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The Emperor's Wolf

Page 11

by J. C. Owens

  Jaden tilted his lips a little at that image. It was boring, standing there as court droned on, business was dealt with, and disputes were handled. He stood as the guards stood, at parade rest, eyes front and center. It was rather ironic that Jaden’s training as a slave and as a military man now stood him in good stead. He knew how to keep all emotion off his face, to be patient, and to use his own mind to keep himself amused.

  Dersai was relaxed on the throne, legs apart in a half sprawl. Jaden looked down at the quiescent bulge at the apex of those powerful thighs and then had to tear his eyes away as his own body began to respond. How long was this stupid court going to go on for? Jaden had an emperor to thank.

  Still he could spend the time pleasantly enough, imagining the different ways that gratitude could take form in. He had to stop when he realized that although the throne might hide the growing erection tenting his pants, sooner or later he was going to have to move, and then…

  Damn. Stupid court. Stupid people and their stupid problems. Were they not able to resolve things for themselves? Why did they have to come to Dersai with even the most trivial of issues?

  Jaden watched his lover at work and was most impressed. Dersai’s patience seemed to be endless, although when he felt that someone was being less than truthful or being difficult out of sheer pigheadedness, a frown would form on his brow—only that—and the parties involved would find a swift way to resolve their differences.

  Dersai never raised his voice. He did not have to. A look from those piercing eyes convinced anyone that they had best mend their ways swiftly. And yet it was obvious to anyone that the emperor truly cared for his people. Even a small issue was discussed seriously and thoroughly and resolved in a fair and just manner.

  Jaden wondered what the rest of the world, so terrified of this man, would say if they could see him now. Please, gods, he prayed fervently, do not let war come upon us once more. Do not give the demon full rein ever again.

  When court was at last over, they returned to their rooms. Jaden flung himself upon Dersai the moment the door shut them off from the rest of the world. Dersai caught him with an ooomf, startled at his sudden forcefulness, then began to grin as Jaden tore impatiently at his ornate uniform.

  “Gods damned freaking—how can you wear all this? Stupid—” Dersai gently freed his uniform from Jaden’s destructive fingers and began to undress himself as he fended off his suddenly aggressive lover. Jaden glared at him, then seemed to realize that he himself was overdressed. He enthusiastically began to remove his own clothing, never taking his eyes from Dersai.

  “You’re a tease,” he growled at the older man. “Sitting on that damned throne, all regal and cool, damned uniform with tight pants, showing everything off.” He pulled Dersai’s face down for a kiss, then released him to pull off his own boots. “Mine. You’re mine. Stop showing off your assets to the rest of the damned population. I wanted to pull you off that throne and have you right there, right in front of them all. Show them—”

  Realizing that Dersai was finally naked distracted Jaden for a moment. He quickly wrapped himself around his lover and pushed him backward toward the bed. When the backs of Dersai’s legs hit the massive bed, Jaden pushed him less than gently and followed him down so that he sprawled over the larger man’s body. He rained kisses and nips over his lover’s dark brown skin. When at last he straddled Dersai’s waist, he sat up, hands restlessly roamed over his lover’s chest as he met Dersai’s amused expression.

  “What?” he growled.

  “My little wolf is feeling dominant tonight,” Dersai murmured, his eyes gleaming as he stretched a little, displaying lean muscle shifting under his skin. “Damn tease,” Jaden muttered again, frowning. Dersai’s eyebrows rose. Mischief gleamed in his eyes as he lifted his hips and began to grind his growing erection under Jaden’s own. Jaden moaned, losing himself in the sensations for a moment. Then he grasped Dersai’s wrists, pulled them over his lover’s head, and pinned them there.

  Dersai lay quiescent, accepting Jaden’s dominance, only lifting his head for a kiss. Jaden gladly accepted the offer, plundering that mouth thoroughly, laying claim.


  He had never wanted anyone the way he wanted this man. His body sang with need; it pulsed with it. In all the times they had lain together, Jaden had never really had the chance to appreciate his lover’s magnificent body; Dersai had always overwhelmed Jaden to the point he simply accepted what was done to him and never completely participated because his senses rendered him helpless.

  Tonight would change that. He was utterly determined in that regard. He was going to take time and explore every inch of this delicious body. For the first time, he felt free to do so. He was no longer slave. Dersai was no longer his master; he was his lover.

  Jaden leaned down after a growled command to leave those wrists where they were—or else—and began to tongue Dersai’s nipples, which were an even darker brown than his chest. Jaden grinned at his lover’s swift gasp and laved the nubs with his tongue, then blew cool air upon them. Dersai moaned faintly. His fingers flexed restlessly, but he obeyed Jaden and did not move his hands from above his head.

  Jaden suckled one turgid nipple. He loved the shivers that ran through his lover’s large body and the quickened breathing that showed Dersai’s need. It made Jaden feel powerful, confident, free.

  He could feel Dersai’s huge erection growing ever larger under his own, and every so often he rubbed his body over it, relishing the hardness pressing against him. He then abandoned the wet, rigid nipples to the cool air of the room and began to nip and lick his way down Dersai’s taut stomach. He relished the taste of his lover’s skin and watched with satisfaction as each area showed his marks upon dark flesh.


  Dersai’s body twitched with anticipation as Jaden slid down, lying full length between his lover’s outstretched legs. Jaden licked his lips before looking all the way up that long body and meeting Dersai’s smoldering gaze. Only then did he slowly lower his head and smooth his tongue over the head of Dersai’s shaft. He lapped up the pearls of cum that lay there, taking his lover’s essence into his own body.

  Dersai gave a soft cry that turned into Jaden’s name. His head tilted back, and his fingers tore at the covers as Jaden swallowed him as deeply as size allowed.

  Jaden was merciless. He hummed and pressed his tongue along the underside of the shaft, which pulsed and twitched under his ministrations. One of his hands pumped at the base where his mouth could not reach, occasionally twisting a little or pressing hard.

  Dersai writhed under him, his eyes wide but seeing nothing, his lips open, and chest heaving with short pants. Sweat began to gleam on his face and chest. “Gods…Jaden. So good, so…please…need you…please…”

  Jaden watched Dersai’s large balls begin to draw up, and he squeezed the base of his lover’s shaft, holding back the pinnacle that Dersai was flying toward.

  “No.” Dersai’s protest was weak. He panted as he tried to focus on controlling his body. “Jaden, please…”

  Jaden’s own shaft was so hard, pulsing with so much need and want that he felt like it could drill right through the bed. He wanted his lover inside him, the way it was meant to be. He wanted that hot, thick shaft buried so deep inside him that he could taste it. This could be no long, drawn-out affair; they were both too needy, too laden with emotion to be rational.

  Jaden reached for the oil and rose onto his knees, then arched as he sank his trembling fingers within his own body. Dersai watched him, his stare molten.

  “Beautiful… Gods, you are so beautiful, my wolf, my Jaden…” His hands at last left their invisible bindings and moved to Jaden’s hips. “Take me, my love…”

  The words made Jaden arch farther. Faint tears came to his eyes, and it only made him want his lover more. He pulled his fingers free of his channel, feeling empty and needful, before grasping Dersai’s shaft and presenting it to his stretched opening. They both moaned in unison
as Jaden lowered himself, letting the massive head work its way into his tight heat. They stayed motionless for a moment, letting Jaden adjust. Then suddenly Jaden let his weight drop, impaling himself on the rod of flesh. Both men cried out, one in total pleasure, one in pleasure-pain, both immersed in their bodies’ reactions.

  Dersai stroked up Jaden’s ribs, his glazed eyes trying to focus. “Are you all right?”

  His concern made Jaden lean forward and lay a gentle kiss on willing lips. Then he sat back up, his face taut with need and determination. He made the first few strokes easy, giving his body time adjust to the invader. Then he rose onto his knees so that only the tip remained in his body. He rotated his hips, teasing the head of Dersai’s shaft and letting the rest of it cool. Then he plunged down.

  Dersai almost screamed; with his head arched back into the bed and his eyes rolled up, he tightened his fingers upon Jaden’s hips to the point of pain. Jaden did not mind; his eyes were fixed upon his lover’s face as he rose to do the maneuver all over again. Rise, circle, circle, circle, plunge.

  Dersai’s eyes were wild. His chest heaved for the breath he could not seem to find as he rode the waves of pleasure and heat and cold that engulfed him.

  “Mine,” Jaden hissed as he leaned forward to nip at Dersai’s lower lip. “You are mine… Say it!”

  “Yours…only yours. Always yours…”

  Jaden stared down at Dersai with fevered eyes as his hips began to move faster, almost slamming himself up and down on his impalement.

  Dersai growled. His lips drew back from his teeth, his look turning feral. With a surge of strength, he reversed their positions, looming over Jaden now, and nipped his way down his lover’s neck. Using his teeth, Dersai caught the skin where Jaden’s shoulder and neck joined. His hips made short, sharp thrusts as if he could not control himself any longer.

  “Mine,” Dersai half snarled in return, demanding the words be returned as though needing to know his feelings were not one-sided.

  Jaden reached out with trembling fingers and found Dersai’s cheek; he stroked it with a gentle touch, trying to put all he felt into that simple gesture. He met his lover’s fierce gaze with his own fire.

  “I am yours, always yours, Dersai.” The tightness in Jaden’s chest seemed to break free at the words, and he smiled with a sense of release so great he felt tears prick his eyes.

  Dersai’s face relaxed, and his eyes filled with triumph, though his gaze never left Jaden. His thrusts became hard and deep. Jaden twisted under his lover, feeling like he could not breathe, could not take any more, could not…

  Jaden reached forward to pinch both Dersai’s nipples, hard, and Dersai came undone.

  “Jaden!” he screamed to the very heavens. His body arched like a bow, impaling Jaden utterly as Dersai’s cum jetted into the hot, wet recesses of his body. Jaden came from the sight of Dersai alone—his face twisted in pleasure, his body locked in place with the force of his orgasm. Never had Jaden seen anything so beautiful; he forced his eyes to stay open so he wouldn’t miss a moment of the sight before him.

  Jaden’s shaft pulsed and twitched. His cream spurted over Dersai’s stomach and chest, white on brown skin. He shuddered at the visual stimulation, then collapsed and pulled Dersai down on top of his chest. He could feel the moisture of his own seed against his skin, but he did not care. He panted into Dersai’s neck, then gave a feeble nip, sighing as his body went limp. Dersai slid his weight off him but wrapped around his back to hold him close.

  “Mine,” Jaden sighed with satiation.

  “Yours,” agreed Dersai, his voice soft with love, satisfaction, and completion.

  They closed their eyes.

  For this moment, all was right.

  * * *

  Freed from the fetters of slavery, both physical and culturally, Jaden found a whole new world opening before him. The fear and anger that had become such a part of him began to ease and no longer hold the prominence it once had. He loved and was loved in a way he had never experienced, and anything felt possible.

  He could now leave Dersai’s rooms and go where he wished. Most often he was in Dersai’s company, but his lover encouraged him to do things that interested him, so he explored the massive palace, which was built into the side of a mountain. Thousands of years old, it contained so many things of interest—from books and maps to paintings and hangings. History was part of the present here, and Jaden loved to reverently touch the old things, imagine who had created them so very long ago. He studied Tranaden’s past, feeling that this knowledge would give him a better insight into its emperors and therefore understanding the current emperor.

  He often wandered the great gallery that lay before the throne room, standing and staring at each portrait. Now that he knew their history, their faces were so much more poignant. He had read the journals of each one, knew what issues they had faced in their day, heard of the progression of their madness…knew how and when they had died.

  The portrait of Dersai’s father was the worst, and Jaden silently sent thoughts to that dead shade that his son was not alone now, that he would be cared for. Most often, though, Jaden stood and looked at the portrait of Dersai as a youth. It always saddened him to the see the difference between that boy and man as he was now. It was a gulf of time and pain and discovery. The boy seemed to have disappeared, although now and then, with Jaden, that mischievous smile flashed forth just for a split second. But maybe, just maybe, the truth of that boy still lay in the man. Maybe love could erase some of the past… For them both.

  Jaden hoped so.

  * * *

  Dersai now took Jaden with him when he went to practice with his men at the weapon’s salle that joined onto the barracks. It was a little uncomfortable at first; Jaden felt like the soldiers were judging him. But soon there were those who opened up to him, caring more for their emperor’s happiness than any idea of rank or nationality.

  Jaden soon found that at least in this area of Tranaden, people seemed a lot more open-minded than in Astoria. It was a restful change that he could speak of all manner of subjects and not be ridiculed for his views. Soon the weapon’s salle became a place of peace for Jaden, and he even went there without Dersai when the emperor was too busy.

  It was pleasant there with the men; there were no pretentions or duty, simply good, strong companionship. Several men there were in long-term man-man relationships. Jaden watched them and learned. To see others accepting such a thing calmly and without prejudice made Jaden see his own bond with Dersai in a different light. Some of these men were older and had been together for most of their lives. The love between them was true and deep. They were utterly content.

  Was it possible that such a thing could await Jaden with Dersai? It seemed so unlikely that what was strong now could stretch that far, but here were examples Jaden could not refute. It made him ponder many things, wish for things he had not thought of before.

  The future seemed to be more hopeful than he could have thought just a short while ago. He had been in Tranaden for over six months now. It seemed like such a brief flash of time; so much had happened. He had become almost another person entirely. He looked back on the things that had happened to the other “him” and it felt like it had all happened to another person entirely. Perhaps that was a sign he was truly beginning to heal.

  Rem, exploring his own new freedom, often followed in Jaden’s footsteps to the salle. Jaden had lately noticed a hint of interest in a very handsome young soldier, and Rem flushed whenever the other man looked at him. Jaden could only smile. He wished his younger friend luck; Rem certainly deserved it, and that soldier better treat him well, or Jaden would…

  He scoffed at himself. He was beginning to sound like a father. Jaden grinned. Soon he hoped to persuade Dersai to bring his sons home. If that happened, Jaden very much wanted to be part of their lives. He had experience in raising his sister; it would not be too much of a stretch to include two boys.

  So far Dersai had resi
sted his pleas. His fear of the madness was too potent, his memories of his father’s horrible death too vivid. Jaden hoped with time that he would soften on this issue. When they found Yamina, they would truly be a family. Jaden longed for that with everything within him. Never a day went by that he did not think of Yamina and ask Dersai for news. But so far…nothing. Dersai did not seem downcast about it though. He seemed confident that they would find her. Jaden wished he felt as positive.

  But for now, things were wonderful. They spent the days at a proper distance, but if they were together, their eyes seldom left each other. Jaden would feel Dersai’s hot stare upon him, and when the emperor was conducting business, Jaden would watch. The sheer power and presence of his lover made him drool and fidget impatiently, longing for the night.

  Sometimes they ate in the great hall, and it was always pleasant—the happiness and camaraderie of the people, the music, the atmosphere of culture and refinement. Singing and dancing were the norm after the meal was finished and enough drink had been consumed to make people lose their inhibitions. That was often when Jaden and Dersai could slip away undetected for their own private celebrations.

  Other times they ate in Dersai’s rooms, just the two of them. These were the times that Jaden liked best. They talked about a wide range of subjects, often arguing more or less amiably about the current one, and then it would slide into passionate lovemaking—sometimes wild and strong, sometimes gentle and drawn out—until they were both left sated and content in each other’s arms.

  The cloud of war seemed far away and unreal. Surely it could not touch what they had now. Surely it could not come between them, despite who they each were. As far as Jaden was concerned, life just could not get better than this.

  Perhaps that was why a small part of him waited for something to come and destroy it. He almost expected it. Their time together would have been perfect if the outside world had not intruded. Several times Jaden overheard advisors commenting on the unrest in Astoria and the threat it posed. Each incident made Jaden more fearful for the future of his country.


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