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Stephen (BOY: ISO Book 1)

Page 13

by Sean Michael


  “Centuries and beyond.”

  “I wish. God, I wish, Daddy.” Stephen moaned, lapping at his lips.

  “Your wish is my command, my lovely boy.” He met Stephen’s tongue with his own, chasing it across his lips.

  Stephen’s laughter trickled over his mind, the touch shocking, wild, and welcome. It made him push in harder, his whole body lit up and tingling.

  Stephen took him, riding easily, eyelids heavy and lips parted.

  He couldn’t stop looking, the expression on Stephen’s face transcendent. His boy. His very own boy, made for him as he was made for Stephen.

  Everything in Champ’s life had been focused on building this relationship—he had his safe lair, he had his fortune, he had his chosen family. Now they had their companions.

  He shifted his angle of entrance, looking to hit his boy’s gland, to light him up even more.

  “You’re everywhere,” Stephen whispered.

  “All around you and inside you.”

  “Yes. All around and through.” Stephen shifted so the sweet hard cock nudged his belly.

  He pushed his abs out so they rubbed with his movements, giving his boy extra stimulation. So needy. So focused on his cock. So sweet.

  Champ wanted to make him scream.

  He moved faster, knocking up against Stephen’s gland with every thrust, giving his boy everything he had.

  “So-so good. So big.” Stephen’s whimper was pure need.

  “The biggest. Gonna be better every day too.” The way they fit together would just get tighter every day.

  He arched up, dragging along the sensitive walls and making Stephen sob.

  “Come for me again, boy. Give me everything.”

  “Again. Everything.” Stephen sobbed once, and then he shot, his entire body shaking.

  Groaning, Champ let his own orgasm go, filling Stephen with more of his essence.

  His magic.

  It drew them together; he could feel it.

  He moved a few more times, then lay down onto his boy, pressing their foreheads together as he panted.

  Stephen blinked at him, then his boy’s stomach growled.

  It made him chuckle, especially when his own belly followed suit.

  “You have to feed me. I’m starving.” Stephen kissed his nose.

  “I will feed you. What do you feel like? Anything you’d like. Uber is a wonderful thing.”

  “Mmm…fish and chips?”

  “Anything you want.” He moaned as he slid out of his boy, then dropped a last kiss on Stephen’s lips.

  “Thank you, Daddy. You spoil me.”

  “And I plan to continue to do so.” He grabbed his phone and looked up ‘fish and chips,’ quickly finding the best restaurant in town.

  He ordered for them, adding a pair of decadent desserts.

  “Half an hour until we are fed. Whatever shall we do until then?”

  “Shower? Snuggle? Veg out?”

  “I’m down with all three. Especially the snuggle part.”

  “Yes. I can snuggle with the best of them.”

  “We’ll put this assertion to the test.” He settled in with Stephen, holding his boy in his arms.

  He wasn’t sure they’d get to the shower part before supper. He was sure it didn’t matter. Everything that did was in his arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  God, he was hard as hell.

  Stephen headed out of the art building for a walk, and he called Champ, wanting to hear his voice.

  “Mmm. Hello, boy.” Champ purred, and oh god, that made him even harder, his balls aching so bad.

  “Hello. I miss you.” He tried his best not to groan, but damn, he wanted to.

  “I miss you, too, boy. The last three days have been absolute torture. Thank the goddess we have a few days together once you get home.”

  “Yes. What are you up to?” Do you need me as much as I need you?

  “Honestly? I was daydreaming about you, thinking about all the things I want to do to you when you get home.”

  “Yeah? You’re on my mind too.” His cock was rock hard, his balls aching.

  “Good. I need you, boy, and I want you to need me too.”

  “I do.” He needed a private bathroom. There had to be one somewhere on this campus.

  “When will you be home?” Champ asked.

  “Uh. I have studio time booked from two to four thirty…” He slipped into a faculty bathroom and locked the door.

  “Two and a half hours?” Champ groaned.

  “Well, it’s only one thirty…” He pulled out his cock and started tugging. “You have plans this afternoon.”

  The sound of a growl worked its way down the line. “What’s that I hear, boy?”

  “H-huh? I asked about your plans.” His toes curled. Fuck, he needed. Bad.

  “I have very good hearing, boy, and I wasn’t referring to what you said.”

  “Just…being on my lunch break…” So close. God, Champ’s voice was like a drug.

  “It sounds like you’re touching yourself.”

  “Does it?” He needed to come. He stroked hard and fast, swallowing his moan.

  “Stephen! Stop that right now! I know you don’t want to be punished.”

  “Daddy…I need you. I really need to come.”

  “You were supposed to come to me before you got to the point of taking care of it yourself. I’m going to have to think long and hard about this.”

  “I just can’t stop thinking about you. About your kisses, your hands. About your cock.”

  “I know. I think about you all the time too. But you didn’t call me and ask for permission to touch yourself. Still. You’re allowed to come this one time by your own hand. This one time. And you have a punishment coming.”

  “I want to come home. I could skip…” He moaned out loud, so needy.

  “You can’t wait until you get home, boy, I can tell. Do it. Then go to class. I’ll be here when you’re done.”

  “You’re not mad at me, Daddy. I need you so bad.” He ached for this, with all his heart.

  “I’m not mad at you, boy.”

  He groaned, whispering Champ’s name as he shot.

  “I swear I can almost smell you, boy.”

  “I want to come home.” He leaned hard, his knees trembling.

  “Then come home, Stephen.” Champ said it so matter-of-factly. “I will welcome you with open arms.”

  “Promise?” He was already calling a car. He needed his lover.

  “I have never lied to you, and I’m not going to start now. Come home to me, boy.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I think—I’ll do my studio time later.” Maybe he would take Champ up on the idea of a real studio space, all his own.

  “That works for me. You know I’d have you here all the time if I could. And this way, we can get your punishment out of the way as well.”

  “I’ll be there soon. I—” Think I love you too. Like really deep forever love. “—I’ll be there soon.”

  “Good. You want me to stay on the phone with you until you get here?”

  “Will you?” He cleaned up and headed out to wait for the car.

  “Yes, I will.” Champ purred for him. “What were you doing that you got so hot and bothered?”

  “Thinking about you.” That’s all he could seem to do. He got to class and he was focused on his hole, on how empty it was. All he could think about was how his cock ached.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day too. From the moment you left.”

  “So…maybe it’s your fault? Maybe you’re sending vibes.” He waited impatiently, needing the car to hurry up and get there.

  “Vibes? You think I’m sending vibes?” Champ chuckled. “Who knows, maybe I am?”

  “You could, you know. It could happen.” He laughed at his own folly.

  “If I’m sending vibes, then so are you.”

  Yeah, like he could. He wasn’t the least bit magical. “
Uh-huh. That’s me.”

  “Yes. Probably even more than me.” Champ had that purring note in his voice again, and it was turning him on again.

  “Be good.” His cheeks were on fire, but he was tingling, top to bottom. “I just need you, because…well, you’re you.”

  “I’m being very good! And I need you so bad. As soon as you get here, I want your mouth.”

  “Yes.” He didn’t have any arguments with that. At all. Hell, he just wanted to go home and touch his lover.

  “And then we’ll administer your punishment. It’s going to be fun—I promise.”

  “I trust you to give me what I need.” The truth just fell out of his mouth.

  That purr came down the line again, just as his Uber arrived to pick him up.

  “The car is here. That was fast.” He slid into the car and smiled at the driver. “Hey, thank you. You rock.”

  “Feel free to leave me five stars,” the lady behind the wheel told him.

  “I know I do, you’re welcome,” Champ purred into his ear.

  “Five stars it is.” He licked his lips. “You’re a bad man.”

  Champ chuckled. “I try. Are those five stars for me?”

  “You get more than five. You may get ten.”

  “Ooo, what do I need to do to assure that I’ll get all ten?”

  He had to grin. He was fairly sure Champ had already earned them. “I’ll let you know.”

  “You do that. Are you home yet?” Champ asked.

  “Heading that way. I’m in the car. You don’t need anything?” He could stop if Champ wanted.

  “Just you, boy. That’s all I crave.” It was clear in Champ’s voice that he was being sincere, and it made Stephen feel tingly.

  “Me too. That’s bad, isn’t it? You are everything.” He dropped his voice. “My everything.”

  Champ purred for him for a long moment before answering. “I don’t think that’s bad at all, boy. I think it’s perfect. We need each other, but we have each other, so that makes it all right.”

  “I’m taking off ’til Monday. I need to. This is important.” And he wasn’t functioning anyway.

  “You keep talking like that and I’ll have to give you ten stars.” Champ always said the best things.

  His cheeks were burning, and his cock was heavy again, throbbing. “Yeah?”

  “Oh, yeah. God, boy, why aren’t you home yet? Tell your driver if you don’t get home right now your lover is going to explode into a million pieces.”

  “I have four blocks. No exploding.” He thought they were making amazing time, honestly.

  “I will try not to. It would be messy.” Laughter laced Champ’s words.

  “Messy and unfortunate, right? I’d miss you.”

  “I won’t let it happen.” Champ’s voice had suddenly become serious. “I’m not leaving you, boy. I promise.”

  “Thank you. I will stay with you too. We’ll be together.”

  “That’s right. We have everything we need in each other.”

  They turned the corner, Champ’s building coming into view. He realized that there were gargoyles on the four corners of the roof. Funny how he hadn’t noticed that before.

  “Did you put the gargoyles up there, Daddy?”

  “They’ve always been there—I’m glad you can see them now. I told you that you were special.”

  “You—what? Hold on. I’ll be up in a second.”

  “I’ve sent the elevator down for you. It’ll be waiting to bring you up to me.”

  He grabbed his bag and said goodbye to the driver, then jogged in to catch the elevator.

  It was there, waiting for him and he got on, the button for Champ’s floor already lit up. He pressed the one that closed the doors. He could feel Champ’s need flying down at him through the floors.

  It was weird and wonderful all at the same time.

  Champ was right there as the elevator doors opened, wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans, his arms wide open. “My boy.”

  “Yours. Yes. Daddy.” He dropped his stuff and ran, leaping into the strong arms.

  Champ caught him, mouth fusing to his in a kiss that was hotter than the hinges of hell. He hung there, moaning deep in his chest and rubbing against that hard body.

  Champ’s cock was harder and hotter than the rest, even through the denim. “Need you so much. I want your mouth and then I want your ass and then I want to do it all over again.”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” Stephen whispered against his lips. “I ached, top to bottom. I need you.”

  “I felt the same. All day. It’s like a huge hole inside me when you aren’t here. A huge hole. And now I need you to fill it again.”

  “Yes. Anything.” Anything at all.

  Champ nodded. “Anything.”

  His lover carried him to the bedroom, hands on his ass, holding him close. He stole one kiss after another, his entire body lit up.

  Champ set him down gently next to the bed. “I need your mouth around me, boy. After all—you’re one up on me.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I want it. I want to suck you.” He wasn’t going to pretend. He wanted to be Champ’s boy right now.

  “Then on your knees, boy.” That purring note was in Champ’s voice again, going right along his spine.

  He slid down Champ’s body, making sure they touched all the way. Then he opened his Daddy’s fly.

  Sweet groans followed him down, Daddy’s hands dropping to his shoulders, fingers curling in. Stephen could smell how Champ needed him, and he didn’t tease. No, he opened the jeans and took Champ in.

  “Stephen!” He loved the sound of his name ringing out through the room in Champ’s voice.

  Yes. Yes. He bobbed his head, pulling at Champ, loving him with all he had.

  Champ’s hands moved from his shoulders to his head, fingers pushing through his hair, and opening and closing against his scalp.

  He closed his eyes, lips parted as he sucked. Fuck my mouth, Daddy. I’m yours.

  “Mine.” Champ held his head in place and fucked his mouth.

  Yours. He relaxed and opened up, offering himself up.

  “Yes, mine.” Champ went to town, thrusting into him, cock sliding deep into his throat. He swallowed hard.

  “Stephen!” His name rang through the air again as come poured down his throat.

  Stephen swallowed over and over, refusing to lose a drop.

  Champ slid his hands from Stephen’s head to his face, stroking his cheeks. “Love your mouth, boy.”

  Love you, Daddy. Need you.

  “You’ve got me, baby boy.” Champ drew him up and pushed him onto the bed.

  Stephen blinked up. It was like Champ had heard him.

  Champ shucked his jeans off and climbed up onto the bed, leaning over him to bring their mouths together.

  “Daddy.” He moaned into the kiss, tongue pushing up into Champ’s lips.

  Champ groaned. “It makes me so hard, to hear you call me that.”

  “I want to give myself to you, all the way.” It was hard to admit and somehow so easy.

  “That’s because you’re already mine. All you needed to do was admit it.”

  His cheeks burned and he swallowed hard. “It’s a scary thing to know about yourself.”

  “Why? I would never hurt you. I swear it.”

  “But I would put myself in a situation where you could…”

  “But I won’t ever hurt you, so you don’t have to worry.” Champ kissed him again.

  “No. I can give myself over to you.” All of himself, his heart.

  “And I’m giving all of myself over to you, too, Stephen. You aren’t alone in this. Not for a second.”

  He knew that. Hell, Champ gave him everything.

  Then Champ’s mouth was on his, body pressing him down onto the bed, and he could feel Champ’s need rubbing against him, hot and hard. Dragons had amazing recovery rates. Amazing.

  Of course, he wanted again, too, and had ever since h
e’d come, hidden at school.

  “Naughty boy.”


  “Did you touch yourself without permission?” Champ asked, holding his gaze.

  “I…” He wasn’t going to lie.

  “Then you are naughty and I warned you there would be a punishment.” Champ reached for something on the bedside table and handed it to him. It was leather and black and a cockring.

  He held it, staring up at his dragon. He wasn’t worried, but he let himself fall into his role here.

  “You won’t be able to come again for the rest of the day.” Champ took the cockring from him again. “This is to help you do that.”

  “The whole day, Daddy?” With Champ right there? Impossible.

  Champ relented slightly. “Until it’s the same time as you would have come home.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. Will you put it on me?” Will you touch me and make me need and ache.

  “Of course. Gives me an excuse to touch your lovely prick.”

  He shucked Stephen’s T-shirt and his jeans, leaving himself bare. His pubes held the scent of his spunk, making him blush.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I think once I’ve had your lovely little ass, I’m going to clean these up, shave you bare.” Champ tugged at his pubes before sliding a finger from the base of his cock to the tip.

  His cock jerked, a drop of pre-come forming at the tip. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “My needy boy. I think not letting you come for several hours while I fuck you and touch you and shave you will be a very fitting punishment for touching yourself without permission.” Champ bent and licked the drop from the tip of his cock. “This is mine. Your orgasms are mine. Every drop of your come is mine.”

  He cried out, so excited, the words what he needed to hear. “Yes, Daddy. Yours.”

  “Yes.” Champ stroked his cock several times, and when another drop of liquid came out, Champ licked it away before briefly sucking the tip of his cock.

  “Daddy!” Oh, he craved that touch. “Your mouth is like fire.”

  “Do you want it, boy? Even though you’re not allowed to come? Do you want me to take your sweet cock between my lips and suck?”

  He twisted and whimpered and whispered his heart. “I want you to do your will, Daddy. I’m yours.”

  Champ purred for him, then pounced, mouth wrapping around his cockhead again before languidly lowering down over his cock, taking him all into the fiery heat of Champ’s mouth. He panted, mouth open, eyes rolled back in his head.


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