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Captive 0f The Vampires (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 4)

Page 12

by Liv Brywood

  Bastian also mentions that he’s seeking out the wisdom of the Bear Clan’s elders. Some of them are descendants of an ancient and highly esteemed line of brown bears. Surely, they will possess valuable information that can help us in the fight against the vampire queen.

  I fold the note and store it in one of my skirt’s pockets for safe keeping. I wish I’d gotten a chance to say goodbye before Bastian took off. And Cobalt didn’t even leave a note. I hope he wasn’t disappointed in last night. It was magical, perfect, everything I’ve ever wanted. I just hope he felt it too.

  After spending a few minutes practicing my morning meditations, I swing my legs over the side of the bed. When I stretch my arms, my joints pop and crack in the best way possible. My muscles expand and contract as I lead them through fluid motions taught to me by ancient priests in a faraway land.

  I grab my clothes off the floor. I haven’t changed since yesterday. Even with a cleaning spell, they’re a mess. I doubt Cobalt would mind if I borrowed one of his shirts, so I slide it off a hanger and slip into it. The fabric is soft and luxurious. The shirt is so long that it brushes my knees. It may as well be a dress, which is good because his pants would be huge on me.

  As I head out of the bedroom and into the living room, I spot Kael pacing near the front door. My heart does a little flutter. He may be an arrogant asshole sometimes, but he means well. He just needs to learn how to calm down.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “You’re awake.”

  “Were you here all night?” I can’t stop a blush from creeping up my neck.

  “Yeah.” His eyes narrow as his gaze sweeps up and down my body.


  “Those shifters aren’t from my pack. They’re from another pack on the other side of the mountain.”

  Relieved that he’s not going to berate me for the loud sex I had with Cobalt last night, I sit on the couch.

  “You must feel better now.”

  “Yes, and no.” Kael rubs his chin. “If it were my pack, I could whip them into shape and eliminate the threat in one swift move. I can’t control the other pack. I can only fight against them.”

  “I wish I knew exactly what we’re dealing with.” I run a hand through my hair and try to untangle the knots caused by a night of endless lovemaking. “There are very few witches who can take control of an unwilling shifter. Most witches who are dark enough to do such a thing band together and pool their power to make it happen.”

  “So, the vampire’s powerful. We already knew that.”

  “Yes, but we might have to prepare for the fact that the vampire is as powerful as you or me. Maybe even more so.”

  “I don’t like this,” he snarls.

  “I know.” I place my hands on his shoulders and allow some of my soothing aura to seep into him. Kael immediately takes a step back.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “My attempt to keep you from getting all riled like you were last night.” I roll my eyes. Sometimes he’s so exhausting.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.” He slips an arm around my waist and pulls me against him. His voice softens but he doesn’t loosen his grip. “I know you must be on edge with everything that’s going on. I should be more sensitive to that.”

  “Thank you.” I nod. “I’m worried about this vampire. She might be more powerful than me.”

  “You have nothing to fear.” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear before stroking his thumb down the length of my cheek.

  I rise onto my toes to kiss him. It’s meant to be a soft kiss, but the moment our lips touch, fire streaks through me. He tightens his grip around my waist.

  “Where’s Cobalt?” I ask.

  “In his workshop. I never would have left you in bed alone.”

  “Maybe he needed to work.”

  “As long as he stays away, I don’t care what he’s doing.”

  Eventually I’m going to have to figure out how to get these guys to accept the complexity of our relationships. But for now, I surrender to Kael’s kisses.

  As his tongue parts my lips, I welcome him. I pull his hips against mine and let out a soft moan as his cock stiffens. The tension between us melts away, as does the rest of the world.

  I almost cry out in protest when he pulls away. My desire is fully alive now, hungry and wild. I want him again. I don’t think I could ever get enough of him.

  “If I allow myself to keep going, I’ll have to drag you into Cobalt’s bed, and I don’t want the stink of that lizard on me.” His eyes burn like embers as he rakes his gaze over my body.

  “You’re going to have to get along.”

  His growl is low and deep.

  I shake my head.

  “I have to rally my pack. If we wait too long, we might lose any lead we’ve gained on the vampires.”

  “You’re right.” I’m miffed that he doesn’t want to talk about getting along with Cobalt. I lean back against the wall to steady myself. “Since that’s more important, go.” I wave him off.

  “We’ll continue this later.” He leans in and pecks me on the cheek.

  When he’s out of sight, I flop onto the couch. Bastian’s with his clan doing something productive. Kael’s on his way to meet with his wolves to do something productive. And Cobalt’s being productive downstairs in the shop. I need to do something helpful too. I can’t let the men do all of the work, now can I?

  My first thought is to return to my cottage alone. Yes, the vampires might be powerful, but I’m still the most powerful witch to ever exist. That must count for something. But I don’t want to do anything stupid like try to go up against the vampire alone. I’m going to need help.

  Cobalt strolls into the room.

  “Hey, sweetie,” he murmurs as he brushes a kiss across my lips. “You’re up.”

  “You left me in bed alone.”

  “I didn’t want to wake you. After everything you’ve been through, I figured you needed some time to recuperate.”

  “Oh.” I stand corrected.

  “I’m hungry. Want to go to the café in town with me?”


  After Cobalt changes into clean clothes, we walk arm in arm down Main Street in Bonfire Falls. I’m still wearing his shirt, and nothing else, but I don’t care. I want everyone to know that he’s mine and I’m his.

  The cute shops and friendly small-town vibe cheer me up. As we walk through the central park area, I smile at children playing and at young couples holding hands. Oh, to be so young and naïve again.

  “I can’t believe I stayed away from this place for so long. I’d completely forgotten how charming it is.” I sigh.

  “It’s a shame that we’ve had to struggle so hard to maintain peace the last few years.”


  Halfway down Main Street, we stop at a tiny café. A huge window display is filled with trays of baked goods. Two bistro tables are set outside in the sunshine. Both are currently empty since it’s between breakfast and lunch. I settle myself into a chair and Cobalt sits in the one across from me.

  As soon as my tea and Cobalt’s coffee arrive, I lean toward him.

  “I want to talk about the vampires,” I whisper, even though no one’s around. “I want to find them and stop them.”

  “We all do.” He places his hand over mine.

  “Do you have any theories as to where they might be hiding?”

  “Vampires and dragons aren’t as different as one might initially assume. If I were part of a secret vampire horde, I’d seek out a secluded cave. I told Kael and Bastian as much, though who knows if they listened.”

  “Bastian and I were in a cave not too long ago.”

  “Maybe the vampires were in there also.”

  “It was filled with bats.”

  We lock gazes and a chill shimmies down my spine. Were those bats shifted vampires?

  “That would be the first place I’d look,” Cobalt says. “But I wouldn’t go alone. If you want to
go back to that cave, I’ll come with you.”

  “I never want to return to that place.”

  “Then you don’t have to.”

  After we finish out brunch, he leans across the table and presses a gentle kiss to my lips.

  “What was that for?” I ask in a breathless tone as he pulls away.

  “You’re too lovely to resist.” He grins. “I hate to run, but I have to get back to the shop. If you decide to go hunting for vampires, call me first.”

  “I will,” I assure him.

  He looks back over his shoulder three times as he walks between the café and his shop. I smile and wave each time.

  Instead of heading directly home, I decide to stop at the Bonfire Falls Library, which is located on Main Street. I pick up a several volumes containing vampire lore. They may not be as accurate as the books in the Wolf Pack’s library, but I may be able to glean something from them. Perhaps I’ll find out more about Eleonore. I’m sure she’s the vampire we’re dealing with. Or at least one of them. I really hope it’s just her, and not an entire clan of vampires.

  Instead of tempting fate by investigating the cave on my own, I head toward Cobalt’s shop. He finds an overstuffed chair and drags it into the workroom so he can keep an eye on me. I open the first book and continue reading until the sun sinks low in the sky. Before nightfall, Bastian and Kael arrive at the shop.

  “Good, you’re all here.” I close a massive leather-bound tome and set it on the small table beside me. “I found some interesting information on Eleonore.”


  “She’s unbelievably ancient. So ancient that when she was in her prime, people were too afraid to even speak her name. For centuries, people used her story to terrify children into good behavior. I’m not sure why she’s been quiet for so long, but one thing is clear. Every text I’ve read has mentioned her obsession with power.”

  “That would explain why she’s after you,” Bastian says. “She’s probably trying to take your power.”

  “The question isn’t—why is she so power hungry? The question is—what are we going to do about it?” Kael insists. “I can take my pack out now and scour the forest until we find her. She may be powerful, but I don’t know of anything that can survive being torn apart by a wolf pack.”

  “No,” I protest. “I don’t want to put any more innocent people in harm’s way.”

  “We have to do something,” Kael says.

  “We can take her to the dragon village at the top of the mountain. There isn’t a more fortified place in all of Bonfire Falls,” Cobalt says.

  “The dragon elders will never let a wolf and a bear shifter into their stronghold. They haven’t let anyone in for centuries,” Bastian points out. “Although they did let that witch in recently.”

  “Ariadne,” I offer.

  “Yes, her. She married three dragons,” Kael says.

  “You’re right. They’ll never let you in, but we have to think about what’s safest for Azealia, and the dragon village is fortified and defendable,” Cobalt says.

  “We could set a trap at her cottage,” Kael says.

  “We moved her here because we couldn’t protect her at the cottage,” Cobalt says, exasperated.

  “Enough.” I close my eyes and lay my palms flat on the table. A headache pulses between my temples. “I can’t deal with any more arguments today. We’ll revisit this in the morning when we’re all rested.”

  The three men must read the tension on my face because they stop arguing almost immediately.

  “You’re right,” Bastian says. “We’ll think more clearly when we’re all calmer.”

  “Agreed,” Cobalt says. “She’ll stay with me.”

  “I’m staying too,” Bastian and Kael both say.

  “Take the bedroom again tonight,” Cobalt says. “I’ll sleep in the living room with the others. You need your rest. We’ll guard you while you sleep.”

  “Thank you,” I dip my head. “I’m going to bed. Please don’t fight tonight.”

  “We won’t,” Kael promises.

  “Of course not.” Bastian reaches out to squeeze my hand before I go back upstairs.

  As I prepare for bed, I just pray we’ll be able to go forward as a harmonious unit. None of us will be safe if they keep snapping at each other’s throats.

  I slip into a feverish dream. The dark, ghastly face of death peers at me from just outside the bedroom window. I struggle to pull away from the image, but I’m trapped.

  Magical bonds slither around my forearms and corset them together. I can’t move. I can hardly draw a breath. I open my mouth to scream. A small, strangled noise comes out right before a magical gag clamps across my mouth.

  The shadows come to life around me. I’m surrounded by vampire minions as silent as the night itself. I’m powerless to help myself as they gather me up and spirit me away.

  Chapter 16


  Morning sunlight slashes through the bedroom window. The glittering remnants of one of Azealia’s bracelets catch my eye. I carefully step toward it. After retrieving it from underneath the edge of the bed, I sniff it. The scent of death and decay assaults my nostrils. I jerk it away from my nose. The vampires. They took her.

  Down in the living room, Kael and Bastian are arguing about who’s to blame for Azealia’s disappearance. My nose wrinkles in disgust. Fighting will only waste time. We need to band together to rescue her.

  “No, man. This is your fault!” Bastian’s booming baritone blares out the window. “You were being an ass, and you drove her away.”

  “I was being an ass? Me? You’re crankier than a toddler!” Kael hollers.

  “Stop being such a little shit. You’re just as much to blame as the rest of us,” Bastian says.

  “No way. I was trying to protect her, and I was doing a good job until you and Cobalt decided to butt in,” Kael snaps.

  “She came to us because she knew you were too hot-headed to help her. You only think about yourself and what you want. What about what she wants?”

  It’s hard to tune the two of them out, especially since they haven’t stopped screaming since we discovered she was missing.

  I rearrange the broken pieces of bracelet into some semblance of their original configuration. If only it were so easy to fix broken relationships. I don’t know how any of us are going to get along if we can’t set aside our differences and come together for Azealia. She’s been clear about what she wants, and while I don’t exactly like it, I’d do anything for her. If they others aren’t willing to do the same, then they don’t deserve her.

  I carefully fold the broken pieces into a handkerchief and then shove it into my pocket. In order to abduct Azealia, someone would’ve needed to use some pretty potent magic. Why didn’t any of us sense it? Her abductor was stealthy enough to avoid our shifter senses, but how?

  Hopefully Azealia still has the tracker charm I gave her. She’s extremely intelligent, so she’ll know what to do with it so that I can find her. All I have to do is use my string magic. The only question now is—do I tell the two idiots downstairs?

  If I don’t tell them, they’ll be out of my way. If I do tell them, they might rush off halfcocked and ruin the element of surprise. These vamps are tricky. A direct attack will never work. We need to sneak up on them. I don’t know if Kael’s capable of stealth. Bastian, maybe, but I don’t want to risk her life by trusting them to keep their shit together long enough to save her.

  My decision is made for me when I hear the telltale snarls and growls of shifted beasts. I head downstairs in time to see Kael streak out of the front door on all fours. A second later, Bastian lopes behind, intent on catching the smaller beast.

  I glance out of the open door. They’re heading toward the woods near the edge of town. Good. At least I won’t have to deal with them directly. Hopefully they can work their bullshit out and come back united.


  Oh shit! They’re probably heading for the
cave. Bastian had found a cave filled with bats. The scent of death was strong there, and vampires can turn into bats, so naturally that would be the first place they would look.

  I can beat them to the cave if I shift and fly. It’s just one advantage I have over them.

  As I step outside, the shift begins. My flesh ripples and undulates as my dragon claws its way to the surface. The moment I take flight, I let out a roar which shakes the windows of the houses down the street. I beat my wings to gain altitude, and soon, I’m flying high over Bonfire Falls. The darkened streets flash by as I head toward the forest.

  When I spot Kael and Bastian in the woods, I buzz over their heads by a few feet. They both look up and snarl. I spot a clearing near the center of the woods. As I land there, my feet pound the earth. To make sure they notice me, I spread my wings and unleash a burst of flame toward the heavens.

  Both shifters screech to a halt in front of me.

  “Out of the way, fly boy.” Bastian brandishes his six-inch-long claws. “Azealia’s in danger, and I don’t mind going right through you to get to her.”

  “What’s with the fire?” Kael lowers his wolfen head to the ground and growls menacingly. “Do you want them to know we’re coming?”

  “You’re going in the wrong direction. Idiots,” I snap.

  Bastian cocks his head to the side and lets out a chuff.

  “How do you know that?” Kael asks.

  “Because, I gave Azealia a tracking necklace. I can use it to locate her no matter the distance. And it says you’re heading in the wrong direction.”

  “You gave Azealia jewelry?” Kael’s tone is heavy with both recrimination and jealousy Funny, considering he took her to bed first.

  “Let’s not make this another pissing contest, okay? If you two will give me a moment to cast a spell, I can lead us right to Azealia,” I say.

  “I suppose it’s better than blindly wandering around the woods,” Bastian says.

  While they settle on to their haunches, I close my eyes. I open myself beyond the four dimensions usually experienced by corporeal beings. I focus on the energy between the worlds. Every known color is represented here. In addition, there are a few that defy description. I focus on Azealia and locate a reddish umber strand. When I open my eyes, the beam isn’t so brilliant, but I can still detect it. I grunt when I realize that the path will take us toward Azealia’s cabin.


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