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Natalia (Hades Riders MC Book 3)

Page 5

by Belle Winters

  “You’re going through my shit I think formal introductions are required at this point.” I said.

  The back stiffened, and the man in question spun on his heels. He blushed deeply, and his eyes shifted around the room nervously. “I um… I’m a friend of James. I’m Jacob.”

  I sighed; I should’ve known that would be the first man he bought home. “So nice to finally meet you.” I said flatly as I sized him up. He was definitely not one of my favorite people. The things he’s put James through makes me want to kick him in the balls. I can’t deny James is a little bit at fault in the situation for continuing to forgive the man, but I knew that Jacob played on James vulnerable, hopelessly romantic side. That was downright asshole-ish in my book.

  He grinned. “He talked about me?” he asked turning smug.

  I returned his smile. “Oh yea, I know all about your infidelities and antics. Makes for good girl talk.”

  His face instantly fell, and I could see him fuming. James decided that was the right time to saunter into the kitchen. His face dreamy like he was floating on a cloud. When he finally realized the tension in the room, that rainbow turned into a downpour. He looked at me and he began to worry his lip, no doubt afraid of what I may have done.

  “Yes?” I asked accusatory. How the heck could he just assume I was the one to create the tension?

  He cocked an eyebrow. “What’s going on?”

  I shrugged and made my way to the coffee maker to get my caffeine brewing. I would need quite a few cups to get through this day if this was how it was going to begin. “What do you mean? Your friend and I just introduced myself as I caught him going through the fridge while I came to get coffee.”

  James let out a strangled cough and turned wary eyes to Jacob. “Jacob?” he asked searching for confirmation.

  Jacob who was still fuming closed the distance between them. I leaned against the counter and crossed my ankles and arms as I watched the scene unfold like a morning novella, while I waited for the coffee to finish. “What are you telling your friends about me?” he hissed.

  James frowned. “What’re you talking about?” he asked confused.

  “You told them about the whole Niko situation, didn’t you?” he accused.

  James paled and shook his head. “No, I – “

  Jacob cut his eyes to me and they were blazing. Anyone else might’ve been a little afraid. I mean, sure Jacob was gay, but he was no James. James was a twink… dainty and cute as a button. He was more muscular, I’m sure he has men and women at the gym drooling over him. That’s usually his excuse for cheating, they came onto him. Yea, they probably did but what the fuck does that mean to exclusivity?

  “Then how the fuck does that bitch know?” he asked.

  This whole time I’ve been kind of in this vertex like I was there, but I was still somewhere in dream land. I could still hear the soft music lulling me to sleep and all that bullshit and as soon as that statement came out everything came to a halt. I swear the fuck it was like when someone cuts a record off abruptly and it makes that annoying screeching sound. My back tensed and before I could make my next move he had an iron grip on James’ arm causing him to whimper.

  “I fucking apologized for that shit. You didn’t have to get so damn dramatic and girly when you found him blowing me in the bathroom. You embarrassed me with all the screaming and crying and I lost my temper. When I hit you, I didn’t even hit you that fucking hard. Your nose only bled for like a minute for fucks sake.”

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I heard myself saying as I stood up from the counter and made my way towards him.

  “Mind your – “he began but I ignored him.

  “He put his fucking hands on you?” I asked way too pissed as I closed in on them.

  James eyes were wide and then he winced when Jacob’s grip tightened. “Net…” he whimpered.

  I suddenly hated the size of my kitchen. Everything was happening so fast, but it felt like I wasn’t moving fast enough. I had rage building deep in my gut. This was friend, and he wasn’t a fighter by any means. He wasn’t one for altercations and right now he was pissing scared and I knew he wouldn’t defend himself and this bastard thought he was going to do this in my presence. I would’ve chopped his balls off as soon as I saw him had I known he’d actually physically hurt my friend.

  “He hit you?” I asked as I got dangerously close.

  “Stay the fuck out of I – “hold that thought.

  My fist swung so fast and connected with him jaw so fucking hard he released James and took a step back. I immediately stood in front of him as he shrunk back in fear. Jacob’s eyes snapped to mine, and I saw instantly when the shock wore off. I never had anyone look at me with such fucking anger directed at me in my life. My adrenaline was pumping. Men were scums, they were fucking shit. It wouldn’t be until everything had blown over would I realize that a good amount of the anger I felt had nothing to do with Jacob and James. In that moment though, I felt ready for war.

  For a big mother fucker, he was fucking quick. He leaped at me and the next thing I know my head was buzzing and I was almost on my knees on the floor barely holding my weight up by my forearms on the counter. The taste of blood raw in my mouth, my mind hazy. I don’t know if he slapped me or punched me, but he knocked the holy shit out of me. I was using all of my energy to get my wits together when I finally heard it. Scuffling.

  I turned towards the noise and my eyes cleared. James charged Jacob’s big ass with a warrior cry. Jacob grunted but didn’t look fazed. I saw him land a hard blow to James ribs that caused a mangled cry and him dropping to his knees. I swung my head back around realizing our predicament. He was going to fuck us up unless I got to my senses. I can’t take the man and I couldn’t get to my gun.

  I pulled myself up and shook my head. Fuck Nettie, you’ve taken way fucking worse and haven’t been knocked the fuck out like that. My eyes immediately landed on the knife block. I heard James cough and wheeze and my heart clenched. My heart was beating so fast, being transported back to the days with the man my mother fucked and left me with. I felt a shiver of fear but then I thought of James. I don’t know when it happened, but somewhere in my mind I had stopped seeing Jacob and was seeing my father.

  My hand automatically reached for the largest knife in the block. I turned around, James was on the floor bloody and Jacob swung his foot and kicked him. He must’ve sensed my movement because his gaze swung up and landed on me, then the knife. I was already making my way towards him and his eyes returned up and they widened. Oh, so now you’re afraid? You damn well ought to be because I have every fucking intention on using it. My arm flew up ready to filet his ass when a vice grip closed around my wrist.

  I growled and tried to turn, but an arm snaked around my waist. I pulled up my foot and stomped down as hard as I could on the person’s foot that was behind me. I heard a hiss, but they didn’t release me. If anything, the grip tightened, and I began to squirm and fight trying to break free. As I tried to wrestle away the arm that held the knife I threw elbows and anything else I could back. After a minute, I felt a bite into my shoulder. Hard enough to hurt but not break skin. I hissed.

  “Fucking stop it Natalia.” They whispered.

  I stilled and sagged in defeat. I heard the sounds of more feet seconds later and then a growl. Jacob tried to back out of the room discreetly but something he saw stopped him. I had no idea what was happening around me, I could only see Jacob and feel the person behind me.

  The hand on my waist moved to flatten against my stomach and pull me back hard until my entire back was flush against his front. “If I let you go, are you going to shank me?” he asked, and I could hear his amusement.

  He wasn’t fucking serious right now, was he? Making a joke at a time like this. “No, I would be way more creative in detaching certain body parts. Get the fuck off.” I said angrily. This time when I jerked to get away he released me. I began to move forward towards James, I was grabbed again

  “Bull… get the fuck off of me. I’m being serious.”

  “I don’t trust that fucker and I don’t want you close. We’ll get him up… give me the knife.”

  When he gripped the handle, I released it willingly. I closed my eyes as I felt all the energy I had leave my body. I was mentally and physically exhausted all of a sudden.

  “Who’s this mother fuck?” I knew that was Lucifer.

  “I don’t fucking know. I was coming over to bum some fucking breakfast and heard the commotion from outside dialed you as I ran in.” Bull answered.

  James whimpered. “Bull... Jam – “I didn’t need to finish.

  “Cutter” he said.

  Cutter appeared in my line of vision followed by Arrow. Arrow bent down lifting James into his arms as Cutter grabbed Jacob. Arrow sat James down on the counter and James looked ready to pass out. Lucifer was in front of him a second later checking him over, a deep frown marring his features.

  “James? Net?” I heard Abee calling, the hysteria barely contained in her voice.

  Lucifer muttered a low, fuck, before answering. “Babe stay outside. We’re all coming out.”

  He snapped his fingers at someone behind me. “Take her home, tell her we’ll be there soon and if she gives you shit call me. But for the life of me do not let her break you. Tell her nothing, I don’t need her worked the fuck up.”

  He turned his attention back to James. “Fuck man…” he applied pressure to James side and he damn near buckled. Lucifer shook his head eyes raging. “Who the fuck is this – “he began as he was raising his eyes to me. I guess me being the likely person to answer.

  His eyebrows were drawn so tightly together as he scanned my face he appeared to have a unibrow. He shot worried eyes towards Bull before scanning my face again.

  “What?” Bull asked tensely behind me.

  Lucifer opened his mouth. Looked at Bull then back at me and closed it again. This was the first time since I’ve met the man that he was at a loss for words, his eyes never leaving my face. Bull wrapped an arm across me to the opposite shoulder and spun me around. He looked down at me and his entire face hardened. It felt like hours as he looked at my face, deeply inspecting it. Eyes moving minutely slow over every pore in my skin.

  He licked his lips, and locked eyes with me. “What happened to your face?” he asked in a whisper.

  I frowned. “What?”

  “Don’t fuck with me right now, what happened to your face?” he asked again impatiently.

  I looked at him like the looney tune he was acting like. “Nothing is wrong with my face, ass.” I snapped.

  “He punched her.” James said on a groan.

  I turned around to face James who was staring at me with regretful eyes. “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  He shook his head clearly not understanding my confusion. “Jacob, when he knocked you down. He hit you twice… it shows.”

  My mouth formed an O as realization dawned. Somehow, I’d forgotten he’d knocked me on my ass. I wasn’t feeling any pain, or anything though, just worry for my friend. I turned back to face Bull and his nostrils were flared and I could practically smell death on him. He was staring at Jacob with eyes full of horrible promises.

  “I… I… didn’t mean…” he stuttered.

  “Take him to the warehouse.” Bull demanded.

  When the footsteps faded from whoever carried out his orders, Bull finally returned his eyes to mine. He ran his finger over my cheek and I flinched. That hurt, and here comes the throbbing. Holy hell… how didn’t I feel this before?

  “Fuck.” He cursed and took a step back. “FUCKING FUCK NET.” He turned around and clutched the cabinet until his knuckles turned white. He closed his eyes hard and seemed to try to calm himself which didn’t appear to be opened. When he did he roared, snatched the knife up, looked at my face and screamed another “FUCK!!!!” as he sent the knife flying through the air.

  I gasped and spun around to see where it went. The knife was fully imbedded in between the eyes of the sexy shirtless firefighter featuring on my calendar for the month of June. I shook my head, I couldn’t deal with this. “I need to get him to a hospital.” I said to Lucifer.

  He shook his head in disagreement. “I’m going to take him to the house and have our doc come take a look at him. He’s pretty fucked and he’ll need Abee to fuss all over him.”

  “No, she has Jianna. I can do it.” I insisted.

  Bull intervened. “No, you’re not. You’re taking your ass home and getting the fuck in the bed after you take some pain killers and eat. Then, you’re going to stay your ass there until I decide to let you out in another year or two.”

  I scoffed. “No Bull. You can’t do that. I’m fine… I can pop a Tylenol like a big girl.”

  He fumed and bit both of his lips like he was trying to stop himself from saying something that will not help his argument. Lucifer placed a hand on my arm and I turned to face him. “Net, I’m fucking pissed at seeing you two like this. You guys mean everything to my girl. But you – I’d have killed him before because you’ve always meant something to Bull and he’s my fucking best friend. He’s barely holding it together right now. He cares about you, and he walked in on you fucking beaten and wielding a knife, James getting beat on. All types shit is running through his head right now. You might not need to be comforted cause you’re a big girl and all but he needs to be.”

  I sighed. I could see his point, but there was a part of me that wasn’t ready to go back to the house with Bull. But fuck, I couldn’t really be that selfish. He just fucking went nuts to save my ass and he’s losing his shit. He deserves better than me letting my own personal issues that aren’t his fault make him crazy, so I caved.

  I turned to Bull who was pacing a little further away from us muttering shit to himself. Fuck, he really did look like a nut job right now. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his arm. He instantly froze, whole body jacked up. The only thing that moved was his eyes as they cut to me. “I want to go home.” I said softly.

  His body sagged, and he bent down and placed a quick hard kiss on my lips. I wanted to swoon, but I know it didn’t mean the same thing to us. He bent down, one arm behind my back, the other under my legs and carried me over to his place. He didn’t put me down until we were in his bedroom and he placed me on the bed gently. Then he pulled back the covers moved me around a bit then tucked me in. this would’ve been weird had I not still been in my pajamas.

  He left the room and came back with a full glass of water and Tylenol in his hand. When I drained the whole glass, he left again and came back a while later with another full glass of water and a ham and cheese sandwich. Once they were set on the nightstand to his liking – he rearranged it three times – he turned on the TV and went around to the other side of the bed. He stripped down to a t-shirt and his boxers before climbing in to join me.

  The Netflix logo popped up and he turned on the first episode of the walking dead. He leaned back placing his arms behind his head and began watching the show. The whole time I stared at him like he’d lost his mind. After about five minutes he hummed then glanced at me and returned his attention. “Eat your food and watch the show.” He mumbled.

  That was the first thing he’s said since he said he was taking me home. I gave him a small nod and proceeded to eat the sandwich and drink the water he bought up to me and watch the show. Once we were in the middle of the third episode I began to worry. He hadn’t moved an inch or spoken a word since he told me to eat. It was surreal. Bull couldn’t stay still to save his life. I was almost certain that he suffered from ADHD or something. He was always talking, moving, fidgeting even… him totally still for hours is more than a tad bit concerning.

  I bit my lip. “Bull?” I asked hesitantly.

  He barely moved his head. He turned just enough to see me from the corner of his eye but didn’t speak.

  I sucked in a deep breath. “Are you ok?” I asked.

sp; He moved his head back to its previous position. I thought he was going to blow me off, I swear I did. I’d given up hope until he answered me almost five minutes later, and it came out in a barely there whisper. “No Natalia.”

  I knew that, but I was surprised he admitted it. That was against everything that this man was now. Vulnerability wasn’t something he had anymore. He was all fuck the world and shit, nothing could faze him and so now you can understand why my concern just skyrocketed to astronomical levels. Not to mention he used my actual name when he said it. Cue the alarm, red flags, and bells… the world as you know it is ending.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked. I couldn’t help prying. What can I say? It’s only been a little while. You just don’t stop loving someone that you’ve loved your whole life that quick, I still fucking care so shoot me.

  He froze, entire body going tense. Oh shit, what did I do? He closed his eyes and his nostrils flared on a harsh exhale. “Don’t fuck with me, not right now.” He warned.

  I knew to back off. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to pry, I was just concerned.”

  Point five seconds flat. That’s all it took. He was hovering over me and I was pinned down to the bed. His legs, elbows, and hands securing me to the bed. He dropped his head to my shoulder and I could feel his harsh breath against my skin. His frame trembling above me and I knew he was trying to contain his anger. I was afraid now, not like for my safety or anything… I know he would never physically hurt me. My heart is another story, only because he didn’t know he had it… although my unrequited love for him would ultimately do the job. No, I was afraid of what could have him going so crazy. I didn’t know this man, and for once outside of the anger I couldn’t read him. Normally I could tell off the bat everything about him. I am so completely and utterly clueless.

  “Nettie…” my name a rough groan exploding from his chest.

  I wanted to comfort him, wrap my arms around him… run my fingers through his hair. Something, anything! But the way he had me fully enraptured made it impossible. Instead, I did the only other thing I could do. “Jackson?” I whispered.


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