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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

Page 6

by Barron, Melinda

  “The main thing you need to do with a single-tail is learn control,” Ethan said. “You can break skin easily, so you learn to send it flying at just the right speed, at just the right distance, so it kisses your sub’s skin and makes them beg for more.”

  The crowd murmured its approval, and Ethan continued, “Of course you have to have a good build up, get your sub nice and hot for it. My Cee loves to taste the whip, so she’d tell you to just do it.” He laughed. “But you can’t just do it. I can guarantee you that if I flicked the whip against her ass right now, she’d cry out in real pain, and she would not enjoy it.”

  “Wanna bet?” she asked, and the crowd laughed.

  “She’ll pay for that later,” Ethan said. The whip cracked next to her and Cecily fought against her bonds.

  “One of the best ways to get her, or him, ready is to let the whip fly next to them like that. The sound of it is a little frightening, and it builds the tension.”

  The whip flew to her other side, and Cecily cried out. He moved it back and forth so rapidly that she couldn’t remember where the next one would fly. She grew tense, and her breathing became rapid.

  When the first strike landed on her ass, she screamed. “Yes, yes, more!”

  The second one landed, and when the third one came down tears stung her eyes. She jerked her hips as he started once again to make the whip crack next to her. She didn’t want that, she wanted it on her ass.

  “Stop, stop, stop teasing me,” she managed to get out.

  “Those of you watching will probably note that I didn’t ask my sub to give her safe word, as I did with Tracy Little,” Ethan said. “My sub chose a rather strange safe word, and I allowed her to keep it because it’s something that she wouldn’t use in our scenes. That’s important for those of you newbies to remember. Safe words need to be out of the ordinary. Hers is jackass.”

  The crowd roared with laughter, and despite the small amount of people the sound filled the room.

  The whip landed on her ass again, and again, and again. Each strike made the weight move and applied sweet pressure to her clit. One particular hard one made her tense, and Cecily came. She kept her mouth closed, but she was sure Ethan noticed the tension in her body. When she slacked between her bonds, he gave her two more heavy swipes, and then flicked the whip first on one side, then the other, and then the other, back and forth until she moaned softly.

  “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, Doms and subs, for watching my sub endure a very, very light whipping. If you like what you saw, you can sign up for my class, which takes place from time to time here at Silver Creek.”

  Seconds later he was behind her. “Naughty little sub,” he whispered in her ear. “You should have been able to control that. No fucking for you tonight. When we get home, you’ll suck me off, and hopefully you’ll remember that if you’d controlled yourself, I would stuff my dick in your pussy instead of your mouth.”

  “Yes, Master Ethan,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I,” he said. “But it’s a good lesson for you to learn.”

  He started to rub lotion into her bottom. It made her hot all over again as the cold cream met the hot stripes on her ass.

  She really needed to learn to hold back on her orgasms without her master’s permission. It would be a hard thing to learn, but she would do her best to please her master.

  “I’m determined to teach you that,” he said. “I just have to figure out how. You’re so stubborn.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said.

  “Your words just proved my point.” He patted her thigh and moved away. Mike undid her bonds, and when she turned Ethan kissed her.

  “I think you have new fans,” he said. “Go greet them and be a good girl.”

  “Always,” she said. Then she joined him in laughter.

  Chapter 5

  Cecily snuggled against Ethan’s side, soaking in his warmth and trying to ignore the noise that filled the room. The sound was irritating, and she tried to pull the pillow over her head.

  “Cee, cut it out,” Ethan said. “That’s your phone.”

  “Mumumhum,” she mumbled. Ethan shook her and she tried to turn over.

  “Cee, your phone is ringing.”

  Cecily sat up. “What?” She glanced at the windows. Low light filtered in through the curtains. Her body was deliciously sore from last night’s scene, and she truly wanted nothing more than to lie down and beg Ethan to fuck her.

  “Answer your phone, babe.”

  His words cut through the fog in her mind. “It’s too early for a phone call. Something’s wrong.” Her first thought as she reached for it was that something had happened to Marcus, or her parents. Why else would someone call at such an ungodly hour?

  “Hello,” she whispered, only to hear a loud exhale. Was someone doing an obscene phone call so early in the day?

  “Cecily, thank God.” The voice said, “She’s all right,” as if they were talking to someone who was with them.

  “Who is this?” Cecily moved the phone so she could see the screen, which read Imogene Catte.

  “Who is it?” Ethan asked. He was already up and pulling on his jeans.

  “The president of the condo association,” she answered. “Imogene, what’s wrong?”

  “When you didn’t answer the door we were so worried, but then Joel noticed your car wasn’t here. This is the second time I’ve tried to call. Oh, here are the police.”

  “Police?” Cecily shot Ethan a frightened look. She was wide awake now. “Imogene, why are the police there? Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Someone spray painted obscenities on your front door,” Imogene said. Her voice shook as she talked.

  “What?” Cecily thought her heart had just stopped. This couldn’t be happening. Someone had vandalized her condo?

  In the background she heard, “Imogene, give me the phone, please. You can talk to the police.”

  At the same time, Ethan said, “Put it on speaker so I can hear.”

  The calm voice of her neighbor came on the line just as Cecily followed Ethan’s direction. “Cee, where are you?”

  “Joel, I’m out of town until Monday. Tell me what’s happened.” If she had to ask that question one more time she might scream.

  “Brenda and I came out to take the dogs for our morning walk when we noticed someone had painted ‘fucking bitch’ and ‘nasty whore’ on your door. When you didn’t answer our knock, I called Imogene, who called the cops. She tried to call you twice, and I’d already tried once. We were worried something had happened to you.”

  Cecily’s blood ran cold. Surely, she hadn’t heard him right.

  “I must have slept through it,” she said. Her mind reeled. Who would do this? “Maybe they were looking to vandalize someone else.” She certainly hoped so. She couldn’t imagine why someone would do this.

  “I don’t think so, Cee,” Joel said. “You need to get home ASAP. Imogene is about to throw a fit.”

  “It’ll take me about three hours, but I’ll be there,” she said.

  “Is that the homeowner?” a female voice asked.

  “Yes,” Joel said.

  Seconds later the woman’s voice was on the line. “Ms. Blackthorn? Officer Brightly here. Are you all right? Has someone taken you against your will?”

  “No, I’m with my fiancé, near Hollis Creek.” It was the first time she’d used the word fiancé, and it somehow made her feel better about what was happening. She glanced at Ethan, who nodded at her before he moved to his side of the bed where he picked up his phone. She imagined he was calling his partners to tell them he would be leaving soon.

  “Does your neighbor have a key?” Brightly asked.

  Cecily answered yes, and then gave the officer permission to go inside and check things out. No, she had no pets, and there should not be anyone inside the condo.

  “We’ll call you back when we’re done,” Brightly said. “Handing you off now.”

  “Are you on your way?” Joel asked seconds later.

  “Yes, but I’ll call my brother and he’ll come ASAP, I’m sure.” She mentally prayed her brother didn’t have a woman in his bed right now. That might slow him down.

  “See you soon,” Joel said. “We’re glad you’re safe.”

  “Me too, Joel.” Cecily ran her fingers through her hair. “See you soon, and thanks.”

  “What the hell,” she said after she’d pushed end call.

  “Call Marcus, and I’ll hit the shower,” Ethan said. “We’ll be out of here in half an hour.”

  Her brother was sputtering and cussing when the phone dinged to say she had another call. She put him on hold and answered.

  “Nothing seems to be missing,” Officer Brightly said. “Or at least of the big stuff.”

  “My brother is on his way over,” Cecily said. “He’ll go through it with you if you want.”

  Brightly said she would wait on him, and then she and Cecily made arrangements to meet at the condo at one. Cecily had just flipped the call to give Marcus an update when Ethan, showered and freshly dressed, came into the room. She handed him the phone to finish the call, told him about the meeting and then hurried to take her place in the shower.

  What a way to start the day.

  * * *

  Two hours into the trip Cecily’s phone dinged. There was a huge cell phone dead zone between Hollis Creek and Las Vegas. She knew the fact she was getting a call, or text, meant they were getting closer. She checked her screen. There were two missed calls from Marcus, and one from her mother.

  “He called our parents?” Cecily shook her head in disgust. “I’m gonna clobber him.” She switched to voice mail. The first call was from Marcus, and then her mother, and then Marcus again. She put it on speaker and played her mother’s call first.

  “Hello, darling, it’s been a while. Let’s do lunch together sometime this week. Bring your young man. Call me back to set a time. We love you.” The message ended.

  “He didn’t call them,” Ethan said. “You owe him an apology.”

  “Humph,” Cecily said. “That’s not going to happen.”

  Marcus’ first message said he was at her condo. She checked the time. It was from before they’d left Silver Creek. She imagined she had missed the call while they were talking to Randy and Hero, who had met them at the car with to-go coffees, three breakfast burritos, and a bag of pastries. There had been a discussion about taking two cars, but Ethan told her he wasn’t coming back until they figured out what was what, and he wanted her to be with him when he came back. She knew she would waste time arguing the point, and, truthfully, she was happy that he was driving. Her hands still shook from the abruptness of the whole thing.

  Marcus’ second message said he was supervising the replacement of her door. “Your condo lady was freaking out about leaving it where someone might see it, so I called Jake and put it all on my credit card. You owe me. We’ll leave the old one inside so you can see it. Just in case, and at the suggestion of the sexy cop, I’m having him put in a heavy dead bolt, you know the type that goes farther into the door? He’s changing the locks, too. Ding me when you get this. Love you.”

  “Jake?” Ethan asked.

  “The handyman we use at the restaurant,” she said. “He and Marcus have been friends for years. I don’t know for sure, but I think they share a sub from time to time.” She chuckled. “Things must not be too bad if Marcus is hitting on the cop.”

  “Marcus is a natural flirt,” Ethan said.

  She knew that was true. Her brother flirted with any female from twenty to fifty, and he might even flirt with ones older than that. She dialed his number.

  “We’re about thirty or forty minutes out,” she said when he picked up. “Thanks for being there. I really appreciate it.” She didn’t tell him she’d cussed him out when she thought he’d tattled to their parents.

  “Your new door is in,” Marcus said. “Meet us at Capp’s and we’ll have leftovers for lunch, and I’ll give you the new keys.”

  “We just ate burritos and cinnamon rolls,” she said at the same time Ethan said, “Sounds good.”

  “You’re a bottomless pit,” she said to Ethan.

  “Guilty as charged,” he said.

  “Um, Murphy and Gregory are going to be at our meeting with sexy cop,” Marcus said.

  “Are you kidding me?” Cecily asked. She shook her head. “Why did you call them? It’s probably just some kids who picked a corner unit to vandalize.”

  “Um, no,” Marcus said, his concern obvious. Before she could respond he said, “Going to check the fridge and see what we’ve got. See you when you get here.”

  The phone went dead.

  “There’s something they’re not telling me,” she said.

  “Yup,” Ethan said. He pressed down on the pedal and the car shot forward.

  They were in the Capp’s parking lot twenty minutes later. “Good thing the cops were not patrolling this morning,” she said as she got out of the car and headed for the back door of Capp’s. When she opened the door the aroma of barbeque wafted out and she hated to admit she would probably eat, not because she was hungry but because of nerves.

  They found Marcus in the kitchen. Jake was with him. Marcus had laid out brisket, ribs, sausage, potato salad and thick bread. He’d already made himself a sandwich and was eating without them. Jake was chowing down, too.

  “Help yourselves,” Marcus said.

  “Not until you tell me why you’re so sure it was meant for me and not some random act of vandalism.”

  Marcus put down his sandwich and picked up his phone. After he’d punched a few buttons he handed it to her. There was a large photo of her door on the screen, with the words Joel had read off to her. What Joel had not told her, and what she was sure had freaked out Imogene, were the words, ‘Cecily Blackthorn is a cunt’.

  “Holy crap on a cracker,” she said.

  “Who’d you piss off, Sis?” Marcus said as he picked up his sandwich and started to eat again.

  “No one, or not that I know of.”

  Ethan took the phone and she watched his face darken.

  “Murphy says they want to keep the door for evidence,” Marcus said between bites.

  “Evidence?” Cecily said. Words like that made her stomach clench. Someone was after her, but why?

  “This has something to do with the guy who followed you the other day,” Ethan said.

  “No way,” Cecily said. “That was just road rage.”

  Marcus held out his hand and Ethan gave him the phone. He punched a few more buttons, then handed the phone to Cecily.

  “Remember that security camera I told you to put in?” Marcus pointed his sandwich in her direction, “The one you didn’t put in?”

  “Are you going to scold me for not following your directions?” Cecily asked.

  “I’m just going to say it was advice you should have followed,” Marcus said. “Your neighbor has a security camera. He sent the video to Officer Sexy, and she sent it to me.”

  Cecily looked down at the screen and pressed play. At first it was blank, with lights from the street the only illumination. Then a car pulled up on the street. A man got out. He was dressed all in black and you couldn’t make out his face. But the car… she saw enough of it to realize it was a four-door sedan, just like the one that had followed her the other day.

  “Another neighbor’s camera caught a better view of the car,” Marcus said. He took a drink of iced tea. “The license plates had been removed.”

  “Someone didn’t want identifying marks on their car,” Ethan said. “But that fast food place should have a good view of the car. We need to talk to the cops about that, make sure they know the incidents are connected.”

  “They know,” Marcus said. “I told Officer Sexy about it, and she called Murphy. That’s why they’re coming. Someone’s out to get you, Sis.”

  “That’s not going to happen,” Ethan said. “
I guarantee that won’t happen.”

  Cecily looked at him, and she had to admit having him nearby made her feel better. If her brother and Jake hadn’t been there, she might throw herself in Ethan’s arms and make him hold her for the rest of her life.

  “Eat up,” Marcus said. “We have places to be.”

  “And a mystery to solve,” Ethan said, right before he went to the table and started to build a sandwich. Cecily decided eating wasn’t such a bad idea. In fact, she might have two sandwiches, and a few ribs while she was at it.

  * * *

  “Did you sleep with him?”

  Despite the gravity of the situation, Cecily couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you talking about Jake? Um, that would be a no-go.”

  “Well he looked at you like he knew what you looked like without your clothes on, so I just wanted to check.”

  “Jealous much?” she asked. He was heading toward her condo. They had about twenty minutes before they were to meet the cops, and despite what had happened with the ‘rage’ incident, she trusted Ethan to take care of her while they were out in the open. Plus, Marcus was in the car behind them, and Jake was in the truck after that. It was like she had her own protection squad.

  “I know you love me, and I love you,” he said. “But I don’t like seeing another man look at your tits and imagine his mouth on them, and I assure you, that’s what he was doing.”

  “I told you how he and my brother share women, right? Sorry, but I’ve never thought of Jake in a romantic way, and he knows it. He was just yanking your chain.”

  “If you say so.” They rounded the corner that would take them onto her street, and when the cop cars came into view, her stomach lurched.

  “You okay?” he asked as he pulled into her driveway.

  “I think there was a part of me that thought that maybe, just maybe, this was all a bad dream.”

  Murphy, Gregory and a short, buxom woman in uniform were waiting near her front door. They came toward the car. She was going to have to watch herself before she called the woman Officer Sexy.


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