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Their Wanted Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 11

by Raisa Greywood

  I’d heard enough. “Let’s go,” I hissed softly to Justin. “We’re done here.”

  Justin straightened as we walked out. “We need to see Fred Fuller,” he said, his face rigid with fury.

  I didn’t blame him. I was fair itching to go back and rearrange Nathan’s face. As much as the thought of hurting a woman disgusted me, I’d make an exception for Celeste.

  We asked a boy for directions and twenty minutes later, we were having a very interesting conversation with Mr. Fuller. He was understandably livid.

  Desperate for a way to exonerate Maddy, we poured over her father’s will, knowing we were running out of time.

  His brow knitted in concentration, Justin scanned a page we’d already looked at many times. My mama taught us both to read at the same time, but he’d always been better at it. Drawing a finger under one passage, he looked up. “Didn’t Maddy say Prince was a gift?”

  “Yes, her sixteenth birthday,” I replied. “Why?”

  “Says here all gifts to Maddy are hers and not part of the estate as long as—”

  “They were given to her before she turned eighteen!” Mr. Fuller exclaimed, glee filling his voice. “How did I miss that?”

  “The damned will is almost twenty pages,” I muttered, glaring at the scattering of paper across the desk. I plucked up our marriage certificate and pocketed it, unwilling to let it out of my sight.

  “Yes, but I wrote it,” he replied, grinning at me. “That also means you’re the legal owner of a thousand acres of prime land, Mr. Mathis. Maddy sent me a letter asking me to sell it, which was how we knew where to find her.”

  I blinked, then turned my gaze on Justin.

  “Why didn’t she tell us?” he asked.

  Justin and I stared at each other, and I gave him a wry smile. “I expect she wanted to make sure we…I wasn’t like Nathan Bergman,” I replied, my heart swelling along with my cock. “She decided she wanted to stay in Montana, and knew we’d probably argue with her about selling her family home.”

  “That sounds like Maddy. Unfortunately, Nathan and Celeste caught wind of it and had the judge issue that warrant,” Mr. Fuller replied, putting the will back in order.

  “Which we know now is false,” Justin said.

  Looking at him with respect, Mr. Fuller said, “Mr. Mathis is lucky to have you. We wouldn’t have caught it if not for your sharp eyes. You must be an excellent partner to have.”

  “Thank you kindly, sir,” Justin replied, keeping to the story we’d given the older man. As much as he appeared to care for Maddy, there was no sense sharing our unique family situation with him.

  We returned to the boardinghouse, grabbing a quick meal of fried chicken, cornbread, and boiled greens from the communal kitchen. It was good, but I was sure our wife could do better.

  Tomorrow we would have her back between us where she belonged. We’d never let her out of our sight again.


  * * *

  The streets were quiet as my captors marched me across town to the tiny jail. I had a black eye, and my face was bruised and swollen, courtesy of the tall bounty hunter with a mean right hook and a sense of righteousness that turned violent at the least provocation.

  Sheriff Jameson, whom I’d known since I was a little girl, met us at the door and scowled at the bruises. “You won’t be paid the full bounty,” he snapped. “It specifically said she was to be returned unharmed.”

  “It’s not our fault she’s clumsy,” the small one said, smirking at me. “She fell a lot.”

  Sheriff Jameson’s gaze softened. “Maddy, honey? Did they hit you?”

  “Yes,” I said, pointing at the tall one. “He did upon three occasions. I think one of my teeth is loose.”

  The next thing I knew, deputies swarmed the pair and arrested them. I tried to smile, but it hurt too much.

  “Don’t worry,” Sheriff Jameson said, helping me to a chair. “I promise they won’t be anywhere near you. I’ll have the missus bring you clean clothes and a meal before court.”

  “May I wash?”

  “Sure, sweetheart. We’ll get some water heated for you.” He smiled and patted my shoulder, then used a skeleton key to release the shackles around my wrists and ankles.

  I tried not to flinch, but the gentle touch hurt. My whole body ached. Between the beatings and being forced to sit still for hours on end during the interminable train trip, I was lucky I could move at all.

  Mrs. Jameson bustled in, followed by Dahlia. Letting out a soft cry of distress, Dahlia rushed to me and pulled me into a hug. Tears streamed from her eyes as she pulled away, still holding my arms.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I tried to tell everyone you were married, but nobody cared. I wish I’d never—”

  “It’s all right,” I said firmly. “My husband will come for me.” I almost said husbands, but cut the word off just in time.

  Unfortunately, my arrest was valid. I had stolen Prince. I didn’t know if I would do things differently though. I shook the thought away. I’d already made my choices and I’d have to live with the consequences. At the very least, Celeste would get thrown out on her ear when Caleb came. I smiled at the thought. I might not have much, but I’d get to imagine my nasty stepmother being homeless. Best of all, Nathan would end up with nothing.

  Dahlia and Mrs. Jameson hustled me into a cell and covered the bars with a blanket to protect my modesty. Unfortunately, sound carried and when they cried out in dismay at the scattering of bruises on my body, Sheriff Jameson came running. His feet stalled and he let out a vicious curse before turning the other way.

  Lifting my chin, I let them bathe the filth from my body. It felt good to be clean again and I didn’t protest when they slid a slightly worn calico dress over my head. Thankfully, they didn’t insist on a corset. I was too sore for that.

  After finishing a delicious breakfast of bacon and eggs with biscuits and peppered gravy, it was time to go to the courthouse for my trial. I thought I wouldn’t be able to eat, but I had faith. Caleb and Justin would come for me. I just knew they would. Sheriff Baker from Bridgewater would have wasted no time in telling them, and they had plenty of money in my nest egg.

  I chewed my lip as we approached the courthouse and crossed my fingers. They’d have train fare if Caleb thought to look. The man was too stubborn by half.

  Sheriff Jameson ushered me toward the courtroom, a gentle hand on my elbow. He’d been overly solicitous of me, and very careful not to touch my injuries. He was a good man and I didn’t fault him for doing his job.

  When the door opened, my feet went numb and I stilled. Caleb and Justin were sitting with Mr. Fuller, smiling at me. Oh, how I wanted to run to them! Missing them was a physical ache, and now that it was gone, I couldn’t wait to pull them into my arms and let them take me to bed. Unfortunately, Sheriff Jameson’s hand on my elbow reminded me where I was.

  Mr. Fuller stood and went into the antechamber behind the bench, his hands filled with papers. Urging me forward, the sheriff helped me to sit between my husbands, then strode to the back of the courtroom near the door.

  Nathan sat on the other side, his face set in a nasty smirk. I shuddered and resolved to ignore him. A quick glance over my shoulder revealed Celeste, trying to hide under one of her ridiculous hats.

  “Lord have mercy, sweetheart, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” Justin whispered, careful of his words and the distance between us. “But you need to tell us who did that to your pretty face.”

  “The bounty hunters,” I whispered back. “But they’re in jail already.”

  “Good.” Caleb took my hand and brought it to his lips. I wished I could kiss him and Justin both, but it was neither the time nor the place. “We’ll get everything taken care of.”

  “How?” I lowered my head and tried to keep the tears at bay. “I did steal Prince.”

  “Wait and see,” Justin whispered mysteriously.

  “Order in the court! All rise for the honorable
Judge Wentworth Gilbert.”

  We sat when the judge nodded. After a moment, he said, “There’s some irregularity in this trial, so I’m going to sum up what I’ve just been told.”

  “Your honor, I object!” Nathan shouted. “This is—”

  “This is my courtroom,” Judge Gilbert announced. “Sit down, Mr. Bergman.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and glanced at my husbands for support. Both wore pleased smiles, but that made no sense. As far as I could tell, there wasn’t anything to smile about. I wanted to ask what they planned, yet I couldn’t risk annoying Judge Gilbert.

  Judge Gilbert looked up at me and frowned. “Baby girl, what happened to your face?”

  “The bounty hunters Mr. Bergman sent after her, your honor,” Sheriff Jameson called from the back. “I already have them in custody.”

  “Good. I’ll deal with them later.” He shuffled paper into a stack, then looked up. “Mr. Fuller has produced documentation regarding Madelaine O’Connor Mathis. She is indeed married to the gentleman sitting next to her.” Giving me a smile, he nodded. “I also have her late father’s will before me.”

  Nathan slammed his fist on the table in front of him. “Why are we discussing this? Madelaine stole that horse from me.”

  “Be silent before I hold you in contempt!”

  Leaning back in his chair, Nathan stewed, shooting me a virulent glare. I shivered at the hate in his eyes.

  “As I was saying, on page nine, paragraph six, subsection two, the late Dr. O’Connor’s will stipulates all gifts given to Maddy before her eighteenth birthday belong to her in their entirety. Since I know perfectly well her stallion sired two of my best horses before then, there is no question Prince’s ownership is solely hers.”

  Nathan’s face turned red with fury and he stood, pounding on the table once more. “Your honor—”

  “Mr. Bergman, do not push me. You are a single word away from a contempt charge, and you’ll be lucky if Maddy’s husband doesn’t have you charged with false imprisonment. Prince was sold to you illegally. If you want your money back, take it up with the woman who sold what didn’t belong to her.”

  “I have the receipt for his purchase, along with his pedigree,” I said, shooting a satisfied glare at Nathan. I wished I’d read that will closer, but I’d been so despondent over losing Daddy, I hadn’t had the heart for it. Then again, if I’d read it, I’d have told Celeste and Nathan to go hang and wouldn’t have met my husbands.

  Ann’s words about being glad she hadn’t escaped made a lot more sense now.

  My thoughts drifted to what would happen with Caleb and Justin after Judge Gilbert finished with us. Shaking my head, I tried to focus and dispel the sudden surge of heat lighting up my cheeks. I ached for their touch and my pussy grew wet and clenched with desire.

  “That won’t be necessary.” The judge smiled at me, then turned his gaze on Caleb. “Now, if I was a proper husband to our sweet girl, I’d be thinking of ways to make the blackguard across the courtroom sorry for his actions. I recommend against it unless you’re sure you won’t get caught.”

  “Thank you for the advice, your honor.”

  “No charge. As I was saying, we have another issue regarding this will. Now that Miss Maddy is rightfully married, ownership of the late Dr. O’Connor’s property is yours and Maddy’s held jointly in its entirety.”

  My breath caught and I looked down at my hands. That was it. My secret was out. I didn’t want to see the expression on my husbands’ faces and hunched my shoulders against what was sure to come. To my shock, Justin took my hand, hiding the motion under the table. “It’s all going to be fine, love. We’ll be fine.”

  His whispered words calmed my racing heart, but I didn’t dare look at Caleb.

  “Thank you, your honor. We’ll decide what to do with the property in due time.”

  “Would that include bringing Maddy back to us?”

  “If that’s what she wants, yes sir,” Caleb replied, his voice calm and soothing.

  “Fair enough.” He banged his gavel, then said, “This session is adjourned. All charges against Madelaine Mathis are dropped.”



  * * *

  I resisted the urge to pull Maddy into my arms and kiss her soundly. Caleb couldn’t do it either, not with so many people around. It didn’t stop him from brushing his lips over her forehead.

  Lord have mercy, I wanted to tie Nathan Bergman into a knot and beat him with a stick for what he’d tried. Knowing he’d get off scot free didn’t sit well, but there wasn’t much we could do. We had no evidence, aside from an overheard conversation.

  “Your honor,” Caleb said. “I would like the sheriff’s assistance in getting Maddy’s stepmother evicted from my property.”


  “No! That’s my home!” Celeste cried.

  Caleb left me with Maddy and sauntered toward her, his blue eyes like chips of ice. “Really?” he asked in a silky voice. “Let’s see if I remember this correctly. You were talking with Mr. Bergman over there in the saloon, and—”

  “Shut your mouth,” she hissed, panic filling her suddenly pallid face.

  “As you say,” he agreed, his expression hard. “I suggest you pack your things. I want you out before sunset.”

  We took Maddy home. Not to a tiny cottage in Montana, but to a palatial estate house on a hill surrounded by rich meadows and farmland. Whitewashed split rail fence surrounded divided pastures containing fat cattle and sleek horseflesh.

  I pictured our wife sitting in one of the bentwood rockers on the expansive porch, a cigar in one hand and a glass of bourbon in the other. The house was grand, and I wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to stay.

  “Maddy, we can build you a veranda—”

  “Maybe next summer.” She walked into the house like a queen and went to the kitchen. Opening a cupboard, she retrieved a brown bottle. Instead of bothering with a glass, she tipped it up and pulled several swallows, then handed it to me. “Go on,” she urged. “Aside from that bourbon, Kentucky can go hang itself.”

  The liquor flowed like heated silk down my throat. I grinned and handed it to Caleb. “Does that mean you’re coming home?”

  “It depends.” She turned to face the window looking out over a pasture.

  “On what?” Caleb asked, kissing her neck.

  “Will you have me?” She turned to face us, her pretty face solemn. “I lied to both of you.”

  “Yes, I suppose you did.” I gave her the bottle, then kissed her, tracing her lower lip with my tongue. “Were you going to tell us about your father’s bequest?”

  “I was,” she said firmly. “But then…” Her voice trailed off and she looked down.

  “Then?” Caleb prompted.

  “I was so happy, and I didn’t…I was afraid you’d want to live here, and I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay in Montana.”

  “Then that’s what you’ll have,” I murmured. “We’ll sell this place and take you home where you belong.”

  Caleb and I shared a glance. We wouldn’t ever tell Maddy what we’d overheard in the saloon. She didn’t need to know, and it would hurt her.

  A door slammed, making Caleb scowl. “But first we have to get rid of the squatter,” he grumbled in irritation.

  “Sit,” I urged Maddy. “We’ll deal with Celeste.”

  “No. I need to do this.” She straightened her spine and her chin went up. I’d never been prouder of a person in my life. All the blood in my body rushed to my hardening shaft, reminding me we’d have our wife in our bed tonight.

  She strode into the entryway, her face set with determination as she faced down her nemesis. “Get your clothes and personal belongings, Celeste. I want you out of my house.”

  “How dare you?” Celeste puffed out her chest and strode across the room, then lifted her parasol. Her intent was clear, but we wouldn’t allow her to strike our wife.

  I snatched it away and hande
d it to Caleb before she could blink.

  “You little…” Her eyes narrowed, then she stroked Caleb’s arm. “You know,” she purred, “I’ll wager you could use a real woman in your life.”

  “I’ve already found one. Sadly, you don’t fit the description.”

  “Enough.” Maddy strode between them, her face set. “Get your hands off my husband.”

  Caleb pushed Maddy behind him, ignoring her protests. “Justin, will you help these deputies gather Celeste’s belongings? She’s upsetting my wife.”

  “Of course, sir,” I replied, keeping our ruse intact. “Mrs. Mathis, which one is her bedroom?”

  Maddy showed me, and I wasted no time throwing Celeste’s things into satchels and carpet bags. The deputies kept her from stealing everything else. Despite her vociferous protests, we escorted her out after her things were packed, slamming the door behind her.

  Once we were alone, Maddy leaned against the wall and let out a tremendous sigh. “Lord have mercy, that woman makes me tired.”

  Silently, I handed her a glass of bourbon. She drained it and held it out for a refill, closing her eyes.

  “What do I do now?” she asked, addressing her question to no one in particular.

  “We’re gonna sit on the veranda, share some bourbon and a cigar, and you’re going to take your ease,” Caleb replied, gently touching her bruised face.

  I wanted to spend some time educating Nathan Bergman on the treatment of a lady, but Maddy needed us more than I needed to beat him to a pulp.

  Maddy’s eyes sparkled with humor mixed with wistful sadness. “And talk about Egypt?”

  “And talk about Egypt.” I stroked a finger across her jaw, then leaned down for a kiss.


  * * *

  Although Maddy needed to rest and heal from her injuries, she absolutely refused to let us sleep in another room. Truth be told, Justin and I weren’t all that happy about the idea either, so we spent our nights squeezed together in Maddy’s childhood bed. As much as we wanted to take her in our arms and make love to her, she was too banged up and sore.


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