Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush

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Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush Page 9

by Sheri Lyn

  Bishop rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand and shrugged, “not like you have much to take, so we can grab it with him later. I’ve got the day off, so why don’t we go see what we need for the house and go shopping. It’ll be a nice surprise for Kohen too.”

  Shayde grinned, “Oh this is going to be fun. The first time we venture into town is because we’re all moving in together. The town is going to have a field day with this.”

  Bishop’s eyes widened, “Oh fucking hell.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  If anyone had told him he’d be so domesticated a week ago, he’d have laughed his ass off. But here he was, seeing a ten-year-old kid off to school as if he was his own. Shayde waited his turn as Kohen went down the line hugging each of them and getting reassurances they’d be there to pick him up after school.

  “You too, right Bishop?” Kohen scuffed his shoe against the ground instead of meeting his eyes. “You’ll come with them, right?”

  Bishop squatted down so he could see into Kohen’s eyes, “I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else. I can’t wait to hear how your first day went after all. And” He leaned closer so he could whisper, “We’ll have a surprise for you too.”

  Kohen grinned, turned, and ran up the walkway to the school. Right before he got to the door, he stopped, spun around, and waved once more.

  “Well, this looks domestic.”

  Bishop groaned as he heard that voice, “Chief.”

  Sebastian nodded as he continued walking by, “You guys have a good day, and don't worry I wasn’t the first to notice.”

  “Notice what?” Choal questioned, “Was it wrong that all three of us came? We all are taking care of him, so it made sense to me.” He hesitated and then glanced at Bishop, “That’s okay right, I mean, I know you’re not … that you don’t…. I mean….”

  Bishop knocked his shoulder into Choals as they began to walk, “You got it right. We are, he’s a special kid and I couldn't imagine walking away from him now. And they say it takes a village to raise a kid after all.”

  They’d only made it a few dozen feet before Bishop became aware of the stares and whispers. “Guys, don’t freak out, but we’re the topic of Black Hollow right now. It was bound to happen and it might be better that it’s now instead of with Kohen in tow. Let’s grab a coffee at Hell’s Brew and give everyone a chance to come talk to you. Then we can get to work.”

  Shayde nodded, “I could go for some coffee to go with my breakfast.” he waggled the napkin covered pastry Kohen had given him.

  “Coffee, I don’t like that stuff. It’s gross” Choal replied with a frown. “Do they have anything else to drink there?”

  “Don’t let King hear you say that,” Bishop called with a grin. “But trust me you have to try this, it’s nothing like you’ve had before. And if you don’t like it, don’t worry. They have other things too.”

  They managed to grab drinks and find a table before the first resident approached with a jovial smile, “Bishop,” Saroj called as he approached, “Do you mind if I interrupt? I’d love the chance to meet your friends and give them a proper welcome to town.”

  “Saroj, no hugs.” Bishop warned as he waved him closer, “But I’d like you to meet Choal and Shayde. Guys, this big goofball is Saroj, he owns the ice cream store.”

  “That’s me,” Saroj announced as he puffed out his chest in pride. “Best ice cream you’ll ever have. Come by and I’ll give you a free cone as a welcome to town present.”

  “Kohen would love that, maybe we’ll bring him by tonight after school.” Choal agreed happily. “And it’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things from Bishop about your shop.”

  Bishop sat back and watched as the two men were greeted by what he guessed to be half the town. He was ready to jump in, but they both handled it like champs, and the townsfolk behaved, for the most part.

  An hour and three cups of coffee later, and they were ready to get the shopping done and hide from the well-meaning residents grilling them. “Well guys, you ready. We’ve got a lot to do before we pick the squirt from school after all.” Bishop asked as he stood and grabbed their cups.

  “So where do we go to get what we need?” Shayde asked as he waved goodbye to the few patrons watching them.

  “I have some basic stuff at my apartment we can grab, but furniture we’ll have to buy online or see what Seraphine’s shop has in stock. You guys have anything you want to bring from your… uh…. Place, realm... Uh, what do you call it?”

  “Home, we called it home.” Choal offered with a wink, “But the only things we have are clothes for the most part.”

  “Guys,” Shayde interrupted as they started walking down the sidewalk heading towards the town square. “I think people are catching on that we’re gonna be living together. Those people were listening and they started whispering and I even saw one run to …. A troll… I think and whisper to him.”

  “It was bound to happen anyway, just ignore it. That’s part of the price of living in a small town, you’ll get used to it.” Bishop huffed out a laugh. “By the time we get to Seraphines shop, the whole town will know about it.”

  As they walked, Bishop pulled out his cell and shot a text off to Johnny inviting him over to meet the guys, and help them move in. Dinner and a cold beer would be the payment. They’d just crossed Yeti Way and were heading down Main Street to Seraphines shop when his phone binged with a reply.

  “Good news guys, my friend Johnny is going to come help us move what furniture we have. And I invited him to stay for dinner as a thank you. That cool with you?”

  Shayde and Choal both agreed and Bishop felt relieved. He knew tonight was still going to be a bit awkward even if only on his part. His friend with benefits and the two guys he was interested in, all together in the same house. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all, he thought as he pulled open the door to the shop and waved the guys inside.

  “Um….” Choal hesitated just inside the doorway. “What is this place?”

  “Today it’s Seraphine’s Emporium.” Bishop read out loud, “Tomorrow it’ll be something else. This shop changes to fit the needs of the residents of Black Hollow. We needed a place to buy stuff for the house, and here it is.”

  “But, how did she know what we’d need?” Shayde demanded as his eyes swept around the room in awe. “This is surreal as hell.”

  “Magic, my dear boys. How else would it happen?” Seraphine announced as she came into view. “Now, which room do we want to start filling first?”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “Are you sure this is what he’d want?” Bishop held up the bright colored bedspread with the dogs in costumes on it. “This seems kinda ….. Uh…. immature for him. He’s not a normal ten-year-old after all.”

  Shayde shrugged, “hell if I know. I just assumed kids loved dogs. You pick it out then.”

  Bishop grunted as he searched the selection and picked up a black one to hold up in triumph, “This one is perfect. It’s a cartoon, but it’s Star Wars. So it’s freaking cool as hell. He’ll love it.”

  “Sure.” Shayde nodded as he took a step to the side to look at the bigger comforters, “Should we see if it comes in a humongous size for your bed since you’re so taken with it?”

  “Guys, check these out.” Choal barreled around the corner holding up a box. “You use these little blocks and stick them together to make a building or a car or all kinds of things. How cool is this?”

  “I used to love those as a kid.” Bishop pushed the comforter into Shayde’s arms so he could grab the box. “Dude, are there more? We have to get these. Kohen will love them.”


  “How are we going to get all this back to the house?” Shayde exclaimed as he scowled at Bishop and Choal. “You two are banned from ever going shopping together again. You’re both just lucky the house is big enough to hold everything you’ve bought.”

  “Don’t worry, help will be here shortly,” Seraphine cal
led as she finished ringing up their purchases.

  Bishop narrowed his eyes at the older woman, “What help would that be exactly? I was going to call Johnny and the pack…. “

  Seraphine smirked, “Well, now you don’t have to. And don’t give me that look, I had nothing to do with this part….for once….. They did it all on their own.”

  “Who did...” Bishop frowned. He had a sinking feeling he knew but prayed to whatever gods were listening he was wrong.

  Seraphine smirked but didn’t say a word, which told him he was right. Bishop signed, “Guys, let me apologize in advance for what is about to happen.”

  Before they could ask questions, the bell over the door rang, “Bishop, we heard you guys might need a hand.”

  “Choal, Shayde, I’d like you to meet the ‘Rainbow Squad’.” Bishop waved at the group grinning in the doorway with resignation. “I’d introduce you, but there’s a bunch of them, so I’ll let them handle that.” Bishop tilted his head back and grunted out a laugh, “Okay, Rainbow Squad, this is Choal and that’s Shayde. Since you’re here I assume you know what’s going on?”

  “Yup,” Kian moved to the front of the group. “You’re moving in together.”

  Bishop gulped, “Yes, but not how it sounds, Alpha.”

  “I’m Blake, rumor has it you’ll be moving in on the street behind us, we’ll practically be neighbors.” She offered her hand and a warm smile. “And for the record,” she glared at the group around her. “Lesbians get picked on about bringing u-hauls to the first date, but these guys aren’t even dating, yet.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Shayde nodded, “But I don’t get your reference at all.”

  “We can do the meet and greet while we work,” Jonathan called as he pushed to the front of the group. “I’m the token straight one of the group.” He laughed as his twin Jason pushed him with a roll of his eyes. “How much stuff is at your apartment that you need to grab. That way we can set up a game plan.”

  Bishop hesitated a moment as he met the eyes of each of the members of the rainbow squad. Did he want them helping, could he deny it without offending them, and was it his right to deny Shayde and Choal the opportunity to make friends. He was saved a reply for the moment as the bell chimed alerting them to another customer entering the store. He smiled in relief as he saw Johnny gaping in astonishment.

  “Hey, thanks for coming.” Bishop jumped forward and pulled him to the guys. “Shayde, Choal this is Johnny Star, he owns Johnny Stars Beats and Eats. A restaurant with live entertainment, unlike anything you’ve ever seen.”

  “Nice to finally meet you. Bishop told me a lot about you guys.” Johnny pulled Shayde into a back-pounding hug, before doing the same to Choal.

  Bishop covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to hide his smile when he saw the terrified look on Choal’s face.

  “Uh… yeah.” Choal choked out, “Nice to meet you too.”

  Johnny stepped back and laughed, “Sorry, that was probably too much for you, wasn’t it? I’m a hugger if you couldn’t tell.”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Teagen moved to stand beside them with a quizzical look on her face. “Kian just pulled the truck up to the door and we’re ready to start loading, is that cool?”

  Bishop nodded in resignation, “Oh, yeah, um, sure. Go ahead.”

  Teagen shot him a questioning look, “Okay, good.”

  “Johnny, can you be in charge of getting the stuff from my place? Since you’ll know what’s mine and what came with the apartment.”

  “Yeah, man.” Johnny agreed with a big grin.

  “We’ll go with you and help you grab everything.” Tristan offered with a wave to Cailean, “Do we need more than the three of us?”

  “I’ll come too,” Zander stepped forward. “They’ve got this handled here without me.”

  Johnny gave Bishop a side-armed hug, “We got this. We’ll meet you back at the new place.”


  “This is the last of it right?” Cade begged as he carried in a box full of stuff from Seraphine’s shop four hours later. “Can we take a break and have a beer. I think we’ve earned that at least.”

  Bishop grunted as he lowered the end of the coffee table he’d been carrying in and nodded. “Yeah, it’s about time to pick Kohen up anyway. You guys want to stay and chill, we can grill out to say thank you for all your help.”

  Choal nodded eagerly as he moved up beside Bishop, “Yeah it’s time. I don’t want to be late and give him time to freak out. But cooking out sounds so good.”

  “If you guys don’t mind.” Johnny called out as he picked up a box, “I’ll sort some of this stuff into the correct rooms instead of in the middle of the living room.”

  “Yeah, I’ll help.” Blake offered as she grabbed a box too. “Just need to know which room belongs to who…..”

  Bishop closed his eyes and hung his head. He’d known this is what they all wanted to know in the first place, but he’d been avoiding it. They’d pounce on Shayde and Choal sharing a room and invite them into the group. He knew he was being stupid about it, but he couldn’t help but feel left out.

  “We’re not sure which room Kohen has picked yet.” Choal offered when the silence had gone on too long.

  “Oh.” Silver grinned as he bit his lip and smiled, “But what about your stuff? Bishop’s and Shayde’s too? Where do we put that stuff?”

  “Well, Choal and I are waiting to see which room Kohen doesn’t take. The other will be ours. Bishop has the main bedroom though, so his stuff can be moved right away.”

  “Actually.” Bishop called out, “I was thinking it makes more sense for you guys to take the big room and I’ll take the smaller one. There’s two of you and only one of me.”

  The Rainbow Squad’s heads pinged back and forth as they bantered over the room placement. Shayde was adamant it wasn’t right and Bishop was just as insistent that it was the right choice.

  “Okay, it’s settled.” Teagen hollered with her hands raised in a stop motion. “Shayde, it makes sense, Bishop we’ve got this. Now you all need to go, Kohen is waiting.”

  The three of them nodded their thanks and left the house. He kind of felt bad for leaving Johnny behind, but not enough so that he was going back and inviting him along. This was the first day they were picking the squirt up from his first day of school. It was weird but it was a big deal for all of them. Almost like they were a real family, going to pick up their kid from school.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “There he is.” Shayde pointed at the thin boy leaping out the school doors at a dead run with the biggest smile he’d ever seen on his face.

  “I’d say today was a success for him then.” Bishop agreed.

  “Hey, guys.” Kohen raced up to them and wrapped them in a group hug.

  Shayde laughed as he and Bishop took the cue and wrapped their much larger arms around the four of them so Kohen could have his hug. “Take it you had a good day?”

  Kohen threw his head back and laughed, “It was awesome. Thank you guys so much for bringing me here. I made some friends and learned so much. My teacher was great, and it was so cool not to have to hide anything. I love it here and I love you guys.”

  Shayde froze as he heard those words, he glanced between Bishop who smirked, and Choal who had the same wide-eyed stare he probably had.

  “We love you too, buddy,” Bishop assured Kohen.

  “Yup,” Choal agreed as Shayde said, “Sure do.”

  Shayde pulled back from the group hug and shuffled his feet nervously as he became aware of the numerous sets of eyes on them. “You ready to go home? You never told us which of the rooms you wanted for your own, so we haven’t finished moving in yet.”

  “And there’s lots of people at the house excited to meet you and help you get set up perfectly.” Bishop agreed quickly. “I bet by the time it’s bedtime, with their help you could have your whole room unpacked and organized.”

  Kohen frowned, “But I don’t have
much. Just some clothes, why would it take me that long?”

  Shayde smiled down at him, “What he failed to mention to you, was that we went shopping today. You’ve got a lot of surprises waiting at home for you.”

  “I love good surprises.” Kohen giggled as he grabbed for Bishop and Shayde’s hands and started walking.

  Shayde wasn’t sure he was ever going to get used to that feeling, he thought as he stared down at the small hand clasped in his. The kid blindly trusted them and loved them. It was a heady feeling he didn’t want to give up. Especially not when the kid was going on and on about the new house and the fun they'd all have together. And how he told his friends at school that he had a permanent family now.

  That probably should have scared him, but as he watched Bishop and Choal interact with Kohen he could only smile and nod his agreement. This was just about perfect, it would only be better if they were all together and not just living together as roommates.

  Kohen talked the whole walk back to the house, Shayde couldn’t remember most of the conversation he’d been so lost in his head, but he didn’t think anyone else had noticed luckily.

  “Hey, you’re back,” Kian called as soon as they entered the house. “And you must be Kohen.” He offered his hand in greeting. “We’ve been waiting to meet you.”

  Kohen’s eyes got big as he took in all the smiling faces standing around. “Hi.” He waved with a bashful smile. “I’m Kohen, it’s nice to meet you all.”

  “We’ve been waiting on you to tell us which room is yours, big guy.” Jason squatted down so they were on eye level. “I’m Jason, don’t tell him.” He pointed to Jonathan standing to the side, “But I’m the nice twin.”

  Kohen giggled and nodded, “I’ll show you.” He took Jason’s hand as soon as he stood up and pulled him out of the living room.

  “About that.” Zander rubbed the back of his neck, “We were going to start organizing the kid’s clothes on hangers just to get them up and out of the way and we noticed that the smaller bedroom doesn’t really have a closet per se. It’s more shelving and storage.”


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