Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930
Page 10
Transcriber Corrections:
He turned quickly and was astonished at the sight of [added 'the']
shook a skinny forefinger [standardized 'fore-finger'] in Tom's face.
I was successful [was 'successsful'] in business
His eyes were riveted [standardized 'rivetted'] to an undulating,
One is that it would be [was 'would me']
propellers [standardized 'propellors'] ripping into the summer night
The thing was halfway [standardized 'half-way'] to the high bank
On some were propellers [standardized 'propellors'].
the slim shafts with their little propellerlike [standardized'propellorlike'] fans.
There were others without the propellers; [standardized 'propellors']
He saw from below the swift plane, [added comma] the streaming,intangible ray
does not sympathize [was 'symphathize'] with radicals.
and took up a cigarette. Lighting [was 'Lightning'] it
The light of the match died, plunging me into a pit of gloom. [was ,]
more comfort than [was 'that'] a room of grotesque shadows
familiar [was 'familar'] to him. He had seen it pictured
throughout the sun-ship, [standardized 'sun ship'] Northwood, goinginto the cabin for fur coats,
Athalia's [was 'Athania's'] picture was gone.
He seized a telescope and focused [was 'focusd'] it
Northwood [was 'Norwood'] narrowed his eyes as
"Do I guess right," said Northwood, [was ;] "that the light is
"Yes," said Dr. Mundson. [was 'Munson'] "In your American slang,
New Eden, [was 'Elden'] where supermen are younger than babes
while she possessed the freshness of young girlhood, [changed from ;]her skin and eyes
the iciness [was 'icyness'] was gone from his blue eyes
you would be disappointed in him, [added ,] especially after having
which she probably never saw before to-day, [standardized 'today']
I don't blame Adam for preferring [was 'prefering'] Athalia.
the atoms of his body seemed to fly asunder. [was 'assunder']
Every grave that has yawned to receive its prey hides [was 'pray']
thrust him into Future Time, where the laboratory [was hyphenatedbetween lines as 'labor-ratory']
there could be no survivors. [standardized 'survivers']
could receive with any [was 'and'] degree of clarity,
always passed everyone [standardized 'every one'] who took hiscourses
that he was allowed to go [was 'do'] about as he pleased.
I can have a good man rewrite [standardized 're-write'] your drivel
isn't to-day [standardized 'today'] to that Indian.
would be necessary to decelerate [was 'decellerate']
what looked at first [was 'fist'] glance to be a huge artillery shell
To-day [standardized 'Today'] the human body stands a speed
A few minutes was enough for [removed duplicate 'for'] me to grasp
Suppose I was laughed [was 'to laughed'] at when I get back,
in the chairs of science to-day. [standardized 'today']
pre-pleistocene [was 'pre-pleistocence'] age--swimming among theinvertebrate
and, with almost super-human [standardized 'superhuman'] efforts,
"The swarm's halfway [standardized 'half-way'] to Adelaide," he said.
"Tommy, there must be water in the station," said [was 'and'] Dodd.
The entire machine was enclosed [standardized 'inclosed'] in a
inconspicuousness [was 'inconspicuous'] of his voice and manner
replied the detective. "Where did you hide the loot?" [was ,]
a person might [was 'mighty'] cause by passing very rapidly.
more experience with robberies than [was 'that'] with apprehending
is closed for to-day. [standardized 'today']
replied the doctor with a judicial [was 'judical'] air,
"Are we going to waste the whole afternoon [was 'afternon']
showed you to be ambidextrous." [was 'ambidexterous']