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Royal Watch

Page 9

by Stacey Marie Brown

  Cosmetics, toiletries, clothes, shoes… everything had been provided for me. Covering up a few cuts on my face, I blew out my long hair before finding clothes that were the most like me. I dressed in dark skinny jeans, a white blouse, and a blue blazer and slid my feet into flats. All designer. Not my normal style, and I felt like I was dressing for a part. A job interview.

  My stomach rumbled as I stepped out into the hallway; the silence at the end of this wing was eerie. My house always creaked, and there were always noises from Nara cleaning or Olivia running up and down the hall.

  I started down the corridor and paused. I really had no clue where I was going or where I was allowed. Theo hadn’t given me a tour of the private residence yet, so besides the room I was in and the path to where I met the Queen, I had little understanding of this place.

  Setting my feet toward the one room I did know, a figure almost collided into me.

  “Oh, mistress.” A dark-haired, petite maid in her later twenties, dropped down in a curtsy. “I am so sorry.”

  “It’s fine.” I smiled. “Actually, I’m so glad I bumped into you. Do you know where Theo or Eloise are?”

  “The prince and princess are in the breakfast room.” She kept her eyes on the ground. “I was told to let you sleep, my lady.”

  “Spencer, please.”

  She pinched her lips together. She would never call me by my name; that’s not how it was here. Formal. Traditional.

  Nara would wake me up by chucking a pillow at my head or vacuuming my headboard. One time she poured the glass of water by my bed over my head to get me up. The woman’s cruelty knew no bounds.

  “The breakfast room would be?”

  “Down the corridor, through the green and mural room.” She pointed, bobbed her head, and took off for the room I just left, probably to straighten it up until it looked like I was never there.

  Heading in the direction she pointed, I crept through some of the vast history of our small country. Kings, queens, lords, wars, murders. Precious items you’d find in a museum. Things you’d read about in history books. And all this in the place Eloise and Theo grew up.

  “This is unacceptable!” A voice boomed down the hall. Sneaking up to the room, I peered in, oxygen halting in my throat. I froze, seeing the man who ruled this kingdom.

  King Alexander stood tall behind a desk, his normally stern expression lined with anger, his blue eyes blazing. He wore dark trousers, a pinstripe dress shirt, shiny shoes, and a yellow tie. His perfectly styled short brown hair was combed back, a touch of gray around his temples and sideburns. He was handsome in that untouchable way. I could never imagine him showing passion, an emotion he’d probably think of as weak.

  Theo had more of his mother’s coloring and eyes but was otherwise a duplicate of his father. Same height and physique. But where Theo was easy to smile and joke, the king was stern, aloof, and curt. The press feared and respected him, not daring to try to dig up dirt on him. Though the rumor he had loved another woman a long time ago never dissipated.

  Fury pulsed from him, his knuckles turning white around the paper in his hand, his focus on the two sitting in the chairs on the other side of the desk.

  Theo and Eloise sat quietly, not appearing fazed by their father’s ire. Both dressed impeccably, appearing fresh, like they went to a spa last night instead of drinking in a club.

  “Do you two understand everything you do is watched? Judged. You are role models. Royals! You cannot be careless or stupid like others your age can. We are held to different standards than others!” He smacked the newspaper in his hand down on the desk, shoving it at his children. My focus darted down to the front page.


  “Royals caught in club brawl. Princess carried out by mystery man!” The headline was boldly splashed across the front of the paper, the image underneath a dark, blurry picture of figures getting into a black SUV. You’d never know if it was us, but the outline of a man looking to be carrying a girl in his arms was circled, drawing your eye there.

  Bloody hell.

  That was me.

  Theo shoved it away. “It’s not even Eloise being carried out.”

  “It doesn’t matter if it’s actually Eloise. They don’t need facts to write headlines.”

  “No one can even see that it’s us.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry… Did you not see the picture inside?” The king’s voice was taut and filled with condescension. His fingers flipped open the page, stabbing at another picture.

  Theo and El leaned forward, their throats bobbing in unison as they took in the picture. I couldn’t see it, but clearly, the media had a better picture to prove it was them.

  “What were you even doing in a club like this?” Alexander peered between his kids.

  “We were there because—” Eloise started.

  “Ben and Charlie,” Theo finished for her, tossing his buddies under the bus to protect her. “It was a welcome home for me.”

  The king took a deep breath, his head shaking. He didn’t seem surprised by this; I guess he was no stranger to their antics.

  His head lifted, blue eyes landing on me. His intensity was a punch to the lungs.

  “Ms. Sutton.” He said my name like a lash of cold wind, whipping Theo’s head to me. “Do come join us. You can eavesdrop from here better.”


  “Your Majesty.” I curtsied, sweat instantly dotting my hairline and back. “I-I apologize.”

  “No better time to meet my son’s girlfriend, I guess. You were part of this debacle as well?” He motioned me to enter. My armpits and neck were already sticky and coated in terror.

  I stepped into the room, noticing Lennox and Dalton standing against the wall behind me, both wearing dark suits with gray ties. Silent and so still they could have been statues. Dalton’s head dipped in the shallowest nod, recognizing my existence in the room while Lennox stared straight ahead. But bugger that guy was so hot it made me angry. His personality had to ruin the eye candy.

  “Your Highness. It’s an honor to meet you.” My voice shook, my legs rattling as they dipped again. My father told me I had met the king before, running right up to him at an event. Bold as brass, and only three. Fair to say I didn’t remember this prior meeting.

  “Baron Andrew Sutton’s daughter.” He said it more like he was reading it from my CV. “I’m not sure I’ve had the pleasure of meeting your father. But I’ve heard about your family.”

  There was no compliment in there. He said it so evenly, with not one facial twitch, yet I had no doubt he found my family… less than.

  “Majesty.” I dipped my head in answer.

  “Father…” Theo rolled his eyes, standing up next to me. “Can we have one thing in this family that’s normal… like meeting my girlfriend? Not drilling her as if she is interviewing for a position here.”

  Alexander’s gaze slid to his son.

  “There is nothing and will never be anything normal about us,” he replied firmly. “And being your girlfriend, Theodore, is going to be a full-time job for her. After introducing her to me, to the world, she is no longer some girl you can casually date. She is Great Victoria’s.” He placed his palms on the desk, leaning into Theo’s face. “Do you both fully understand that?”

  “Yes.” Theo’s chin lifted, his hand touching my back, not hesitating a moment. I, on the other hand, wanted to run. It wasn’t that I didn’t love Theo, wanting a future with him. But the pressure the queen and king were already laying down at my feet rattled all the confidence I had. Other girls dreamed of marrying a prince. I dreamed that Theo and I were normal. That we could date and have fun, while I became a vet and he could do whatever he longed to do.

  “If you want to keep this quiet, we can figure something out. I can call a meeting with the PR teams.”

  “I don’t want to keep this quiet anymore.” Theo’s fingers dug into my back. “I want the world to know about Spencer. I love her.”

  Alexander’s blue eyes
skipped to mine, his question drilling into me. All I could do was nod in response, my voice losing its way from my mind to my tongue.

  King Alexander leaned back, folding his arms.

  “All right. I hope you know what you are in for, Spencer.” There was a definite “once you’re in, you can’t get out” vibe lacing through his sentiment.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Announcing you two might help the PR nightmare of this. Distract them.” Alexander picked up the article again, a frown going to Eloise and coming back to us. “Both PR houses will be making statements about your relationship. You two will make your first formal appearance together at the state banquet this Friday and a more casual one at the polo match the next day. Spencer, I’ve set you up with Chloe, she will be handling your PR and calendar and will be meeting with you later to set up everything.”

  He flicked the paper on his desk, sitting down in his chair. “As for this, I will be changing things.”

  “Changing things?”

  Alexander narrowed his lids at his son.

  “I foolishly okayed for Dalton to be taken off your lead detail.” He leaned back in the high wingback chair. “I’m putting him back on.”

  “What?” Theo exclaimed, moving up to his father’s desk. “You think anything different would have happened last night if Dalton was there instead? No offense, man…” He held his hand out at Dalton. “But Lennox got me out safely without hesitation, and still returned to that madhouse and got Spencer out safe.”

  “I don’t blame Lennox at all. I applaud his actions, which is why I still want him here, but not as your lead guard.”

  “But he’ll still be part of my team?” Theo glanced back at his friend. Lennox remained emotionless, as if he or his job was not being disputed.

  “Sort of.” Alexander nodded. “He will now be Ms. Sutton’s bodyguard.”

  “What?” My mouth opened the same time as Lennox’s, his figure pitching off the wall, horror streaking over both our faces.

  “Sir?” Lennox’s gaze darted from Theo back to the king in almost a panic. “I’m not sure that is the right position for me.”

  “I agree.” My head bounced in agreement, but I couldn’t fight the irritation that he was so insulted at the idea of watching me.

  The king jerked in surprise, probably not used to be questioned. “Why not?” His eyebrow peaked, his gaze jumping between Lennox and me.

  “Uh—I just don’t think I need a bodyguard, sir.” I licked my lips, trying to sound mature and not like I was whining because I don’t want him to.

  “You do. And if you don’t realize you will have a target on your back the moment you and Theo step out together, then you are not ready for what this life entails. If you two are as serious as Theo tells me you are, then you will have a bodyguard for the rest of your life, Spencer.” I could hear the if you marry my son and become princess and later a queen. “Normal activities, like grabbing coffee with friends or going to the movies are no longer options. Every movement you make outside these walls has to be prepped and planned.” The gilded cage I watched from the outside had just come down on me. Now I was locked inside, trapping me even more in a tight circle.

  Theo squeezed my arm, a soft smile on his mouth. My fear gripped on to his comforting grin, giving me the strength not to run out of this place. He didn’t know anything else than the cage. It was much harder to step willingly into it. Theo or Eloise didn’t know how true freedom tasted. Not that I did either, but my life had been a lot more unrestricted than theirs.

  Alexander cupped his hands, his attention going to the bodyguard. “And Lennox, you have proved yourself capable, a great addition to the team here.”

  “I thank you, Majesty, but…”

  “Please do not tell me you think being the bodyguard of the prince’s girlfriend, maybe the future queen, is beneath you?” He cocked his head, sitting back in his chair.


  Lennox’s arms tightened behind his back, his gaze not landing on anyone. “No, sir.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “You agree to be Ms. Sutton’s personal guard?”

  Lennox’s jaw strained, a nerve popping in his neck. “Yes, sir.” He tipped his head in a bow, resentment and rage stroking his words.

  Alexander nodded, touching the paper on his desk. “I do not want to see an incident like this again.”

  “Yes, Father.” Eloise stood up from the chair, sensing his dismissal.

  “I’ve got work to do. Theo, I want to see you in the afternoon meeting.”

  “Yes, sir.” Theo bobbed his head, his hand curling around mine, tugging me toward the door.

  “Pleasure meeting you, Your Majesty.” I bobbed my legs, my words rushing out as Theo and Eloise dragged me from the room.

  “Bloody hell, El,” Theo hissed the moment we got out. “That was close. He knows that’s a fighting club!”

  “Please.” She rolled her eyes, brushing her glossy hair over her shoulder. “You freak out so easily. He’ll never figure it out. And if he does?” She shrugged. “So what? What is he going to do, ground us?”

  Being second-born gave her a lot more freedom than Theo.

  Hearing steps behind us, Theo whirled around to his ex-guard. “So sorry, mate.” He went up to Lennox.

  Lennox’s hazel eyes dug into me. Blaming. Accusing. I glared back. I didn’t want this any more than he did.

  “Though it’s not like anything’s changed.” Theo patted his arm. “Wherever she is, I’ll be… so it will be exactly like you are on my watch.”

  “Exactly like that.” Lennox’s gaze was still set on me, his scruffy jaw rolling with irritation. The intensity of his stare had me glancing away. “If you excuse me, Your Highness, I now have a meeting with the PR team.” Because of her. Unsaid, but completely felt. Lennox bent in a goodbye, turned on his heels, and strolled down the hall.

  “Fuck, he’s hot.” Eloise sighed.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Don’t worry, big brother. Hazel has already taken dibs.”

  “Ugh. No.” Theo rubbed his head. “I don’t want to know that.”

  The siblings started strolling away, but I stood there, watching the back of the man who was now was in charge of keeping me alive.

  Dalton moved in my eye line, a smirk on his face, his eyes going to Lennox’s retreating figure, then back to me.

  “Shut up,” I growled, only making him laugh as he walked away.

  At every turn, I kept pulling the short straw.

  What were the chances this guy would protect me from a bullet? It seemed more likely he’d push me into one.

  Chapter 10

  “We will need to close all your social media accounts and open new ones so we can control the content.”

  “What?” I rubbed my damp hands down my jeans. For the last twenty minutes, I had been locked in the office with just a few of the house’s PR team. Four people sat around the room, typing and talking around me like I wasn’t actually there.

  “All personal pictures will need to be vetted.” Chloe opened a folder, flipping through papers with a slight frown on her face. Her assistant, Millie, stood near with a tablet, stabbing and scrolling through it. “It’s better to start from scratch than going through all your accounts.”

  “Most of my content is animals, my two friends, and some of my family.” I knew this was coming, but it still prickled the back of my neck. All my social media was wholesome because Uncle Fredrick had drilled it into Landen’s and my brains to keep a polished exterior for the public.

  “And all of that will be up for debate, ridicule, and censure, no matter how appropriate you think it is,” Chloe replied, tossing a folder at another member of the team. “Every detail of your life is going to be dug up and put up on display to be shredded. We want as little as possible for them to rip apart.” She looked up at Millie. “Get a statement from Kelly, Theo’s PR. What they want his message to be.”

nbsp; Millie nodded, tapping harder at her screen.

  “The moment you step out as the prince’s girlfriend, everything changes. They will move in like vultures, ready to pick you apart, and if you want to stay whole, we need to control the message from the beginning.” She opened another packet, flicking through the pages. “The image we are putting out there will be shaped and cultivated by us. Not the press. You will no longer do any posting yourself. We will be doing everything for you now.”

  My life was no longer my own.

  “Theo mentioned to you that I want to get my own flat?” I swallowed back the lump building in my throat. I needed even the tiniest bit of freedom.

  “He did,” she answered curtly, not going on as she turned to the side. “Thomas?” She addressed another employee. “Is her new mobile ready?”

  A guy in his mid-twenties with pasty skin and glasses unhooked a phone from his laptop. “Yes.” He slid the device to her. “Downloaded and ready to go.”

  Chloe picked it up, tapping at it before handing it over to me, open to a calendar. “This is your official RH mobile. It is protected and programmed. Please use this for all your communication. Your latest changes in your calendar of events will be updated there.”

  I nodded, noticing how packed the dates already were, especially after the gala where we were officially coming out as a couple. Almost every day was filled with something. The walls moved in around me; the need to run outside into the fresh air itched my limbs. The desire to go riding, to gallop across the green rolling hills, burned the back of my throat.

  “I’m in the process of interviewing an assistant for you, but she won’t officially be hired until you and the prince are engaged.” She flipped through a folder, her words nonchalant. The tension in my gut braided up my spine. “Until then, they will be acting as an informal aide, keeping you on task and message.”


  My relationship with Theo didn’t feel real, like we were two dolls being moved and dressed in the way the royal house wanted.

  “All the things in red are events you must attend. Orange is for charities Theo is part of, and it would be beneficial if you were with him. Yellow are events and activities Prince Theo must attend, and again it’s good if you would show a united front. The starred ones are meetings, fittings, private dinners, and instruction.”


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