Heroine of Zenina
Page 12
He had offered her his arm as they walked to the hover-car; she crossed to his right side and took that arm. She would not avoid his face and was unembarrassed by it. He was touched she sought to show how little it mattered to her. After King Ga’Mishrin, I must seem like an angel of deliverance to her, but as they talked he found he almost believed she liked him. The idea she might even find him attractive, crept into his mind, although he was sure it was only skilful diplomacy on her part, while he talked to her, he forgot he was an ugly man. Occasionally he thought about her and wondered what it would be like to take her to bed. He knew he would never forget it. He looked at his tiny wife, bloated again with her sixth pregnancy and knew he could never put her through the misery, his father had inflicted on his mother when he sought the beds of other women. No, Marina to him was just a fantasy, nothing more.
He had been lucky in his wife. She had come to him a child bride of fifteen, ten years ago when he had been in his fortieth year. King Ga’Mishrin ordered the marriage, insisting at least one of his prospective heirs must father legitimate children. Ga’Mishrin implied he would prefer an heir with healthy sons. In vain had Ga’Mazadeh pleaded, it was not suitable for a man of forty, ugly as he was to be married to an innocent of fifteen.
The future Princess Ga’Mazadeh was the daughter of a nobleman who stayed away from court. Her family were poor but fecund. Repeated broods of sons had fragmented their once gracious estates. The only daughter with seven brothers, she had no obvious genetic faults. The doctors denied her small stature was a sign of frailty. They asserted she would bear healthy children and in that they were right. She had born five children so far and another was due any day. Her doctors said with sufficient rest she might continue to bear for another fifteen years.
She had dreaded marriage to the decrepit lecher the King insisted on, having heard about Ga’Mishrin’s court and putative heirs. She knew little of Prince Ga’Mazadeh, except he was hideous and she feared his nature would match. They had no meeting before their wedding at court and his face was terrifying. When the wedding guests withdrew and she prepared for the ordeal of her marriage bed, she found him far less frightening than she had feared.
He had been gentle, patient with her and very considerate. When the lights were switched off, she could not see the scars and his body was strong and wholesome. He was a timid lover expecting the revulsion others had shown, but she had no other for comparison and after a few weeks, was pleased when he sought her bed. Her welcoming arms brought him release from the need to be loved, all men feel. He found it easy to love his child bride and although it amazed him, he soon realised she was in love with him, her first love, her hero whom she adored.
For a while this made life difficult for him, because there were aspects of his life he did not want his wife to see. His solution was to keep her from court, keeping his private life separate, from his public life. Princess Ga’Mazadeh did not resent their splendid isolation, rather she revelled in it. She had seen enough of Ga’Mishrin’s court at her wedding to never wish to visit it again. If she was almost a prisoner in their fortress, she knew it was because Ga’Mazadeh was carefully protecting her and their children from the machinations of his relatives.
Ga’Mishrin’s visit could not have been more ill-timed, she felt tired and her doctors had ordered her to rest more. She would be obliged to sit up and act as hostess to her king, when she would rather stay abed. Her back had been aching all day and although she knew it was not her pains it made her irritable.
Chapter Nineteen - Well Laid Plans
Marina finished her training session with Ga’Riyal and was thoroughly satisfied with his progress. She gently healed his back and suggested he go home to sleep. This time she remembered to get his address. She told him to present himself at the hospital when he was fully rested and have his projected post colour change intelligence quotient assessed straight away. She advised him not to leave Hemithea before the transformation. It would be too great a risk.
There were a few hours to go before she had arranged to begin the search with Irzina. She consulted with her officers hearing their status reports. Then she was informed Maz was demanding noisily to see Marina. He would not be shut up. Marina had been speaking to Vlama who had come to take Bromarsh for supper and they had discussed exactly what she wanted Vlama to get him to do. Marina was unhappy with recent training of Zeninan recruits and felt the tutors had become too complacent. She would like the views of an outsider with military experience on how to shake them up. Marina thanked Vlama who went off to collect Bromarsh. Then Marina requested Maz be brought up.
She dismissed the guards, as he entered and knelt.
“Why do you wish to see me?” she asked.
“I wanted to know what will become of me?” he replied.
“No decision has been made as yet; it depends on how well you behave.”
“Will I be tried for the killings?” he tried again.
“I’ve not decided yet, you’ll have to wait until I do.”
She dismissed him telling him to be patient but he leant forward gripping her legs, kissing her feet and ankles.
“Don’t send me away, please,” he begged kneeling up and kissed the insides of her thighs. She laughed; she had over an hour to wait before she led Irzina on a hunt for the man whose hands were worming between her legs.
Chapter Twenty - Uninvited Guest
Adelza and Belabeza were not expecting the knock on their door and were surprised to discover Charles on the other side of it. Belabeza got up to answer the door and admitted Charles to their bedroom. Adelza had been listening to a mind-tape of some pshycia-organ music and switched it off as he appeared, removing the sensor from behind her right ear. They had both been in bed and were naked. They asked Charles what they could do for him. He was nothing if not direct.
“Invite me to share your bed,” he stated removing his sandals and loincloth.
They laughed, but were not quite so amused when he slipped under the covers next to Adelza. They both told him they were not interested, they were happy as they were and did not need a man. He was quite equable about their disinterest.
“I was not suggesting I seduce you, but I need sexual satisfaction and I have no desire to be mauled by these stinking clod-hoppers. You both owe me a favour and I know you’re skilled in the Zeninan arts of lovemaking. You know methods to satisfy a man that would not seriously inconvenience you. I am prepared to not molest either of you and let you both please me; it will be like a holiday.”
“What you are asking is quite preposterous, get yourself dressed and get out of here at once,” declared Belabeza.
Adelza was more conciliating, “I cannot thank you enough for saving Belabeza’s life. If you are not playing a practical joke on us, I’m prepared to do what you wish. I think Beza is being a bit hard on you.”
“He doesn’t need to have us, Kazimira has been begging for his thrusts. Go ask her and leave us in peace. I have not needed a man these fifteen years. Nor has Adelza, we’re faithful in our love to each other.”
Charles was getting annoyed, he had asked nicely and they owed him big time, he could not see why Belabeza was lying to him either.
“That’s coming it a bit Bel, I suppose Divak doesn’t count or have you forgotten him. You weren’t teaching him basket weaving!”
“What do you mean Charles? Are you saying that Bela and Divak are in love with each other?”
“How did you know? We were very discreet.”
“I’m sorry Bel, I did not realise Adelza didn’t know. I thought you decided to have a child and chose Divak as a logical sire. I saw you together after that party Marina held a while back. Divak’s room overlooks the kitchen gardens. Marina dismissed me for the night and went to her office. Klobas was dead drunk; I tucked him up on one of the sofas. So when I saw people in Divak’s room, I was curious, as Divak and Klobas were the only ones of that persuasion at the party. You came alone because Adelza was off planet on manoe
“I was very intrigued when I saw it was you. I climbed the hill behind my quarters to get a better view and watched. The pair of you put on quite a gymnastic display. I apologize for being a peeping Tom”
“If you know Charles, I am surprised Marina hasn’t told me. She must know,” said Adelza.
“I don’t think so, though she is guessing by now. She was wondering what Divak meant when he sent his love to Belabeza in hospital. If she had known for sure, she wouldn’t have wondered.”
“I’m surprised you can keep secrets from her Charles. I thought she knew your every thought. You and Marina were inseparable.”
“Not any more, I think she will sell me soon. She threatened to over the petition; sell me off planet with the proviso I wasn’t to be sold back to Zenina for at least ten years.”
“Surely she was joking. I thought she offered you your freedom?”
“She has, every time I displease her. I always refuse. I don’t know what I’ll do if she really decides to get rid of me.”
“Why do you think so, Charles?” asked Adelza now beginning to become concerned for him because Charles was a friend of theirs. This worry over Belabeza and Divak could wait.
“She’s got a new man,” started Charles.
“Marina’s always had other men, it’s never worried you that much before,” said Belabeza.
“This one’s different. He’s part Kurgian, part Zeninan. Ga’Riyal the pirate, you might have heard of him?” they nodded and he continued.
“He is close to change, if he survives I’d lay any odds, he will be Gold and he’s resistant. He can give her children.”
“That’s no reason why he should want her tattoo. Are you sure you’re not worrying unnecessarily?”
“There’s more. Her Department caught him smuggling treacle into the planet. She had him flogged in front of his officers. I hoped he’d lose interest in her, but when I reached to touch his mind, she was there with him.”
“I’m sure there must be some other explanation, Charles,” soothed Adelza.
“She went straight to him afterwards, didn’t even leave a decent interval to show her displeasure and I followed her thought. She didn’t heal him immediately, she started training him. Why else would she train him, if she does not want to enslave him?”
“I don’t know Charles. I don’t want to believe it,” said Adelza and then blurted out “Belabeza are you in love with Divak?”
“No, I have never loved anyone but you. You must believe me Delzie. I was stupid but I got drunk and when Divak invited me to his room for a chat, I didn’t think much of it. If you hadn’t been away and I’d been sober I wouldn’t have responded, when he made a pass at me. I did not want to do it again, but he said he’d tell you if I didn’t come and see him occasionally. So I went every now and then. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Divak blackmailed you! That’s appalling. We should tell Marina and get him flogged for it.”
“I didn’t really believe he would tell. So it isn’t really blackmail and if you tell Marina, she’ll ask him and he will say I enjoyed it.”
“Did you?” said Charles as the conversation began to turn in a more promising direction.
“Yes,” sobbed Belabeza, “Yes I did.”
“So do you want to be with Divak or not?”
“No, I do not, I told you I love you.”
“I don’t like it when you lie to me, Beza.”
“I’m not lying, Delzie! Please forgive me.” They embraced each other.
“Remember me,” said Charles beneath the two embracing friends.
“Oh all right,” said Belabeza, “Which of us do you want first?”
“Switch the light off and I won’t have to decide.”
This prevarication was agreed on and the night was spent energetically. The upshot of it was the girls decided to seek out Divak and demand he get both of them pregnant. If he did not agree, they’d tell the whole to Marina, who they believed would punish him accordingly.
Chapter Twenty-One – Searching
Bromarsh had an uneventful night. He worked until Vlama took him out to supper and then went back to Marina’s house where he slept alone. He completely missed out on the fun and games in Central Hemithea where Irzina’s crimson uniformed police staked out the first street on Marina’s list. Irzina sat in her official hover-car, police and emergency vehicles having exemptions from the vehicle ban, and waited for Marina to join her. Marina was not long and informed her that her employees were now in place.
The first house contained nothing but irate people complaining of their sleep being disturbed. The second house, where Marina had told Irzina she had been informed Maz was hiding was completely empty. Its occupants were out of town. The third house which was the one Marina had on her list, was full of explosives. The police found three caches; one in the cellar, another under the floorboards on the ground floor and a third hidden in the air conditioning ducts. The police disappointed at their failure to find Maz were nevertheless pleased with their booty and arrested a number of people living in the house.
They moved on to the next street. Marina again positioned her people. This time they found explosives in the first house, but even though they searched another five houses, they found neither Maz nor more explosives. Irzina was beginning to wonder about Marina’s information but the smuggling of explosives was a crime, so no one could say she was wasting her time. Irzina was a member of the Fertility Cult but Zadina had not advised her of their hoards. Nor had Irzina seen any reason to mention to Zadina she would be searching various addresses with Marina as she was only looking for a murderer.
They searched the four addresses Marina had been given and found explosives in all of them. At the fourth address, some Cultists were attempting to move the stuff so they arrested them as well. Irzina did not get them to talk, but did not try very hard. She recognised them as Zadina’s acolytes at once. Zadina was not happy with Irzina; not happy at all. Not only had she delayed Blazena from collecting the treacle, allowing Marina to confiscate it, but now she was handing over their explosives to Marina. Irzina defended herself staunchly telling her leader. “
“If I’m not kept informed, how can I know who is responsible? I was doing my job.”
When the two of them met early that morning at Demina’s Temple there was a very heated exchange which turned the air blue around them crackling with energy.
Chapter Twenty-Two - King Ga’Mishrin’s Dilemma
King Ga’Mishrin had decided that now his plans for the Markaban Union were nearing fruition he could afford to indulge himself. He had thought the matter of Marina over very carefully, trying to decide whom to trust. Prince Ga’Mikkal was up to some mischief of his own in Zenina and Prince Ga’Mushrang was needed to keep the Markaban coup ticking along nicely. Prince Ga’Migushtan was an obvious choice on the basis of his sexual proclivities, but he was such a weakling, Ga’Mishrin doubted he would survive the travelling.
That left Prince Ga’Mazibad and Prince Ga’Mazadeh. Ga’Mazibad’s dealings with the occult made Ga’Mishrin uneasy. Many said Ga’Mishrin did the devil’s bidding but he denied even that mythical personage was his master. Ga’Mishrin gave homage to no man, god or even a demon. The idea of trusting any matter of importance to a man who thought himself a sorcerer, no matter how spuriously was patently ludicrous.
No, Ga’Mishrin would prefer to give his throne to Ga’Migushtan, than to him. Even a painted catamite like Ga’Migushtan, was preferable to the diseased insanity of Ga’Mazibad. So that left Ga’Mazadeh, the loving husband. Ga’Mishrin did not think it a good choice but he would not risk Marina to the hands of some paid hireling. Princess Marina was to be treated with respect, as befitted the future Kurgian Queen. She might even manage to produce an heir for him; surely any child from her would be more suitable than his current crop of bastards.
Ga’Mishrin had hoped Ga’Mazadeh might turn out all right. He was ruthless enough. To Ga’Mishrin’s
certain knowledge he was personally responsible for removing at least two of his rivals for the throne. Not that Ga’Mishrin was counting seriously. Still it went against his instincts to choose a man who was completely faithful to his wife. It was not right. Ga’Mishrin acknowledged Ga’Mazadeh had succeeded in begetting legitimate boys, which was more than the other Princes had done.
There was some story about Ga’Mazibad marrying a member of his coven in secret and her bearing a male child many years ago. He had been unable to winkle out proof of it and surmised it was wishful thinking on Ga’Mazibad’s part.
Ga’Mishrin believed a Kurgian King should have many sons and many women. Ga’Mushrang had several bastards, but most of them were girls. Prince Ga’Mikkal had bastards in abundance, mostly male but he was too rash, too careless which put Ga’Mishrin off making the decision in his favour. They were not good traits in a King. Neither of them was yet married and Ga’Mishrin planned to rectify that as soon as his grand scheme was complete.
He had picked the girls; both had good breeding. His bastards would obey, though he did not think the fastidious Ga’Mikkal would like his much. The girl had a face like a green cheese. Ga’Mishrin laughed to himself at his little joke. He set off in his hover-car to Fortress Zantah to inform Ga’Mazadeh of his orders. They were very simple. Kidnap Marina and do not come back to Kochab without her.
Chapter Twenty-Three - Devoted Siblings
Marina slept for a couple of hours; she looked in at Bromarsh sleeping peacefully in his bed, but did not disturb him. She swam and exercised before transporting directly to the Palace, straight to Divak’s bedroom. Divak was still in bed and not yet awake. He was alone.