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Stephen (BOY: ISO Book 1)

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  “Daddy, please! Please, I need!”

  “I know.” Two slick fingers pressed against his hole and pushed cool lube into his body. “I’m not going to have you sore from not enough of the slick stuff.”

  “Oh. Oh god. I ache inside. Please.” He felt overheated, out of his mind.

  “I’ve got you.” More lube and more fingers pushed into him, Champ finger-fucking him, pushing into him so well. Suddenly he could breathe, he could think. He could focus.

  He met Champ’s gaze, the blue eyes staring into him, staring at him.

  “H-hey.” He tried to find a smile.

  Smiling, Champ pressed his fingers deep, finding his gland and pressing it hard. “Hi.”

  His answer was a soft cry. Fuck, that was so good. So good.

  “I can feel your pleasure inside me,” Champ told him.

  “I’m aching. I feel like I could come and come.”

  “You’re going to. I’m going to spend the next days making you mine over and over again.”

  “Yes.” He could take a few days off work.

  The finger-fucking continued, Champ managing to ping off his sweet spot with almost every thrust. The touches sent him higher with every one.

  His balls drew up and his cock leaked again, dripping on his belly. Swooping down, Champ licked the drops from his skin, tongue so hot as Champ cleaned him.

  “Sweet needy boy. You’re so hungry for me.”

  He couldn’t argue with that.

  “I’ve never met anyone whose hunger could match mine, until you.” Champ’s fingers slid away but were quickly replaced by the hot, blunt head of Champ’s cock. It pressed against his hole, a tease—a promise of what was coming.

  He arched, bearing down onto the heavy head, grunting as it popped in.

  Champ bit the air, breathing heavily and pushed farther in, sliding all the way into him, right until the man’s hips pressed tightly against his ass.

  Oh, that was full, heavy, what he needed.

  Champ moved slowly, sliding in and out, nudging up against his gland on the inward pushes and making him spark all over.

  He moaned and twisted, showing how good it felt, having Champ inside him.

  Taking his mouth, Champ kissed him, tongue pushing into him at the same pace as that magnificent cock.

  That was all he needed in all the world. A kiss. A cock. Champ.

  Champ seemed to feel the same, not speeding, just pushing into him like he was never going to stop. He melted into it, crying into Champ’s kiss, over and over.

  Champ managed to get a hand between them to pinch his already abused nipple, the sensation lighting up everything inside him.

  He gasped, shocked at the perfect combination of pleasure and pain.

  “Such a pretty lover. I want to decorate you.”

  His eyes went wide and hungry. Oh. Oh god yes.

  “Nipple rings for sure. A PA. A ladder. A guiche. Chains to link them all together.” Champ groaned and took his mouth again.

  He sobbed, his nerves overwhelmed.

  “Shh. Be easy, boy. All in good time and all good, I promise.” Champ kissed away the tears that leaked from his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, please. I’m not sad. Or crazy.” Just overwhelmed.

  “I know. There’s no need to worry. I’m keeping you, no matter what.”

  “I want you to know. It’s so good.”

  “I know. I can feel your pleasure as you experience it. It’s incredible.”

  “You can?” He wasn’t even sure what that meant.

  “I can. Your pleasure is mine.” Champ pinched his nipple again and moaned, eyelids dropping.

  “Yes. I’m yours. My pleasure is yours.”

  “I think my pleasure is yours too. Touch my nipples and we’ll see.”

  He chuckled and reached out, playing Champ’s nipple with his thumbs and forefingers.

  “Mmm. Pinch them, boy.”

  He did, gasping along with Champ as a zing went through his body. “Daddy? This is…can this be real?”

  Champ purred. “I love it when you call me daddy, and yes, it’s very real.”

  “How?” He tried to focus, but it felt so good.

  “We’re connected, made for each other. I keep telling you.”

  He didn’t understand. He just didn’t, and that was okay. He could understand tomorrow.

  Champ seemed to be on the same page, bringing their mouths back together again and thrusting into him, filling him up so good. They moved together, grunting and rocking, giving everything to each other.

  It felt like even their breathing was in sync.

  “Close. Daddy. I need…” He groaned and squeezed, tight.

  “Stave it off as long as you can. The more we put it off, the better it will be.” Champ’s gaze held his, backing up his demand.

  “Yes, Daddy. Yes.” Stephen panted, trying to keep from coming.

  Champ kept looking into his eyes, joining them in that direction as well. Their breath slowed, and he relaxed, opening, feeling Champ deeper.

  Just when he didn’t think he could hold back a moment longer, Champ nodded. “Now, boy. Now.”

  His orgasm was so deep, so wild, that he could barely breathe. And Champ was right there with him, face lost in pleasure. Despite that, Champ didn’t break his gaze.

  He didn’t have words, but he didn’t feel like he needed to. Champ didn’t speak either, just gazed at him, kept them connected.

  He let his eyes close, let himself rest and trust that this was here. Really here.

  Champ slowly lowered his weight down onto Stephen. His lover was heavy, but not too heavy, and it felt like he was blanketed.

  “Can I stay?”

  “What do you mean? Of course you can stay. As long as you will.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I feel…” He sighed, relaxing fully. “So good.”

  “That’s because this is where we both belong.”

  “Mmhmm.” He was warm, happy. Solid.

  If only he could always feel like this. Still, he had it now. That was good enough.

  Chapter Nine

  The temptation to tie Stephen to the bed and keep him there forever was huge. Champ wasn’t ready for his boy to go back to school and work. He wanted them to spend more time together. Hell, he wanted them to spend forever together.

  Stephen stayed close, snuggling in. “I don’t want to go. You think I can stay through Tuesday?”

  “I think you can stay as long as you’d like. I want you to move in.” He wrapped his arms around Stephen.

  “Already? After three days?” Stephen snuggled in.

  “I wanted you to move in after we first met,” he pointed out. His boy glowed and he’d known.

  “I have to be smart about it though.” Stephen crawled into his lap.

  “Sure. I’m not so sure if it’s smart to deny something we both want, but…” If that made his boy feel better.

  “What do you want to do today?” They had spent hours—days—making love.

  “I want to spend time with you. I want to hear about your fabric art. I want to know your hopes and dreams. Just talk to me.”

  Stephen blushed and snuggled into his side. “I want to make art—I mean, I understand that the money is in textile design? But I could make art.”

  “So if you didn’t need money, it would all be about the art?” He could make that so.

  “Yeah, but I have to be a contributing member of society and clothe myself, so…”

  “You don’t think artists are contributing members of society?”

  “Amazing artists, sure.”

  “I’m sure you’re an amazing artist!” He wasn’t just saying that either. He believed in Stephen.

  “Thank you. I want to be. I want to be amazing.” Stephen took his hand, stroked his fingers.

  “You are. One day, you’ll stay here, and you’ll make beautiful art inspired by us.” One day soon, he’d tell Stephen about who he was at his soul, and hopefully,
he’d inspire his boy.

  “Oh, that’s a lovely idea. You are inspirational.” Lovely boy. The admiration felt amazing.

  “Thank you, boy. You’re inspirational as well. You make me want to be better.”

  “You’re a wealthy man in his prime. I’m a…student. Just a student.”

  “You’re my lover. You make everything better. You’re special. You glow. Remember that, always.” His boy needed to start believing it.

  “The glowing student! That’s like a new superhero.”

  He chuckled. “Your superpower is to make dragons bow before you.” He would bow to his boy at any time.

  “Dragons, huh? I like that. Dragons are pretty cool.”

  A thrill went through him. Was it time to tell his boy his secret? “We are.”

  Stephen’s head tilted for a second, but his boy didn’t comment, just let it go.

  Well, that had been rather less than he was expecting.

  Surely the news wasn’t that blasé, right?

  “Are dragons so ordinary, then?” He knew they weren’t. He knew he and the boys were wonders.

  “Dragons like moguls? That’s a cool way to think about it. Seriously.”

  “I meant more dragons like dragons, actually.”

  “I don’t follow. I’m sorry.”

  Champ pondered whether to say something or not. To explain further, to show Stephen all of himself. It wasn’t like him to be unsure, but this was Stephen, who was meant to be his.

  Stephen pushed into his lap. “Don’t stress. Whatever it is, just tell me. You’re a good man and we’re okay. The rest is details.”

  “I am a good man, Stephen. And I’m yours.”

  Stephen smiled at him, the expression trusting and so warm. “Then everything will be fine. Kiss me?”

  That was a request he could honor. He brought their lips together and put his passion into the kiss, telling Stephen everything he needed to know, bones deep, about his love and commitment to this wonderful man. Stephen believed—in him, if not in dragons—and it showed.

  It was a huge turn-on and he deepened the kiss, encouraged by the way Stephen opened for him.

  “I am yours no matter what form I take,” he promised Stephen.

  “Same here. No matter what.”

  Groaning, he pressed against his boy and took another kiss. “Then come and live here. Make your art and make me happy.”

  “Let me talk to Marc. I can’t leave him in the lurch. He’s my friend.”

  “You could keep paying your half—that would keep him unlurched.”

  “Unlurched?” Stephen rubbed their noses together.

  “You knew what I meant.”

  “I did, but it made me smile. I love how playful you are.”

  “I love playing with you.” He waggled his eyebrows up and down.

  Stephen leaned in, lips nudging his earlobe. “Are you going to wear me out?”

  “I am. And then I’m going to let you recover so I can wear you out again.” There was something about Stephen’s willingness that made him a little giddy.

  He would tell Stephen about his dragonhood again at another time. They were already bonding, changing together.

  Stephen was becoming stronger every day and the pleasure between them was stronger with each time they made love as well. He purred and rocked his boy, keeping him close and surrounded.

  He pressed one kiss after another on Stephen. “So happy you’re here with me.”

  “I’m glad you let me come and stay. You’re so kind.”

  He shook his head. Kindness really had nothing to with it. “I’m not doing it to be kind. I want you here. My life is better with you here. It’s not altruistic of me at all.”

  “Are you sure? That I make it better?”

  “I’m one hundred percent sure.” He kept hoping he could come up with exactly the right thing to help Stephen believe this was true. And that he glowed. Because Stephen totally did.

  “I haven’t even…I haven’t cleaned or cooked or…anything.”

  “Is that what you think I want? I have people who do that. You don’t need to. Not that you can’t if you want to. You totally can. But that’s not why I want you here.”

  “My former…the men that were mean to me. They hurt me. Badly.” Stephen met his eyes, so vulnerable.

  “Yeah, I can see that. I want to wave a magic wand and make it so that you don’t believe a word they say. So that it can’t hurt you anymore. Because what they said is wrong.”

  “I hope so. I don’t want to be…worthless.”

  “You’re not worthless.” The words growled out of him. “Nobody talks about you that way. Not even you.”

  “No? You’ll—You’ll defend me?”

  “Yes. From anyone.” His boy was more than worth it and deserved it. “You deserve to be treated with respect and care.”

  Stephen pressed into his arms. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”

  He held his boy close. “You’re welcome. But it’s the least I can do.”

  “Daddy, you don’t know how tired I am. You don’t.”

  “Tell me, boy. Tell me all about it.”

  “I—” Stephen searched his eyes. “I try hard to be a good man, a good boy, a good sub, and I—I messed it up. I messed everything up, and I was lost.”

  “I see a good man, a good boy, a good sub. And I’m not sure that you were the one who messed everything up. But go on, tell me about the tiredness.”

  “I want…I had to start from scratch. I’m rooming with my friend. I’m living on student loans. I’m…tired.”

  “Let me take some of that from you, please. I want to take care of you. I need to take care of you.” He needed it badly—it was imperative to make life good for Stephen.

  “I’m scared. I’m scared you’ll be disappointed in me.”

  “Never. I will never be disappointed in you. I really wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You’re beautiful and special, and your glow warms me deep inside.” He stared into Stephen’s eyes, and Stephen held his gaze, pupils going big and dark.

  He kept holding that gaze; he wanted Stephen to see how serious he was, how worthy he believed Stephen to be. He willed Stephen to believe it, too, with everything he had.

  Stephen finally collapsed, falling into his arms. Champ pulled him in close and stroked Stephen’s back as he held him. “If I could do nothing but hold you from now on, it would be enough.”

  “Daddy.” Stephen cuddled in and held on.

  “That’s right. Daddy’s got you. You can let go and rest. It’s safe.” He wouldn’t let anything happen to Stephen.

  “Daddy. You make my soul burn.”

  “Good. Because you own mine.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Promise.”

  “I believe you.” He kissed Stephen. He did—he had no other choice.

  Chapter Ten

  Stephen dozed for a bit before he slid from the bed and headed for the bathroom. He did his business before he moved over toward the shower and turned on the water. He smelled like sex. And Champ. And while he didn’t want to wash Champ away…

  Truth was, he was ripe.

  He laughed at himself and stepped under the spray, soaping himself up with Champ’s bodywash. It was woody and masculine, like Champ himself. He breathed in deeply as he sudsed up.

  Oh, he ached in the best possible way, and the hot water felt so good.

  He thought he heard a sound and he froze.

  “Hey, baby. Is there room in the shower for Daddy to join you?”

  “Oh hey. Come on in. I smelled terrible.”

  “I bet you didn’t smell that bad.” Champ climbed in with him.

  “Like sex. Like a tomcat,” he teased.

  “Oh, that wouldn’t be bad at all.”

  He turned to face his lover, lifting his face for a kiss. “Daddy.”

  Champ purred, lips moving against his as they kissed. They were rocking together, almost dancing. It was magical. The water rai
ned down around them, increasing that feeling.

  Champ’s hands wound around his waist, holding onto him.

  “It’s good, being together.” He cupped one of Champ’s asscheeks and squeezed.

  Champ groaned for him. “It is. It feels right too. Like it’s how it should be.”

  “Yes.” He didn’t have another word to say.

  Champ tugged him closer so their bodies rubbed and took his mouth again. Pushing his tongue in, Champ explored, tracing his teeth and sliding over his lips.

  One of the hands on his hips moved around to cup his ass, and Champ held him there as they rubbed together. He could feel the heat and hardness of Champ’s need as it grew against him.

  “You can’t need again.”

  “We napped,” Champ pointed out.

  Stephen giggled, so happy it wouldn’t stay in.

  “Oh, I love that sound.” Champ peppered his face with kisses, chasing across his cheeks.

  “I’m glad. You make me happy.”

  “Good. That makes me happy.” Champ chuckled. “I’m glad there’s a lot of happy here.”

  “Yes. It’s going to be hard, leaving tomorrow. I just want to take a week and bask.”

  “Then do it. I’ll cover your rent, your responsibilities. Whatever. I’m not hurting for money, and I want to be with you.”

  “But what about…what about school? I should finish what I started.”

  “You should—especially if it’s what you want to do. If you’re not enjoying it, that’s another story.”

  “I love my job. I just want to do my job.”

  Champ’s eyebrows pulled together in a frown. “I don’t understand.”

  “I guess. You know how it is—you have to do things you don’t want to, to be successful, to make money.”

  “Ah. Or you could hire someone to do the parts you don’t like. I could help you with that too.” Champ gave him a warm smile. “The upshot as with everything here is that I want to be with you. I want to have time to love on you. To get to know you. All the things.”

  “Oh…I have to finish school, but once I do? Yes.”

  Champ hugged him tight. “That’s awesome. How much more school have you got?”

  “This semester in class, and then I do a semester making art. I turn what I made in, and they judge it.”


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