Book Read Free

The Extractor

Page 5

by Leslie Georgeson

I stiffened my spine. “I asked you not to call me that. It’s offensive.”

  Color crept into his face. “You’re right. You did. I apologize.” He lowered his gaze, suddenly appearing uncomfortable. Vulnerable, even. Which confused me. Was he putting on an act? Trying to sway me, make me think he might be nice underneath that playboy exterior?

  He might be a killer, Liz. He might be here to hurt Glenda. Don’t forget that.

  “Well, goodnight, sir.” I turned away.

  “Ryan,” he said quietly. “My name’s Ryan.”

  I halted, slowly turning back to him, my heart pounding.

  Ryan. Glenda’s son was named Ryan. Oh hell. I couldn’t let Glenda go to Georgia if this man was her son. She would never find him there if he was right here. Should I hurry and call her? Tell her Ryan was here? What if he wasn’t her son? What if he was here to hurt her? I should ask him why he wanted to see Glenda. I should ask him if a man called Ellington was hunting him. I should interrogate him before I let him anywhere near Glenda.

  There was an earnestness in his eyes now that made me hesitate. This guy was trouble. I sensed it. I didn’t want Glenda to be hurt. Until I knew his true intentions, I would keep him away from her.

  “Goodnight, Ryan.”

  His eyes danced with humor. “Goodnight, Liz. Is that short for Elizabeth?”

  I wanted to ignore him. I wanted to walk into my office and close the door. But I didn’t. Dammit. For some reason, I felt compelled to stay. As much as I didn’t like his type, his presence was undeniably captivating, and I found myself interested in him against my will. That pull toward him seemed to strengthen, tightening around me like a noose, urging me in.

  I paused, my gaze darting back to his. I didn’t feel that overbearingly strong sexual pull like I had in the beginning. Just a genuine interest to stay and talk to him. That wasn’t so threatening. I could do this.

  “No,” I admitted. “It’s short for Lizbet. I hate Lizbet, so I’ve always gone by Liz.”

  He cocked a brow as he leaned onto the counter, contemplating me. “Lizbet? Hmmm. I never would have figured that. You don’t look like a Lizbet. But Liz suits you. Smart. Pretty. No-nonsense.”

  Heat crept into my cheeks. I knew what he was doing. Trying to flatter me, make me loosen up, get me to let down my guard. If he thought I was easy, he’d better think again. I wasn’t easily swayed by a handsome face or a charming personality.

  Wariness returned. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say to that, so I didn’t say anything at all. I always got uncomfortable when people complimented me, because most of the time they were disingenuous. I’d been burned before and flattery no longer worked on me. Instead, it made me suspicious.

  Silence stretched.

  “Come on, Liz,” he said gently. “I’m not that bad, I promise. Give me a chance. Just one drink. We don’t have to go to the bar if you’re worried about being seen with a guest. I know how to be discrete.” He winked. “If you’d prefer, we can have a drink up in my room where no one will see.”

  A fresh wave of heat washed into my face. Guests had invited me to their rooms before, but no guest—ever—had tempted me like Ryan did. I knew what it meant, of course. Sex. Probably lots of hot, intense, mind-blowing sex.

  You might be reading too much into it, Liz. What if he just wants to talk?

  Right. I wasn’t that naïve.

  Besides, I’d sworn off sex three years ago after catching Jeremy in bed with two women my last year of college. That betrayal still stung. Jeremy had been a total player, and though my instincts had warned me a man like him would never be interested in a girl like me, I’d been so flattered by his attention that I’d fallen right into his trap. He’d made a bet with his friends that he could seduce the shy, nerdy girl from his business management class. He’d perfectly orchestrated my seduction, laying on the charm, flattering me, wooing me, making me feel special. And I’d fallen for him. Hard. He’d won the bet. He’d played me. He’d broken my heart and destroyed any trust I had in men. I hadn’t dated anyone since. I wasn’t about to let another man hurt me the way Jeremy had. I hated players with a passion. Yes, I was bitter. But mostly, I was hurt. Men sucked.

  I studied Ryan more closely. He was hotter than any man I’d ever gone out with before. Way better looking than Jeremy. And another wave of attraction washed over me. I had never felt this strong of a pull toward a man before, and it unnerved me.

  Ryan had thick, spiky dark hair that was neatly styled with gel, shorter on the sides and longer on the top. What would it feel like between my fingers? And those arresting amber eyes that made a girl feel beautiful even though she knew she wasn’t. Predator eyes that missed nothing. Those full, sexy lips and a mouth that looked like it smiled easily, and kissed amazingly. Sharp, well-defined cheekbones and a smooth, clean-shaven jaw. He was hot. Just looking at him left me breathless.

  Why did I want to say yes to a drink? Why did I want to spend time getting to know him better? Why did I feel flattered by his attention when I knew deep down he couldn’t truly be interested in me?

  I hesitated once more. What if he really was interested in me?

  The nightshift clerk, Rachel, should be showing up at any time. As soon as she got here, I could leave.

  Was I really considering this?

  One drink won’t kill you, Liz. When was the last time you even had a drink? Besides, you can use this as an opportunity to interrogate him about his true intentions regarding Glenda.

  And with that last thought, I made my decision. I would do what I could to protect Glenda. She was my friend and my boss. If this man was here to hurt her, I would find a way to stop him.

  Before I could change my mind, I announced, “My nightshift clerk will be here soon. As soon as she gets here, I can leave.”

  His eyes lit up, making my heart give a crazy, excited thump in my chest. I don’t think a man had ever been happy about spending time with me before. Was he being genuine?

  “Perfect. I’ll wait here with you until she arrives.”

  I glanced away uncomfortably. Was he laughing at me inside? Thinking I would be an easy conquest? I wasn’t going to sleep with him. Not even. Though I couldn’t deny I was curious about him. What if he ended up being a truly nice guy? He hadn’t acted inappropriate in any way. So far, he’d been a complete gentleman, other than calling me “doll”, but I don’t think he’d meant to offend me. Asking a woman out for a drink was a normal way for a man to get to know a woman. I might even enjoy his company. I might even have fun.

  This man might be Glenda’s son. He also might be a killer. But none of those things stopped me from wanting to spend more time with him. He’d asked me to give him a chance. And he’d seemed so earnest. So genuine.

  I glanced back at Ryan to see him studying me with those sharp amber eyes. He seemed… curious about me. Maybe even fascinated.

  A sudden nervousness swept over me. A new rush of heat drenched me. What could he find so fascinating about me? Nerdy Liz?

  “Just one drink,” I clarified, wanting him to know I wouldn’t be an easy conquest. “Then I’m going home.”

  Before he could respond, the front door to the inn burst open and Rachel rushed in, her long blonde hair flying behind her. “Sorry I’m late, Liz. It’s been a crazy night.”

  That was an understatement. If she’d seen what I’d done earlier, tossing my glasses aside and ripping my hair free, touching Ryan in ways I never would have unless I was dating him, and certainly not in public…

  Ryan stepped back as Rachel hurried forward behind the counter, removing her coat and setting her purse aside. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of me.

  “Wow, Liz. You look really pretty with your hair down like that. You should wear it like that more often.”

  Heat crept into my cheeks. If she’d witnessed how my hair had come to be free like this…

  Ryan’s lips curved into a gentle smile as he eyed me, making my face grow even hotter. “I don’t think
Liz realizes how hot she is,” he murmured. “And I agree with you. She should wear her hair down all the time.”

  My face was so hot now, it burned. Ignoring their discussion about me, I responded to Rachel’s first statement. “Glenda’s going to be out of town for a while, so I’ll be here a lot more than usual, anyway. I didn’t mind waiting for you.”

  Rachel smiled. “Thanks. Let me know if you need me to work any extra hours. I can use the overtime.” She glanced at Ryan and smiled, her gaze raking over him. “Has Liz already helped you?”

  Ryan’s sexy mouth turned up in a smile. “She has.” He winked.

  Rachel’s face filled with color and she jerked her gaze to me. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one affected by his charm. Did every woman blush around him?

  Ryan’s gaze moved back to me. “You ready?”

  Rachel’s brow shot up in surprise. I imagined she was wondering what a guy like Ryan saw in a nerdy girl like me.

  I ignored Rachel’s curious stare. “Just let me get my purse and my coat.” I hurried back into my office, snatching my purse from the drawer and yanking my coat from the rack in the corner. Moments later, I moved past Rachel without meeting her eyes.

  “Have a good time!” she called as I came around the counter and paused in front of Ryan.

  Nerves fluttered in my stomach. I forced myself to lift my gaze to his. He seemed bigger up close like this. Much bigger. His cologne floated over me then, pleasing and very masculine. Sexy. Awareness snaked through me. And another hot wave of attraction washed over me, his pull undeniable. Dear God, what was I getting myself into? My pulse accelerated. My breathing quickened. I swallowed hard.

  He lowered his head and whispered in my ear, “Where did you want to go? The bar next door? My room? Some other place?”

  I jerked my gaze away, thankful Rachel was too far away to hear us. I really didn’t feel like going to the bar. I was too tired for that. But if I went to his room, we’d be alone. And I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable with that, either. Where, then?

  What if he was a killer? What if he’d come to hurt Glenda? What if that detective I’d called really was a detective and he was on his way here now to arrest Ryan? Or what if he wasn’t a detective, but a hitman instead?

  My head spun with all these crazy thoughts. The smart thing to do now would be to make myself scarce. To hurry home in case the shit hit the fan.

  I glanced back at Ryan, my face heating once again. “Um, you know what, maybe I should just go home.”

  He stepped back, looking startled, and maybe even a bit hurt, his gaze searching mine. “You’re afraid of me.”

  My face grew hotter. Yeah, I was. He scared me. But not in the way that he thought.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m really tired. Maybe…some other time.” I moved around him and headed for the door.

  “Liz, wait…” He hurried after me, but I didn’t stop, a sudden urge to get away from him spurring me toward the door.

  “Please…don’t go.”

  The softly spoken words made me halt and slowly turn to face him. The door was only a foot away now. Within touching distance.

  “Is it because of this?” He lifted his prosthetic arm and waved the fingers at me. “Does it freak you out?”


  “No,” I said quickly. “It doesn’t bother me at all.”

  He stepped closer, his gaze delving into mine. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes. I’m sure. I’m not that shallow.” Though I had to admit I was curious how he’d lost his arm. “I’m just…”

  “You’re scared of me,” he repeated gently. “It’s all right. I understand. I know I’m a bit scary.” He winked, and a laugh bubbled out of me. His self-mockery was unexpectedly enchanting.

  Dammit. He was getting to me.

  He chuckled, his gaze softening. “Let me prove I’m not going to do anything to hurt you, okay?” He held his natural arm out to me. “Come on. Let’s go to the bar next door for a drink.”

  I hesitated, staring up into those striking amber eyes. My resistance was fading along with my common sense. The rational side of my brain remained silent, not helping me in the least. As our gazes held, another wave of attraction flared between us. What was it about Ryan that drew me to him so strongly? It wasn’t just his looks. There was a genuineness about him. I could see that now. A kindness that wasn’t common in “players”. Maybe I’d judged him wrong. Maybe he wasn’t a player, after all, but a nice guy who just happened to be incredibly good-looking.

  Humph. Right.

  Then, against my better judgment, I slipped my arm through his, and we headed outside.

  I told myself I was doing this for Glenda.

  But the truth was…

  I was also doing it for me.



  Liz was skittish as hell as we moved across the dark parking lot to the restaurant/bar next door where Luke and Mateo had headed earlier. Her body remained tense, her gaze wary. I desperately wanted her to relax. To be comfortable around me. But it was obvious she would need a drink or two to help her. She was way too uptight. And for some reason, she was still afraid of me. Most women came on to me before I could come on to them. But Liz wasn’t like other women. She didn’t even seem to like me, and that bugged the hell out of me. I was a likeable guy, dammit. She was judging me without even knowing me. And that wasn’t fair. I wanted her to give me a chance. I vowed to show her—and convince her—that I was a nice guy.

  The restaurant was empty now, the wait staff cleaning tables and closing down for the night as Liz and I walked toward the open bar at the opposite end of the building. I spied Luke and Mateo sitting at stools at the counter when we walked in. I quickly scanned the room, noting four men seated around a table in the corner, another group of three a few tables over, and a third table with six young women at the opposite end of the room.

  I headed for the bar, urging Liz beside me.

  Luke’s eyes widened as he spied us, shock registering in his gaze. I fought hard to hold back a smirk, but I couldn’t do it. I grinned at him. Yeah, I got her without the pheromone, you asshole. Luke narrowed his gaze suspiciously. He was wondering if I’d secretly used the pheromone to win her over. I glared at him, letting him know I wasn’t happy with his suspicion. He knew me well enough to know I would never lie to him or try to deceive him. I had convinced Liz to come for a drink all on my own. Without using the pheromone at all, thank you very much.

  Finally, he jerked his head in a nod, accepting the truth for what it was.

  I pulled a stool back for Liz and waited while she sat, then took the seat next to her, sitting between her and Luke. I still didn’t want him anywhere near her, trying to influence her in any way. For some reason, I felt protective of her. If Luke wanted to get laid, he could go after one of the chicks sitting at the table across the room.

  Luke held my gaze for a long moment, then turned and said something to Mateo. Turning away from them, I smiled at Liz. “What would you like? A fruity, girlie drink? Or a manly, put-hair-on-your-chest kind of drink?”

  Her eyes widened slightly behind her glasses at my attempt at humor. “Manly, put-hair-on-your-chest kind of drink? What’s that, exactly?”

  I smirked. “Something strong, like whiskey. Is that what you want?”

  She glanced around me at Luke, her gaze turning cautious. I turned and followed her gaze. Luke was eyeing her intently, probably trying to read her vibe. She leaned toward me and whispered, “Why’s he staring at me like that? I don’t think he likes me.”

  I turned back to her, looking into her big, gorgeous gray eyes. “Just ignore him.”

  Luke grunted, then pushed off his stool and headed for the table of women across the room. Mateo hesitated briefly, then bolted after Luke.

  Perfect. Now I had Liz all to myself.

  I motioned to the bartender, a thirty-something guy with a ponytail and multiple face piercings. “Two shots of Jack Dan

  He nodded and moved off.

  Liz’s eyes filled with wariness. “I never said I wanted a whiskey.”

  I leaned closer to her, breathing in her soft fruity scent. “Sorry. My bad. I just assumed. Want me to send it back and order something else?”

  She hesitated, staring into my eyes. And I swear, something passed between us. Something powerful. It was more than attraction. More than sexual awareness. I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was because I’d never experienced anything like it before. My gaze darted down of its own accord, drawn to the pulse thumping wildly in her neck. She was every bit aware of me as I was of her.

  She cleared her throat, and I pulled my gaze back to hers.

  “No, that’s fine. I’ll give it a try.” Her face turned bright red and she looked away.

  That was another thing I liked about her. She was so transparent that her emotions were written all over her face, but especially in those expressive eyes. There was no guile in this woman. She was as real as they came. And that was so rare. A wave of desire snaked through me. I was completely, utterly fascinated with this chick. She was unlike any woman I’d ever met before.

  “Don’t worry,” I said with a chuckle. “Whiskey won’t give you manly chest hair. It sure as hell didn’t give me any.”

  She let out a soft laugh, another flush creeping over her face. Her gaze darted to my chest, as if she might be able to see if I had any chest hair through my shirt, then jolted up to mine. Heat arced through me. Was she imagining what I looked like naked? I hoped so, because I was sure imagining how she would look sprawled out in nothing by her birthday suit.

  Silence stretched while we stared at each other. And the strange powerful connection arced between us again.

  “For the record, I’m not going to sleep with you,” she said abruptly. “I said one drink and that’s what I meant. So if you want to get laid, you should go join your friends over there.” She motioned at the table where Luke and Mateo were now sitting, Luke with a chick on his lap, and Mateo eagerly talking to a brunette seated on his right.

  Ouch. This girl was as prickly as a cactus. I didn’t recall saying I wanted to get laid. Where had she gotten that idea? I thought I was being a gentleman. I’d only been flirting lightly. Gently. Not outrageously.


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