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Power Couple: A Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Nashvegas Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Laramie Briscoe

  “La la la la, I can’t hear you!”

  “Leave him alone,” I giggle as the two of them start throwing things back and forth at each other. “And be quiet, I can’t hear the GPS.”

  I’m worried I’ve missed something, and I’m listening intently when RJ speaks up.

  “It said turn right, here.” He points to a turn off, which I accidentally take a little faster than I want.

  “Drive it like ya stole it,” EJ yells out as he grabs hold of the handle above his head, a huge grin on his face, when I look over at him.

  This is the EJ I love being around, the one who has fun and knows when to let loose. What I’m beginning to learn is that sometimes it’s hard for him to separate this EJ with the one who belongs on stage while on tour. I make a mental note to help him when he needs it.

  The GPS is directing me through a smaller town, toward what we know will be the edge of the coastline. One day I want to come back and enjoy the scenery, take a couple of days to explore all the nooks and crannies. There’s no telling how many couples have stolen a passionate kiss in between these buildings over the last few centuries. I want my husband and I to be one of them.

  As I take a few more turns and eventually turn into a marina, I’m immediately aware that something is off by the way Everett’s body stiffens. Then I hear his voice.


  I try to think back to see if I can ever remember him calling his brother by his given name, but I can’t. Immediately I know something is wrong.


  That’s when I see Reaper and Harmony standing on the sidewalk, a pretty blonde with them.

  “Did you know Montgomery was going to be here?”

  I know that name, the girl who broke RJ’s heart. The one who hasn’t given him the time of day. RJ leans forward over the back of the seats, almost coming over the console. When he gets a good look at her, I know this wasn’t what he expected when I hear the words come out of his mouth.

  “Fuck my life.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Immediately I think this may not be the relaxing day and a half we’d all been planning, as I watch Montgomery standing there with my parents. “Are you okay?” I turn around, eyeing RJ.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. We’ve actually been texting a few times, but I never expected to see her here.”

  I watch as he runs his hand through his hair, sighing heavily. Before I can say anything, he continues.

  “Truth is, I’ve wanted to see her, I’ve wanted to talk to her in person, and maybe this is what we need. To be forced to talk to each other without an easy way out.”

  “If you think you can handle this, I’m all for it.” I reach back, bumping his knuckles with mine.

  “I think I have to. I can’t move forward until I do. I’m good, EJ, I promise.”


  Bri parks carefully before she shuts the car off.

  “I’ll come over,” I tell her before she can open the door. Both RJ and I get out.

  “Look at you being all sweet and husbandly.” He gives me shit as he grabs his bag from beside him and walks over to where Mom and Dad are waving, along with Montgomery.

  “I’m always nice and husbandly where she’s concerned,” I defend myself as I grab both our bags, then go around and help her down.

  “Thanks.” She gives me a quick kiss before she takes the lighter bag.

  “Not a problem.” I grab her hand as we go to join the rest of our group.

  There are hugs shared and introductions made before we all head to the boat.

  “Did they give you any trouble?” I ask my dad. I’m the one who rented it, but he and Mom secured it. They’ve grocery shopped for us all and made sure we’re ready to go as soon as we get there.

  “Nope.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “We’re ready to go when you are.”

  “You ready?” I ask Bri.

  She gives me a smile, tucking her hand in mine. “I’m so ready to spend some time alone with all of you.”

  As we walk down to the dock, I notice Montgomery and RJ walking in front of us.

  “What’s the deal with that?” I nod toward them.

  Mom sighs. “She had a talk with me, and asked to come. I think she needed to, and if I’m wrong, I’ll take the fall for it, but I think it’ll do him some good too.”

  “They can be adults,” Dad adds. “They won’t ruin this for us, and maybe they’ll be able to work through their issues without outside influences around twenty-four-seven.”

  With my whole heart I hope they’re right, but there’s a part of me that wonders if they could be wrong.


  “Do you have a shirt I can wear over my bikini?” I ask Everett as the two of us change below deck. “I didn’t realize how revealing it is.”

  Inspecting myself in the mirror, I frown slightly. Everett is the only one I want to see most of what it’s showing. A tattooed forearm sneaks around my chest, pulling me back into him. His deep voice at my ear sends goosebumps over my skin.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that, right?”

  My eyes meet his green ones in the mirror. “I do, you tell me every day and you make me feel it every time you touch me, but since we got married…” I shrug, biting my bottom lip. “I kinda wanna keep some things between us. So maybe I don’t want to be parading around for anyone but you.”

  He dips his head, kissing my shoulder. “That’s totally up to you, babe, whatever you want to do, but know I’m okay if you want to wear what you’re wearing. Your body, your business.”

  “No, I know, but maybe I’m starting to think more like some things should be kept for our eyes only.”

  “You want me to wear a shirt?” He grins widely, his dimples popping deeply in his cheeks.

  “Oh hell no, I love the way you look with no shirt on,” I protest. “You don’t take yours off enough.”

  He laughs, reaching into his bag, throwing me a tank top. “Here you go, will this cover enough?”

  I put the tank top over my body, thankful that it covers the low-cut top. Tying the bottom of the material up around my waist, I give a little turn. “See, the top was just a little small for my liking. Are we going swimming?” I question as he gets his sunscreen out of his bag.

  “I want to.” He nods, before putting his swim trunks on and tying the drawstring tightly.

  Even though it’s drawn tightly, the edges show a little bit of his vee, and I can’t help but lick my lips. Everett is leaner and more muscular than his brother or his dad. His cut stomach makes me want to lick it, but I refrain.

  “I’m gonna braid my hair to keep it out of the way then.” Quickly I secure the end with a hair tie and grab my sunglasses. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Then let’s go.” He takes my hand, leading me out of the bedroom we’re sleeping in, and helping me up the stairs to the top of the boat.

  There I see Reaper and Harmony sitting on one of the benches, talking with one another. “Who’s driving the boat?”

  “We hired somebody to do that.” Everett gives me a look. “Could you imagine the damage we could do with a boat?”

  “Valid point.” I think of how competitive him and RJ are. Something tells me Reaper is just as bad.

  “Where are we going?” EJ asks as we have a seat next to them.

  “He said he’s taking us to a cove about fifteen minutes away. We can see the bottom of the water there, it’s so clear, so we’ll be able to swim,” Hannah tells us with a smile on her face. “I’ve been looking forward to this, ever since EJ asked us if we wanted to come. Thank you for inviting us.”

  “What were we going to do with a big boat on our own?” I give her an incredulous look.

  “Oh, I could think of a lot,” EJ mumbles beside me, causing his dad to laugh.

  Giving him my own look, I try to calm the heating of my cheeks as I smack him in the stomach. “Seriously?”

  “Being honest.” He ho
lds his hands up in surrender. “I’m supposed to be honest, right?”

  My eyes meet Hannah’s and we both just shake our heads.

  A little while later the boat comes to a stop. The captain comes back to where we’re sitting. “We’ll anchor here for the night, if you all need anything, just let me know. I’ll be in my cabin. The water is clear and this is a local spot, you shouldn’t be bothered by paparazzi or fans.”

  We all tell him thank you before he leaves us alone. “Should we be worried RJ and Montgomery haven’t come up yet?” I whisper.

  “Nah.” Everett puts his arm around my neck. “Those two have a lot to talk about. Now quit worrying about them, let’s swim. You can swim right?”

  “I can swim,” I confirm, a smile in my voice.

  “You coming?” He looks back at his parents.

  “No, go on, we’ll be there later,” Hannah assures him.

  Hand in hand, we go to the edge of the boat. “Should we jump?” I ask.

  “Since the moment we met, Bri, we’ve been jumping into one thing or another, this water is no different.”

  I have to agree with him, we have jumped into everything since we met, but I haven’t regretted any of it. “I’ve not regretted one second of it, Everett.”

  “Me neither.” He brings the back of my hand up to his lips. “One, two, three,” he counts. On three we jump into the water together.

  We sink slightly, but we quickly start pushing toward the surface, when we do, I tread water, waiting for EJ to surface beside. When he does, I go over to him. “This place is amazing.” I look around. Somehow I kept my sunglasses on when we jumped in, so the sun isn’t blinding me. We’re surrounded by a few cliffs, the water is serene, and only one other boat is in the distance. There’s a small rock formation not far from where we’ve docked. It looks as if you can climb up, and jump off.

  “Before we leave, I want to climb that, and jump it.” EJ points to the rock formation. “Will you do it with me?”

  I grab him around the neck, turning so that his back is to my front, and I’m hanging onto him. Leaning my face into his neck, I say the words softly. “I’d do anything with you, Everett, absolutely anything.”

  He turns his head, back toward me, kissing me softly as we share a moment that wouldn’t be possible without this amazing opportunity.

  “Same here, Bri, and I never thought I’d say that to anyone. I hoped I would, but there was never anyone before I met you.”

  “Is that crazy, EJ? Considering how this started, how little time we’ve actually spent together?”

  He turns himself in the water, pulling me over to the edge of the rock formation. He gets out of the water, then helps me get up, having a seat next to me as the two of us dangle our feet in the water. I’m nervous, because he hasn’t answered my question.

  “I wanted us to be alone when I say this to you.” He holds my hand tightly in his, resting it on his thigh. “You asked me if I thought it was crazy to care about each other after such a short amount of time.”

  “Yeah.” I bite my lip with uncertainty. Maybe that was the wrong question to ask him.

  He leans in, his nose brushing against mine, his lips lightly kissing mine. When he pulls back slightly, he speaks, and even though it’s on a whisper, I hear it loud and clear. Even if it does scare me to death.

  “When you love somebody, Bri, it’s not crazy. And damned if I’m not falling completely and totally in love with you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  It’s years. Decades. A millennia before the edges of Bri’s mouth turns up in the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. If I could see her eyes behind her sunglasses I have absolutely no doubt they’re shining as brightly as her smile is. She puts her hands up to her cheeks, holding onto them.

  “You do? You love me?”

  Like it’s even a mother fucking question. This woman has hit me like a tornado and swept me up into her atmosphere. Honestly, from the first moment I saw her, I knew I would love her, without a doubt I knew we’d be together, I just never expected it to be like this.

  “I do.” I grin back at her. “Never thought it would get me, but it did. All that shit my parents have talked about their entire lives? Somehow it all ended up coming true.”

  Her arms go tightly around my neck, holding me so close to her body there’s not a centimeter of space between us, which is just how I like it. If it were up to me, we’d never be apart again.

  Crazy thoughts from a guy who wasn’t sure he was ever going to be the marrying kind.

  “Just wormed my way in there, huh? Past all those tough-guy defenses.”

  Time to be honest.

  “There were never any defenses for you, Bri. Something was different the moment I met you. I can’t explain it.” I push her hair out of her face, dipping my lips down to take the kiss she offers. “Even when you were that teenage girl who tripped coming off the elevator,” I chuckle.

  “Oh my God!” She buries her face in her hands. “You knew?”

  “I always knew, but if you wanted to pretend like we hadn’t met before, that was up to you. Even grabbing hold of my biceps like you’d never felt them before was cute and adorable. I was just too old for you back then, way too experienced. Doesn’t change how I felt when I met you again in Vegas, though. As soon as I saw you, I felt like I’d known you my entire life. I never felt the need to be EJ with you, I could always be Everett. Nobody else besides my family ever let me be who I am, and you’ve never asked me to be anything but.”

  “I felt it too,” she whispers, her voice trembling, tears glazing over those light eyes of hers. “I don’t have parents like you, Everett, I don’t have this great love story to learn from and compare to.” She pulls back from me and I go cold, worried that she doesn’t reciprocate the feelings I’ve given to her. Now I’m scared, but I let her keep talking. “For a long time, I didn’t even really know what love was. Believe it or not, Madison kinda taught me. I used to go out in the city by myself, with no bodyguards, wouldn’t tell anyone where I was going. As kids we didn’t really check in with our parents. They were too busy trying to one-up each other or fighting over the stupidest shit. So one day I went out, didn’t have my phone on me, and spent the day just exploring. A cop actually stopped me, telling me they were looking for me. Madison was worried someone had hurt me. I felt so embarrassed, and when I got to the venue, I asked her what the hell she was doing getting the cops to look for me.” She laughs loudly. “Maddie was like, you idiot, we were worried, we love you!”

  Bri stops for a minute, swallowing roughly.

  She seems to slightly pull herself together while I’m totally falling apart.

  “Do you know I hadn’t said I love you to anyone in years at that point? And this wasn’t that long ago. It was hard to tell her I love her. I had to try it a few times, get used to making the word with my mouth, pray it wouldn’t get stuck on my tongue, hope to fuck I didn’t embarrass myself by crying because it’s such a personal thing, to tell someone they mean that much to you. When I finally told her she was my best friend and I loved her, it was the hardest thing I’d ever done, Everett. Because it made me vulnerable to someone.” She takes off her sunglasses, and her eyes are shining just like I thought they would be. “But telling you I love you? It’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done, because I know without a doubt you love me back. I can see it when you look at me, when you do that husbandly stuff RJ gives you shit for. I can hear it in your voice. I can feel it when your inside me.” She puts her hand on my jaw, caressing the tightness. “And I can say without a shadow of a doubt, I love you too, Everett James.”

  No sweeter words have ever passed her lips.

  “’Bout fuckin’ time, Bri. Bout fuckin’ time.”

  She giggles as I dive in and take the kiss I’m due after my heart almost stopped wondering if she was going to say the words back.

  For long moments we sit there with one another, me with my arm around her shoul
ders, her head on mine. “How long have you known?” she whispers.

  “A long time,” I admit. “I’ve wanted to tell you since before we came to Europe, but I kept convincing myself it was too soon, that the only reason I was feeling so strongly was because we were thrown into this situation. You know what they say about couples in high-stress; either you make it, or you make decisions not based on reality. I wanted to make sure this was reality.” I let go and grab her hand, entwine our fingers together.

  “What convinced you this is reality?” she whispers.

  “The other night,” I whisper back.

  “When you came off the stage?” I can hear the smile in her voice, but I refuse to pull my eyes from where our fingers are wrapped tightly around each other.

  “Yeah, if you could handle me then, you can handle me any time, any place. If you can take demanding EJ, you can take every single EJ there is. You weren’t scared, and you didn’t try to make me feel bad about my appetites.”

  “I loved those appetites,” she admits.

  Taking my eyes from our fingers, I kiss her forehead, pulling her closer into me. “Which is why I know you were made for me, and what made me believe we’re meant to be together. I’ve searched.” I hook the edge of her chin with my thumb. “I’ve looked for women who could handle me, and no one’s ever been able to. We were thrown together, but maybe the universe knows what it’s doing after all?”

  She dips her chin, kissing my thumb. “Maybe it does, and maybe we’re the lucky ones who get to experience it.”

  “That once in a lifetime type of thing?”

  She smiles. “Yeah, that once in a lifetime type of thing.”

  An hour later we’re back on the boat while my parents are out in the water. Bri and I are drying off, laying in the sun. I hear her moving around, opening an eye, when I see her with her phone poised.


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