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Havelok the Dane

Page 17

by Charles W. Whistler

Grimsby," I said.

  "Why, then, I suppose you would not think of it, seeing that my place isnot empty; but if you will dress in that way you must not wonder if Itook you for a likely man for a housecarl. We know Grim well by repute.Come in and tell me about the famine, and this new town of yours thatone hears of."

  Now I could not see Havelok as yet, and so I went into the stone-archedRoman guardroom, and Eglaf the captain fetched out a pot of wine andsome meat, and made me very welcome while we talked. And presently Ithought that I might do worse than be a housecarl for a time, if Eglafwould have me. I should be armed at least, and with comrades to help ifHavelok needed me; though all the while I thought myself foolish forthinking that any harm could come to him who was so strong.Nevertheless, what my father had laid on us all was to be heeded, and Iwas to be his helper in arms. So presently I told Eglaf that thehousecarl's life seemed an easy one, and that it would be pleasant to goarmed for a while, if he would have me for a short time, seeing that thefamine had left us naught to do.

  "Well, there is plenty to eat and drink," he said, "and good lodging inthe great hall or here, as one's post may be, and a silver penny everyday; but no fighting to be done, seeing that Alsi will sooner pay a foeto go away than let us see to the matter. Doing naught is mighty hardwork at times."

  Then he asked if I had arms, and I said that I would send for them atonce, and that settled the matter. If I chose to come with my own arms Ishould be welcome.

  "I am glad to get you," he said, "for there will be a crowd in the placeere long, for the Witan is to meet, and the thanes will come with theirmen, and there will be fine doings, so that we need another strong armor two that we may keep the peace,"

  He took a long pull at the wine pot, and then went on, "Moreover, theprincess's Danes are sure to want to fight some of the English folk forsport."

  "What! is she here?"

  "Not yet. They say that she is coming when the Witan meets, because theWitan wants to see her, not because Alsi does. But he dare not goagainst them, and so it must be."

  Now Goldberga, the princess, was, as I have said, Alsi's ward, and wasat this time just eighteen, so that it would be time for her to take thekingdom that was hers by right. It was common talk, however, that Alsiby no means liked the thought of giving the wide lands of East Anglia upto her, and that he would not do so if he could anywise help it. Maybethe Witan thought so also, and would see fair play. Ethelwald and hiswife Orwenna had been well loved both here and in Norfolk, and it wassaid that Goldberga their daughter grew wondrous fair and queenly.

  I had learned one thing though, and that was that we should haveEthelwald's Danes here shortly, and that I did not like; but after all,what did these few men of an old household know of the past days inDenmark? There had been no going backwards and forwards between the twocountries since the king died ten years ago. Nevertheless I was gladthat I had found a friend in Eglaf, and that I was to be here.

  Then I got up to go, and the captain bade me come as soon as I could,for he could talk to me as he could not to the men, maybe. So I bade himfarewell, and went slowly back, down the street, sitting down in the oldplace.

  It was not long after that before Havelok came, and I saw Berthun thesteward come as far as the gate with him, and stand looking after him ashe walked away; then Eglaf came out, and both looked and talked for awhile, and therefore, as soon as I knew that Havelok saw me, I went awayand across the bridge to a place that was quiet, and waited for him there.

  "Well, brother," I said, "you have had a long job with the cook. What isthe end of it all?"

  "I do not know," he answered slowly. "That is to be seen yet."

  I looked at him, for his voice was strange, and I saw that he seemed tohave the same puzzled look in his eyes as he had last night when we camefirst into the city. I asked if anything was amiss.

  "Nothing," he said; "but this is a place of dreams. I think that I shallwake presently in Grimsby."

  We walked on, and past the straggling houses outside the stockade, andso into the fields; and little by little he told me what was troubling him.

  Berthun the steward had said nothing until the palace was reached, andhad led him to the great servants' hall, and there had bidden him setdown his load and rest. Then he had asked if he would like to see theplace, and of course Havelok had said that he would, wondering at thesame time if this was all the pay that the porters got. So he was shownthe king's hall, and the arms on the wall, and the high seat, and theking's own chamber, and many more things, and all the while they seemednothing strange to Havelok.

  "This Berthun watched me as a cat watches a mouse all the while," hesaid, "and at last he asked if I had ever seen a king's house before. Itold him that I had a dream palace which had all these things, but wasnot the same. And at that he smiled and asked my name. 'Curan,' I said,of course; and at that he smiled yet more, in a way that seemed to saythat he did not believe me. 'It is a good name for the purpose,' hesaid, 'but I have to ask your pardon for calling you by the old giant'sname just now.' I said that as he did not know my name, and it was ajest that fitted, it was no matter. Then he made a little bow, and askedif I would take any food before I went from the place; so I told himthat it was just what I came for, and he laughed, and I had such a mealas I have not seen for months. It is in my mind that I left a famine inthat house, so hungry was I. There is no pride about this Berthun, forhe served me himself, and I thanked him."

  Then Havelok stopped and passed his hand over his face, and he laughed alittle, uneasy laugh.

  "And all the while I could not get it out of my head that he ought to bekneeling before me."

  "Well," he went on after a little, "when I had done, this Berthun askedme a question, saying that he was a discreet man, and that if he couldhelp me in any way he would do so. Had I a vow on me? Nothing more thanto earn my keep until the famine was over, I said. I had left poor folkwho would have the more for my absence, and he seemed to think that thiswas a wondrous good deed. So I told him that if he could help me in thisI should be glad. Whereon he lowered his voice and asked if I mustfollow the way of Gareth the prince. I had not heard of this worthy, andso I said that what was good enough for a prince was doubtless goodenough for me, and that pleased him wonderfully.

  "'Gladly will I take you into my service,' he said, 'if that willcontent you.' Which it certainly would; and so I am to be porter againtomorrow. Then I said that I had a comrade to whom I must speak first.He said that no doubt word must be sent home of my welfare, and he sawme as far as the gate."

  "Which of you went out of the hall first?" I asked.

  "Now I come to think of it, I did. I went to let him pass, as the elder,though it was in my mind to walk out as if the place belonged to me; andwhy, I do not know, for no such thought ever came to me in Witlaf'shouse, or even in a cottage; but he stood aside and made me go first."

  Now I longed for Withelm and his counsel, for one thing was plain to me,and that was that with the once familiar things of the kingship beforehim the lost memory of his childhood was waking in Havelok, and Ithought that the time my father boded was at hand. The steward had seenthat a court and its ways were no new thing to him, and had seen toothat he had been wont to take the first place somewhere; so he haddeemed that this princely-looking youth was under a vow of service, inthe old way. It is likely that the Welsh name would make him think thathe was from beyond the marches to the west, and that was just as well.

  Then Havelok said, "Let us go back to the widow's house and sleep. Myhead aches sorely, and it is full of things that are confused, so that Ido not know rightly who I am or where. Maybe it will pass with rest."

  We turned hack, and then I told him what I meant to do; and that pleasedhim, for we should see one another often.

  "We are in luck, brother, so far," he said, "having lit on what weneeded so soon; but I would that these dreams would pass."

  "It is the poor food of many days gone by," I said. "Berthun will curethat for you very shortly."

/>   "It is likely enough," he answered more gaily.

  "Little want is in that house, but honest Berthun does not know what atrencherman he has hired. But I would that we had somewhat to take backto our good old dame tonight."

  But she was more than satisfied with our news; and when she saw thatHavelok was silent, she made some curious draught of herbs for him,which he swallowed, protesting, and after that he slept peacefully.

  I went out to the marketplace and found a man whom I knew--one ofthose who carried our fish at times; and him I sent, with promise of twosilver pennies presently, to Arngeir for my arms, telling him that allwas well.


  There is no need for me to say how my

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