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Spider (Hades Abyss MC 1)

Page 10

by Harley Wylde

  Having lived through hell, I had a slightly different perspective than most people. Even women who had been assaulted might not appreciate all the muscle surrounding me, but I was more than happy to have them along. They didn’t make me feel any less independent, or weak. It just made me feel cherished that the club wanted to keep me safe, even at the possible cost of their own lives. Instead of driving over to the pharmacy, Spider took my hand and led me down the sidewalk. After a moment, I realized we were heading for a park. I couldn’t remember ever going to a park before. It was a beautiful day, and even though the news at the doctor’s office hadn’t been what I’d expected, I felt calmer and more at peace than ever before.

  “Any idea what the baby is?” Teller asked from next to me.

  “There’s two of them, but we don’t know the sexes yet,” I said.

  “Wow, twins?” Teller blinked. “Congratulations!”

  “She has to eat better and take vitamins,” Spider said. “The babies aren’t growing as well as they should, which means they want to keep a close eye on her. She goes back in a week.”

  Teller frowned. “Will they be okay?”

  My heart stopped a moment. I hadn’t even thought to ask. Spider had just said he’d do whatever it took to make me better, to make the babies better, and I hadn’t questioned it. But now I had to wonder if there was a chance the two children growing inside me wouldn’t live long enough to be born or would be born with problems. Was I already a bad mother? I’d been more concerned with how the doctor had treated my husband than over what was happening with the babies.

  My stomach churned and I stumbled a little. I placed my hand over my belly and prayed that they would be all right.

  “Shut it, youngster,” Spider muttered and wrapped his arm around my waist. “She’s going to be fine and so are the babies.”

  Teller nodded. “Sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that we haven’t had any kids around the compound other than when Ryker visits with his family. I was kind of looking forward to it.”

  I nearly stumbled again as I stopped to stare at Teller. “You want kids at the compound? Why?”

  He shrugged. “I like them. They’re so innocent and unspoiled by life. You know they mean whatever they say, and there’s this look of wonder whenever they discover something new. Until they learn the world we live in is complete shit.”

  It seemed Teller had depths that no one knew about, since Spider and Marauder were both looking at him like he’d grown a second head. I thought it was sweet, and I had no doubt he’d be a champion to all the kids at the compound -- if mine lived, and if any others came along. As much as I thought Violeta losing her baby was a blessing, I looked forward to raising a family with Spider. Since he’d gotten snipped, the babies inside me were probably my only chance. I knew there were other options like adoption or artificial insemination, but I didn’t know if Spider would go for either of those. He’d taken me on with the kids inside me already on board. Asking him to bring in more kids wouldn’t be fair. Not after he’d gone to the trouble to never have more.

  “Why are we at the park?” Marauder asked.

  “Luciana likes the tree out in front of Knox’s house. I thought she might enjoy a walk through the park. There’s lots of shit with flowers on it right now,” Spider said.

  I bit my lip so I wouldn’t laugh at how eloquent he wasn’t. I was thrilled that he’d thought of something like this, but his delivery could use a little work. Then again, he wouldn’t be Spider if he had said it any other way. As we walked, I noticed that he no longer winced or rubbed at the gunshot wound in his shoulder, and that his back was looking much better too. It made me happy that he’d healed so well. When I’d seen all the blood, I’d been so scared I would lose him. That moment was when I’d known for sure that I loved him. I was just too damn scared to tell him. What if he didn’t feel the same?

  “Why don’t the three of you give us a bit of room?” Spider asked as he tugged me over to a bench near a small pond.

  Ducks paddled across the water and a breeze ruffled the leaves in the tree behind us. Spider slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me tight against his side. I’d never done something so normal as enjoying the park with the man I loved. If it weren’t for the fact my babies were in trouble, my life would be pretty perfect. So perfect it scared me. I was waiting for something horrible to happen, for my father to come for me, or something else to happen to Spider.

  “We can come back and bring something to feed the ducks,” he said.

  “This is nice.” I rested my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed the peaceful moment.

  “We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure the babies are all right,” he said. “I know you want to keep them.”

  The way he said that made me pause. I pulled away a bit and looked at him.

  “I want to keep them, but you don’t?”

  He reached out and twirled a piece of my hair around his finger. “It’s not that I don’t want children with you, Luciana, I’m just worried. You want these babies right now, but what if they come out looking like one of the men who hurt you? Can you handle seeing that daily reminder? You’re starting to heal, to get stronger emotionally and mentally, and I don’t want anything to set you back.”

  I took his hand and placed it over my belly. “It’s not their fault they were conceived by rape. They’re innocent, Spider. Like me. Victims. You protect the innocent, and I know you’ll do the same for them. They deserve a chance at a good, happy life, just like any other kid.”

  He tugged me closer again and kissed me softly. The brush of his lips sent a shiver through me, a reminder we hadn’t been intimate in far too long, and a public park bench wasn’t the best location to start now.

  “I was only worried about you,” he said as he drew away. “I will love these kids as if they were of my own flesh and blood. I meant what I said before, that they need never know they aren’t mine in all ways.”

  I reached up to cup his cheek, his beard tickling my hand. There was kindness in his eyes, and something else I couldn’t quite pinpoint. The way he watched me sometimes made me think he cared for me, or possibly even more than cared, but I wasn’t sure I had the guts to ask. What if I said I loved him and it made him pull away? He hadn’t asked for my life or affection. He hadn’t asked for any of this.

  His phone, along with three others, went off at the same time. Spider pulled his from his pocket and swiped to unlock the screen, scowling at whatever message he saw there. I heard the steps of the others as they came close. He glanced at each of them, and the tension increased until my own heart rate picked up. Was something happening? Was it bad?

  Spider got off the bench and pulled me to my feet. “We need to go.”

  “But my prescription…”

  “Will have to wait. It’s Violeta,” he said.

  My breath froze in my lungs and the world spun a little. “Violeta?”

  “Someone managed to get past Marcus and breached the compound. Rocket was able to keep them from capturing Violeta, but she was hurt,” Spider said. “I need to get you out of the open. Now.”

  I nodded and let him lead me back to the SUV. He raced through town, nearly running a few lights, and went skidding through the gates of the compound. Gates that stood wide open with three armed men just inside. I fought to control my emotions, to lock down the panic that was rising.

  One of the men approached the vehicle and Spider rolled down the window.

  “They were after your wife and found Violeta instead. Roughed her up pretty good. Rocket has her locked up tight in his house, and Dread is on his way to patch her up and check her out. Make sure nothing is broken.”

  “Thanks, Patch,” Spider said.

  “I called in the others,” he said. “Yankee, Brazil, and Gunner are all back and they’re done with the military this time. They’re here to stay. Didn’t know where you wanted to put them so they each took a spot in the clubhouse.”

“I’ll assign them houses later. Ask Yankee and Gunner to come to my house. I want them to keep an eye on Luciana. If those fuckers broke in here once, they’ll likely try again, especially since they didn’t get what they came for.”

  Patch nodded. “On it.”

  Spider pulled away and drove to the house.

  “More men?” I asked. “Have I not met everyone?”

  “Some of the guys are active duty military, and others are ex-military and have been recruiting our troops from various branches. It’s good to have men with that kind of background, those who don’t mind getting their hands dirty. Some turn to law enforcement or other civil service jobs when they leave the military, but others need something a bit more, something maybe not quite so legal. They want to get their hands dirty and not have the government staring over their shoulders.”

  “And Hades Abyss gives that to them?” she asked.

  “Yes. I trust every member of this club with your life, Luciana. They’ll keep you safe if I’m unable to do so myself.”

  At the house, he ushered me inside and led me straight to the kitchen. He put some water in the kettle and set it to boil. After he’d learned I liked tea, he’d made sure he stocked the kitchen with a kettle and several types of tea. I didn’t have the heart to tell him I’d like a kettle that steeped the tea and didn’t like using tea bags. He was trying, and it was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for me.

  He set the mug of steaming water in front of me and pulled down my favorite tea, handing me a teabag and a spoon. There was a knock at the front door, and he paused only long enough to give me a quick kiss before going to answer it. I heard deep voices, then heavy steps. Two men I hadn’t seen before, one incredibly tall and the other of average height, entered the room.

  “Luciana, this is Yankee and Gunner,” Spider said, motioning to each of them. “Guys, this is my wife, Luciana, and the intended target of the man who broke into the compound. Her sperm donor is Mateo Gomez.”

  Sperm donor. I snickered a little. I liked that because the man had certainly never been fatherly, even if he’d demanded that title from us. I’d have to share that with my sisters later.

  “Violeta. When can I see her?” I asked.

  “Dread is checking her over right now. As soon as I have word on her status, I’ll let you know,” Spider said. “But neither of you are leaving your homes until we get this shit sorted out.”

  I nodded, my stomach tightening with worry over Violeta. “Sofia? What about her? Did they attack the place where she’s living now?”

  Spider stared at me a moment, then pulled out his phone.

  “Torch, did your compound get hit today? Maybe someone trying to get their hands on Sofia?” he asked.

  He held my gaze and shook his head. At least Sofia was safe. I didn’t know why my father would want me over my sisters, unless he’d found out about my pregnancy. The thought of him getting his hands on my babies was enough to make me bolt down the hall and throw up in the half bath. Spider knelt next to me and rubbed my back.

  “Sofia is safe,” he said. “And I’m not letting Gomez get his hands on you.”

  “You can’t stop him,” I said. “He has more men than you do. If he wants me, he’ll find a way to get me.”

  He opened his mouth to respond when his phone rang. A strange look crossed his face as he stared at the screen, and when he answered he put the speaker on, then pressed a finger to my lips so I’d know to remain silent.

  “Casper, what the fuck is going on?” he asked.

  “Gomez has decided that he needs Luciana more than he needs your favor. He knows your club still has Violeta and he’s hoping that will be enough to keep you tied to him. Or the imaginary tie that’s there.”

  “His man attacked Violeta and beat the hell out of her,” Spider said. “That’s not going to endear him to me.”

  “He doesn’t know you have a soft spot for the girls. He thinks you’ve made them whores and you’re passing them around,” Casper said.

  “Send me the number to Gomez. I think I need to have a little chat with him.”

  “Spider, be careful. I have plans in motion, and I don’t need you to fuck everything up. I know that you’re protective of those who are innocent, especially women and children, but don’t let that cloud your judgment.”

  “The fucker came after my wife and kids,” Spider said.

  There was a beat of silence.

  “Wife and kids?” Casper asked.

  “Luciana is my wife, and the twins she’s carrying are mine as well.”

  Casper snorted. “You can’t have kids.”

  “Well, I claimed them just the same.”

  “Gomez isn’t aware you married his daughter. Hell, I didn’t know about it and this is my fucking mission. Anything else I need to know?” Casper asked.

  “Answer the fucking phone and you’d know more, but no. I don’t have anything else. Not yet, but give Violeta some time to grow up and I have a feeling Rocket will be claiming her. You think I’m protective? The fucker who hurt Violeta might want to run as far and fast as he can, because if Rocket gets his hands on the guy, he won’t be breathing much longer,” Spider said.

  “Duly noted. I’ll send the information for Gomez, but don’t do anything stupid. No dick swinging, Spider. I mean it.”

  Spider flipped the phone off, as if the man could see the gesture, then ended the call.

  “Fucker,” Spider muttered.

  His phone chimed a moment later and a sadistic smile slid across his face. A shiver raced down my spine. Not because I feared for myself, but that look didn’t bode well for my father. I knew that Spider would end him if he could, and it wouldn’t be pleasant.

  Chapter Nine


  Mateo Gomez had made a fatal mistake. No one came after my family, and the fucker was about to learn that the hard way. I helped Luciana off the floor, gave her a cup of water to rinse her mouth, then we went back to the kitchen. I wanted Yankee and Gunner to hear this call, and if Luciana needed to stay, then I was fine with that too. She would see a darker side of me, but I was pretty certain she knew I’d never hurt her, never turn that darkness on her or the babies. They were mine, and I would protect them at all costs. Just because I hadn’t wanted a wife and kids didn’t mean I would leave them defenseless, especially since I’d gone and fallen for the adorable woman who fascinated me more and more every day.

  “It seems that Mateo Gomez isn’t aware that Luciana is my wife now,” I said. “I think it’s time he learns what happens to those who fuck with my family. I’m going to put the call on speaker. Luciana, if you stay, I want you to remain quiet. Can you do that for me, baby girl?”

  She nodded.

  “What about us?” Yankee asked.

  “The two of you can threaten the man all you want,” Spider said. “He needs to know he didn’t just piss me off, but the entire club. And the stunt with Violeta can’t go unpunished. I want the man responsible, but no one is to harm him yet. Rocket will want that privilege.”

  Luciana reached out and took my hand. I knelt next to her chair and smoothed her hair back from her face. She was scared, fear lurking in her eyes, and her lower lip trembled. I wasn’t sure if she was worried about her sister, herself, the babies, or if she was concerned something would happen to me. The way she’d looked the day I’d been shot would haunt me for a while. Possibly forever. I never wanted to see that look on her face ever again.

  “Everything will be fine,” I assured her. “He’s not going to hurt me or your sisters. None of us will let that happen. And you’re safe, Luciana. I’ll put every bullet at this compound into him and anyone else who tries to take you. Understood?”

  She nodded and her hand tightened on mine. I brushed a kiss against her cheek, then stood and dialed Mateo Gomez.

  The man answered after a few rings.

  “Who is this?” he demanded in a thick accent.

  “It’s Spider, the President of H
ades Abyss.”

  “Ah, yes. Mr. Spider, what may I do for you today?”

  “You can start by explaining why one of your men forced their way into my compound, beat the hell out of Violeta, and was apparently trying to take Luciana.”

  There was a moment of silence.

  “I did not authorize anyone to beat Violeta,” he said. “I understand she is valuable to you and your men. As for Luciana, I need her to return home.”

  “No,” Spider said. “You gave her to me, and I plan to keep her.”

  “I can provide another girl for you, Mr. Spider. I have many beautiful girls, much better behaved than my Luciana,” Gomez said.

  I ground my teeth together and tried not to reach through the phone to choke the fucker. His Luciana? Not fucking likely.

  “I don’t think you understand. Luciana isn’t leaving this compound unless she’s with me or a member of this club,” I said. “She’s my property now.”

  I glanced at Luciana, not sure how she’d handled me phrasing it quite like that, but she was staring at the phone with stark terror on her face. Yeah, no way this dipshit was getting his hands on my wife.

  “Why do you need Luciana all of a sudden?” I asked.

  “There is a man who wishes to keep Luciana for himself. They spent some time together previously and he’s rather enamored of her. She will live in luxury with Pedro Lopez.”

  Luciana let out a whimper and I quickly gathered her in my arms to keep her quiet. She trembled and clutched at me, her terror a tangible thing. Whoever Pedro Lopez was, I knew he damn sure wasn’t going to touch her. I’d cut off his hands and shove them up his ass if I had the chance.

  “Spent time together?” I asked. “Were they dating?”

  Luciana pressed even tighter to me. I threaded a hand in her hair and held her close. I hated that this call was making those memories come to the surface, and I was wishing I’d asked her to leave the room. I’d thought she had the right to hear what was said, but it hadn’t occurred to me that it would frighten her so badly. Sometimes I was an idiot, at least when it came to women.


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