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The Dark Lord

Page 8

by Nihar Sharma

  Aaditya ran to her and she was breathing heavily due to performance out of fear. A laughter and joy on her face could be seen, he just couldn’t control his feelings and he hugged her tight for saving him.

  The leader entered into the ground and asked her “Who are you?” Aaditya left her lose and walked aside, she looked at him, but Aaditya thought to answer to show his bravery, choking his throat answered “I am Aaditya and she is…” he had no name and looked blank at her in awe. She smiled and replied “I am an Angel name Devika”

  All started whispering but the leader looked at her and turned around to his clans and commanded “free them”. Aaditya drew a breath of relief.

  She held Aaditya’s hand and asked him “Do you know me?”

  “Oh yes, Devika, right?” he replied. She smiled and nodded.

  “Nice name, Devika” he added more to impress her “sounds like divine.”

  “Oh! Leave it” she screamed and started walking away from him.

  “Devika, Devika…” Aaditya called her name and followed her; she got annoyed and then stopped “What is it now? You want to mock me more” she asked.

  “No” he replied in trembled voice “why would I?”

  She looked at him and asked again “Do you seriously not know me?”

  Aaditya nodded to deny. She looked into his eyes; her heart was pounding faster as she was feeling something for Aaditya, “See…” before she could say, he interrupted her “shh” and kept his finger on her lips, his soft touch made her calm down and forget the anger.

  “See whoever you are, I know one thing that…” he stopped.

  “That… what Aaditya?” she asked gently.

  He looked into her eyes deep and added “you are an angel and you saved me, I always will be in your debts.” “Oh” she snorted and tried to leave him then he stopped her again “Really who are you?”

  “Hmm, Aaditya… seriously you don’t know me, never ever heard of me.”

  He nodded again to deny. “Oh God!” She screamed in disgust. “Okay, you never read sacred and religious books.”

  Aaditya put silence on.

  “Understood, means no, great.” She appreciated him in sarcastic way. “Menaka” I believe you never heard of her.

  Aaditya was silent again. “I am her granddaughter” she added and frowned.

  “Oh” Aadi nodded and spoke “Understand” making his face. But he really didn’t know who Menka was, but this time she would prefer to kill him if he had denied.

  She smelt that Aaditya was bluffing, he had no idea about Menaka even, but his query had ended here and she smiled this time looking at his naïve face.

  “How do you know that will work?” He asked.

  “How do I know what?” she replied.

  “That monster would do nothing if you dance”

  “Oh that, actually every creature in this world loves dancing” she walked little forward and Aaditya was still there. She turned back and waved him “now what?” and smiled at him. He ran to her and again irritated her with his stupid question “Okay, but why that monster?”

  She again shot him with angry look; she was actually fed up with Aaditya’s stupid questions. But she didn’t want hurt him so she replied gently “Let me tell you the secret of this monster, a long time ago, when the dark lord, who rules in dark world and his claim over shadow world was regretted and that world was destroyed then he decided to have revenge but he wasn’t able to stand alone. As the number of good souls was increasing and they were travelling to heaven which was making gods more powerful in their world. He cursed himself with slang and then he realized a burning sensation on his skin. The very unfortunate thing was bound to happen; he cut his burning skin in anger and fed it into fire, out of that skin a monster emerged, a huge monster, technically it is his son and is created out of his flesh and blood. This is very old prophecy the devil is always killed by his offspring and dynasty goes on and the fear had made home in his heart. So he forged a sword with black magic and he can kill that monster if it passes through the door. That sword only belongs to the Dark Lord and he can use it or his successor.

  One day he created this unwanted world unnamed, unknown to gods and evils, ghosts and spirits. Due to no name this place cannot be located. Se he kept this monster here forever at the gate of heaven, so all good souls who have sins in their lives, manageable with little punishment in hell can travel to heaven later are held in this world, thus the power of the Dark Lord’s increased.”

  “Oh, I see” Aaditya replied with frowned head. “Isn’t it good story? And yes all creature love dancing, don’t you?” she asked.

  He just nodded and asked her in surprise “What now?”

  She just punched on his chest softly and smiled “Now what, nothing, we will walk” she smiled.

  “My mother told me and hers to her and that’s how story flowed from one to another generation, dance is the only entertainment everybody loves. That monster is also in need of something called soothing his heart with pure entertainment so I gave it.”

  He kept looking at her “what a girl she is, intelligent and beautiful” he muttered. Then they walked to cave and she wanted to see how path to heaven look like did.

  “Let’s go inside, come on” she insisted.

  They entered into the cave, the darkest part of that world, and so much of tranquility over. More they went inside the more they were getting worried and afraid. At the end of the cave they see a light getting reflected on walls coming from. “What could it be?” They thought and both walked slowly towards it following the light and they found a mirror of their height at the end of the wall.

  “A mirror that shows one’s desire” she muttered and recognized the mirror “Oh god, it can’t be.” Aaditya saw her nervous about the mirror and she held his hand tight in fear. “It’s not possible” she exclaimed.

  “What is not possible and why?” Aaditya asked in fear. He wanted to know before it could turn too late. She loosened her hand from Aaditya’s grip and stepped forward towards the mirror and stopped there for while before that mirror. She could see her desire, she turned back with a huge smile at her face “Aaditya…” she repeated his name and went to him excited “This is the Desire Mirror, made in heaven to find out god’s desire for the welfare of the world so no gods can escape from their duties and responsibilities, and it shows the desires and destiny of one who looks into it.”

  Aaditya had no idea about what she was talking about, gods, mirror which showed the desire. Had she gone mad? Is there anything in this cave which drove her crazy or he was dreaming.

  She dragged him near to that mirror and then showed him his desire, the richest man, the huge bungalow, cars. He saw his family and some new people who he didn’t know and then stepped little closer to that mirror and touched as someone was calling him from inside of mirror.

  But suddenly his sweet desires turned into bitter and bloody visions of the war, blood and corpses and monsters. If this mirror showed the destiny of anyone that person had to prove him to the mirror by going through a test, Kalchakra would open a time portal. He touched the mirror and he vanished into it.


  A plot was drafted for both of them, as long as they were with each others in the human world. Now they got separated, far away from the visions of gods and their spies. Aaditya was supposed to be trapped in unnamed world guarded by dark lord’s monster until summon came for him.

  Vikram was chosen to serve. It was already in fate that the only soul which knew the value of sacrifice could be used as weapon by gods and devils. Vikram had died to save his own brother like best friend and that’s how his soul was bound to serve the main purpose.

  They had taken Vikram; the big pig mounted head with a long goatee, the cousin of Demosus led this rescue mission, saluted their master. All bowed down in respect and right hand fist on left chest. Vikram was stunned with their gestures, he never had seen this before, people saluting in this manner, and
he was afraid too. How could a man with big pig headed exist? Man with two horns, a man with a goat’s head. ‘What is this place? Is he in hell? Does hell look like this? Oh god, wish this is a kind of a bad dream’ he thought.

  Questions were coiling in his mind. His hands were tied with slippery long poisonous snakes. Those snakes were hissing at him waiting for the orders from the master to bite him down. Vikram was afraid of seeing all these people around him, all looked weird. He was sure that they were some kind of his imaginations.

  A tall man with no beards and moustache, but with long hair and a sword hanging on his back, looked at him from his chair, a bronze shield on his chest and a golden knife at his waist hanging with his armor.

  All hailed the dark lord. Vik was not able to move due to the fear and swallowed his saliva in thirst and then he heard a voice.

  “You are afraid, aren’t you?” Lord smiled at him, and kept his hand on his shoulder. Those snakes left him untied and went into their digs.

  “You have made me prisoner and your soldier have dragged me here forcefully, obviously I am scared” Vikram replied candidly.

  Lord couldn’t resist bursting out laughing. “My apologies, I told them to take you with honor but they said you have resisted them so they had to take you forcefully” The Lord apologized.

  All his soldiers including the brigadier and general Demosus got shocked with the bizarre behavior of their lord’s. He just apologized before a kid, what was happening? There must be some solid reason why master ordered to bring him here in our world.

  Dark Lord took him to the heart of the city, where he showed him the royal and loyal soldiers of his, ready to destroy the worlds of his enemies. There was a unique characteristic of all his soldiers they all had very beautiful goatees, iron helmet on head and long spear and swords guarded with swords in both hands. They had been training hard for a preparation.

  Then he took him to the river where beautiful ladies were taking baths, swimming in pool naked, they were also half human and half animal and few were half fish and half human. “Am I in a wonderland?” Vikram muttered. There was a gate where two centaurs are guarding the entrance and exit.

  Vik looked at them in surprise “Are they real?”

  The dark lord nodded and smiled. “Can I touch them?” Vikram asked. The dark lord nodded again, but Demosus looked at Vikram sarcastically.

  A child in his mind pushed him to them to know the new thing, he went closer to her and touched her, she stepped one step back, and lowered her head in respect to him. “Her body is so soft and silky” he exclaimed in joy and looked at her and asked her name. She was surprised but looked at her master and her master nodded to allow her to tell him her name.

  “Suzanne, my lord” she told him her name with respect. Another one standing opposite to her with joy told her name without her master’s permission “My name is Lithina, my lord.” He looked at her and apologized “Oh sorry my lady, I haven’t asked yours.”

  Lithina and Suzanne looked at their master, and smiled. Since so many years none had showed that kind of respect. Demosus frowned in surprise, after so many years he came to know their names. Why did it not click his mind before?

  Suzanne opened the gate for the lord and Vikram followed by Demosus. He looked at Suzanne and then at Lord, Demosus couldn’t understand what was going on between the lord and this kid. Suzanne smiled at his act and allowed Vikram to ride on her.

  Lord smiled and he too rode on Lithina. They had entered into the main city called the City of Pride. “This is the symbol of our martyrs in war, this is where the weapons get forged and training sessions being conducted” lord added to him.

  The swords and spears clanging with each other’s and soldiers were practicing hard. Vikram smiled looking at this majestic scene and patted on Suzanne’s neck softly, Suzanne stared at Lithina with her raised eyebrows.

  Vikram said “I haven’t seen like this before, means we used to watch on TV, a serial of this kind but in real world these exist.” Then he wore silence for while. Suzanne got little speed and made him little joyful and thrilled.

  Lithina wanted to join but she was carrying the lord, so he touched to permit to race with her sister. Demosus cursed “Damn”, and started running after them.

  Vikram started laughing out loudly out of his happiness and his laughing echoed on the walls of the city, Suzanne and Lithina after so many years, both the centaur sisters ran, jumped and had have fun like yesterday they had enjoyed together. Lord had stopped her there and let Vikram enjoy with Suzanne so he got off from Lithina and granted her to join them too.

  Demosus appeared before his lord and panting highly, tired of running “Thank devil, you are here otherwise I have to chase you my lord.” Lord smiled and pated on his shoulder “you are still so fit” he mocked but fat mind Demosus couldn’t understand lord’s cynic.

  The sinister wind touched the grasses of the ground and those smell of hell’s ground made lord nostalgic. Vikram was very happy with those centaur sisters and coming towards the lord who was waiting for him to return so he could share what he needed to know.

  Vikram asked the dark lord “Why do you need so big army at your command? Means what you want to do with them, conquer the world?” sarcastically.

  “Yes I have. But they need a commander who can direct them” looking at them and sighed. Demosus stared at his master and comprehended nothing why his master was looking for a commander or why the nether land army would require a commander when there were so many good brigadiers and commanders.

  “So without commander, how this army is surviving, I mean who is guiding them now” Vikram asked surprisingly.

  Lord chuckled and patted his shoulder and invited for a walk “let’s walk.”

  Demosus wanted to stay with them but lord waved him to stop. He wanted to have leisure time with Vikram. Demosus felt little embarrassed, his lord never did so it before.

  Vikram asked “my lord, you command them.”

  “Yes, till. But my command cannot lead them to the victory” lord added “They require a sacred heart and soul who can lead them to heaven.”

  “Heaven” Vikram looked at him surprisingly and he stepped little away from the lord. His words expressed a lot more than his intension. Lord smiled a wan smile “I can understand you, don’t worry I am with you.”

  “Heaven, a place where gods live, where every single soul wants to live and serve them, a holy place” he emphasized “What are you planning for? A war, are you out of mind?”

  Nobody dared to talk to the dark lord like this. His eyes turned red in anger and Vikram kept continuing his talking about the heaven and their power. Demosus felt the rage of his master and whole army was staring at their master and waiting for an order to kill that kid.

  Lord turned around and screamed “Now you will lead and command this army. This is the destiny.” Vikram couldn’t understand why he. Few days back he died, and then he got stuck in his own world, then journey through a magic bottle and reached to a desert full of lizards. He was now in an unknown world with weird people and their lord commanded him to command and lead his army. He was shocked.

  The dark lord commanded his body guards to take this kid and put him into the prison, he looked at him with his red big eyes “You have no choice. You have to stand by my side.” Vikram got suddenly shocked, the moment of joy turned into the painful. Suzanne wanted to talk to the lord but Lithina stopped her.

  “Guards take him and teach him some respect” commanded the lord. Demosus came with his few body guards and tied him and took him at the edge of spear towards the prison, Vikram couldn’t resist looking at lord with big opened eyes.

  The guards took him and pushed in dungeon and tied him with a bar and started lashing him to bleed, he was screaming and sobbing. There was a soldier with an aerial whip enjoying lashing him. A dead also could feel pain like mortal in hell, impossible but it was happening. A pain that Vikram never experienced during his life in human world in huma
n body, but his soul was being tortured and pained by these weird people and left alone in that dungeon.

  His floor was transparent and he could see other souls who committed sins and as per the law of justice sent here for punishments. Soldiers were lashing them and pouring them into boiled water, he could listen those souls’ screaming in pain. He was too weak to move.

  Law of justice was a truce between the gods and demons for maintaining the peace in universe. But the devil, he strayed people from good deeds and let them lead to hell after death so he could strengthen and create his army against the gods.

  That unwritten truce had turned this universe into a battlefield where the battle never stopped since inception. He was hungry and tired lying on floor watching other souls being tortured.

  Then a shadow came to meet him, and looked at Vikram and smirked. He was afraid and sitting and shimmering in the corner of the prison. He was afraid of watching this world and now understood the reason behind people wish not to put in hell after death. He was witnessing every single soul’s pain and grief by his own eyes, one day he would crib to his creator about this, he decided.

  He offered him a cup of tea “Hey kid drink this and you will feel better.” Vikram could only see a shadow which looked like made of mud and some kind of smoke coming out of it, scary but he had to listen to him otherwise next thing would be brutal lashings.

  He looked at him with fear and took the cup with his shaking hand. He asked him to drink it and sleep well, it would relief him from pain and he left the conversation. Now Vikram was confused with the kindness of a devil. He cleansed his eyes and sipped the little from the cup, and fell asleep.


  “Aadi, A..,a….a…d….itya.” The sound of a screaming voice rising and reaching his ears, who was she? Her screaming hit his ears.


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