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His Holiday Bride

Page 4

by Elaine Overton

  It was a beautiful house, Amber realized, despite the boring white walls and lack of decorative creativity. Paul had said he was house-sitting for a friend of his and Amber knew immediately the friend was a man. The house had that kind of sterile “place of residence” feel to it that men seemed to favor instead of the hominess that women tended to create in even the smallest of places.

  Her body reminded her of why she’d come out of her room and she continued the search for the bathroom. She found it down the hall.

  When she came out a few minutes later, she stood completely still, hearing what sounded like voices coming from downstairs. Telling herself that she needed to know as much as possible about this man who’d basically kidnapped her, she decided to investigate.

  At the bottom of the stairs she leaned around the corner and saw a light coming from the living room. Stealthily, she moved along the wall until she was almost standing outside the entryway. Her lips twisted in disappointment when she recognized the voices of Roseanne Barr and John Goodman, and realized the voices were coming from the television.

  Looking around the corner, she could see someone on the couch. Edging away from the wall, Amber tiptoed across the floor until she was standing just behind the end of it.

  Paul’s head was resting against the back of the couch and his mouth was wide open. He was sound asleep.

  Perfect. She leaned against the end of the couch and did what she’d wanted to do since the moment the hotel elevator doors opened. She looked at him. Really, really looked at him, soaking up that gorgeous face and slightly muscular body. She decided her initial assessment had been correct; it wasn’t just a trick of the light. He was beautiful.

  His perfectly chiseled features defined every inch of his flawless olive skin. At first glance she’d thought he was maybe mulatto, but now she could clearly see he was of Hispanic decent. His soft brown, almond-shaped eyes were now shielded by long, thick lashes. As she visually outlined his full, pink lips, she subconsciously licked her own. Feeling bold, she stood and edged around in front of the couch to see if the muscles she remembered from earlier were real or imagined. She tiptoed closer and closer and stopped suddenly, seeing the small bundle that was cradled tightly against his chest.

  All she could see above the blanket was a crop of dark curls, but there was no mistaking he was holding a baby. Her mouth fell open and she stood there in stunned silence for several minutes just…staring.

  Not knowing what to think, she quietly returned to her bedroom and crawled back between the cool covers. She lay there for a long while before beginning to feel sleepy again. She had had enough surprises in this one night to last a lifetime.

  Amber had always considered herself the more adventurous and daring member of her family, a title which up until now she’d worn proudly. She knew that after this night she would definitely have to reconsider her opinions on the matter.

  Amber awoke to the wonderful smell of bacon the next morning. She turned over in the comfortable bed, surprised by how well she’d slept in it. Normally, she did not fare well in strange beds.

  She lay staring at the white ceiling overhead, trying to get her bearing on her surroundings. Slowly, she sat up in the bed, holding the covers close to her chest.

  Because she had torn out of Dashuan’s penthouse so quickly, she’d left her luggage in one of the guest bedrooms. All she had to sleep in was the negligee she bought during her shopping spree for their special night.

  She huffed to herself, deciding that the three hundred dollars she’d spent on it had been a big, fat waste of money.

  “Could’ve spent that on the cost of a ticket home,” she muttered, turning to put her feet on the floor.

  She stretched and yawned as her feet sunk into the plush carpeting. She heard a low voice talking, and the image of Paul Gutierrez instantly came to mind. Luther’s friend, and now her personal hero.

  She remembered what she’d seen last night, and the desire to solve that mystery brought her to her feet. She quickly slipped back into the slacks and blouse of the previous day. She pulled her hair back and finger-brushed it, finishing it up with a loose, french braid that fell midway down her back.

  She started to leave the room and paused when she noticed a partially opened door on the other side of the room. Her head tilted in confusion, she crossed the room and pushed the door open.

  “I’ll be damned.” She frowned, and then chuckled at her own foolishness. She’d stumbled around the large house looking for a bathroom, when there was one in the bedroom all along.

  She shook her head, and started to turn away before catching her own image in the mirror. Although she was undoubtedly thrown together, she was still lovely. If Paul Gutierrez was like any other man, he would find no fault in her haphazard appearance. Well, any man except Dashuan Kennedy, she thought, and felt her confidence fading.

  She headed toward the bedroom door and stopped again with a frown when she remembered that all of her personal hygiene items were in her suitcase in Dashuan’s suite. She briefly considered not going downstairs, until the wonderful smell of bacon once again filled the air.

  When she reached the large kitchen, the image that greeted her was that of Paul’s broad shoulders as he leaned against the island counter in the middle of the room. He was on the phone, but speaking low. Amber paused in the doorway when she realized the conversation was about her.

  “Yeah, Luther, she’s okay, just worn out, but given everything she’s been through that’s understandable.”

  Amber’s mouth fell open and her heart accelerated as she imagined her worst fear. He’s telling Luther about Dashuan and Kelvin!

  She came into the room, intentionally bumping into a chair at the round dining table, hoping to halt the conversation. As expected Paul turned at the sound, and their eyes locked.

  Amber was surprised to see her memory had failed her. She’d remembered him as being good-looking, when he was in fact exquisite.

  She smiled, but it felt strained and artificial on her face. She needed to get him off that phone, on the off chance that he had not said anything yet.

  “Here’s the lady of the hour now.” Paul never took his eyes off her. “Hang on.” He extended the cordless phone receiver to her. “It’s Luther. Want to talk to him?”

  Amber quickly crossed the room and took the cordless phone, covering the receiver with her hand. “Um, did you…tell him about, um…”

  Paul shook his head slowly. “Just told him about what happened in the lobby, and that I brought you back here.”

  Amber felt relief course through every vein in her body. She wanted to wrap her arms around Paul and thank him, but that would be pathetic.

  Instead, she just nodded in acknowledgement, and took a deep breath before speaking into the phone. “Hi, Luther.”

  “Amber! What the hell were you thinking running off with someone like Dashuan Kennedy? Your sisters went crazy wondering if you were okay.”

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to worry anyone. Tell them I’m okay.”

  Luther paused. “Are you okay?”

  Amber smiled at the subdued tone. She and Luther usually went head to head, and she knew her easy surrender had caught him off guard.

  “Yes.” She smiled at Paul standing nearby. “Thanks to your friend here.”

  “Paul’s a good guy. I told your sisters that you were safe and sound with him. But of course, they want to hear from you themselves.”

  “I know.” She turned her back to Paul just slightly, feeling tears forming in her eyes and not certain why. “I will, just…I’ll call them later.”

  “When are you coming home?”

  “I don’t know.”


  Amber felt a tear slide down her face, at the same time she felt a hand press against the small of her back as Paul lifted the receiver out of her hand. The small gesture seemed to be some kind of signal to her body, because as soon as Paul had the phone again, the tears began to run down her
face in a steady stream.

  “Luther, it’s still really early here, and Amber is just waking up. Let her get some breakfast and we’ll call you back.”

  Amber pulled a couple of paper towels off a nearby roll and went to look out the window into the backyard. She quickly wiped her face and blew her nose. She only caught snippets of the conversation after that, but by the time she pulled herself together Paul had hung up the phone and returned to cooking the bacon.

  “I hope you like bacon,” Paul said, while flipping the partially cooked meat. “It’s the only breakfast food I know how to cook.”

  Amber chuckled. Just then she heard the clanking of something plastic. Turning toward the sound, she noticed the playpen in the corner for the first time. She crossed the room and looked down at the most adorable little face she’d ever seen.

  The chubby baby boy lying on his back was dressed comfortably in a light blue onesie. His small head was covered with large, fluffy curls, and he seemed to be completely absorbed in the plastic key rings trapped between his tiny toes. That was, until Amber’s face appeared over his playpen. His perfect round face spread in a wide grin at the sight of the visitor, as if he had been fully expecting her.

  Unable to resist, Amber reached down and lifted him up. “Well, hello there, aren’t you the sweetest little thing.”

  The baby looked back and forth between Amber and his plastic toy, which fell off his feet when he was lifted. He was obviously torn.

  Deciding his toy could wait, he focused his complete attention on Amber, his large brown eyes running over every detail of her face in complete concentration.

  “He’s beautiful. Is he yours?” Amber asked Paul, who was scooping bacon out of the skillet.

  Paul gave the pair a cursory glance. “Yes. His name is Joachim.”

  “Hello, Joachim.” Amber wiggled her fingers, as the baby playfully tugged at them.

  Joachim’s eyes widened in surprise, and his pink, heart-shaped mouth fell open in fascination as Amber laughed.

  “Oh, he is a darling.” Without really thinking about what she was doing, Amber wandered over to the table and sat down with the baby in her arms. “How old is he?”

  Paul tilted his head, considering the question. “He’ll be eight months exactly, in two days.”

  Amber bounced the baby on her lap. “Happy birthday, Joachim,” she said cheerfully, and Joachim smiled and gurgled in return.

  “I think he likes me,” Amber said proudly. She frowned as she saw the smirk flash across Paul’s face. “What?” she asked suspiciously.

  “My son’s no fool,” he said, dishing several perfect strips of bacon on two plates. “If a beautiful woman coddled me and bounced me on her lap, I’d be happy, too.”

  Amber made a face, and turned the baby away from the heat of the skillet. “Um, look, Paul, about last night.”

  “Yeah, what about it?” Paul placed the skillet in the sink.

  “I just wanted to say thanks.”

  “No thanks necessary.” He gently took the baby from her arms.

  Joachim quickly protested until his father began to lower him into the playpen and he spotted his plastic key ring. Sitting on his diapered bottom, he reached over and grabbed the toy with his chubby hand and immediately put it to his mouth.

  “I’ll be out of your house as soon as I can.” Amber glanced around the room as a thought occurred to her. “Nice digs for a security guard,” she said absently.

  “Look, Amber.” He grabbed a piece of bacon, and looked directly at her. “What you told me last night is between you and me. Your family will only know what you tell them. They won’t hear anything more from me.”

  Embarrassed at how easily he’d read her thoughts, she quickly returned her attention to the plate. “I’ll be out of your way by noon. Can you tell me where the closest airport is?”

  “There’s no one here but me and Joachim. You’re perfectly welcome to stay as long as you like.”

  She bit her bottom lip, refusing to accept the tempting offer. Staying here with her hero and his sweet baby would mean not having to face her family, or Dashuan. “That’s a generous offer, but I couldn’t—”

  “Just think about it. If you still want to leave later, I’ll take you to the airport. Deal?”

  She nodded, and glanced around the large kitchen. “You said there’s no one here but you and Joachim?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He took another bite of bacon.

  “What about Joachim’s mother?” she asked with the lift of an eyebrow.

  Paul’s dark eyes honed in on her face like a predator. He slowly wiped his mouth with a paper towel and stood. “We’re not together.” Paul grumbled as he went to scrape the crumbs into the garbage before putting his plate and the skillet in the dishwasher. Then without any warning, he walked over and picked the baby up from the playpen.

  “There’s some guest towels and washcloths in the hall closet, also a new toothbrush and toothpaste in the guest bathroom,” he called over his shoulder, as he headed for the doorway.

  Amber frowned down at her plate, wondering if her breath was worse than she thought. “Thank you,” she muttered.

  No longer hungry, she pushed her bacon around on the plate, and listened to Paul and Joachim climb the stairs. The room temperature had gone from comfortable to freezing cold in a matter of seconds. What had she said wrong?

  About an hour later, after she’d taken a shower, Amber finally mustered the nerve to call her sisters.

  She sat down on the side of the bed and picked up the phone. She decided to call Pearl first. They had always been close, and she was pretty sure Pearl was the least likely to judge her.

  Pearl answered on the first ring. “Hello?”


  “Amber! Where are you? We’ve been worried sick about you. Are you all right?”

  Suddenly, Amber heard the sound of Opal on the other end. “Amber, is that you?”

  Amber covered her face. So much for approaching Pearl first.

  “Really, I’m okay.” She heard Ruby in the background, trying to get the phone from one of her sisters.

  “What were you thinking?” Opal said with frustration. “Running off with someone like Dashuan Kennedy?”

  “I know. It was a stupid thing to do.”

  “Are you coming home today?” Pearl asked, before the phone was taken out of her hand.

  “Amber, are you okay? Did that man hurt you?” Ruby said.

  “Really, everybody, I’m fine.”

  “Where are you?” Opal asked.

  “I’m with Paul, Luther’s friend, somewhere outside of L.A.”

  “Somewhere outside of L.A.? You don’t know where you are?” Ruby asked in alarm.

  “Ruby, I’m perfectly safe. Paul’s a really nice guy, and he has this adorable baby boy.”

  “Yes, Luther told us all about him. He’s a security consultant, that’s why it was so easy for him to find you.” Pearl was back on the line again.

  Amber snickered. “A security consultant, huh? That’s a nice fancy title for it. Anyway, he’s house-sitting for a friend, and we’re staying there.”

  Suddenly, the line went silent, and Amber wondered if they had somehow gotten disconnected. “Hello?”

  “House-sitting for a friend?” Opal said in confusion.

  “Do you have money to come home today?” Pearl interrupted. “I can wire you some again, if you need me to.”

  Amber shook her head as if they could see. Once again she had to fight back tears. It seemed as if her sisters were always bailing her out of one mess or another. Dashuan was supposed to be her new beginning, her fresh start, and instead he turned out to be a same old-same old.

  “I have money.” The first tear slid down her face and she wiped it away. “Look, guys, I have to go, but I’ll let you know as soon as I’m headed home. Okay?”

  Amber knew her sisters all took that to mean she’d be calling later that day. With that, Amber hung up the phone and stret
ched out across the bed.

  In truth, it really shouldn’t have been that hard for her to pack up and return to Detroit with her tail between her legs. Goodness knows, she’d returned to the bosom of her family after worse disasters than this. There was that time last spring break when she and some of her college friends pooled their money for a Caribbean cruise. She’d met a gorgeous Jamaican guy in the ship’s bar. Mason, he’d said his name was.

  Even now that night was fuzzy. All Amber remembered was waking up in her stateroom without her purse, which contained all her money and credit cards. That was the again Pearl referred to when she spoke of wiring her money.

  She spent the rest of the cruise trying to find Mason, and some kind of redemption, without luck. It was as if he’d disappeared into thin air. It wasn’t until she’d returned home that she found out about the con man that took advantage of tourists on such cruises.

  Then there was the incident in Mexico with the local police, but Amber was convinced that that could’ve been taken care of much quicker, and she would not have had to spend a night in their prison if it wasn’t for the language barrier problem.

  And the ill-fated affair with her statistics professor two semesters ago. The man wore no wedding band, nor was there a line on his ring finger to indicate he was married. Although, his wife had no doubts whatsoever about his marital status when she came after Amber that night in the hotel.

  The list went on and on. Unfortunately, her family was well-versed in the art of bailing her out of trouble. Why should this be any different? But for some reason, she was finding the idea of going home distasteful.

  She heard a quick knock on the door.

  “Just a minute.” Using her hands, she wiped away the tears and sat up in the bed. “Come in.”

  Paul cracked the door and came in with the baby in his arms. “I was about to put him down for his nap, but wanted to check on you first. Everything okay?”

  Amber was pretty sure he knew she’d just talked to her sisters, but he said nothing about it.

  She smiled. “Yes, I’m fine.” Humiliated beyond belief, but fine.


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