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Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1)

Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  “Put your clothes on, Luciana.”

  “You don’t want me?” she asked softly. “You’re going to send me back?”

  “No, honey. I’m not sending you back. Never. But you’re not here to be fucked. I took you into my home because a powerful man asked for a favor. Until this moment, I didn’t understand his reasoning. I don’t think Casper wanted a fucking favor. He just wanted to make sure you and your sisters were safe.” I ran a hand down my face and turned away from her. “Put your clothes on, Luciana. Next time you’re with a man, it will be because you chose him and asked for his cock. Not because some asshole is taking what isn’t offered.”

  “I don’t have to service you or the others here?” she asked, sounding confused and a little fearful.

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Then what am I supposed to do?”

  “Whatever you’d like, Luciana. I can get you some books, you can watch TV, go for walks. If you leave the compound, you have to have someone with you. Preferably more than one. But you’re not a captive, and you’re damn sure not a whore. No one here will hurt you. Especially not me.”

  She didn’t make a move to get dressed, and fuck me if I didn’t want to look. I was sick with myself over the temptation, but I was a guy who hadn’t fucked anyone in months and I had a beautiful naked woman in my kitchen. My dick didn’t seem to care that she wasn’t here willingly. I hoped like hell she didn’t notice I was getting hard. Despite the marks on her body, she was still stunning, with soft curves. I’d always been a breast man, and it was hard not to notice that hers were a perfect handful.

  “Luciana. Please get dressed,” I said, hoping my tone didn’t sound as strained to her as it did to me.

  “You do want me,” she said and moved closer, but I held up a hand.

  “Stop. I told you. No one here will force you, and you aren’t a damn whore. Just get dressed and give me some space.”

  “You’re going to protect me, yes?” she asked.

  “Of course. I’m not a complete asshole.”

  “And if my father comes? If he decides he wants me returned?”

  “Then I’ll tell him to fuck off.” Did she honestly think I’d just hand her over to that monster?

  She came even closer and I groaned as she pressed her breast against my palm. I tried to jerk my hand away, but she wrapped her fingers around my wrist.

  “But if I’m yours, then he couldn’t take me, couldn’t force me to go with him,” she said. “I could be yours. Only yours.”

  “Luciana.” Fuck, was that my voice? The woman was killing me. “I’m too Goddamn old for his shit. I’m probably your grandpa’s age. Let me go… and put your clothes on. I mean it, girl. There are plenty of younger men in this club if you want to convince someone to make you their old lady.”

  “Old lady?” she asked, and yet she still didn’t release my fucking hand. I could have jerked it away, but I didn’t want to accidentally hurt her. And all right, so I was an asshole because I liked the feel of her breast in my hand. Satan was holding a special seat for me.

  “It’s what we call the women we patch, ink, and claim. Except my club only has one, and she lives with the Dixie Reapers.”

  “She’s with another group of men?” Luciana asked.

  “Yes.” Damn. My voice sounded strangled even to my own ears. “My son, Ryker, lives there with her. She’s his wife. His old lady. And they have a kid together. My grandson. So see, I’m too fucking old for you, Luciana. Let me go, girl.”

  She pressed my hand tighter to her breast. “Do I feel like a girl to you?”

  Jesus Christ. Was she trying to kill me? I gave up my battle and turned to face her. Instead of drawing away, I pulled her against my body and ground my cock against her, letting her feel how hard I was.

  “Is this what you want? You want to feel how hard I am because a naked woman is in my damn kitchen pressing herself against me? You want to hear that I think you’re beautiful, sexy, and that my dick would love to be inside you?”

  She gasped and her eyes darkened, but it wasn’t with fear. Fucking hell. She seemed turned on by my words.

  “I’m an old man, Luciana. I’m sixty-one years old. Forty years your senior. I have a grown-ass son who’s older than you, and a grandkid. And I got snipped so I can’t have more kids. I don’t even fuck more than once every few months. One pussy is as good as another, right? So why let some bitch think she has control over me just for the sake of sex? I’m not a nice guy. I’ve done bad shit, used women without a single thought for their feelings. I’m not the kind of man you want in your bed. I’m hard. I like control. And I take what I fucking want.”

  She licked her lips and blinked up at me.

  “Do you understand? Just because I won’t torture you or rape you like your father’s men, it doesn’t make me a good guy. I’m still an asshole, and I’m going straight to hell when I die. I’m not the man you need.”

  “Maybe you’re exactly the man I need,” she said softly. There was a bit of hope blazing in her eyes. “If the President of the Hades Abyss claims me, then my father can’t take me away. Not without starting a war.”

  “Is that what you want? My patch? My name inked on your skin to keep you safe?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “You don’t have to spread your legs for that. Hell, I probably won’t live much longer anyway. I’m surprised a bullet hasn’t taken me out already. You want to be my old lady, fine. But it’s in name only. You don’t have to offer up your pussy in exchange.”

  “If I’m yours, but you fuck someone else, your men will know. And they’ll laugh at me. They won’t respect me and will think you don’t want me.”

  “Sweetheart, you can pretend all you want, but there’s no way you want an old guy between your legs. My balls are silver-haired and wrinkled. While I still have a head of hair, the muscles I used to have diminished over time.”

  She didn’t look convinced, and I knew I was damning myself for what I was about to do, but she needed to see. I needed to prove to her that she really didn’t want me. I didn’t delude myself. The young whores who spread their legs for me at the clubhouse did it because they wanted to be with the President of the club, wanted bragging rights and maybe some security. They weren’t the least bit turned on by my body. If Luciana wanted security, I’d give it to her. But she didn’t have to fuck me for it.

  I stepped away and pulled off my cut, laying in the kitchen table, then jerked my shirt over my head. She stared and reached out, brushing her fingers across the silver hairs on my chest. I still had some muscle, but I wasn’t ripped like the younger guys, not like I’d been once upon a time. Just the last three or four years, I’d noticed that it was a hell of a lot harder to maintain any sort of definition. My six-pack wasn’t hard as granite anymore and had nearly vanished. I was fit, but I wasn’t as bulky as the other guys.

  She trailed her fingers down my arm, pausing to trace my tattoos. When she reached for my belt, I didn’t stop her. I’d let her look. No way she’d desire me, not a pretty young thing like her. She worked my belt loose, and then unfastened my pants. Luciana pushed them down my hips, then tugged my boxers down. My dick was hard and upright, the head angry and red, but I wasn’t going to make a move on her.

  She studied me, reaching out to cup my balls. My eyes slammed shut as I tried to control myself. Fuck but that felt good. She rolled them, squeezed a little, then wrapped her fingers around my shaft. I opened my eyes and looked down at her. Age had taken me from over six feet to more like six feet even, but she was so damn tiny I was still about a foot taller than her.

  “Do you know what I see?” she asked.

  “An old, randy bastard who needs to keep his dick to himself?” I asked with an arched eyebrow.

  “I see a man who has given much to his club, a man who has protected not only those who serve him but also his blood family. I see a man who didn’t take me when he could have, a man who tried to push me away and do the right
thing. I don’t care if you claim to have done bad things. Spider, you’re an honorable man when it counts.”

  “You see all that, huh?” I asked with a bit of amusement, and a smidge of embarrassment. No one had ever said shit like that to me before.

  “I see a man strong enough to stand up to others, a man who commands the respect of others. And this cock?” she asked, looking down as she stroked me. “It’s thick and long. Beautiful. This cock? It doesn’t scare me.”

  I didn’t know what the fuck to say to that. But if she kept stroking me, I was going to come all over her hand. It had been too fucking long since I’d been with a woman. When she dropped to her knees, my heart stalled and I reached for her, intent on stopping her, but my hand froze and my body locked from shock as her lips closed over the head of my dick.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  Chapter Two


  I’d never had a man push me away and not take what I offered. What I’d been told to offer. Not once had I ever been tempted to be with a man just because I wanted him. I’d never felt desire, not since my father’s lieutenants punished me the first time. I’d been fifteen and a virgin. After that night, I learned what sorts of monsters lived in this world, and that my father was one of them. He’d watched as they violated me, listened to me scream and cry for help, and had done nothing but stare at me with a cold gaze.

  I shoved those memories aside as I stared at Spider’s cock. I’d been terrified when I stepped off the jet, worried that my life would be just as bad here, if not worse. I didn’t know this man, had never heard of him until Mr. VanHorne had said I would live with Spider. I’d done exactly as I’d been told, and I’d offered myself to him. Even stripped off my clothes and prepared to do whatever he wanted. And he’d rejected me. Not because he didn’t find me pretty, but because he had honor and hadn’t wanted to force himself on me.

  I licked my lips and leaned forward, taking his cock into my mouth. He was salty with a hint of musk, but I decided I rather liked it. I heard him mutter a few curses and his body was so damn tight, but he didn’t pull away. Placing my hand on his hip, I drew him closer as I swallowed his cock, urging him to fuck my mouth. At first, I’d only wanted his name as protection. But now that I’d seen the horror in his gaze over what had been done to me, and his adamant refusal to touch me, I knew that he was a good man. Honest. Decent. And I needed that. If I were ever to completely belong to someone, I wanted it to be a man like Spider.

  I licked and sucked, and it wasn’t long before I felt his fingers loosen my bun and sift through my hair as it tumbled down my back. Spider groaned and I chanced peering up at him. His gaze burned bright with lust and wonder as he stared at me, watched as I took his cock as far as I could.


  The way he said my name gave me goose bumps. It was almost reverent, and I wanted to hear him say it again. I pressed on his hip, urging him to take what he wanted, but he seemed content to let me do the work. I didn’t know if he worried he would scare me, but the man in front of me no longer made me fear for my future. It was insane that I could trust him so fast, but I’d stared evil in the face every day of my life. And this man wasn’t evil. Controlled. Definitely an alpha. But he had a good heart.

  Spider was a protector, the type of man I’d dreamed about, yet thought didn’t truly exist.

  His cock swelled and he groaned again. “Gonna come, pretty girl. Better pull off.”

  I glared up at him in defiance and sucked harder, hollowing my cheeks, and was rewarded a moment later with the hot splash of his cum. He thrust a few times, filling my mouth and throat with his essence, and I swallowed it down. A shudder raked his body as he pressed deep, his silver hair brushing my lips as his cock twitched and softened. I gave him a few more sucks before releasing him.

  He might not have the body of a twenty-year old boy, but things like a chiseled abdomen would fade over time. The scars I noticed along his torso spoke of a man strong enough to survive. Like me. I’d survived, but now I wanted to live, and I wanted him to show me how.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” he said.

  I rose to my feet and hesitated, but he opened his arms and I went to him willingly. I placed my cheek against his chest, over his heart, and felt it thumping hard. No one had ever held me, not since I was a little girl. Not in tenderness anyway. It had been so long since anyone other than my sisters had hugged me, since anyone had shown true affection. My eyes misted with tears and I held on tighter.

  My sisters. If Spider was a good man, then it meant Violeta and Sofia were likely with honorable men, too. We were safe. For now.

  “I mean it, Luciana. Sex isn’t part of the agreement. I’ll claim you, but I don’t expect you to be in my bed. You can keep your room, live your life. I only ask that if you decide to sleep with another man that you’re discreet and don’t get knocked-up. It’s no secret I’ve been snipped so any baby other than the one you carry now, the men would know you’d been with someone else.”

  My body tensed and I pulled back to look at him. “Why? I get a free pass to fuck anyone so you can do that same? Was I so terrible at sucking your cock?”

  He shut his eyes a moment and when he opened them again, I saw a hint of tenderness, something I doubted he showed many people. The man I’d first seen at the airstrip, the tough alpha, the stoic guy who looked hard and tough, was likely the side he showed the world. But this man, the one looking down at me now, it almost felt like this side of him was just for me.

  “No. That’s not why, and you know damn well I liked that. I won’t make you feel like a whore, Luciana. I don’t want you to feel obligated to --”

  I pressed my fingers to his lips and swallowed hard. I reached down and gripped his hand, then placed it between my thighs. His eyes darkened as he stroked my pussy.

  “I don’t get wet for men I don’t desire.” I hesitated only a moment. “In fact, I’ve never gotten wet for a man before. Only for you, Spider.”

  And it was the truth. Whenever I’d been ordered to offer myself to a man, I’d made sure to use lube before meeting him. None of the men in my father’s world cared if a woman enjoyed herself or was a willing participant. If they’d hurt me, it would have only turned them on more. Maybe it was insane to be wet and needy right now, after all the horrors I’d faced, but his tender touch, his adamant refusal to do anything he thought might harm me, was the biggest turn-on.

  “Luciana, you’ve been horribly abused, physically and sexually. I’m not sure that… I don’t know that sex is a good idea. At least, not right now. You need time to heal, to process everything that’s happened. I’m not saying never. You know I want you. I couldn’t hide the fact I was hard, and I just came in your damn mouth.”

  My lips twisted a little. “I never have.”

  He blinked once. Twice. “Never have what?”

  “Come. I’ve never had an orgasm.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Well, I guess I can’t let that stand, now can I? Doesn’t mean I’m putting my cock inside you, though.”

  “Then what…” I squealed as he gripped my waist and lifted me onto the table. I placed my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. Spider pulled the chair over and sank onto it.

  “Too fucking old to kneel on this damn wood floor,” he muttered.

  Gently, he kissed the scars that marked my belly, hips, and thighs. His beard tickled, but what he was doing, the way he touched me, brought tears to my eyes and made my throat tight.

  Other than my eyebrows and the hair on my head, the rest had been removed permanently. I’d always hated it, hated the way it felt to be bare down there. Exposed. Until now. Spider traced his tongue along my slit, and I gasped as I leaned back and spread my thighs wider, giving him better access. No one had ever put their mouth on me before, except for the man who’d bitten me and not in a fun, sexy way. I still bore the scar on my inner thigh. They’d always shoved their cocks into me and that was it. They’d get of
f and be done with me.

  For the first time since my body had been marked, I wasn’t ashamed of the scars. I didn’t feel ugly or degraded. Spider made me feel beautiful and desirable. He wasn’t using my body as a way to punish me, wasn’t taking what he wanted whether I liked it or not. He was giving me an incredible gift, and proving yet again that he was different from the other men I’d known.

  He held me open and sucked on my clit. I could feel something building, a warm buzz settling under my skin, and a tingling where he’d placed his mouth. My nipples hardened and my pussy clenched, feeling empty. Too empty. I needed more. He circled my clit with his tongue before lightly biting down, and it was enough to make me see stars. The strangled cry that left my lips turned into a wail as he worked the sensitive nub, making my orgasm go on and on. I was trembling and breathless, my thighs shaking as I felt moisture gather under me. My cheeks warmed when I realized it was coming from me.

  Spider wasn’t finished with me yet, though, and he didn’t stop until I’d come twice more. He’d given me pleasure unlike anything I’d ever experienced, and yet I still ached, felt like something was missing. He pushed his chair back, his chest rising and falling with his labored breaths, and I realized he was just as turned-on as I was -- still needed more, just like me.

  I eyed his cock, biting my lip when I saw he was hard again. I eased off the table and straddled him. Spider’s gaze locked on mine and he slowly shook his head, warning me not to do it, but I’d never been good at listening. In Colombia, I might have hesitated. With Spider, I knew I wasn’t in any danger. I placed my hands on his shoulders and lowered myself onto his cock, taking him all the way inside me.

  “Luciana.” His tone held a hint of warning, but I ignored it.

  “I’m clean, if that’s your concern.”

  “I am too, but that doesn’t make this a good idea,” he said.

  I wanted this, wanted him. If he didn’t want to touch me after this, then I would have at least experienced how incredible sex could be once in my life. Even though he’d spoken of other men in his club, younger ones, I knew I didn’t want them. It was younger men who had hurt me. I understood that not all men were like that, or at least I did now, but I didn’t think I’d ever trust someone my father’s age or younger, not enough to get naked with them.


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