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Havelok the Dane

Page 23

by Charles W. Whistler

marketplace. As we crossed the bridge we saw thatthere was something going forward, for there was a gathering in the widespace, and a shouting and cheering now and then, and even Berthunhimself was there looking on and seeming to be highly entertained.

  "Here is a crowd that I will not face just now, in my arms," said theearl; "for this hole in my shield looks bad, not having been there whenI went out. Farewell for the time, therefore, and think of what I saidabout your coming to Norwich with me."

  He turned away therefore, and Havelok looked after him for a moment. Theshield hung at his back, plain to be seen.

  "It is a hole, for certain," he said; "but there is no need to show itin that wise."

  So he strode after him.

  "By your leave, earl, I will arrange your cloak across the shield, andthen you can get it to your armourer without notice."

  "That is well thought of," answered Ragnar, as Havelok did as he hadsaid. "I do not forget that I think that I owe you my life, though Ihave said nothing as yet."

  "How is that?"

  "Griffin would have flown on me as he did on you, certainly; and it isin my mind that you foresaw it, which I did not. I could not have stayedhim."

  "Well I did," answered my brother; "else had either I or you a hole inus like the one that is well covered now. But I feared what came to pass."

  Ragnar held out his hand, and Havelok took it, and so they partedwithout more words; but I knew that these two were friends from thattime forward, whatever happened.

  There were some sports of some sort on hand, when we came to see whatall the noise was; and Berthun, seeing us, called Havelok to him.

  "I have been looking for you," he said, with that curious tone of histhat always seemed to be asking pardon for his boldness in speaking tomy brother; "for here are games at which they need some one to show theway."

  "This is a sport that I have not seen before," answered Havelok, lookingover the heads of the crowd. "I should make a poor hand at it."

  They had been tossing a great fir pole, which was now laid on one side,with its top split from its falls, and they, thanes and freemen in turn,were putting a great stone, so heavy that a matter of a few inchesbeyond the longest cast yet made would be something to be proud of. Goodsport enough it was to see the brawny housecarls heave it from theground and swing it. But no one could lift it above his knee, so thatone may suppose that it flew no great distance at a cast.

  "Nay, but the thanes are trying," Berthun said. "It is open to all to dowhat they can. One of your porters is best man so far."

  "Well, I will not try to outdo him."

  "I would that you would lift the stone, Curan. That is a thing that Ishould most like to see."

  "Well then, master, as you bid me, I will try. But do not expect too much."

  The man who had the stone made his cast, which was nothing to speak of;and then the stone lay unclaimed for a time, while all the onlookerswaited to see who came forward next. Then Havelok made his way throughthe crowd, and a silence as of wonder fell on the people; for some knewhim, and had heard of his strength, and those who did not stared at himas at a wonder. But the silence did not last long, for the porters whowere there set up a sort of shout of delight, and that one who had madethe longest cast so far began to tell him how best to heft the stone andswing it.

  Then Havelok bent to raise the stone, and the noise hushed again. I sawhis mighty limbs harden and knot under the strain, and up to his knee heheaved it, and to his middle, and yet higher, to his chest, while we allheld our breaths, and then with a mighty lift it was at his shoulder,and he poised it, and swung as one who balances for a moment, and thenhurled it from him. Then was a shout that Alsi might have heard in hishilltop palace, for full four paces beyond the strong porter's cast itflew, lighting with a mighty crash, and bedding itself in the groundwhere it lit. And I saw the young thanes with wide eyes looking at mybrother, and from beside me Berthun the cook fairly roared with delight.

  And then from across the space between the two lines of onlookers I sawa man in a fisher's dress that caught my eye. It was Withelm, and wenodded to each other, well pleased.

  Now there seemed to be a strife as to who should get nearest to Havelok,for men crowded to pat him and to look up at him, and that pleased himnot at all. One came and bade him take the silver pennies that thethanes had set out for the prize, but he shook his head and smiled.

  "I threw the thing because I was bidden, and not for any prize," hesaid. "I would have it given to the porter who fairly won it."

  Then he elbowed his way to Berthun, and said, "let us go, master; wehave stayed here too long already."

  "As it pleases you," the steward said; and Havelok waved his hand to me,and they went their way.

  He had not seen Withelm, and I was glad, for I wanted to speak to himalone first.

  Now men began to ask who this was, and many voices answered, while theporter went to claim the prize from the thane who held it.

  Two silver pennies the thane gave him, and said, "This seems to be afriend of yours, and it was good to hear you try to help him withoutacrimony. Not that he needed any hints from any one, however. Who is he?"

  "Men call him Curan, that being the name he gives himself; but he cameas a stranger to the place, and none know from whence, unless Berthunthe cook may do so. Surely he is a friend of mine, for he shook me once,and that shaking made an honest man of me. He himself taught me whatfair play is, at that same time."

  So said the porter, and laughed, and the thane joined him.

  "Well, he has made a sort of name for himself as a wonder, certainly,now. I think that this cast of his will be told of every time men lift astone here in Lincoln," said the thane.

  They left the stone where he had set it, and any one may see it there tothis day, and there I suppose it will be for a wonder while Havelok'sname is remembered.

  Then they began wrestling and the like, and I left the crowd and went toWithelm, going afterwards to the widow's. I was not yet wanted by Eglaffor any housecarl duty.

  "I sent a man to Grimsby yesterday," I said; "but you must have passedhim on the way somewhere, for he could not have started soon enough totake you a message before you left."

  "I met him on the road last night, for I myself thought it time to comeand see how you two fared. I bided at Cabourn for the night, and yourmessenger came on with me."

  Then he told me that all were well at Grimsby; for fish came now andthen and kept the famine from the town, though there were none to sendelsewhere; and it was well that we had left, though they all missed ussorely.

  Then we began to talk of the doings here; and at last I spoke ofHavelok's trouble, as one may well call it, telling him also of thestrange dream with which it all began.

  "All this is strange," he said thoughtfully; "but if Havelok our brotheris indeed a king's son, it is only what he is like in all his ways. Wisewas our father Grim, and I mind how he seemed always to be careful ofhim in every way, and good reason must he have had not to say what heknew. We will not ask aught until the time of which Arngeir knows hascome. Nor can we say aught to Havelok, though he is troubled, for weknow nothing. As for the dream, that is part of it all, and it is aportent, as I think."

  "Did I know the man who could read it, I would go to him and tell him it."

  "There is one man who can read dreams well," Withelm answered, flushinga little, "but I do not know if you would care to seek him. I stayedwith him last night, and he is on his way even now to Lincoln, driven bythe famine. I mean the old British priest David, who has his little hutand chapel in the Cabourn woods. His people have no more to give him."

  I knew that Withelm thought much of this old man of late, and I was notsurprised to hear him speak of him now. All knew his wisdom, and themarsh folk were wont to seek him when they were in any trouble ordifficulty. But I did not care to go to him, for he seemed to belong tothe thralls, as one might say.

  "Well, if he comes here, no doubt you will know where to find him if weneed him," I
said. "Bide with us for a few days at least, for here isplenty, and there is much going on."

  So we went into the town, and then to the palace, and found Havelok, andafter that I had to go to the gate on guard. And what these two did Icannot say, but, at all events, there is nothing worth telling of.

  Now, however, I have to tell things that I did not see or hear myself,and therefore I would have it understood that I heard all from those whotook some part or other in the matter, and so know all well.

  I have not said much of the meetings of the Witan, for I had naught moreto do with them than to guard the doors of the hall where they met nowand then; but since the princess and Ragnar came they seem to havesomewhat to do with the story, as will be seen.

  On this day one of the Norfolk thanes

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