Book Read Free

Deadly Obsession

Page 24

by April Hunt

  “Did you put cameras in my apartment?” Zoey had to ask even though she knew the answer.

  “Hold on, Zo. Let me go somewhere I can hear you.” He muttered to someone else, and Zoey was pretty certain she heard Knox. Suddenly, it was a lot quieter. “Okay, now ask me that again. Did I put what in your apartment? A kick-ass alarm system? Yes, yes I did.”

  “And did that come with cameras…oh, say, tucked into my heating vents?” Liam’s abrupt silence answered her question. “Liam?”

  Soft mumbles preceded the clacking of the phone changing hands.

  “What are you talking about, angel?” Knox asked.

  “I’m talking about Snuggles pulling a camera snake out from the freakin’ heating vent…that’s what I’m talking about.” The longer Zoey stayed on the line, the more freaked out she became. Talk about delayed reaction. “Why is there a camera in my freakin’ air vent, Knox? Why?”

  “Babe, relax. Breathe. Maybe it’s not—”

  “I know what a camera looks like! Do not tell me to relax!”

  “Stay on the line.” Knox muttered to someone on his end, and then it was quiet again for another minute until she heard the low rumble of his truck. “You have the camera there?”

  She eyed it across the room, where Snuggles currently prepped to pounce on it. “It’s on the floor.”

  “Leave it there and go into the bathroom.”

  “And how do I know there’s not one in the bathroom?” A thought struck, and with it a rise of bile. “Oh. My. God. Knox, what if there’s one in my bedroom? What if whoever is on the other end saw us—”



  “You may want to curb your details.”

  Zoey closed her eyes and prayed for the earth to swallow her whole. Realization dawned. “Who?”

  Please don’t be Cade.

  Roman cleared his throat. “Are you in the bathroom yet, sweet pea?”

  “Almost.” Zoey nudged the camera aside with her toe, barely resisting the urge to stomp it into little pieces, and picked up a displeased Snuggles. “I’m on the way now.”

  “Stay put until we get there, okay?”

  She wasn’t about to argue. On the chance there were more, she didn’t want to give whoever was responsible the thrill of watching her panic.

  Zoey closed herself and Snuggles into her small bathroom, and paced. Highly unlike himself, Roman kept her talking for the next thirty minutes before announcing that they pulled into the lot.

  Zoey hustled to open the door for them and was met with a quartet of grim faces, and for once, Knox out-scowled his younger brothers, even Roman.

  “You guys moving in?” Zoey joked sarcastically, nodding to the duffels Ryder and Liam carried.

  “We’re egg-hunting.” Knox eased her aside as his brothers entered and got right down to work. Ryder immediately went to the kitchen while Liam took the main room. Roman, Zoey noted, headed straight to her bedroom.

  “How did this happen with the system Liam installed?” Zoey asked.

  Knox kept his face impassive. “The cameras were more than likely here longer than your alarm system. The question is how long?”

  “Cameras? Plural? How do you know that there’s—”

  “Found one!” Ryder exploded the last of her hope.

  “In here too,” Roman’s voice echoed from the bedroom.

  “I’m going to be sick.” Clutching her stomach, Zoey ran to the bathroom and promptly heaved what little contents hadn’t yet been digested through the day.

  That violated feeling from the break-in came back tenfold. Every time she thought about someone watching her every move, she released a new wave of vomit. Eventually, her heaves turned to dry retches.

  Five minutes after the last one, she scrubbed her face and brushed her teeth, and stepped into her living room to see Liam packing no less than four cameras just like the one she’d found in her vent.

  “I should’ve stayed in the bathroom,” she muttered.

  Knox gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Liam’s going to try and get a read on the hardware used…see if it leads us to any specific makers.”

  “What about what’s been recorded on it?”

  Liam shook his head. “I didn’t see any recording mechanisms, which means whoever’s on the other end is acquiring the signal digitally.”

  “So they could be recording everything remotely?”

  Liam nodded, face grim. “Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m saying. But we got them all, Zo. Your place is clean.”

  Zoey would never feel clean standing in this apartment again. “Thank you, guys. For coming over.”

  They all nodded, each taking time to wrap her in a hug before heading out. Knox stayed behind, notably quiet as he enveloped her in a tight embrace. “I’m not even going to ask you if you’re okay. You’ve had one hell of a day, sweetheart.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  His hand slid to her nape, massaging the tight knot that had formed there since finding the first camera. “Come back to the boat with me. And hear me out before you say no. I know this is your place, but a change of scenery would make us both feel—”

  “Okay.” Knox’s raised eyebrows made her chuckle. “You weren’t expecting me to agree so quickly?”

  “Or at all.”

  “Guess there’s something about being an unofficial member of the Big Brother cast that makes me more agreeable.” She’d meant it as a halfhearted joke, but didn’t get a smile. “Can you wait a few minutes while I grab some things?”

  “I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”

  Zoey didn’t look at what she tossed in her bag. She could’ve had four sets of underwear, no bras, and one pair of socks. It didn’t make sense considering her apartment was nearly three times bigger than Knox’s boat, but it suddenly felt as if it were the size of a postage stamp, and she needed to get out of there.

  By the time she came out from the bedroom, Knox had somehow—miraculously—coaxed Snuggles into his carrier. With the crate and a bag of what looked to be Snug’s necessities tucked under one arm, he reached for her hand with his free one. “Ready to go?”

  “More than.”

  Zoey breathed easier twenty minutes later. Twinkling boat lights reflected off the river, looking like magical particles floating on a black canvas. They parked and climbed out from his truck, and then without a word, they climbed onto the Angel Eyes.

  Knox took her things—and Snuggles—below deck and returned empty-handed. “I let Snuggles roam around the main room downstairs. Figured that would piss him off less than penning him up in my room.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  “Do you want to go to bed? Get some rest?”

  She leaned her elbows on the railing and tilted her face to the star-lit sky. “I want to stay here for a bit.” When he didn’t move from his spot three feet away, she added, “You’re more than welcome to join me.”

  He slipped her a small smile and closed the distance. “I thought you’d want a little time alone.”

  “I want a little time with you more.” As she waited for him, she closed her eyes and inhaled the soft spring air.

  The scent of cherry blossoms drifted down the river, a far superior smell to even her mom’s snickerdoodles. It surpassed everything except Knox’s piney musk, which thankfully wrapped around her at the same time his arms did.

  His chin, scratchy with stubble, brushed her neck.

  “I get why you love it out here,” Zoey admitted, looking out over the floating lights. “It’s your own little world, separate from anything and anyone.”

  “Except you.” His lips brushed over her ear. “I like it even more when you’re here with me.”

  His admission jumped her heart. She turned in his arms, carefully sliding her own around his shoulders. “And I like being here with you.”

  His gaze zipped from her eyes to her mouth and back, desire written on every line of his face. His fingers flexed around her hi
ps and stroked up the length of her back. “That’s a dangerous thing to say to me, sweetheart.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’m trying damn hard not to kiss you right now.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because it’s been one hell of a night, and I’m not the kind of guy who takes advantage.” Something else flashed across his face. Regret, or something similar. “And we need to talk, Zoey.”

  Zoey. Not angel. Not sweetheart.

  “That doesn’t sound pleasant, and as you pointed out, I’ve already had my fair share of unpleasant tonight.”

  “It may not be pleasant, but it’s got to be said. It’s about your—”

  “If you say brother while I’m standing here, asking you with my eyes to take me downstairs and make love to me, I will kick you in the solar plexus.” Zoey slipped one hand into his hair and savored the stark difference between the locks in her fingers and the sharp stubble on his chin. “I can’t take any more reveals tonight, Knox. I really can’t.”

  She hated admitting it, but it was the truth. Both her mind and body were physically drained, unable to tell up from down, or left from right. All that was still perfectly clear was Knox.

  In their short period of time together, she’d experienced a wide range of emotions. Fear. Nervousness. Excitement. Strength. She even celebrated the feelings that scared her because it meant she’d experienced them.

  And she wanted to experience everything.

  With Knox.

  Zoey lifted the hem of her shirt.

  Knox’s hand stopped her halfway, his dark eyes narrowed in concern. “What are you doing, angel?”

  “All of me wants all of you.”

  She didn’t know what she was doing, or how it would end, but it didn’t matter. Something changed. Something shifted in her, and she suddenly didn’t care about the past, or the future…

  Just the now.



  The shift in the air, in the friction between Knox’s and Zoey’s bodies, and even more, deep in his chest, caught Knox off-guard. He couldn’t take his eyes off hers, peering up at him with a sexy coyness that drove him insane.

  In offering to strip off her shirt, she offered him more than her body. She offered her fear and her strength, and everything that made her uniquely Zoey.

  And his greedy bastard self wanted it all—and more. For the first time in two years, he didn’t feel like a fuck-up. Her strength fueled his. His heart beat for hers.

  No way in hell would he destroy this feeling by being anything less than truthful. “Angel, I know it may not be pleasant, but we need to talk about—”

  “Nope.” She lifted to her toes, her soft mouth silencing his. “Right now, the only thing we need to talk about is you taking me downstairs. Please.”

  Any restraint he had blew off the damn boat with her soft plea.

  He hiked her legs around his hips and walked them downstairs. They bypassed Snuggles sleeping on the couch and headed to his bedroom.

  Zoey nibbled and kissed him across his jaw and down his neck. Her body, so much smaller than his, squirmed against the erection throbbing behind his zipper. By the time he dropped her feet to the floor, he was one hip swivel away from coming in his pants like a randy teenager.

  He couldn’t stop touching her, dragging his mouth over the sensitive column of her neck.

  She sighed, clutching his shoulders and throwing her head back. “I love it when you touch me there.”

  “I love it when I touch you anywhere.” He nibbled her shoulder and got a shiver in response.

  At some point, her hands slipped beneath his shirt. Knox broke their kiss long enough to tug it over his head and toss it away. His hands gripped her soft duck flannels, and at her small nod, he eased both her pants and her panties down her slender legs.

  Crouched on the floor, he peered up at her, and the sight of her eyes, hooded in desire, took his breath away.

  She watched as he trailed both his mouth and his hands back up the length of her now exposed body. “Knox.”

  “I can’t get enough of you, angel. It’s not possible for me to ever get enough.” He dragged his mouth over her shirt-covered breasts, able to tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. He ached to strip her bare, to feast on every inch of her flesh, but he wanted to be the one to shed his layers first.


  And everything else—all the feelings. All the fear.

  Knox reached for the first button on his jeans, enjoying the way she eyed him pulling them down and shucking them aside. His cock stood hard and proud out in front of him, not making a secret of how much he wanted her.

  And he wanted all of her.

  Zoey subconsciously licked her plush lips, and Knox stepped forward, his erection rubbing against her belly as he took her in his arms. He slowly slipped his hand beneath her shirt and edged it up in the back, giving her all the time in the world to pull away.

  He stopped as the hem reached mid-torso level.

  “Don’t.” Zoey trembled in his arms. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed, a storm of emotions swirling in her big blue eyes. “Don’t stop. T-take it off.”

  “Baby, we don’t have to rush this. I can work my way around the shirt and still taste every inch of your body.”

  Her voice, barely audible, shook. “No. I want to feel you…all of you. It’s just that it’s been a long time since I’ve…since I’ve taken it off during…sex. The last time didn’t go well.”

  Anger at what she must’ve experienced before rushed through him, but he dampened it, gentling his fingers as he caught her chin and maneuvered her gaze back to his. “Do you seriously think I care about a little scar?”

  “It’s not little. Or pretty.”

  “But it’s a part of you. It’s your badge of courage. It’s visual proof of how damn strong you are. You shouldn’t hide it, especially from me.”

  Knox hated the trepidation in her eyes. He wanted a dark alley and time alone with the bastard who’d made her feel self-conscious about it. He knew this was hard for her. By taking off her shirt, she was exposing more than her scar.

  By letting him see all of her, she was baring her fears. No way was he taking that lightly.

  He brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “You’re perfection. Do you know that?”

  He glided his knuckles along the dip of her waist…

  He caressed the curve of her torso…

  Moonlight slipped through the slats of his bedroom window, casting her body in a sensuous display of light and dark. Knox kissed her exposed belly button before trailing a path toward the bottom swell of her breasts.

  Zoey’s breathing hitched.

  “Breathe, angel.”

  “I am.” She lifted her arms and he slipped her shirt over her head and onto their pile of clothes.

  “Liar.” They shared a small grin as he guided her flush against him, and took her mouth in a slow, drugging kiss.

  Sparks ignited at every point of contact, warming his blood. The sound of her soft moan against his lips spurred him on. He palmed a breast, the perfect size to fit into his hand, and thumbed an already firm nipple.

  Zoey arched her back, pushing her breasts closer to where he worshipped every inch of luscious skin before slowly migrating to the valley between. Despite the dim light, her scar was still visible. Slightly darker and more raised than the skin around, it marred her flesh. But he hadn’t lied. She was still gorgeous, with or without.

  Knox dropped his mouth to the top edge, and slowly kissed his way down the six puckered inches. “You’re gorgeous, angel.”

  Beneath him, Zoey trembled.

  “Beautiful.” Another soft kiss. Another inch.

  “You’re perfect. You’re strong. And you’re resilient.” He skated his way to the bottom.

  Tears welled in her eyes, but she didn’t let them fall. “Please make love to me? No more waiting. No more anything…just you. Now.”

by, you don’t even need to ask.”

  He’d wanted to take his time. To taste her. Touch her. And he still would…all night long if she was up for it. But his body practically vibrated with needing her.

  He grabbed a condom from the end table and quickly sheathed himself. He’d no sooner slipped it onto the base than she gripped his ass and lowered them to the mattress. On impact, she arched her hips and with her body already wet and warm, his cock slipped inches deep on the first half thrust.

  Knox quickly withdrew and sunk home again, this time stretching her body to take him to the hilt. She wrapped around him perfectly.

  He’d been deluding himself into thinking he wouldn’t get attached…and that he hadn’t already been attached for years. He hadn’t kept his distance for the last two for fear of failing his brothers, or Cade, or anyone else in his life.

  He’d kept his distance for fear of failing Zoey.

  Because even back then he’d known how important she had been…

  How important she was…

  And how important she always would be…

  Knox dropped his forehead to hers as warm, tingling pleasure rolled through them both. He’d never felt anything like it before. He was pretty damn sure he never would again.

  Unless he was with Zoey.

  This could never get old. That heat. That excitement every time he touched her. Instead of claiming a new piece of her every time they were together, Zoey Wright, without a doubt, claimed a small piece of him.

  Zoey stuck her head beneath the hot spray of water and hummed the tune “Happy.” Her feet had barely touched the ground since she’d climbed out of bed.

  Knox’s bed.

  A few weeks ago, she wouldn’t have dreamed that she’d be able to shed all her insecurities, and least of all with Knox Steele. But not only had she stripped herself bare—both emotionally and literally—she didn’t have a single regret.

  Not a damn one.

  Waking up to Knox worshipping her breasts with his mouth had had a big hand in her good mood. Her body still hummed. And it hadn’t been sex, at least not that first time. Not the second. Maybe by the third, but by then she’d been too high on endorphins to much care about anything except his body on hers.


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