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Sister Bound

Page 3

by Cecilia Lansing

  David put his hands on my thighs and slowly rubbed them up and down. He slowly moved up higher and down lower, before moving his hands in and down to rub my inner thighs. Higher, to just below my spread pussy lips.

  Then, without warning he drew back with his right hand and slapped my inner thigh. I jerked in surprise and pain. Next, his left hit my other thigh. He went on slapping, alternating between left and right, making sure to hit my sensitive inner thighs, up just below my pussy.

  He started off slow and not too hard, but soon he increased the speed and the force so that it was really starting to hurt me. After about ten hits I was screaming into my gag, trying to get him to stop. Have mercy on me. But it seemed he only got more excited by my muffled sounds. When I thought he had ruined my soft skin with his beating he stopped and rubbed his hands over my heated thighs. Once again the pain quickly morphed into heat and excitement that crept out to my erogenous zones, my pussy, my breasts, my nipples.

  Without warning he leaned forward and put his hands on either side of my pussy, pressing my legs wider. God. He was inches away from my pussy, looking at my wet and swollen lips. He ran his fingers through the sparse curls on top of my mound, bringing shivers to my body. I felt his warm breath beating down upon my bare flesh. He was too close. I squirmed in my bonds, trying to get away, or trying to get him to close the distance. I wasn’t sure anymore. My body was highly aroused, just waiting to release the heat that had been built up inside by David.

  After a minute of teasingly running his hands around my crotch, running through my curls, over my mound, up to my belly and down my loins and to my inner thighs, he finally inched closer and planted a soft kiss at the top of my slit, where my short curls stopped and my clitoris was hidden in the pink folds of my flesh. Lingering with his lips now softly brushing against my skin, he moved his head up and down, left and right. He was softly grazing his lips over my folds, and I couldn’t stop myself from arching my hips up to increase the contact. As I did, David pressed down again and slipped his tongue out to delve in, looking for my clit. A shock ran through me as he found his target. A moan escaped me through my gag.

  A quick taste and he was gone again, leaving me wanting and panting through my nose. I wanted this to be over so badly. I didn’t care about David being my brother—even if technically he wasn’t—, or the pain he had caused me. It was all drowned out by my need to orgasm already! I was so close.

  David planted his hands on either side of my pussy lips and pressed my folds open. He nibbled along my outer lips, then moved in to taste me straight from the source. I felt his tongue invade me and lick around my vulva. I lost all inhibitions and just let go. But David was taking it slow. Keeping me on edge, making sure I didn’t get too far away from him and come before he allowed me. If he was ever going to allow me. It shot through my mind, and some part of me wailed against the surrender inherent in that thought. He had broken me after all. At least for the moment.

  Keeping up his attentions to my pussy, licking and tasting and kissing and nibbling, David moved his hands up over my stomach, heading for my breasts. The combined feeling of his mouth on my pussy and his hands playing with my nipples propelled my arousal up to the next plateau. Still he masterfully kept me from tipping over the edge. So close, but still too far. I was now continuously mewling around my gag, hoping he would correctly interpret my inane sounds as the pleadings for release that they were.

  His manipulations of my breasts became rougher, edging back into slightly painful territory. His focus shifted more to my nipples, too. The most sensitive parts of my breasts. Already over–sensitized by his earlier manhandling of them, the pain shot through me as he once again gripped them too hard between thumbs and fingers. The pain angled straight to my pussy and I felt a surge of wetness there. David did too, he increased his slurping, drinking straight from the source, but didn’t stick around for long. His mouth and lips and tongue now moved back up my slit to find my clit again.

  As he reached my clit—which was now fully extended between my folds, begging for attention—he latched onto it as if giving me a miniature blow–job. He sucked it into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, the suction forcing even more blood into the super–sensitized organ. At the same time he pinched down on both my nipples with what must have been all his strength. It felt as if he was trying to crush them into a pulp. The pain was unbearable and I shrieked into my gag. But his attentions had pushed me as far as I could go and a moan overpowered my shriek as my orgasm finally crashed through me.

  As I shuddered in orgasm, David gripped my clit between his teeth and bit down. Too hard. Pain shot up from there to merge with the pain radiating from my nipples, but the pleasure from my orgasm swept it all up and confused my body into thinking it was all good.

  I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I shuddered and convulsed with the heady mix of pleasure and pain, tugging at my bonds and chafing my ankles and wrists until they bled. I don’t know when David switched back from his teeth to his tongue, or backed away from ripping my nipples off, but somewhere in my orgasm I managed to notice that the immediate pain had stopped and he was caressing me as if nothing cruel could ever cross his mind. He had my clit cradled in lips, swirling his tongue around it, soothing it and fueling my ongoing orgasm.

  He slowly and tenderly brought me back down. Caressing, licking, kissing and soothing me while I recovered from the intense feelings that were swirling through me. My heart rate was through the roof and my breathing was labored, panting through my nose because of the gag still silencing me. A warm glow infused my body, radiating out from all the points where David had hurt me, my breasts and especially my nipples, my inner thighs, my pussy and clit. I sank back into my bed, feeling drowsy and wanting nothing but to drift off into sleep, to awaken later to find that all this had really been a dream, and not the hybrid nightmare/fantasy–come–true I knew it was.

  Shudders were still traveling up and down my body, but slowly settling down. David was softly rubbing my stomach and chest, running his hands everywhere over my torso, down my flanks, caressing me, making me shiver in pleasure. His mouth was planting sweet soft kisses all around my pussy, on my mound, my inner thighs, my labia. Worshiping my lady bits as if he hadn’t just nearly bitten off my most treasured little piece of flesh. The throb in my clit and nipples was still reminding me of the painful experience he had just put me through, but the pleasure that was suffusing my body and mind were playing tricks with me. Softening the hurt and transforming it in my mind as part of the pleasure. I was once again thoroughly confused.

  As I came down from my high, it slowly started to trickle back into my consciousness that here I was, tied spreadeagled to my own bed, having just had the most intense orgasm at the hands of my brother. As that realization finally took form and came crashing into my mind, I started crying, bawling my eyes out. David sat back up. I had my eyes squeezed tightly shut against the tears, but felt him lean forward on his hands to either side of my head. He kissed my forehead and whispered into my ear; ”That’s right, sis. Let it all out. You did great. We’re going to have the greatest summer together!“

  I just started crying louder through my gag. I was crushed. Humiliated that I had let go so thoroughly, had such an intense orgasm, while my brother was ravaging my body. That the pain had only seemed to intensify my feelings was another source of confusion and humiliation. How could it be? I didn’t want pain, but I had no doubt that it had a large hand in the shattering orgasm I had experienced.

  I was too tired, too exhausted to keep up my bawling for long. When I calmed down somewhat I noticed that David had left my room. I closed my eyes and still sniffling a bit, I drifted off into sleep.

  * * *

  When I woke up I was tucked under my covers, still naked but free from the restraints on my ankles and wrists. I brought up my left wrist to look at it and saw that someone had wrapped a bandage around it. I pushed the covers back and sat up…and noticed the stiff collar aroun
d my neck with the chain dangling from the back. I felt around for a release, or something, to get it off, but I quickly found the padlock that held it closed. Attached to the padlock was also the chain. The other end of the chain was fastened to the headboard of my bed.

  ”You won’t be able to get loose. I tried. I try all the time, but it’s impossible.“ I whipped around to look at the speaker. It was Stephanie, sitting naked on her knees on the floor next to my bed. ”He’s too good at making sure the bindings are inescapable.“ I saw she had a similar collar around her neck, padlocked to another chain that was also fastened to my bed.

  ”That makes it all the better." She said it with a breathless quality, as if in thrall of the perpetrator of all this insanity. My brother. His girlfriend naked and bound next to my bed. Me, just as naked and bound. And weeks of summer still to come, with just the three of us in this house.

  It was going to be a long, scary, exciting summer.

  * * *


  books by cecilia lansing

  First Time Fuck Buddies

  Sister Bound

  more to come soon…

  * * *

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