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Stephen (BOY: ISO Book 1)

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “Oh, you’re too good to me. Seriously.”

  “Daddy takes care of his boy.” It felt so good being able to say that, to mean it from the bottom of his heart.

  “You don’t have to, but…thank you.”

  “But I want to. It’s… my joy.” He wrapped his arms around Stephen and held him close.

  One soft kiss became two, Stephen loving on him, adoring him.

  It was only the fact that Stephen’s stomach growled loudly, followed a moment later by his own belly noises that caused Champ to pull away from the kisses. “You, my little love, are a distraction and an addiction and it will be so hard to keep from simply losing myself in you.”

  “An addiction, huh? That’s not so bad…”

  “No, it’s not a bad thing at all.” He took Stephen’s hand again. “Let’s get that food though. So that we have the energy to indulge that addiction.”

  “Yes, Sir. Should I warm everything up?”

  “No, I don’t think we’ll get to it all. How about we just do the chicken with the noodles. If we’re still hungry when that’s done and we haven’t jumped each other’s bones yet, we can warm something else up.” He just didn’t see the point of warming it all up only to have to put half of it back into the refrigerator. “I think everything’s easy to find, but if you want something and can’t find it, let me know.” A kitchen was a kitchen, right?

  “Yes, Sir. No worries at all.” Stephen headed for the kitchen, whistling lightly.

  He trailed his boy, enjoying the way the graceful lines played hide and seek beneath his robe, giving him a hint of ass and of the slender body. Stephen moved so easily, like he was meant to be there, like he was happy to serve.

  And that glow… it had never faded since the first time he’d seen Stephen. It said this boy was his.

  He sat at the island, watching his clever boy find the food, the plates, the microwave. Stephen put the entire dish on just one plate, which was perfect as they would share.

  Stephen put it in the microwave before putting together a couple of the sauces in little bowls.

  “You enjoy serving, don’t you?” Such a lovely trait in a boy.

  “I like to be busy, happy. I like things to be nice and peaceful.”

  “But not in bed.” No, his boy was a wildcat in bed.

  Stephen looked over at him and blushed dark. “No, Sir. Not in bed.”

  He grinned at his boy. “I like the contrast. The serene boy on the surface, the wild beast in bed.”

  Stephen grinned and ducked his head. “You call the beast out of me.”

  “Oh, that’s appropriate.” He liked that thought a lot. He purred in appreciation, wanting nothing more than to nuzzle in to his boy.

  Stephen was still puttering, though, putting together their supper from the leftovers. He wanted to eat it all off a Stephen plate.

  First, he would bathe his boy, maybe shave him. He knew Stephen would allow it, even welcome it. He licked his lips, far hungrier for his boy than he was for the food. They needed to eat though. He kept telling himself that.

  “I can almost feel how much you want me.”

  “Can you? Good. I wouldn’t want you to think I was just paying lip-service to my desire for you. We should eat though.” It was his job to keep his boy fed, happy, well-satisfied.

  “Yes, Sir. Where do you want to eat? It’s ready.”

  “Let’s eat here at the island. We can still feed each other.” And while he probably would at some point just lay Stephen out on the island and make love to him, they would probably eat more if they were upright in the kitchen.

  “Perfect.” The plate looked lovely, like Stephen had done this before.

  “That looks so inviting, boy. Thank you.” He shifted to put room between the counter and himself, then patted his lap. “Come sit with me so we can share properly.”

  That earned him a happy smile, Stephen sliding onto his lap. “Oh this is…I like it.”

  He wrapped an arm around his boy to help steady him and nodded. “I like it too. Food is always better shared, and if we can share like this, then even better than better.”

  “Ever better than better?” Stephen chuckled for him.

  “Yes. You know, betterer, but not quite betterest.”

  “I’ll have to try harder.”

  He chuckled. “No, I didn’t mean that at all. I was just playing. This is awesome.”

  “It is. Have a bite. Your stomach is snarling.”

  “Feed me, boy.” He opened his mouth.

  “Yes, Sir.” His boy put a perfectly formed bite in his mouth.

  He hummed at the flavor, the beef delicious, just a hint of garlic.

  “Oh, that was good, hmm?” Stephen took a quick bite.

  “It is.” And the garlic didn’t matter because they were both eating it. “Another bite, please, boy.”

  “Yes, Sir.” So polite, so sweet.

  After he’d had a couple of bites, he took the fork and fed Stephen. His little bird, a cardinal with his bright red plumage.

  He took a kiss between the second and third forkful. The taste of his boy was better than any food. Stephen wiggled and snuggled for him, ass sliding on his lap.

  He groaned, his body responding immediately. Everything about Stephen was hot, sexy, and even something simple like eating was arousing with his boy.

  “You smell good, Sir.”

  “You sure that’s not the food?” He ran his own nose along Stephen’s throat, drawing in his boy’s scent.

  “No. No, it’s you. You’re spicy, not umami.”

  “As long as that’s a good thing, I’ll take it.”

  Stephen’s laugh slid over his skin. “It’s a wonderful thing.”

  “Good.” He took another kiss, keeping this one short and quick, and then he grabbed the fork and quickly fed Stephen another bite of food.

  Together, they managed to feed each other, stealing gentle kisses as they did. He was very proud when they finished the plateful, and all without having to remind himself more than a couple of times to keep eating.

  “Did you want more?” Stephen stood and picked up their plate, like he needed to go.

  “I’d like one of the egg rolls if you don’t mind heating it up.” He let his hand slide across Stephen’s shoulders.

  “Of course not, Sir.” Stephen hummed at his touch.

  “Are you still hungry? Is there anything more that you want?” He was ready to move to the bedroom, to explore this beautiful boy some more.

  “No, that was perfect. Besides, we’ll be hungry again soon anyway, won’t we?” Stephen’s eyes twinkled, even as he warmed up the egg roll for him.

  He had to chuckle. “I suppose so. I mean there is a reason we bought extra in the first place. Although I think we’ll order from somewhere else for our next meal. I like variety in my food.”

  “Do you?” He got a quick glance. “Do you like variety in your subs?”

  “No, Stephen. I want only you. Food and people are two very different things.”

  Those amazing eyes landed on him, and he held Stephen’s gaze because it was the truth.

  “I’m not a player.” And Stephen was his one and only.

  “I’m not either. I’m sort of the anti-player, when it comes down to it.”

  “You can play with me, boy. I’ll keep you happy and busy.”

  “I hope so.” Stephen brought him his egg roll.

  “I will.” It was a promise.

  The blush he got made him want to put his boy over his knees and make other cheeks flush.

  “Feed me my egg roll, boy.” His voice was gruff with arousal.

  “My pleasure, Sir.” One bite, two, and by the third the egg roll was gone.

  He took Stephen’s hand when he’d finished, and brought it to his mouth, licking the grease from his boy’s fingers. He could taste Stephen there, too, and he reveled in it, purring happily.

  “Mmm…No biting, hmm?”

  “No?” He grazed Stephen’s
fingertips with his teeth but didn’t actually bite. “Why not?” Biting could be fun. Biting was sometimes necessary. Marks were good things.

  “Maybe just nibbles on the fingers? I need them. You can bite me other places?”

  He purred and sucked one of Stephen’s fingers in, pulling strongly for a moment before letting it slip from between his lips. “Do you have any particular places in mind?”

  “I do, but I am yours to explore.”

  “Every single inch of you.” He took one of Stephen’s other fingers in, again pulling on it, tongue dragging over it as he sucked.

  Stephen moaned, stepping up in between his legs.

  Sliding a hand beneath the robe, he grabbed Stephen’s ass and pulled him in closer. Then he let go of Stephen’s finger and pulled in a different one, circling it with his tongue before bringing on the suction.

  “Oh…” Stephen’s arousal flooded the air between them.

  Groaning, he tugged Stephen in even closer, letting his boy feel his hard-on beneath his robe. He wanted Stephen—the arousal worked both ways.

  Stephen grabbed his cock, stroking him—such boldness. The touch was so welcome, though, and he allowed it. He could offer an erotic punishment later.

  He let go of Stephen’s finger and leaned in to bite and nip at his boy’s neck. He loved the smell here, the warmth.

  He was already addicted to that scent. He wanted it to be a part of his life—everywhere, every day. He groaned and nibbled, teeth scraping against the smooth skin.

  He was going to bite his boy right here, leave a lurid mark on the lovely, pale skin. “So pretty.”

  “Yours.” Oh, the single word made him dizzy.

  Moaning, he pounced, his teeth sinking into the lovely skin.

  Lightning shot through them, fire joining them for a moment.

  Champ gasped, wrapping his arms around his boy and holding on tight. Stephen cried out, rocking into him with happy little moans.

  He wrapped his lips around Stephen’s neck again, letting his teeth touch that sweet flesh, letting them sink in. The lightning came again, but he was prepared for it this time and simply sucked on the skin , drawing the blood up to the surface.

  “Oh…Sir…” Stephen held on tight.

  “Yes. Yes, boy.” The words growled from him, the sensations inside him almost overwhelming.

  Stephen whimpered and arched, cock hard against him.

  “Mine,” he growled. “Every inch. Every bit of you. Even the air acknowledges it.”

  “Oh. Oh god. I need you.” Stephen climbed into his lap, offering himself, his throat.

  Champ found a new spot, digging in and leaving a lurid bite mark. Their bodies shuddered together as the lightning hit them again.

  He soared, groaning and gasping as they rocked together.

  “My boy.” He kept finding new places to bite, unmarked skin to make his own for all to see.

  “Can we go upstairs? Please?”

  “Uh-huh. Bed. Horizontal. Good.” He wasn’t even sure if he was making sense. He picked Stephen up and headed for his bedroom.

  “Yes. Yes, please.” Stephen blew into his ear, teasing him.

  “You’re not making it easy to keep going.” He wanted to stop right where they were and fuck his boy right there on the floor. He found the willpower to somehow keep going. Bed would be better.

  “I want to make it hard, Sir.”

  “Oh, that was clever, boy.” He chuckled, utterly delighted. As they got up to the second floor, he tickled, wanting to share the laughter.

  Stephen chuckled and the soft sound became hearty, happy laughing.

  He aimed for the bed, the two of them landing together on it, bouncing as they let the laughter have them. Stephen was pure joy like this, and he felt—light.

  It was a wonder, a revelation, that this sensation even existed. Still chuckling, he pounced Stephen, taking his boy’s mouth.

  “I—tell me this is real?”

  “It feels pretty real to me.” He rocked against his boy, tongue sliding out to lick at the marks he’d left. It made him jerk, the lightning not as strong with the licking but still there.

  “It-it does.” Stephen’s heart was pounding, the pulse fast, hard.

  “I’ve never felt this before, boy. You are unique. Special. One of a kind.”

  “You don’t have to flatter me. Honest.”

  “I’m not flattering you one little bit. I’ve had lovers and I’ve had boys, but never anyone special. You glow. You shine. You make me light up like I’ve been hit by lightning when I mark you. That’s not hyperbole, boy. I mean that literally.”

  Stephen hid his face in Champ’s neck, the skin flushed with heat.

  “It’s the truth, and I want you to revel in it and believe in it and be mine. And now I want to make love to you until we both scream with pleasure.”

  “Please. There’s nothing I need more.”

  He pressed his lips to Stephen’s, taking his boy’s mouth and fucking it with his tongue. Stephen tasted better every time he kissed the man. Every single kiss mingled their flavors, joined them cellularly.

  He only hoped that Stephen felt it, too, understood that they belonged together.

  Exploring with his fingers, he touched Stephen’s neck, curious to see if the fire would ignite again with a simple touch to the marks he’d made.

  Stephen whimpered, fingers finding his birthmark unerringly.

  This time the lightning moved between them, as if connected by their fingers and the marks and he felt the pleasure that Stephen was feeling, and his own returned to him through Stephen. He wasn’t sure how he didn’t come right then and there.

  “Oh. Oh, did you feel that? Was it static?”

  “It’s not static, boy. It’s us.”

  “Us.” Stephen blushed dark. “I like that.”

  “Mmm, I like it too.” Not to mention he was pleased that unlike Stephen’s glow, he wasn’t the only one who felt the electricity.

  He took Stephen’s mouth again, letting his hips roll against Stephen’s body. Stephen pushed back, needing him equally, cock slick and hard.

  They moved together, tongues dancing, hips rubbing against each other, and he could feel the pleasure building.

  He wasn’t going to rub off on his boy this time though. He wanted to turn his boy inside out.

  Moaning, he tore his lips from Stephen’s and latched onto a new spot on his boy’s neck. He didn’t bite this time. Instead, he began to suck, aiming to pull the blood to the surface. It was still powerful, despite his lack of teeth, the resulting sensation rocking his body.

  “God…that feels…I didn’t know there was a hot spot there.” Stephen’s voice was husky, low.

  “I think we have hot spots everywhere for each other, boy.”

  “If there is, I’m just going to be turned on constantly.”

  That made him smile evilly. “I don’t have a problem with that.” He dragged his fingers along Stephen’s side, feeling the connection even there. It was like everything had been turned to 100 percent after he’d first marked Stephen.

  Stephen groaned for him. He explored Stephen’s skin, loving the tingling, and the sounds, loving every sensation that they shared. He bit and sucked, rolling one nipple between his fingers.

  Stephen cried out and arched for him, and each sensation was doubled by the sweet way they echoed between them. And sometimes not so sweet, that lightning ever ready to make its presence known again.

  “Please.” Stephen tried to encourage him toward one nipple, to get more, and he could feel his own.

  He licked at it, teasing both of them. He knew his boy needed more, but he wanted to drive Stephen wild.

  He nipped at the pretty little nub of flesh, then blew on it. Finally, he pounced, taking the flesh in and sucking hard, waves of sensation pouring over him.

  “Daddy!” The word slammed into him and he pulled harder, his teeth grazing the very tip of Stephen’s nipple. Stephen pressed up, his whole bod
y pleading for him.

  He sucked harder, bit quickly, and shifted nipples, electricity zooming through him post-bite, making him gasp as he arrived at the other nipple. It took a moment for him to suck on it.

  “Please. Please, I need you, so bad.” Stephen flailed a little, lips parted.

  He couldn’t deny that needy plea, and he kissed his way down Stephen’s body, stopping at the adorable navel to lick around it and dip his tongue into it.

  His boy was hard and leaking, pre-come dripping onto the flat belly. He licked it up, then tilted his head, tongue lapping at the tip of that pretty cock. Damn, Stephen tasted divine.

  “Oh. Oh god…” Stephen’s eyes rolled back in his head.

  “Uh-huh.” He licked some more, then wrapped his lips around the tip of Stephen’s cock and sucked, flicking the slit with his tongue.

  Sparkles of pleasure moved through him, each suck to Stephen’s cock bringing him pleasure was well. It was marvelous.

  “So good. So good, Da-Mas-Sir!”

  He growled. He wanted that Daddy. All the time, not just here and there when Stephen forgot himself.

  Stephen arched in a long, slow motion. “Yes…”

  He pulled more of Stephen’s prick in, purring on purpose this time to give his boy the extra vibrations. Fuck, but it felt good, giving Stephen pleasure.

  “I need you. I need to come, please.” Stephen’s eyes went wide. “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  He shook his head and pulled more of Stephen in. His boy didn’t need to be sorry. He wanted his boy to come. He sucked hard, willing his boy to shoot, and like it was meant to be, Stephen came, calling out for him.

  He drank Stephen down, and it was as if he was tasting pure pleasure.

  Stephen moaned for him, calling for him, over and over. He continued to suck, holding Stephen on his tongue. Such hot velvet.

  “Daddy.” The single word rocked him.

  He took one last, long suck and slowly drew back, letting Stephen’s cock drag along his tongue. “Right here, boy.”

  “Thank you.” Such a sweet boy.

  He surged up and took Stephen’s mouth, plundering those lovely lips. His boy opened easily, offering himself with no hesitation. So sweet.

  He fucked Stephen’s mouth with his tongue, pushing deep as he rubbed against the slender body.


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