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Student Seduction

Page 7

by Caisey Quinn

  When had I showered last? Should I have shaved better? Were the noises I made normal? Was I supposed to feel this wet still?

  He was quiet for a moment then he kissed the top of my head. “I know it’s intense and a lot to handle all at once. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. I sort of attacked you.”

  “I feel nervous now,” I mumbled against his chest. “Exposed or embarrassed or both.”

  He chuckled and I closed my eyes against the soothing rumble beside me face. “Trust me, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. That was hot as hell. I could’ve filmed it, sold it, and paid your entire college tuition. You are so responsive.” He squeezed me tighter in his arms. “That sweet little body needed, baby. It needed a release.”

  “It needed you,” I admitted softly. I still did. Present tense.

  He hummed low in his throat. “I fucking love that.”

  I slid my hand over his jeans and felt the straining bulge. “Watching you in the classroom makes it hard to focus. But watching you play tonight, it did things to me. It wasn’t the teacher version of you, the one hiding who he really beneath the surface. It was raw power on full display. It was you. The real you. I was wet before the final buzzer sounded.”

  His beaming blue gaze met mine and was full of something I couldn’t name. Gratitude maybe. Mixed with attraction or maybe adoration. It was a look I wanted to see every day forever.

  But I knew that wasn’t in the cards for us.

  Despite the connection I felt, that I now knew we both felt, I was still just a high school student, messing around with her teacher. I’d heard stories of those girls before, and everyone called them sluts.

  In my head, I’d always thought those guys took advantage of impressionable, young girls. But I didn’t feel taken advantage of.

  I felt safe. Wanted. Protected.

  Something else—something I wouldn’t dare voice aloud. But I knew that was probably hormones or adrenaline or plain old wishful thinking.

  “Emersyn,” he said evenly, snapping me out of my trance. “Whatever you’re thinking right now, please stop. I can see it in your face. Your thoughts are hurting you. I don’t want to hurt you. I will never hurt you intentionally. I swear.”

  I sucked in a breath of steamy air. “Just trying to process it all.” I touched him again. His rigid length encased in denim. “You need a release too.”

  He grinned. “We’ll get there, sweet girl. When the time comes. Tonight was about you. Tonight I needed to give you that, to watch you get it, more than I needed.”

  I realized for the first time how selfless he was. How unselfish what he felt for me was.

  I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the mouth. Tasting myself on him and feeling relieved that it was a sweet, mild flavor.

  “Thank you,” I said, because it was truly what I felt.

  He took my hand and smiled. “Thank you. For giving that to me. For letting go and trusting me.”

  I dressed with his help before crawling into the front seat. Once I was there, he buckled me in.

  I laughed. “You’re taking this taking care of me thing pretty seriously.”

  “Always.” His eyes were bright but serious when he looked at me from the driver’s seat. “Stay with me tonight?”

  I checked my phone to see what time it was. Lord knew I wanted to. Badly. But it was after ten and Ethan still hadn’t responded to any of my texts.

  “I don’t know.” I messaged Ms. Anderson to see if the tournament was over yet. “Maybe. If Ethan has somewhere to stay.”

  I tossed up a silent prayer and it was answered almost immediately. A text from Ms. Anderson.

  Just finishing up. Came in second place. There’s a trophy ceremony then we’ll head home. If it’s okay with your mom, Ethan can spend the night since it’s so late.

  I looked over at Aiden’s handsome, hopeful face.

  “I can stay.”



  Arriving at Aiden’s house was much like the first time I came here.

  Rap music with the bass pounding wall to wall thudded into us as we approached. People spilled into the yard and down toward the water’s edge.

  “Fucking Axel,” he muttered, shifting his bag of gear off his shoulder.

  “Will there be anyone here we should avoid? Like any of your teammates Derek might have told I’m a high school student?”

  Aiden sighed. “I doubt it. Most of those guys will be at his party closer to campus. But since I just put him in his place, keep your head down.”

  His warm hand on the small of my back guided me through the drunken crowd. A group of squealing girls hung near the beer pong table but no sign of anyone familiar.

  When we made it to Aiden’s room, he closed the door behind us. “I can’t believe you’re here,” he said softly, dropping his bag and moving toward me. “I know you shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be so happy to see you. I know we shouldn’t…”

  I moved in closer. “We already did. I don’t want to stop, Aiden. I swear I will never tell anyone.”

  He nodded. “I believe you.”

  I reached out and placed my hands on his chest. “I’d never hurt you on purpose. I know you’d be in a lot of trouble if anyone found out.’’

  “That’s putting it mildly.” His hands found my waist. “I know what I’m risking. I know how bad it would be and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t scare the shit out of me. But I’m not scared enough to stop.”

  “Don’t stop,” I whispered, the last words I spoke before his lips landed on mine.

  His tongue was electricity inside my mouth, sending shockwaves down my spine.

  In my mind, I pictured him in the classroom. Shirt sleeves rolled up, professional and stern. Ignoring all the lust-fueled girls trying to get his attention while he watched me.

  He was mine.

  All mine.

  A possessive surge ran through me and I kissed him harder, deeper. Pulling at his shirt and digging my fingernails into his back.

  Need took over and we made our way to his bed as one being.

  “Fuck, I can still taste you,” he growled against my lips. “I need to taste you again, Emersyn.”

  A noise escaped my mouth but he caught it with his.

  “Say yes,” he commanded. “Say you’re mine tonight before I fucking die.”

  “I’m yours. Tonight I’m yours,” I uttered between kisses.

  Our bodies intertwined on the bed, legs tangled, tongues touching. My mind began to drown in the pool of lust swirling my brain. A throbbing need made itself known between my legs. As if he could read my mind, Aiden let his hand drift to the apex of my thighs.

  “I want to take my time,” he groaned in agony. “But I can’t. Not now. Not after watching you in that classroom day after day.”

  “We can take our time next time,” I mumbled against his mouth.

  He pulled back for just a second. “Tell me one thing.”

  “Anything.” Just please don’t stop touching me.

  “Where did you go? Last time, when you left. I thought I was never going to see you again.”

  Anything but that.

  A sweaty strand of my hair fell into my face and he moved it. I stared into his eyes wanting to lie. He’d think I was crazy if I told him the truth. Maybe I am crazy.

  “I don’t need every detail, Emersyn. Just tell me what made you leave so I don’t fuck up and do it again.”

  I closed my eyes and rubbed my nose against his. “You didn’t do anything. It was perfect. That’s why I left.”

  When I opened my eyes, he gave me the confused look I’d anticipated.

  Sighing, I let my gaze roam over his beautiful face. “It was so perfect I was afraid the morning after awkwardness would ruin it before I could capture it.”

  “Capture it?”

  I took a deep breath, sucking in the courage to explain. “When anything major happens in my life, good or bad, I have to hold onto it until I’ve pa
inted or sculpted it or whatever. When my dad left, I stayed in my room working for three days.”

  “You couldn’t have told me that?”

  I shook my head. “I wish I could explain it better. But I have to go to this place in my mind, it all has to be fresh, raw. I have to feel it fully to work. Otherwise it’s just…like the echo of it and not the emotions behind the real experience fueling me. Does that sound nuts?”

  Yes, it does. Stop talking.

  Surprisingly, he smiled. The same free, genuine smile from the ice rink.

  “I saw your project. Picking up the Pieces. Was that what you were working on?”

  Sinking my teeth into my lower lip, I nodded. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  He expression turned serious. “I think you’re the most amazing fucking girl in the entire world.”

  Relief whooshed through my entire body. He leaned into kiss me again but just as our lips touched, a loud knock rapped against the door.

  “Aiden!” A male voice shouted. “Get out here and get your fucking friends under control!”

  He sat up looking disoriented.

  That made two of us.

  “One second.” He straightened his clothes before scrambling off the bed to the door.

  Axel stood in the doorway once it was open. “There was a brawl in the kitchen,” he tells us. “I know Derek Owens from your team was one of them. Pretty sure his younger brother is the other one.”

  My heart made a solid leap in my chest. What was Derek doing here?

  “Stay here,” Aiden ordered. “I’ll deal with Derek.”

  I couldn’t just stay awkwardly in the bed, so I moved to stand by the door.

  Axel gave me a once over. He was like an angrier, broader, rougher version of Aiden.

  I swallowed my nerves and met his stare. He jerked his chin up.

  “Derek Owens here because of you?”

  I couldn’t seem to make my tongue work properly. “I-I don’t think so. He dates a friend of mine but I’ve never had anything to do with him if I could help it.”

  “Smart girl.”

  “Emersyn,” we heard Aiden call out. “Come here.”

  My eyes widened. If Derek was here, I should probably be hiding.

  “You heard the man,” Axel said, moving out of the way.

  I walked slowly toward the kitchen. Scanning the room, I found what looked like Camille under a slumped over body about Derek’s size.

  “Camille?” I called out from across the sticky island but her back was facing me. She glanced over her shoulder, looking surprised when she saw me.

  Aiden walked beside me as we made our way to her.

  “Need a hand?” he offered, glancing at the affect supporting Derek’s weight was having on her small frame.

  “Nah, I got him,” she said curtly. “Thanks, though.”

  “Hey,” I started, unsure of where to begin.

  Camille bit her lower lip and glanced to the side. “Sorry, Em. He wanted to come here. Wanted to talk to your, um, friend about what happened earlier. Then Drew followed us and…”

  Drew steps out from the crowd, next to Derek’s younger brother Devon—who is holding a small bag of ice on a freshly opened split lip.

  A few people had their phones out. I glanced at Aiden in panic. I didn’t know what had happened here, but it wasn’t good.

  Three high school students at a teacher’s house, with alcohol and brawling.

  Derek groaned, a deep throaty sound like an animal might make before vomiting. Aiden and I both took a step back.

  “Drew was with Derek’s little brother,” Camille said in a loud whisper voice my mom used to use when she got angry with us in public. “Drew was upset about Derek coming here to cause trouble. When Derek saw Drew and Devon together, he just lost it.”

  “Why?” I didn’t know anything about Derek’s younger brother Devon except that he was on our school’s lacrosse team.

  Camille shifted Derek a bit. “You know why, Em. Look, he’s wasted. Devon only punched him once, but he nearly knocked him unconscious. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do.”

  Aiden angled his body to block the view from the living room. “Everyone in my room. Now.”

  I turned to Aiden, unsure of what to do next, but thankful that he was handling the situation. He turned to Axel and said something too low for me to hear.

  We all made our way into his bedroom, where Axel helped Camille put Derek on the bed.

  Aiden closed the door and crossed his arms. “Who wants to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  Camille stared at the floor.

  Drew stepped forward. “Camille texted me. Said Derek had her bring him to a house and she didn’t know why. Then she recognized some guys and found out it was Aiden’s, uh, Mr. Singleton’s house, and told me what happened earlier at the rink. I came to intervene. Devon drove me.”

  Derek mumbled something that sounded like a vulgar slur against homosexuals.

  Drew sighed. “Derek came at me. Devon stepped in front of me and Derek hit him in the mouth. Devon swung, made contact, and well, see for yourself.” He gestured at Derek nearly unconscious on the bed.


  Axel popped him hard on the back of the head and he cried out.

  “Raise your hand if you’re a high school student,” Axel demanded.

  Drew gave a casual wave style hand raise. Devon did the same. I glanced at Aiden. He closed his eyes.

  “Drew and Emersyn are in my first period U.S. History and Government class,” he said evenly.

  Axel’s eyes widened. “Jesus Christ, little brother.”

  Camille chewed her nails. “I’m not in high school but I do have to get home. Can someone get Derek home? Devon?”

  Devon recoiled, but flexed his jaw and nodded.

  Camille turned to me. “You need a ride home, Em?”

  I did, technically. But she’d brought Derek here bringing this misery upon us. I had no desire to get in a car with her. I shook my head no. She scurried out of the room without looking back.

  Axel’s eyes met mine and I saw both fear and disappointment in them. “You should go with her. Try not to let anyone see you. Here.” He grabbed a ball cap from Aiden’s dresser and placed it on my head.

  Aiden glared at his brother. “You don’t decide when she leaves, Ax.”

  I appreciated him standing up for me, but his brother was right. I needed to get out of here for Aiden’s sake.

  “He’s right. I shouldn’t be here.” Before leaving, I turned to ask Drew if he was coming with us. Drew and Devon were whispering conspiratorially. I waited a beat, not wanting to interrupt. Then I saw it. Devon grabbed Drew’s arm and squeezed. Hard.

  Drew only glared at him in response and Devon dropped his hand immediately, but I knew in that moment who had hurt my best friend.

  The doctors had mentioned a possible baseball bat, but I knew better. Devon played lacrosse. He’d attacked Drew with a lacrosse stick. So why was Drew hanging out with him now?

  “You,” I said, surprised at how well my voice cut across the room to Devon Owens. His eyes snapped to mine and I pointed. “Tell me I’m wrong, Drew. Tell me he isn’t the one who attacked you this summer.”

  I moved toward them but Aiden stepped between us.

  “Tell me I’m wrong,” I said again, raising my voice to a shout.

  “Em, please,” Drew pleaded. “It’s been a long night. Let’s not do this now.”

  My mouth fell open. “Seriously? Drew, what in the world are you even doing with this psycho? He nearly killed you. And you’re telling me now’s not a good time to handle it? Why haven’t you pressed charges against this maniac?”

  Devon looked like a cornered animal.

  Drew looked angry. At me.

  Aiden and his brother watched the scene unfolding while Derek snored on the bed.

  Drew stepped closer and leaned forward, whispering in my ear. “Their dad raised them both like animals, Em. The man only
communicates with his fists. Devon needs help. He knows that. I’m going to help him get it and nothing more. Try not to judge me and I won’t judge you. Deal?”

  My chest ached with concern. “I’m scared for you,” I whispered back.

  His eyes met mine then cut to Aiden then back to me. “Ditto, Em.”

  Axel raked a hand through his dark hair. “Aiden, you got this handled or what?”

  Aiden nodded. “I’m good. I’m going to help them load up Derek’s sorry ass and get Emersyn out to the Air Stream.”

  “You need to get Emersyn the fuck away from here and stay the fuck away from her period,” Axel bit out, making my name sound like something repulsive before leaving.

  “I said I got it, Ax,” Aiden said through gritted teeth.

  His brother slammed the door on his way out causing me to flinch.

  My insides folded in on themselves. Axel was right. No good could come from me being here.

  “I should go,” I said, moving toward the door hoping I could catch Camille.

  “No,” Aiden said evenly. “Look at me.”

  I did. It was a mistake. Part of my heart melted. This was such a disaster. I couldn’t see a way to fix it except for to stay away from him.

  “Stay here,” he said softer. “Let me help them get Derek out of here, then me and you will go out to the camper.”

  I tried to steady myself, to tell him I had to go. But it felt as wrong to leave as it did to stay.


  “Promise me, Emersyn. Promise me you won’t bail.” He glanced at Derek. “I could leave him in my bed but I have pictures of my family—of my parents—in here. If he wakes up raging and trashes the place…” he trailed off.

  I didn’t want to risk Derek trashing Aiden’s things. “I’ll wait right here. I promise.” I cast a pleading look at Drew. “Please catch up with Camille and let her take you home. Please don’t ride with him.”

  I didn’t look at Devon. I couldn’t without anger and disgust rising up in me all over again.

  “I’ll be fine, Em,” Drew assured me. “He’ll need some help unloading Derek. I’ll text you as soon as I’m home, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered, feeling completely out of control. I wasn’t his mother. I couldn’t tell him what to do. A lump rose in my throat. I did my best to swallow it.


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