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The Dark Lord

Page 14

by Nihar Sharma

  Duster and tribe’s other elder members had forced Hades to throw him into the river. And Kortex was left there to die. But he was again saved by king of gods in disguise. He didn’t forget that incident and since years he waited for his revenge, he waited long for Hades and destiny gave him a fair chance.


  “Crows” Aaditya pointed sky.

  “Crows” Duster surprised.

  “Shit, these are not crows; these are messengers of Kortex’s” Hades grinned.

  “We need to hurry. Oar” Duster screamed and started oaring hard against tides.

  “What is going on?” asked Aaditya. His face turned blue in fear.

  “Kortex” Duster looked at Aaditya.

  “Kortex, who is this new dilemma now,” he screamed.

  “This dilemma is a mercenary. He is the guardian of this lost ocean and he loves to kill first. And we are in his dominion” Hades said while continuing his oaring hard. The he screamed “Watch out”. Aaditya lowered his head and Duster couldn’t be so fast but he managed to save himself by thin hair difference. A sharp long spear pierced through their boat, water started coming up through the hole.

  “What was that?” asked Aaditya.

  “A spear” Duster replied, the heart beat rose. The situation turned around, the moon would not wait. They needed to hurry, almost close to the gate but needed to get rid of Kortex first.

  “Shit” cursed Duster. Hades looked up in the sky and screamed “oar…..”

  Three four spears rained on them, Aaditya’s right arm was wounded badly, blood was gushing out. Duster escaped but hit Hades’ left leg too. Boat was seriously damaged but they had to mange with that to reach before the gate got closed for hundred years, and in this situation there was no turning back.

  An evil laughter they all heard, Hades looked at him, and Kortex had landed on boat. Duster tried to attack him but he slugged Duster down. Aaditya in fear stepped back but Kortex was more interested in Hades.

  “Aaditya” screamed Hades “the spear”.

  Aaditya looked at that spear and picked up and threw to him, Kortex attacked with his sword but he stopped with spear. Two mighty enemies on small boat fighting, and one innocent soul’s journey would depend on them.

  The gate was now too close, the bells rang, and Kortex looked at the direction of the sound coming from, but Hades took advantage and pushed him into water.

  The gate keeper could see the boat approaching towards him, and Hades looked at Duster and waved Aaditya to join oaring to the shore. The death was before them; yes Kortex would not show quarters for them.

  Duster was down unconscious, the gate was close now and the dream of Duster was all about set to fulfill, Kortex could see them docking in shore, he managed his all power and threw flash of thunder hitting the boat, and it went to matchwood. Duster was lying on ground, got up and saw Hades was injured on his leg and Aaditya was struggling to stand on his feet.

  “Oh, shit” Duster screamed, a spear penetrated into the heart of Kortex thrown by the gate keeper. Kortex fell into the ocean and Hades breathed tight as he got new life again.

  Duster took out his knife from the scabbard and tried to attack Hades from behind but Aaditya held his hand; Hades turned around “what the hell?”

  “You want to kill me Duster, my childhood friend” Hades surprised.

  “What it feels like, you have taken everything from me, Slista and title. Yes I wanted to kill you several times but you are a lucky dog” Duster busted in anger. Hades took his knife from his hand and pierced a hole in his chest. Aaditya was sad about what happened but time was for something more important than traitor’s death.

  Hades looked up in the sky at the moon, gate keeper insisted “his soul is bound to be alone; no world will accept him, now you both need to hurry.”

  They rushed to the gate, and made their journey successful with a cost of a friend who turned out into a traitor.


  “My lord” a guard came in “All are waiting for you, my lord”.

  He was lost and disturbed in deep thoughts; he looked at the guard and waved him to leave but before he could leave the room the king asked “do I demand more?” the guard stopped and turned around and replied “no my lord, everything and anything in this universe belongs to you.”

  “Will you kill any god if I ask for without any hesitation in your mind?” king asked.

  “Yes my lord” guard replied, “Obeying your orders is my holy duty.”

  “More I want to hear” king insisted.

  “My body, soul, heart, sword, everything that I possess is yours, my lord” guard knelt down and took a vow.

  “Oh” king breathed long “You are naïve but brave, you can leave now.”


  The crier announced “The mightiest king and father of all and the emperor of universe, is here”. All stood up in his respect.

  The guard blew the conch shell; giants opened the shutters of big door of court. The king appeared and walked erect to his throne and settled himself wearing the shining crown made of gold and the star glittering on its top, which signified his valor against a demon he killed and proved his credentials to heaven’s council for his claim on crown.

  The crier called the victim. The guards brought her in the court of justice. She was shackled in gold chains, her hands; legs and waist were chained tight. Her head was down and her eyes were wet. She wanted to see her love Aaditya once before she traveled for her final journey. “Anything that you want to provide before us?” the counselor asked.

  She nodded no. She was staring at the ground and water running out of her eyes. She was going to vanish forever; Aaditya in her eyes was not an enemy to gods, evils or human beings. He was lost and she helped him, but she fell in love with him.

  The counselor asked again “Lady, if you have to say anything. Please say. We are all here to abide the laws”.

  “What can I say my lord?” she replied with heavy cracked voice.

  “Anything that can give you a fair chance” the oldest counselor suggested.

  “A death sentence” she looked up at all “But before that I want to tell you a story.”

  The king leaned forward; she continued “One day I saw a brightest star walking on grass, that star was so happy in that garden. He wasn’t interested in gems and diamonds lying on the ground not even in royal fruits that can give him immense strength. He was a pure heart shining like a fresh broken star. He sat near the bank of royal pond and drunken water from it. I was there watching him, his face was naïve that one neither kill him nor resist watching at first sight. He discovered a path through the royal gate and I followed him. We got stuck there because the door was one way portal. We became friends and ended to a world which doesn’t exist now. That world was never been on the list of any empires’ map. An unknown world where souls were kept prisoners after their punishment in hell was over, he fought against the monster which was standing between their redemption and hell, and he fought and released all of them, because of him we have that magic mirror and the monster, he saved all of us.”

  Devika stopped and breathed long in grief welled up in her mind. The counselors were looking at each other’s; her story had a point. The oldest counselor requested king to give his view “My lord, what do you suggest?”

  The king didn’t care to look at that oldest counselor. He just shot a glance at her and sighed “Give her clean death” he commanded.

  The king started leaving in rush, the crier announced his dismissal. The quick decision looked like the king already decided her fate. The counselors started leaving one after one, watching a divine soul to death wasn’t good thing for them, it was terrible. She was alone sitting on the floor chained. The guard came with the shining sword, sliced her head with one shot. There was no cry, no pain. She was freed from everything, she vanished forever.

  The body vanished in whitish smoke; the guard
looked at the smoke and muttered “A mistake”.


  The time turned out to be the biggest enemy to them, Loka had to cross the pond as the fishes of white pond purified her, but Suzanne heard them. They needed to run to the gate and escape from that point.

  “What happened” asked Lithina, when saw her sister sensed something.

  “I can hear him” she replied “he is trying to escape from our lord” she said to Lithina.

  “Are you sure?” she asked her twin sister Suzanne. “Hmm” she nodded “its white pond.”

  “You better be sure, know why” she wanted to warn Suzanne. She was quite a bit puzzled.

  Then they heard a voice from behind “Suzanne, I have a message for you.”

  Lithina turned, “Please, tell” Suzanne asked the messenger.

  “We have news that Hades entered into the gate before the green moon sets sailed on the lost ocean. And Kortex’s body was found near the coastal bank along with a goat man believed to be Duster, an old and trustworthy friend of Hades.”

  “Oh I can see that” she added. “Hades, interesting” Lithina snorted.

  Hades was the one who killed Lithina’s husband long years ago. The old animosity got flames again. Suzanne waved her left hand for that guard’s dismissal. There was now a chaos thing to arrive. If Lithina went after Hades she would prefer to kill him or she might return.

  “There is no option except sending her to the gate”, Suzanne thought and commanded her sister “you should go and check gate of white pond; I must go to find Hades.” “But” Lithina wanted to take Hades, “no but” Suzanne spoke “do what I say.” and she galloped towards the gate. Lithina sent a messenger to dark lord to prepare and inform that her sister went to hunt down Hades and she went to take Vikram from white pond.


  “Vikram” one of the blue souls came to him and said “you cannot go beyond this line” Loka looked at Vikram with surprise as she was unable to help him anymore as her capability ended here. Vikram wasn’t surprised, he grappled so long to come to this point and his dream of getting out of this place went in vain. He was mused, but no hope that now could raise his morale.

  “Vikram” Loka called “You should be disappointed but….”

  Vikram cut in “Disappointed…” he turned his face “No, I am not.”

  The trembling voice spoke a lot that he couldn’t. Loka looked at the head of the blue souls and folded her hands before her requesting to allow him to pass. She was also helpless “I am sorry, I cannot. The power of mine is limited here.” Then all of them flew away.

  Loka said to him “I know how it feels. But we are sometimes bound to our own destiny. I have passed a century here in black prison waiting for right time to come and flee with my husband but my husband turned to be a traitor. I found you as a great friend who stood with me always and now I have to leave you alone here”. The tears ran out of her eyes.

  Vikram took her face in between his two palms and smiled, “A century isn’t it a long time for a cute little, adorable lady mouse?”

  Loka smiled but tears didn’t stopped flowing. She hugged him tight and kissed on forehead and told him “Be strong in this world, if you are here then there must be some reasons for you to be here.”

  She nuzzled and smelt “Lithina is coming” she warned. “I need to leave now, you please hide somewhere” she requested and jumped to the gate.

  Vikram was staring at the huge Iron Gate. He became alone again, and then a shadow fell on his feet. He looked up and it was Lithina grinning at him. She hit him with her spear and mocked “huh, you made me run so far, now rot in his pit.” And she dragged him.

  Demosus was supervising the training of his soldiers, then he saw Lithina coming dragging Vikram unconscious, tied with her back.

  “Demosus” she called “take your pig.”

  Demosus looked at her and grinned “how did this pest escape from the prison?”

  “That was your job” and she left.

  Demosus knocked his right foot on ground and commanded to throw Vikram into pit. “Call your captains to prepare the army” Demosus commanded and left for the dark lord’s chamber.

  In the middle of the way to lord’s chamber, a guard stopped him “My lord”. He waved his hand “Not now” and rushed towards the chamber. “My lord” the guard again interrupted. Demosus was always short tempered so he snorted at him; the guard bent down on his kneels and apologized “My lord, my apology for bothering you in between but it is very important to let you know. Hades entered into lost ocean’s gate.”

  “Hades” Demosus screamed. The problem for him just increased.


  “Not at all” screamed dark lord on Demosus when he had given him information regarding the escaping of Loka. “How could it be?” Dark lord got furious over this; no one could escape from the Black prison in millennia. And Demosus informed again about the second bad news “there is a breach in lost ocean’s gate, Hades broke into.” Lord glared at him.

  Demosus was standing frozen statue in fear and his mind, “Okay, summon Huster” dark lord commanded Demosus. He left as he received the command from his lord. Dark lord started mulling over the white pond’s gate, “who could show them that secret gate”. “Blue souls, known as guidance angels” he thought, it seemed he dug out the traitor.

  Huster was shocked seeing guards came to chain him, Demosus was behind them with a curly smile on his face seemed his wish came true. Huster’s heart was thumping like a drum in fear.

  The guards dragged him in chains to the lord’s chamber. “My lord” Huster cried, the Demosus hit him with his spear’s hilt, “Oh shit” Huster yelled and shot a glare at Demosus with his fiery eyes. Demosus grinned and again picked his spear to hit him then….

  “Stop” Lord stopped him, Demosus stopped and stepped back. Huster stood on his feet and lowered his head to show his respect. “You became too big Huster” Lord criticized.

  “Your blessings, my lord” Huster replied; he was the only mortal in his trust worthies. Demosus looked at his lord and it appeared like lord was also little sympathetic with him.

  “You have saved your wife sending her into Black prison. That time I could have killed her but it was my mistake. You told her the secret door of white pond and the blue souls of guidance.”

  “No my lord, she knew them all” Huster cried again.

  “No way, except few of us no mortal can enter into that library and take the blue print of this world” lord shouted in high voice. Huster was silent.

  “Just kill him and throw his dead body in white pond to make it impure so the gate can never be opened.” Lord left leaving Huster behind with Demosus. Huster started begging for his life but lord already made his decision, Demosus shouted with laughter and chopped off his head with his blade.

  Dark lord sent a message to Torriyan to help Suzanne at gate of lost ocean to catch Hades and bring the traitor to him.


  “A mouse escaped from the underworld” a divine guard entered into prince’s chamber and informed. The prince just jumped from the bed and looked into the eyes of the guard. The guard lowered his head and bent on his kneels before him. But prince rewarded him with a pearl necklace. He dispersed the guard and thought “Great news that will definitely bring joy to father.”

  Prince dressed up and rushed to his father’s chamber as he found the general in middle of the way.

  “General” prince smiled “Happy to see you now”.

  “My lord” general lowered his head “my honor”.

  “What brings you here general?” he asked.

  “Army is being dispersed as soon as possible towards the gate of the lost ocean”.

  “Lost ocean?” he surprised “why, when the iron gate of white pond is open for us”.

  “That gate is closed forever, my dear son” the king appeared. All bowed down in his respect.

  “Father” prince bowed down.

  “We have a news that Kortex, been murdered near the gate of the ocean. The gate keeper had chosen the side and he let the prodigy soul to escape into underworld” king added.

  Prince smiled “Umm…means dark lord has a traitor.” King nodded and commanded, “Gather the army, general and start marching towards the gate of lost ocean, we will bring that world down and send someone to kill that prodigy soul, we don’t need him any more” king left with glowing and glorious smile on his face.

  The general took permission from prince and walked away with his body guards. Prince was upset with the news that one last hope to impress his father vanished.

  Millions of soldiers got ready to march; the armors are loaded into vehicles of iron called chariots, especially made for wars. They would start marching at the dawn. The biggest war so far against netherworld would be fought and one world would vanish from the list. The new lord would be crowned and new truce and peace would prevail.


  A guard appeared before Torriyan “Lord, dark lord sent a message for you.” Torriyan nodded the messenger said “Hades had breached the gate of lost ocean with the help of gate keeper and one soul was with him.” Torriyan looked at him “continue.”

  “Lord wants you to help Suzanne to catch the traitors” messenger stopped.

  In the meantime at lord’s command all those lethargic guards were killed. The blue souls were also taken away from library and kept underground so no one could find them again, and lord sent Demosus with Lithina to destroy the goat’s tribe for their betrayal but bring Hades’ family to him.


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