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Nora's Redemption

Page 11

by Carol Henry

  “Then it should be a snap to get things on the trailer. Let me get this loaded, and then you can show me what else you need help with.”

  “I have it all under control.”

  “I’m sure you do,” he said, a smile in his voice as he carried the box to the trailer and returned. “How many trips you plan on making?”

  “As I said, there isn’t much to move. With your trailer, I’m sure it will be a single trip.”

  “Guess I got here in time, then. Lead on.”

  She put her hands on her hips, staring at him as he walked past her toward the front steps. He turned when he reached the front door, raised his eyebrows, and gave her a devilish grin that lit up his entire face.

  Those dimples. Good Lord, she was in trouble.

  “Come on, Nora. I’m here. Might as well lend a hand. You’ve helped me out a lot at the office. It’s the least I can do.”

  “You’ve paid me to work at the office. It’s not the same thing, and you know it.”

  “Okay, so I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately with the clients. I haven’t been in the office much the past few days. Thought we could spend more time together this weekend. Get to know each other better.”

  What? What was he trying to say? Sure, there had been moments when she’d though he was interested in her, but then he’d be aloof and act as if she didn’t exist. She had been getting mixed messages and had determined not to delve into her own feelings.

  “Let’s get inside away from your nosey neighbor’s prying eyes.”

  She looked over her shoulder and spotted Chuck standing in his doorway, looking as if he was about to head their way. “Oh, Lord. That’s all I need.” Resigned, she turned, her shoulder bumping against Gavin’s solid chest. She missed a step and tripped. Gavin gripped her arms before she fell, his touch zinging her insides clear down to her toes.

  “Steady. Can’t have you tripping up the steps before we get the job done.”

  “Sorry. I was in a hurry to get inside the house before Chuck decided to join us.”

  “Does he bother you much?”

  “As often as he can. One of the main reasons I’m moving. Should have done it months ago, but it was a matter of finances.”

  She led him inside, to a small room to the right of the foyer. Boxes were already packed and stacked up against a wall.

  “Organized as usual, I see. I’ll carry these out while you check on Jackie. See if she needs any help.”

  “Bossy much?”

  “Takes one to know one. What’s the plan for lunch? My treat.”

  She didn’t respond and instead left him to move boxes while she went to see how Jackie was doing in the kitchen.

  “So. Gavin Redmond is here. I couldn’t help but overhear you two talking.”

  “Admit it, you eavesdropped.”

  “Sure. You’d do the same. By the way, I got a call from Brad. One of the boys got hurt on the playground, so I have to take him to the walk-in. Think you can manage on your own now that backup has arrived?” Her friend’s smile was overbright.

  “What? You’re leaving me alone with him?”

  “What’s the big deal? You’re alone with him at work most of the day. How is this any different?”

  “You know perfectly well what the difference is.”

  “Yep. And I’m jumping ship. You don’t need me at this point. I’ve got everything in boxes except for a few essentials you’ll need before you leave this place for good. You can handle the rest. Just don’t pass up any golden opportunities with Mr. Redmond.”


  “Good luck. Call me. I want details.”

  “You always want details.”

  “I’m hoping they’re good ones this time. I want you to be happy.”


  “See ya. Bye.”

  She heard Jackie talking to Gavin as she left the house. Nora crossed her fingers and hoped Jackie wasn’t playing matchmaker.

  Chapter Ten

  Steaming coffee in hand, French vanilla aroma trailing behind her, Nora sat at her desk, ready to start the day Monday morning. Her mind, however, was on Gavin and the embrace they had shared at her new home, on Saturday. She’d showed him around the house after he’d brought in the rest of the boxes from his trailer. He’d seemed genuinely interested and pleased with her choice of houses. Still, it’d been a surprise when they returned to the front room and were looking out the window at the view of Lobster Cove, and he’d wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him. And proceeded to kiss her on her cheek. A kiss that had his lips covering hers in an all-consuming embrace. Her heart had raced, and her knees about gave out. It had been way more than a surprise. It had been a spine-tingling experience that left her speechless. And falling head over heels for Gavin Redmond.

  Now, deep in thought, not for the first time, she was brought out of her erotic contemplations when the bell over the door rang. She turned to find a petite blonde had entered and walked right up to her desk, a broad smile on her perfectly made-up face.

  Had Bethany sent yet another blonde bimbo to entice Gavin?

  The woman standing in front of her really didn’t look like any of the other girls Bethany had sent Gavin’s way. About five-three, with straight hair cut short around her ears, she was stylishly but decorously dressed in navy slacks and a sleeveless, white eyelet blouse.

  “Is Gavin in?” she asked, her hand clutching a small beige purse with fingernails polished a bright mauve lacquer. “He told me to meet him here this morning.” Her voice was smooth, well spoken. And she obviously had already met Gavin if he’d invited her to his workplace. Perhaps a client?

  “I’m sorry, he’s not in yet. Can I help with something?”

  “No, thanks. I’ll wait over here on the settee. He did say he might be a few minutes late.”

  “Would you like a cup of coffee while you wait?”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  Nora rose to get the woman a coffee.

  “No, no. Don’t let me bother you. I know where the kitchenette is. I can help myself.”

  Nora sat. Checked Gavin’s calendar as the young woman went to get a coffee. Nothing! No meetings scheduled for the day.

  The bell over the door tinkled again, and this time Gavin walked in dressed in a business suit. Her heart skipped a beat. He was more devastatingly handsome all dressed up than he had been when he helped her move—when he had kissed her!

  “Morning.” He nodded in her direction, his usual warm greeting missing, his professional tone a surprise. “I’m expecting a visitor this morning. Gwendolyn Rose. Ring me when she arrives.”

  “She’s already here. In the kitchen getting a coffee.”

  She watched his face light up, a smile spread across his face. Her happy thoughts plummeted. The woman was obviously more than a business associate or special friend.

  “I’ll take it from here,” Gavin assured her as he headed toward the alcove. “By the way, I’ll be out of the office the rest of the day. Hold all my calls.”

  She watched, open mouthed, as Gavin almost sprinted to the kitchen to meet his guest. After listening to an excited welcome from Gwendolyn Rose coming from the kitchenette, the following silence had her imagination in overdrive.

  Were they kissing?

  Their footsteps echoed down the hall as did Gwendolyn’s warm laughter. Both grated on her nerves. Gavin’s office door opened and then clicked shut. There obviously was something going on between Gavin and his visitor. His sudden business-like formal tone as he’d addressed her on his way to meet his “visitor” was more than telling. Oh, my God. She’d been such a fool to think Gavin’s kisses and his attention to her the past few days indicated he was romantically interested in her. Had she been firmly put in her place as nothing more than the office employee she was? His previous warm attitude toward her was definitely lacking.

  What did she expect? She’d known from the start she was no match for Gavin Redmond. And after meeting Gw
endolyn Rose, she was no competition for the woman ensconced behind closed doors in Gavin’s office.

  And in his arms?

  She plunked down in her chair behind her desk and blankly stared at nothing as she pondered her situation. She liked working for Gavin. More than liked, actually, she loved it. It was diverse enough not to be boring on a day-to-day basis. And yes, the money was a big incentive. She needed this job. Leaving right now was not an option. But could she continue working for him knowing her feelings for him had developed into something more than friendly affection? Seeing him on a daily basis knowing he was in a relationship with someone else?

  When had she fallen head over heels in love with Gavin Redmond?

  She would have to suck it up and keep her feelings for him to herself.

  Or start looking for another job.

  She watched with a heavy heart as Gavin and Ms. Rose strolled past her desk arm in arm and left the building. She couldn’t contain the deep sigh escaping between her tight lips once they shut the door behind them without a single look her way or a simple goodbye.

  The afternoon dragged. She rubbed her temples, took several deep breaths, and did a few neck and shoulder exercises to relieve the tension. It’d been quiet in the office most of the day with an hour left before closing. Deciding to call it a day, she straightened her desk, shut the computer off, then tidied the kitchen and unplugged the coffee maker. Taking another fortifying breath, she retrieved her purse and lightweight jacket and stepped out into the bright afternoon sunshine. She locked the door behind her and headed for home.

  As soon as she arrived, she spotted Chuck and practically ran inside, not wanting to encounter her landlord. She entered, locked the door, and walked through the empty house to the kitchen. After making a cup of tea, she grabbed her phone and went out on the back deck. She settled in the Adirondack chair and dialed Jackie’s number.

  “Oh, my gaud, Jackie, he has a girlfriend. Her name is Gwendolyn Rose. She’s beautiful.”

  The late afternoon breeze teased her hair as she talked to Jackie on the phone.

  “Wow. I’m assuming you’re talking about Gavin Redmond? I knew it. I knew you were smitten.”

  “Okay, so I have feelings for him.”

  “Knew it. So who is this Rose person? Her name doesn’t ring a bell.”

  “Bethany probably set the whole thing up for them to meet again. His sister has been trying to fix him up with someone since his wife died.”

  “So we’ll find someone for you to go out with, too. Get your mind off Mr. Redmond.”

  “I don’t need to ‘find’ someone else. What am I going to do? I need this job. I just bought a house, dammit. I need the money. Don’t you see? How can I continue to work for him knowing how I feel about him and knowing he is in a relationship with someone else? I don’t want to be the other woman again. I don’t want to be the one to cause another breakup. I’m going to have to find another job.”

  “How are you going to be able to afford the cottage if you leave Redmond’s?”

  She took a deep breath, let it out, and leaned back in her chair, staring at the deep-blue sky above. There were no answers there.

  “I guess I’ll have to remain at Redmond’s until I find another job. I hadn’t really started looking when I landed this one. I’m sure there is something else out there for me. I’ll have to hang in here a bit longer.”

  “Don’t be too hasty. Maybe he’s being polite, not wanting to hurt an old friend’s feelings.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to see him every day knowing how I feel about him, yet knowing he’s in a relationship with someone else. After my disastrous relationship with Sebastian, I’m not about to—”

  “Aren’t you listening? I said, maybe he’s just being friendly. Maybe there isn’t a relationship. Maybe his sister is behind this. Wow, girl, you’ve got it bad.”

  “I can’t believe it either, but you’re right. However, I’m not about to ruin another person’s relationship no matter if they aren’t married. I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “All the more reason to go out with other men. Brad’s friend, Robert Wells, is just the guy. He’s thirty-two, tall, dark, handsome as sin, and single. He’s visiting from New York.”

  “He’s not gay, is he? Why else would he be single at his age?”

  “Calm down, Nora. Geesh. Rob’s wife didn’t happen to be a dog lover. She got tired of him spending more time with their menagerie than with her. She walked out on him three years ago. Can you believe it? Over a few dogs?”

  “A few dogs?”

  “What? You love dogs.”

  “Yes, but a menagerie? I don’t know, Jackie. Let me think about it.”

  “No problem. So Brad and the kids and I are going to Ned’s Lobster Shack for supper tonight. I promised the boys they could check out the tanks with the fresh catch of the day while we’re there. Come join us.”

  “I love fresh lobster subs. What time? I’ll meet you there.”

  She hung up, put her head in her hands, her elbows on the side of the chair, and closed her eyes. Damn. It was all happening too fast, closing on the cottage and moving by the end of the week. She couldn’t wait to get out of Sebastian’s place despite the perfect location. If it weren’t for the rent and Chuck coming on to her every time she left or returned to the house, and suggesting he help her with the move, she’d love to stay right where she was. And just when she thought she was getting her emotional life back in order, she’d fallen in love with someone who was in a relationship with someone else.

  Her mind buzzed to the point she was developing a major migraine. She repeated the neck rub and shoulder exercises and then went inside to get ready to meet Jackie and her family. Tomorrow would have to take care of itself. Tonight? Tonight she was going to try and relax and rethink things. Especially her feelings for Gavin Redmond.


  “Is Beth on board yet?” Gavin asked the skipper of his family’s yacht.

  “No, sir. She called to say she couldn’t make it. She’ll talk to you later. If you and your guest are ready, I’ll get this rig underway.”

  He cringed inwardly. Beth was up to her old tricks where Gwen was concerned. She was matchmaking again. He was going to have words with his sister when they returned.

  “I’m sorry, Gavin.” Gwen faked a pout, sounding anything but sorry.

  Great. He’d totally been set up.

  Despite the brilliant sun and clear azure sky, his spirits dwindled. It didn’t help when Gwen tucked her arm in his and led him to the wet bar along the interior wall of the enclosed solar.

  “We have the afternoon to ourselves.” She leaned her head sideways toward him in a sexy pose, her hip nudged him in invitation. “How about you get us a drink, and we can sit right here out of the wind. Relax. Catch up.”

  “Sure. What would you like?” Resigned, Gavin stepped out of her grasp and turned toward the wine rack. “I’m sure there are some local wines in stock.”

  “Wine sounds lovely. You choose.”

  He grabbed the first bottle he came to and poured the clear liquid into two long-stemmed flutes. He nodded for her to have a seat as he carried them to the round table tucked among several easy chairs. Gwen settled on the settee instead and patted the cushion next to her in invitation. Not wanting to be rude, he complied.

  Gwen took the glass, raised it to meet his, and said, “To renewed friendships.”

  “Friendships.” He sipped from his glass, hoping like hell friendship was really all she was interested in. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but there was no way there would be anything more between them than friendship. He had to tell her, before they went any further. He saw the hope in her eyes, was lost for words, and held his tongue.

  Damn it. The afternoon was going to be a disaster.

  He was reluctant to leave the shelter of the solar, but Gwen made several attempts to close the gap between them. Each time, he found excuses to shift away from her without b
eing rude. He tried to interest her in the aquatic life out on the bay, but she didn’t seem to care what was happening on the open seas on the other side of window panels. They dined on picnic food Beth had apparently prepared for them in advance. He was thankful to put the food between them on the small table in the middle of the room, and for the time it took to dine and then to clean up. He was relieved when it was finally time to turn the vessel around and head back to the dock. He had to set Gwen straight, let her down as easy as possible. He hoped he hadn’t left it too late.

  He stood at the bar, empty glasses in hand, when Gwen wrapped her arms around his back and snuggled in close. Her head rested between his shoulder blades. He stiffened.

  “Mmmm. I’ve been waiting to hold you since we got on board, Gav. Don’t tell me you haven’t wanted to do the same. Haven’t you felt the vibes between us, too?”

  Her sexy voice made him cringe. Damn, he had left it too late. He hung his head, shifted, and turned smack-dab into her arms. He didn’t see the kiss coming, hadn’t expected it, but should have. There were no feelings, no emotions coursing through his body when her lips met his. It was all wrong. It was like kissing his sister. He grasped her shoulders and nudged her aside. Her closed eyes popped open. He saw the confusion in her beautiful, emotion-filled blue eyes. Double damn. She wasn’t making this easy.

  “Listen, Gwen. I think we need to talk about this.” He pointed his finger between the two of them. “Us.”

  “I know. Don’t you feel it, too?”

  Good Lord, her face was filled with sensual bliss from the kiss he hadn’t expected or wanted.

  “Let’s sit down and discuss it. There is something you should know.”

  “Oh, Gav. I’ve missed you these last few years.” She all but swooned.

  “Sit. And listen to me, please.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She turned and sashayed all the way back to the settee.

  When she turned and spotted him still standing across the room, her mouth dropped opened in confusion. Her eyes lowered as the hope in them for the anticipated intimate afternoon was replaced with disappointment. She was finally getting the picture. Hoping to let her down easy, he sat in the chair opposite her, rubbed his fingers across his chin, and decided to spit it out.


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