’d been holding out to focus her Telekinesis.

  “Do not worry,” she said, her mild annoyance fading into loving devotion. “We won’t let-”

  In a single instant, Abby vanished and was replaced with the hulking wreck of the Gilded Breeze once more, but more importantly, all three of his cherished Enthralled were once again tethered to his heart.

  “Plan P,” Mark said, staring straight ahead. Abby knew the plan and had already activated her Mind Cloud, and both Sasha and Jezebel only paused for a microsecond to get their bearings before they signaled a strong affirmative. Plan Peeking Code was a go.

  Similar to yesterday, Jezebel flew up to cast her Vines on Detrious over the crashed airship. The hope was that she could get him just within her line of sight so he wouldn’t see her during the three seconds she needed to cast. Everyone was surprised, however, when they heard Chorra’s primal screech.

  Mark couldn’t see her through the wreckage, but he felt Jezebel’s shock. He let her handle her part of the plan as he sprinted with Sasha and Abby toward the river.

  His heart both melted and skipped a beat when his silver-legged bombshell of a Techno Succubus moved into his peripheral vision. Mark harnessed the completeness he felt at their presence to pump his legs faster.

  All three of them rushed around the side of the boat in time to hear Chorra’s second screech reach them with crystal clarity along the river as she burst into flames a few feet from the dark-haired man. Meegon cried out from the port side as he followed after Chorra across the stream, but Mark ignored him. The other Visitors were doing exactly what he wanted by distracting their target and it wouldn’t make much sense for him to be caught up too.

  A glittering cylinder of light burst from the ground and shot up into the blue sky as Detrious erected his shimmering shield once again to protect him as Jezebel’s Vines held him in place. As he did, Mark, Sasha, and an invisible Abby rushed across the water. The plan was to cover the splashes she made and hope his amulet didn’t affect her Mind Cloud, but by the time they were crossing, Meegon began screaming, pounding on the barrier.

  “We’ll find a way to banish you from S-” was all the balding man got out before he was incinerated.

  “I do love the smell of charred flesh!” Detrious shouted as he craned his head to try and face Mark. “Shall I become a god of fire?”

  He didn’t answer and instead stopped where he was then planted down his own magic barrier as Sasha kept running toward the bank to cover Abby’s splashing. When they both made it to dry land, his loyal succubus used Static Escape to obscure her form as she retreated to stand back inside Mark’s protective dome.

  Their abyssal horror swiftly crept into position while Jezebel moved out of sight behind the wreck. So far so good.

  “If Maliah gets her way,” Mark called out, “she will not keep her word. You will never become a god.”

  Detrious smiled. “I was wondering when you’d try reasoning and logic. I can see you are woefully unprepared. Mmm, Impotent is more fitting.”

  “I demand to know what is going on here!”

  Mark turned just in time to see the well-dressed devil Repeater go up in flames while the other two nearby suffered terrible burns and died screaming in the river. Mark did his best to ignore them.

  “This amulet can work with all the primal elements,” Detrious began in a scholarly tone as if he were teaching another lesson. “But my heart has always aligned with fire. I strived to master the arts of Flare and Smoke for decades before I leaped at the slim chance to acquire this artifact.”

  The duration on Vines expired, and Mark watched Detrious crack his knuckles before he casually moved toward the glossy Power Droid. The mad man continued.

  “How can you expect to reason with a man who has nothing to lose?” Not expecting an answer, he gave Mark a shrug before he hiked up his pants and bent to type in the code.

  Sasha’s spade tail snapped behind her, seeming to vent frustration, but Mark knew it was excitement. Abby was right behind him and there was no way she couldn’t see what was happening.

  The half-nude Power Droid rose smoothly to its feet and their spy sent a tense burst of emotions. She exulted in knowing the code, but there was more to the story that Mark couldn’t really pick up through this inconsistent form of telepathy they’d developed.

  Detrious point
ed at Mark standing behind his red bubble in the middle of the river.

  “Kill that Collector.”

  The droid held up her arms as her reflective black head snapped forward.

  “I’ll see you soon, my love,” Mark said as the arm-beam cannons struck his shield. The cracking magic barrier held up long enough for him to face his virtual assistant turned soulmate before something impossibly hot impacted the side of his head.

  - 11 -

  Mark sat up in the soft grass and tried to shake off the abrupt break in consciousness. Sasha, Jezebel, and Abby were there and pumping relief and focus into his mind. There was a chance that if he died, he would need to Enthrall them each again and everyone would have to start over at level 1. However, all his concerns were alleviated with a glance over to Jezebel flipping on her glowing, cut-out wings and lifting into position for phase two of Plan P. Mark shook off his disorientation and started sprinting after his invisible abyssal horror. This time, Sasha was going around the portside in case she needed to keep their foe’s attention away from Abby while she dashed straight for the downed Lunar Power Droid.

  To his right, he heard both Meegon and Chorra yell out in unison as they rushed Detrious, giving Jezebel the chance to get a lock from behind a different piece of splintered decking than the day before. Mark’s heart soared when he saw the phantom green vegetation rise up and locking the prisoner of Sanctuary a good distance from their target.

  “This useless snare again?” Detrious laughed out the words. “Maybe I’ll start paying some tender attention to your precious beasts of battle until my salvation arrives. I’ll admit, their alluring physical attributes should add some delicious diversity.”

  Mark tried to ignore him as he splashed alongside Abby through the cool rushing water. He looked down at the bare-assed droid and almost popped up his shield over it to cover Abby as she entered the code- as was the plan, but at the last minute, he had a flash of what happened to Cel when he popped up his repulsive barrier close to someone who wasn’t one of his Enthralled.


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