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Proxy: A Dystopian Thriller (The Unwelcome Trilogy Book 3)

Page 28

by R. D. Brady

  “How long was I in there?”

  “Two days,” Miles said.

  Lyla slumped against Arthur, groaning. Two days. Such a long time. “What happened with the Naku? And New City, and with—”

  “It’s all right,” Arthur said. “The Naku have been rounded up. Many of the Unwelcome disappeared, but quite a few decided to stay. They are living in New City for the time being. A few others decided to join us at the Gatsby, wanting a new start.”

  “What about Anixquold?”

  Arthur grinned. “She went with Thor, Pxedlin, and a dozen others to go liberate the children’s training ground. Xe and a few of the other mothers went along as well. Plus Emma and Edna with their cookies. Hopefully they’ll be back at the Gatsby later tonight.”

  “So she’s staying with us.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  “There are a few other satellite locations that we’ve been checking on. Dexender and Gaxdrill have been going with Riley and Petra to check out those sites,” Miles said.

  “What about our people? Did we lose anybody?”

  Miles shook his head. “A few injuries, but nothing life-threatening. You were the worst.”

  Lyla looked up at Myles. “And now?”

  He grinned. “You’re as good as new. Whatever this gel is, it’s a freaking miracle. I already have people scavenging the mothership to see what we can hook up for our medical purposes.” He reached up with a white cloth and wiped some of the gel from her face.

  She smiled her thanks. “That’s a great idea.”

  Miles glanced at Arthur and then back at Lyla. “I’m going to go see if, um, anyone needs my help.”

  Before Lyla could say anything else, he disappeared through the landing bay door.

  The skyline ate up most of the view. It looked peaceful. There was a whole city here that could be used to house the Unwelcome or humans who wanted to stay there. It would take a lot of work. They’d have to make sure that it was fair, that everyone had jobs, that everyone had—

  “Stop,” Arthur said.

  Lyla frowned up at him. “Stop what?”

  “Planning. I know you. You’re already thinking that there’s a lot of work to do and that we should get started.”

  “Well, there is.”

  “Yes, there is. But we have plenty of time to make those decisions. So right now let’s just enjoy the win.”

  He was right. The Naku being gone made their life easier, but it didn’t make it easy. But they needed to start living their lives and not constantly looking for the next threat or problem to solve. “You’re right. And there was something I promised myself I would do once this was all over.”

  “What’s that?”

  She snaked an arm around his neck and pulled his head down toward her. “This,” she whispered before her lips met his.


  18 months later

  Sitting on the grass, Lyla tilted her head up to the sun, a smile on her face as the light breeze blew her hair back. She could hear the birds chirping as they flew between the three tall oaks. She opened her eyes and glanced back at her parents’ cottage.

  It had been brought back to life.

  Four months ago, Riley, Miles, and Arthur had surprised her with the reveal that they had been working on the cottage for the last few months. In fact, most people from the Gatsby had been pitching in during their time off to help get it set up.

  She had been shocked, overwhelmed, and incredibly grateful. She had spent the last two months here with her family, finally experiencing peace.

  “They’re here! They’re here!” Maisy ran out from the tree line, a giant grin on her face. Iris was right next to her, smiling just as broadly.

  Lyla stood up, putting a finger to her lips. “Shh, just a little quieter, please.”

  Iris flicked a guilty glance at the cottage. “Sorry,” she said softly.

  Lyla opened her arms to her. Iris sprinted across the space, wrapping her arms around Lyla. Not to be outdone, Maisy wrapped herself around Lyla’s other side. Lyla hugged them close. Ever since the Naku had been defeated, Lyla had had a chance to finally make a real family for her kids.

  And somehow, that was even more rewarding than defeating the Naku.

  There were still a few Naku around. They were being held at a secure location in New City. A few had already passed away, with no special help from the humans. They were just so fragile. They really weren’t set up to exist for long in this world. With the Unwelcome no longer under their control, they were not surviving well.

  But some still were. A few of the Unwelcome had volunteered to guard them. The Unwelcome themselves were doing well, although it was an adjustment to get used to making decisions on their own. More than a few had joined the Phoenixes, a few more had joined the police force that Frank had set up in New City. It seemed they needed the structure, but slowly they were beginning to embrace their freedom.

  But a significant number had disappeared and been spotted sporadically in small groups. Lyla hoped that did not become a problem at some point in the future.

  Laughing voices carried through the trees. Lyla looked up as Miles stepped into view, Gasira tucked into his arm and Petra by his side. The two of them had taken on the role of parents for Gasira. On one hand, Lyla worried they were too young for the responsibility. But on the other hand, the two of them had been through so much already, more than most adults, that she’d had to bite her tongue and trust they knew what they were doing. And from the bright eyes of the little girl in Miles’s arms, she knew that they did.

  Riley appeared next with Little Thor in his arms and Xe smiling at the two of them. Lyla raised an eyebrow at the familiarity between the two of them, shooting a glance at Miles, who just shrugged.

  Well, I wonder how Thor’s taking that.

  She didn’t have to wonder long, as Thor stepped through as well, Pxedlin next to him. The two of them had declared themselves for each other about eight months ago. They had also taken on raising little Tarfax. Both of them seem to have softened, smiles coming much more easily to both of their faces, although Lyla noted he was watching Riley very carefully.

  I hope you know what you’re doing, Riley.

  The last member of their group was Arthur. His worried gaze cut over the heads of everyone as he met Lyla’s eyes. She smiled in response. “We are fine. No major injuries in your absence.”

  Arthur hustled over to her, kissing her on the forehead. “I was never worried.”

  Lyla laughed. “Liar.”

  He gave her a grin before disappearing into the house. Lyla turned and greeted everybody else, but then her head jolted up as a veerfinah flew overhead. She shot a glance at Riley, who smiled back at her. “When people learned that you were up for visitors, a few more decided to join us.”

  By a few more, Riley meant three dozen. People filed in, carrying tables, chairs, and lots and lots of food. Lyla hadn’t seen many of them in months, and it was good to see everyone. Emma, Edna, and Saul automatically overtook Lyla’s small kitchen and directed Thor and Pxedlin in creating a bonfire. The smell of Emma and Edna’s biscuits made Lyla’s mouth water. They had needed the time away, but neither she nor Arthur was much of a cook. Riley and Miles’s trips out here with supplies were definitely a lifesaver. But there was nothing like a good home-cooked meal.

  Now Lyla sat with Frank, watching happily as the most important people of her life talked amongst themselves, everyone seeming to be at ease. She nodded to where Montell sat close to Anixquold, talking quietly. “When did that start?”

  Frank stretched his legs out in front of him, patting his stomach contentedly. “About three months ago. Well, at least they seemed to do something about it three months ago. They’ve been shooting looks at each other for a long time now.”

  “How did I miss that?”

  “Well, you’ve been a little busy.”

  Lyla shook her head, glancing across the group. Adros sat with his sisters and Jane, joined by Ro
ry and his sister Tabitha. Lewis, Pierce, and Imogen were there, along with Addie Jamal and their little girl, Hope. Lyla focused on the little girl who had Jamaal’s coloring and Addie’s eyes. So far, she seemed completely normal. Whatever the Naku had done to Addie at the breeding facility did not seem to have affected her. All of them breathed a sigh of relief at that.

  Lyla looked from face to face, a feeling of contentment wafting up inside of her. This was her family. These were the people she would risk everything for, and they would do the same for her.

  And now there was one more member of that group, she thought as Arthur stepped out of the cabin, a small bundle wrapped in his arms. Lyla walked over to the two of them, pulling the blanket back to see their son, Tai.

  His skin was a pale, pale blue, as were his eyes. He’d just reached his two-month birthday. Tai let out a small yawn, his little fist curled by his mouth, as if in guard. Lyla kissed him gently.

  That’s my little fighter. But I pray you rarely have to use those little fists.

  Emma bustled past a second later. “Oh, let me, let me.”

  Arthur reluctantly handed Tai over. He hated being separated from his son, even amongst friends. Lyla pulled Arthur to the side. “Let them see him. They’re his family too.”

  Arthur nodded, keeping his gaze on his child as Emma walked around the group, showing him off to everyone. “It’s just … I know they won’t hurt him, but I don’t like not being with him.”

  “Which is what is going to make you an amazing father.” Her gaze strayed to where Maisy and Iris were taking turns making funny faces at Hope to get her to laugh. Miles and Riley sat nearby, each with their own little one in their laps.

  Lyla tucked her arm in the crook of Arthur’s arm. “But you need to trust other people. You need to teach him to trust. Our kids need other people in their lives besides us. It helps make them stronger. It helps make them better people.”

  Arthur patted her hand, looking down at her. “Well, being you have done such an incredible job with our other children, I will take your advice.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “I expect nothing less from Lyla, the savior of the world.”

  Lyla groaned. One of Lyla’s least-favorite results of the freedom of New City was the fact that her name had become synonymous with the freedom of the human race. Stories had been created. Songs had been written. It was embarrassing.

  “I thought you said you were done talking about that.”

  Arthur smiled. “No, you said I should be done talking about it. Our son will know of the heroic exploits of his mother.”

  Lyla shook her head. “He doesn’t need to know any of that. He just needs to know he is loved.”

  “And so are you.” Arthur leaned down, and Lyla reached up and met him halfway. This was what they had fought and died for. This was what Muriel and all the others had fought and died for. The chance to live life.

  Their life was not easy—that had not changed—but it would most definitely be well lived.

  A Note from the Author

  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed The Unwelcome Trilogy. There are actually four books in the series. I wrote a full-length prequel which I never released. It takes place when the Unwelcome first arrive and shows how Laney, Riley, Miles, and Maisy become a family. It is available exclusively to those on my mailing list.

  When you sign up for the mailing list, you will receive the monthly newsletter and exclusive content. If you are not yet on the mailing, you can sign up here.

  If you’d like to keep in touch, you can also find me on Instagram and Facebook.

  Take care,


  About the Author

  R.D. Brady is an American writer who grew up on Long Island, NY but has made her home in both the South and Midwest before settling in upstate New York. On her way to becoming a full-time writer, R.D. received a Ph.D. in Criminology and taught for ten years at a small liberal arts college.

  R.D. left the glamorous life of grading papers behind in 2013 with the publication of her first novel, the supernatural action adventure, The Belial Stone. Over ten novels later and hundreds of thousands of books sold, and she hasn't looked back. Her novels tap into her criminological background, her years spent studying martial arts, and the unexplained aspects of our history. Join her on her next adventure!

  To learn about her upcoming publications, sign up for her newsletter here or on her website (

  Books By R.D. Brady

  The Belial Series (in order)

  The Belial Stone

  The Belial Library

  The Belial Ring

  Recruit: A Belial Series Novella

  The Belial Children

  The Belial Origins

  The Belial Search

  The Belial Guard

  The Belial Warrior

  The Belial Plan

  The Belial Witches

  The Belial War

  The Belial Fall

  The Belial Sacrifice

  Stand-Alone Books

  Runs Deep


  The A.L.I.V.E. Series




  The Unwelcome Series




  Published as Riley D. Brady

  The Key of Apollo

  Be sure to sign up for R.D.'s mailing list to be the first to hear when she has a new release!

  Copyright © 2019 by R.D. Brady


  Published by Scottish Seoul Publishing, LLC, Dewitt, NY

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  Printed in the United States of America.


  Books by R.D. Brady


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69

  Chapter 70

  Chapter 71

  Chapter 72

  Chapter 73

  Chapter 74

  Chapter 75

  Chapter 76

  Chapter 77

  Chapter 78

  Chapter 79

  Chapter 80

  Chapter 81

  Chapter 82

  Chapter 83

  Chapter 84

  Chapter 85

  Chapter 86

  Chapter 87

  Chapter 88

  Chapter 89

  Chapter 90

  Chapter 91

  Chapter 92

  Chapter 93

  Chapter 94

  Chapter 95


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