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Ethan’s NaughtySubmissive: Silver Creek Resort Book Three

Page 9

by Barron, Melinda

  “That sounds like fun,” Dylan said. “Amanda and I will meet you there. What time?”

  They decided on nine, since the contest started at ten, and that gave them time to look around. Cecily had never been interested in the club scene before she met Ethan. She met playmates through friends, and those friends were generally well stocked in the dungeon area. She hadn’t felt the need to go to the clubs.

  This was the first time she’d been to a public one, even after meeting Ethan, and she felt a little thrill as he took her hand once they were outside the car. It was a plain brick building just outside the city limits off I-15. It certainly didn’t look like she’d expected.

  “Where’s the neon sign advertising spankings given here?” Cecily asked as they started toward the stairs.

  “I’m sure you can see it from the air, so that people arriving on airplanes can know where to go,” Ethan said.

  Cecily laughed. “Are you sure I’m dressed okay? In this dress, I mean?”

  “You look great,” Ethan said. They stopped at the stairs just as Chase pulled up, with Dylan and Amanda right after him. When Amanda got out of the car, wearing a sundress herself, Cecily breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I think that answers your question,” Ethan said.

  “I’m just a little nervous.” She looked around. “Silver Creek is the closest I’ve been to public play. After what happened with Hero last year, the idea of playing around people I don’t know makes me nervous. And what happened to her was at your place.”

  “True,” Ethan said. “We’ve tightened up our security. I’m sure the people at Cassidy’s have rules, and they have security around to make sure they’re followed. You know we hired extra people to watch things at Silver Creek after the problems.”

  Cecily did know. It was bad enough that someone had taken photos of Hero and Randy while they scened, but then they sent them to her boss so she’d lost her job. Of course, on a positive note, that meant Hero could move to Silver Creek with Randy and begin her new life there.

  Still, it had happened, and no matter how careful you were, there was every chance that things like that could occur again. When they arrived, the men all shook hands and Cecily gave Amanda, whom she’d met a few times, an air kiss.

  “This will be fun,” Dylan said. “Cassidy Blake owns and runs this place. She’s one of my best clients, and I’m always telling her that I would visit to check things out. She’ll be happy to see I’ve kept my word, and I’ve brought friends.” He leaned toward Ethan. “Thanks for the heads up on this. I’m going to take all the credit for us being here, though.”

  They both laughed and Ethan said, “I think that is best, actually. I want to talk to her about the club scene and being introduced by you would be the best way to start the conversation.”

  “Okay, let’s go find her,” Dylan said.

  The five of them entered the building, and after paying the cover charge, they left all electronic devices in a locker near the front door. Once they were through the main door, Cecily stopped and looked around. It wasn’t what she’d expected. The whole thing was done in Victorian furnishings. All the walls were papered in flowers, and all the furniture was done in wood and satin coverings. There were sofas, chaise lounges and kissing chairs.

  There was a large circle in the middle of the room, with the flooring done in light wood; darker wood had been used on the floor around it. Amongst the bigger furniture, which Cecily was sure was used for spankings, were round café type tables surrounded by chairs. Most of the tables were full, and the people around them wore casual clothing. There were very few dressed in what Cecily thought was clothing that might be used in scenes.

  “If she had her customers dress in Victorian clothing, this place could have a real steam-punk atmosphere,” Cecily said.

  “Could have?” Cecily turned toward a woman that she was sure was Cassidy Blake. She wasn’t what Cecily expected. She was close to fifty and wore a gown that looked like something Queen Victoria would have worn; it was green satin with an intricate lace design. It was off the shoulder and had a two-foot train. Just like the famous queen, Cassidy Blake was tiny. Cecily pegged her at almost five foot, and maybe weighed about a hundred pounds. Her blonde hair hung around her shoulders, and her blue eyes were bright with interest. A man stood behind her. He was bare-chested and wore a thick collar. Two pieces of lightweight chain hung from the collar, one attached to each of his pierced nipples. There was a thin piece of leather hanging out of his jeans. Cecily imagined it was a leash, wrapped around his penis.

  “Hello, Dylan,” she said. “So nice of you to finally make good on your promise. Please, introduce me to your friends.”

  “Cassidy, so good to see you.” Dylan air kissed her cheek, much like Cecily and Amanda had done outside. “This is Detective Chase Murphy, and my other friends, Ethan Pratt, and Cecily Blackthorn.”

  “Ah, one of the famous Silver Creek owners,” Cassidy said as she offered each one of them her hand in turn, even though she was talking to Ethan. “Have you come to check me out?”

  “Yes,” Ethan said.

  Cassidy laughed. “Thanks for being honest. I hear congratulations are in order to you and Miss Blackthorn.”

  Cecily wanted to say something about being called Miss Blackthorn, but she kept her mouth closed. After all, she was the sub, and Ethan was the Dom. She didn’t want to step out of line in front of the Domme.

  “Thank you,” Ethan said. “We’re good together.”

  Cassidy glanced at Cecily, and then she smiled. “I can see that.”

  “We’re thinking about expanding into Las Vegas,” Ethan said. “Not as a resort, but as a club. I’m curious what you think of that, Cassidy?”

  “I think a new club is a good idea,” Cassidy said after a few moments. “On the weekends we’re so full we have to turn people away. It would be good to have a place to send them to. To me there is always room for one more. Some of the others might not think so, but I do.”

  “Does that mean you think we’ll run into opposition?” Cecily watched Ethan’s expression as he looked around the room. She hoped it would give something away about what he was seeing, what he was feeling right now. But as she’d come to learn with him in the year they’d been together, Ethan gave nothing away. When he wanted to be, Ethan was harder to read than an unwritten book.

  He let his gaze roam around freely, and then every once in a while, he’d stop and watch something. Cecily wasn’t sure if it was the people, or the decorations, or the wall of floggers and whips that had caught his attention. Cecily lowered her gaze, and then let it flicker to where Cassidy Blake stood, with her gaze fixed on Ethan.

  Finally, the Domme asked, “Do we pass inspection, Master Ethan?”

  “You do, Mistress Cassidy,” he said. “If that is your preferred form of address.”

  “It is,” she said. She indicated a roped off sitting area near the center of the room. “Let’s take a seat and we can have a talk.”

  “I’d like to look around,” Chase said. “I’ll leave you all to talk shop.”

  “We’ll go with you,” Dylan said. “But before we go, where do we sign up for this spank-off? What are the rules?”

  “There’s a table at the south end of the bar that has all the information you need,” Mistress Cassidy said. “If you like, my sub can take you. T-man.”

  “Yes, Mistress?” The Domme tugged on the leather that hung from his pants. The smile on the sub’s face told Cecily the leash was attached to something that put pressure on him and gave him pleasure.

  “Take our friends to the spank-off table, and then bring me and my friends a bottle of red and three glasses.”

  “As you command, Mistress.” He bowed, and then led Chase, Dylan and Amanda away. Cecily was rather surprised the Domme had included her in the drinking. But she wouldn’t question her, and she would stay silent during the discussion, unless Ethan gave her permission to join the conversation.

  “I like
that leash through his pants,” Ethan said to her. “I also like the nipple piercings attached to the collar. I’m going to give that serious thought.”

  “Yes, Counselor,” she said. She would have things to say about it, but in the end, she was sure that if he wanted her to pierce her nipples, then her nipples would be pierced. She imagined wearing rings through them, with chains hanging from her collar. Her pussy tightened and she felt wetness form between her lips.

  “Come, let’s sit in my private area,” Mistress Cassidy said. Ethan and Cecily sat on the sofa, and Mistress Cassidy sat in a throne-like chair with intricate woodcarvings and a satin cushion. Her sub, who had not been named, arrived with a tray. He poured three glasses of wine and passed them around.”

  When he was done, Mistress Cassidy patted him on the ass. “A three chain and make it snappy or your ass stays empty tonight.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said. He hurried away, and Cecily wondered what the Domme had just ordered.

  “My husband loves it when I strap on,” the Domme said. “Now, Master Ethan, tell me what you want to know.”

  “What exactly is a spank-off?” he asked.

  “It’s one of our more popular events,” she said. “When the time comes, we will set up a circle of six chairs in the middle of the room. There is a five-minute time limit. Whoever lasts the longest gets a free night’s pass.”

  “It’s that simple?” Ethan asked.

  “There are other rules, of course,” she said. “Doms/Dommes can use their hand, or a paddle, and that’s all. They have to deliver at least thirty swats per minute. When a sub yells out, their turn is over, and they have to stop.”

  “Thirty swats a minute?” Cecily asked. “That doesn’t seem like a lot, if you’ll forgive my saying so.”

  Ethan glared at her for speaking out of turn, and she clamped her mouth shut.

  “It’s all in good fun,” Mistress Cassidy said. “You’re talking a hundred and fifty swats in five minutes. Most subs can take it and not be the worse for wear. Some of the newer ones can’t handle it. But their masters, or mistresses, enjoy putting them on display. Some use it as a teaching exercise.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing to you, who is owned by a whip master such as Ethan,” Cassidy said. “Perhaps we should sign you up for the event. How long has it been since you’ve taken a good spanking, Cecily?”

  “We accept the challenge,” Ethan said. “If you’ve got a good, heavy paddle for us to use I’d be grateful.”

  Cecily shivered, just as Mistress Cassidy’s sub returned with a long, jewelry style box. He handed it to his mistress before he knelt down beside her.

  “For you,” Cassidy said to Ethan as she handed him the box. “I’d love to watch you attach it.”

  Cecily watched as Ethan opened the box. Inside was a thin, long chain.

  “I saw her eyeing my slut’s leather,” Mistress Cassidy said. “Something told me she had the proper equipment between her legs to attach the leash. Am I right?”

  “Up,” Ethan ordered.

  Cecily stood. At his nod she lifted her shirt and spread her legs.

  “And I’m right,” Mistress Cassidy said.

  Ethan took the chain from the box. He held it by the latch and let the rest fall to the floor. Cecily shivered in need as he attached it to her slave ring. Then he picked it up and tugged. Cecily knew that order. She fell to her knees and lowered her head.

  “Thank you, Master,” she said.

  “I love the bond between you,” Mistress Cassidy said. “It’s always a pleasure to watch. I’m looking forward to watching you spank her, too. Something tells me she can take a good walloping.” She turned to her sub and tugged on the leash again. He groaned in pleasure. “His leash is wrapped tightly around his balls. He loves the pain that comes from wearing it, don’t you, my love?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  “Take Master Ethan to the shop and let him pick out a paddle. All items are freebies tonight.”

  “I’d rather let Cecily do it,” Ethan said. “She knows if she doesn’t select one that will hurt, she will pay the price.”

  “Excellent,” Mistress Cassidy said.

  “Up,” Ethan ordered. Cecily stood. Ethan picked up the leash. It was long enough to wrap around her waist, where he tucked the end in place. The chain lifted her skirt, showing everyone her bare pussy and slave ring. “Go and be careful about what you choose.”

  “Yes, Master Ethan,” Cecily said. This was an unexpected turn of events, and she was thrilled that she was about to have her bottom reddened in a room full of people.

  “The shop is in the back of the room,” the sub said.

  Cecily put her hand on his arm and said, “Do you have a name?” She knew some masters and mistresses didn’t name their subs, just called them sluts, or slaves, or toys, in an effort to take away a little of their identity.

  “Mistress calls me her toy,” he said. “But my name is Andrew. You can call me Drew. What does your master call you?”

  She wished she had a great name to give him. Instead she just said, “Cee. It’s my nickname, actually, so a lot of people call me that. Master Ethan hasn’t named me yet.”

  Which was depressing when she thought about it. Why hadn’t he named her? Was he waiting until they were married? Or would he do it now that they were engaged?

  She rather hoped so. She was a little jealous of the subs, both male and female, who had names only their Doms used.

  “You okay?” Andrew asked.

  “Fine,” she replied. “I’m supposed to be picking out a good paddle, aren’t I?” From the look on his face, she must have sounded very snappish. She put her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to come out that way. Master and I just got engaged, and I’m a little… weird about things right now.”

  “Like the fact you don’t have a sub name?”

  “You’re a smart guy,” she said. “I didn’t know my expressions gave away my feelings so much. I need to learn to hide them more.”

  “It took Mistress a while to find mine,” he said.

  She didn’t want to say that his wasn’t very original, because she thought that would be rude.

  “We shouldn’t keep them waiting,” Cecily said. She walked to the wall of paddles and looked them over quickly. It didn’t take her long to pick a round, thick one that she thought Master Ethan would appreciate. It wasn’t the largest one there, but she liked it.

  “It’s a gift from Mistress Cassidy,” Andrew told the clerk, who nodded and wrote something down on a pad of paper.

  As they made their way back toward Mistress Cassidy’s sitting area, Cecily made note of the amount of people working here. She wondered if Ethan and the Silver Creek crew would want to hire new people for their club, or if they would bring in some of the newbies that they’d hired after their trouble last year.

  Cecily wasn’t very familiar with the people who had worked there before, but she remembered Ethan telling her they had hired four new workers to come in for the weekend, when things were the busiest. Two were from Las Vegas, and two more were from Hollis Creek, the small town not far from the resort.

  Opening the club in Vegas would be a lot of work; but it was an idea that made her happy. She loved organizing and taking charge of things in her work life. But it hit her that she probably wouldn’t be in charge this way. She would be a worker bee.

  Ethan stood up when he saw her. She held out the paddle and he turned it around, looking it over as if it were a new car he was going to purchase. She had to admit she was a little nervous. Would he like what she’d chosen, or would he think she’d picked one that was too small? There had been larger ones, and for a moment she wondered if she should go back and exchange it for something that might pack a little more punch.

  “Perfect,” he finally said. He tipped her chin up, and then leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Mistress Cassidy seems to notice everything. Let’s see how many times you can come, as silently as po
ssible, that she doesn’t notice.”

  Shivers ran up her spin, and Cecily whispered, “Yes, Master Ethan.” Her master may not have given her a sub name yet, but he did come up with ideas that proved to be a great deal of fun.

  Cecily knew tonight would be no different.

  Chapter 8

  There had been plenty of strange events in Cecily’s life, but tonight’s topped the list of things you never expected to happen. Here she was, splayed across Ethan’s lap, her skirt pushed above her ass, and the chain, attached to her slave ring, was still wrapped around her waist.

  Before she’d taken her place, he’d kissed her forehead and whispered, “See how many times means more than one, you know.”

  Cecily had nodded.

  “If you come twice, I’ll be pleased,” he said. “If you come three times, I’ll give you a special prize when we get to the tree house tonight.”

  “Yes, Master,” Cecily whispered.

  The idea of a prize motivated her. It was going to be difficult to hide her orgasm when it came, and it would come. She had five minutes of swats to endure, which meant she had five minutes to come, at least once. She was excited true, but she needed stimulation on her clit to come. She wiggled her hips, and Master Ethan slapped her ass.

  “Starting early could be grounds for disqualification,” a loud voice called out. Cecily looked over her shoulder to see a man dressed all in leather standing in the middle of the circle of chairs. She wiggled around to see that every chair was full. Dylan and Amanda were across from them, and about three chairs down sat Chase, with a plump woman slung across his lap. He had a hairbrush in his hand. His foot tapped against the floor, and Cecily was pretty sure the detective was more than ready for events to begin.

  “You know the rules,” the announcer said. “Five minutes of spanking, with at least thirty swats per minute. There are minders watching, and if you break the rules you will be disqualified.”

  Cecily lifted her head and looked around once more. There were men standing behind the chairs, one between each two. She wondered how they counted, how they kept track of the thirty a minute. Something told her they didn’t, and the event was, like Mistress Cassidy said, all in good fun. It wouldn’t surprise her if all the people in the circle were declared winners, unless the sub cried out that she’d had enough.


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