Book Read Free

Making the Cut

Page 5

by A. J. Macey

  "Wow, never thought I would see the day three men would pine over a fucking woman, let alone three hardened fucking criminals, but here we are. Unbelievable," he muttered before storming off, his head shaking the entire way. His tantrum left us in a brief moment of silence, but Chase quickly rerouted the conversation as if it had never happened.

  "We'll have to work on him a bit, but no matter. So, are you in?"

  "Can I think about it?" Garrett asked, rubbing the back of his neck. Chase quickly agreed with the reminder that he still had to talk to Kiera before asking me the same question.

  "So, Boss, you in?"

  "Yeah, yeah I am."

  Please let this shit not blow up in my face.

  POV 6

  Worst Kidnappers Ever

  **please note: the spoiler scene to be read after Adversary is starred**

  May 4th

  Saturday Evening


  (Rival- Chapter 12)

  My mind raced, my body buzzing with nerves from what we had found in Cory Harbold’s files on Frankie ‘Smokes’ and the rest of the Casterelli mob as I pulled into the drive of mine and Kiera’s house before hopping out. ***As soon as I stepped inside, my senses were immediately on edge. Something was wrong and Ciar barreled his way forward.

  I would hate to be anyone who thought they could come into our home.


  I crept through the halls silently, but the distinct scent of accelerant hit my nose making me hurry. No time for subtly when the house could go up in flames at any moment, I hissed, rage fueling me forward and into the first man I found.

  It was only a moment before he sunk to the ground in a heap. Opting to save a bullet when he didn’t see me coming, I gave one sharp twist, the sound of his spine twisting beyond its limit was like music to my ears. One down, more to go.

  Running to the next room, I came face to face with four more men who stood stunned at my sudden intrusion. Raising my weapons, I was able to kill the two closest to me before the others were even able to unholster their weapons.

  “Get that fucking bastard!” one shouted. Scoffing at his clunky movements, I aimed and fired, hitting him right between the eyes as I darted behind one of the pieces of furniture as the second man started shooting.

  My senses dulled, numbing as I'm readying to pop back out into the fire fight. The anger and insult at the men coming into our home leached away, leaving only the cold sensation of death. Chase was quiet, lying in wait to take over if needed, his thoughts shielded to not fuck up my concentration.

  Standing, I fired, twice, both bullets hitting their targets. Without waiting, I moved throughout the first floor, looking for anyone who could be hiding or sloshing more accelerant throughout the rooms. It only took a few moments until I found a second batch of men.

  This time though, as I was accosted from behind, my shot missing the man’s foot by a meer millimeter as the ether rag covered my mouth and nose. Several men taking control of my arms and legs as I fought to get out of the hold.

  “Stop firing, I want him alive,” the familiar voice shouted as my mind dimmed, quickly descending into unconsciousness. “Good to see you again, Chase, I’ve waited a long time for this moment.”

  Fucking Jace Corden.***


  Groggy and disoriented, I peeked my eyes open, making sure not to move too much and aggravate any injuries or trigger-happy kidnappers. . Tied to a chair? How cliche. I barely held back the urge to roll my eyes. Amateurs.

  “Think they’ll be back with food soon?” a man questioned behind me, his voice flat and nasally. I continued to stay still, just listening to the conversation unfold. Go ahead, give me all the details on who I’ll need to find and kill.

  “Should be, left about twenty minutes ago to pick up the pizza,” a second man, one with a deeper voice responded, sounding bored as I saw his booted feet shuffle back and forth. Scuffed black riding boots and worn jeans, both men stupid enough to just hold a conversation with me right here. I mentally noted any and all things that could be useful around me. Single door, plain plaster walls, and cheap tan carpet.

  “Fucking hope so, I’m starving. I know that slick fucker had been upstairs causing shit with the boys before he left,” the first said, huffing as he leaned into the wall.

  “What the hell does he want now? He’s really starting to piss me the hell off.”

  “Wanting to double check the information from that blond chick. Bambi or whatever who Metalhead had gotten some details from.”

  Bambi? I perked up. I could definitely use that, just needed to get them distracted long enough to dig out the phone I had tucked in my waistband, the warm metal comforting against my skin as I moved slightly. Groaning, I pretended that I was just waking. The groan wasn’t fake though with my neck and shoulders tensed to hell and back from being tied to this stupid chair for however long as I struggled to sit up straight.

  “Well, hello there, boys,” I greeted with a bright smile. “How’s it going?”

  “Shut up,” the nasally one snapped. His lean body was long and gangly in shape with bony elbows and an abnormally long neck. Well, that was rude, I thought, turning to the left towards the bored voiced man.

  “‘Sup?” I tilted my chin up, trying my best to being irritating and based on his ticking jaw and clenched fists, I knew it was working. “What’s your name?”

  “None of your fuckin’ business,” he snapped. He was larger, more what I would have expected from someone put in charge of watching a captive, not scrawny McGee over on my right, but I wasn’t too concerned. I only need a minute.

  “Well, you guys did kidnap me, so I think it kind of is my business,” I challenged with a smile. “I think I’ll call you Bob with the bitch tits,” I told the bigger man before glancing over at scrawny McGee, “and you Billy. Seems fitting, not sure why.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Bob groaned, rubbing his eyes. I laughed, loud and hard enough that my shaking torso shook the chair. Based on the movement, the chair wasn’t well made, but I didn’t think I could easily break it without alerting anyone around me. Damn.

  “My name’s Chase, not Jesus, but you’re more than welcome to call me that if you so choose,” I countered.

  “Go fucking get some duct tape or something,” Bob commanded Billy. “I can’t listen to this shit for much longer without wanting to shoot him.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Billy huffed, leaving quickly, through the open door behind him. One down, two to go. Doing the first thing that popped into my head, I started singing, loudly and off key, to the most recent pop song I could remember.

  “Fuck this shit,” Bob grumbled, barely audible through my singing, as he stormed out of the room and into the small hallway outside. As soon as the door slammed closed, I moved. Jutting my hip out on the left, I strained to reach my cell phone, eventually managing to pull it from my waistband. Typing as quickly as I could while still singing, I texted Kiera the shortest message I could. The sound of pounding footsteps down the stairs had me rushing, tucking the device into my sleeve as far as I could with the rope around my forearm and wrist.

  Little Assassin: “Deer”

  They came back in, slapping a long piece of duct tape over my mouth roughly before storming back out of the room. As soon as they were out, I got back to work. I readied a GPS pin for mine and Kiera’s conversation, so she would know where I was at, but before I could hit send, Billy opened the door intent to come back inside. Motherfucker, no, that is not the plan.

  “Food’s here,” Billy told Bob, “hurry up and grab us some. I don’t want to be stuck in here with this annoying douche.” Perking back up, I started to hum, loudly and obnoxiously despite the duct tape. Billy stood in the open door, glaring at me as I swayed back and forth. Come on you, little ass, go back out in the hall, I chanted, moving easily into the next song. After another two minutes, Billy finally had enough. “Okay, screw this,” he grumbled, slamming the door shut. Bas
ed on the sounds of steps on the stairs, the dumbass had run away from me.


  I hit send, tucking the phone back into my waistband before resuming my irritatingly terrible humming.

  Now, to wait.

  I didn’t have to wait long. Less than a half hour later, I heard shouting coming from upstairs followed quickly by some bullets. Smirking as well as I could with the tape over my face, I enjoyed Bob and Billy panic.

  “What the fuck do we do?” Bob questioned frantically, yanking his own weapon from his lower back.

  “Fuck, man, I don’t know!” Billy shouted, sounding ready to piss himself. Coward, I scoffed. “Check out in the hall and see if you can see anything.” And stupid apparently, I added silently. Bob nodded, peeking out carefully before looking at Billy.

  “I don’t see anything odd. The guys could just be watching a movie upstairs. I’ll go check real quick.” Clearly they had never heard real gun shots if they thought that was just a loud movie. I rolled my eyes, unable to muster even a tiny bit of pity for them. Straining to hear over Billy and scrawny McGee’s heavy panting breaths, I couldn’t stop the curl of my lips when I heard a soft thud followed by silence.

  Oh, boy, are you in for getting fucked up, I thought, glancing at Billy out of the corner of my eye. Hopefully, it’s Kiera though so I don’t accidentally get shot.

  The door flung open revealing Kiera clothed in all black and a face mask in the doorway. Before Billy could lift his gun high enough, she rushed in, wrestling the weapon away from him. Holy hell, watching my Kittycat fight had me shifting in my seat, my cock rock hard with the desire to do nothing but sink into her tight pussy right here in this makeshift hostage house despite the threat of the men around us. Honestly, they’ll be dead soon anyway, if they aren’t already. The weapon dropped to the ground, her shots pulling from my fantasizing about taking her, but the girly as fuck screams coming from Billy as she stomped on his hand cut right through the ringing in my ears.


  “You planned for a thief,” she stated simply, her words both crazed and cold. “Not an assassin.” The final shot rang out, silencing any and all threat throughout the house. Kiera jumped into action, putting away her weapons and dropping to her knees in front of me.

  “My little assassin,” she murmured, her eyes watering as she pulled the tape from my face.

  “I knew you’d figure it out. I’m just glad they were really shitty kidnappers; they didn’t even find the phone I had tucked in my waistband. Can you believe that?” I scoffed, knowing Kiera was a stickler for doing things the smart and right way when doing her jobs.

  “I don’t give two fucks, Chase Yarwood, if they were the stupidest or the smartest kidnappers. All that matters is that I’ve got you. Fuck, I love you so much,” she stated firmly, her strong words taking me by surprise, her kiss cutting off anything I was going to say. Moving my tongue against her lips, I revelled in the feeling of her cupping my face. When I felt the wet streaks on her cheeks against my nose, I shifted, nuzzling into her hair.

  “Aw, Kittycat. Don’t cry. You know I’ll always come back to you, my love,” I promised, knowing it was the truth. My heart cracked from seeing my strong Kittycat so shaken, but at the same time, I was so proud of her, using everything she had learned to fight for what was hers.

  Just like I knew she would.

  “I’ll call the Maintenance Man to come out while we head back to the compound,” I offered as she cut me loose. Finally free, my hands cupped her cheeks, smoothing away the tears that had slowed but not yet stopped.

  “Let’s go,” she agreed, nodding. She stepped out of the room and started up the stairs, my hand clutched tightly in hers. Counting the bodies as we walked out, I made the call quickly.

  I gave the code as soon as the crew picked up. “It’s Chase, we have a flooded bathroom. Is seven a good time?”

  “Seven will be no problem,” the gritty voice on the other side of the line responded. “Where is the flooded room?” I rattled off the address before hanging up.

  “Come on, Kittycat.” I curled her under my arm, content to follow wherever she was leading me. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”

  “I’d rather blow you,” she smarted with a cocky smile, already pepping up from just a few minutes earlier. My brow raised, desire flooding me at her blunt offer.

  “That can be arranged,” I added.

  I’d get kidnapped any day of the week to get her luscious lips wrapped around my cock.

  POV 7

  Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

  May 6th

  Monday Morning


  (Rival- Chapter 13)

  The alarm buzzed on my nightstand, waking me from a deep sleep. Ugh, I groaned, switching the annoying contraption off before flopping back against my pillow. Fucking shit, that was way too short of a night of sleep. Realizing I had work to do, I hopped out of bed and changed quickly before starting the coffee maker, stepping into the bathroom to brush my teeth as I waited for the pot to brew.

  Once I chugged a cup of coffee, I glanced at the clock and over towards the door to the room Kiera and Chase had been staying in. Still sleeping, I’m sure. It was getting later in the morning, so I figured I should at least let them know there was caffeine.

  “Oh, shit,” I sputtered, my blood immediately pounding as my cock jumped to attention. Chase was nestled between Kiera’s thighs, working his way down her neck. “My bad.” My baby’s half lidded gaze centered on me, unblinking and holding all of my attention as Chase continued to rock his hips against hers.

  “Where you going?” Chase called out, stopping me from leaving. I glanced back at them, realizing they had both stopped what they were doing to look at me, Chase waving a hand for me to come in. Is he asking what I think he is…? I mentally questioned, closing the door behind me, unable to drag my eyes away from Chase making Kiera pant with need.

  As soon as Kiera crooked a finger at me, I was nearly shaking. Shedding my cut and laying it over the back of the chair in the corner, I strode over to her. Fuck, she looks good enough to eat. Kneeling, I held eye contact with her, tangling my fingers in her hair, but the worn design on the shirt caught my attention.

  “You look good in my clothes, Baby,” I murmured, leaning forward to brush my lips over hers. Holding her steady, I felt her struggle slightly against me wanting to deepen the kiss, but I continued to tease her. “But you look even better out of them.” Her lips curled, and she shifted to help me pull my old shirt off of her lean muscles. As soon as her tattooed tits were on display for us, I couldn’t hold back. Gripping her hair again, I crushed my lips to her, Chase shifting lower to shower her chest in attention. Her hand roamed over my shoulder and chest, her other gripping the back of Chase’s head to hold him against her. Cupping her other breast, I rolled her peaked nipple between my fingers

  Chase moved, nipping down Kiera’s exposed stomach and licking the curve of her hip along the edge of her thong. Fuck me, I groaned at the sight of her writhing in need, her tongue and lips dancing along my neck as I watched. My body shook as Chase shot forward, fusing his lips around Kiera’s glistening clit, and sucked hard, her body arching into me as I shifted my hand from her hair to her other breast. A bead of sweat rolled down my back, the scene making my blood pound and my body warm until I was nearly suffocating in my clothes.

  Pulling away from Kiera, I made quick work of my boot laces, nearly ripping the cord from the shoe in my attempts to get them off. I felt two pairs of eyes on me as I yanked off my shirt and shucked my jeans, my cock bobbing as I saw the heat in both their eyes. Grinding my teeth, I looked at Chase, holding his gaze steady because right now, if he didn’t move from between her luscious thighs, I would shove him out of the way. He must have understood because he smirked, moving out of the way to let me take over.

  Kiera’s berry sweet scent made me dizzy, her arousal coating my fingers as I teased her. I could barely hold back the cocky g
rin at her pained groan, but when she begged, I couldn’t hold back any further. I nipped her inner thigh, watching with rapt attention as her lips wrapped around Chase and her head bobbed. Needing more, I ran my tongue over her lips and clit, her body spasming at my fevered ministrations.

  It only took a few more pumps before her pussy clenched, the gush of her orgasm flowing freely around my mouth and fingers. I could fucking taste her for hours. I moaned, licking her through her aftershocks. As Kiera recovered, Chase moved back from her, digging into his jacket pocket.

  “Fuck her first,” Chase basically demanded, handing me one of the shiny foil wrappers.

  “Damn, bossy,” I challenged. “Last I checked I’m the boss.”

  “You keep telling yourself that.” Chase grinned, a hint of predator lighting up his half-lidded grey eyes. “Show me what you got, I want to watch.”

  “I’ll make you ache for her sweet pussy,” I countered with a smile of my own as I rolled on the condom and walked back to Kiera. It’s on now. “Roll on your side,” I whispered in her ear, positioning myself behind Kiera’s intoxicating curves, her tattooed skin begging for me to bite and kiss, but I had to focus. If Chase wants to see, then that’s exactly what he’ll get.

  Hooking her leg over mine, I lined up and rocked into her, half for teasing her and half for teasing Chase as I watched him stroke himself, and as soon as I was completely sheathed inside of my baby’s tight pussy, I didn’t care that Chase was watching or what he had challenged. Right now, it was only about Kiera and making her come for me and me alone.


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