Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush

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Black Hollow: Beating Around the Bush Page 10

by Sheri Lyn

  “Yeah, so we made an executive decision.” Silver continued. “The closet in the main bedroom is huge….”

  Cade picked up the pause and finished their sentence. “We moved your clothes in there Bishop. So the three of you will share it.”

  Shayde could feel his face heat up as Bishop groaned beside him. Choal for all his innocence smiled and said, “Seems pretty smart to me. There’s plenty of room after all.”

  “Is there any other ‘executive’ decisions that were made that we should be made aware of?” Bishop asked with a roll of his eyes.

  “Not really, we just got started, didn’t want to do much until we were sure where everything was going,” Teagan replied as she walked by carrying another box. “Why don’t you guys work on putting your kitchen to rights, while we work on Kohen’s room and putting some of your other furniture together?”

  Shayde nodded as he watched their new friends efficiently sort and arrange the stuff they’d spent the last few hours unloading. The kitchen wasn’t large enough for all three of them, and since Bishop was the only one who knew how to cook, Shayde was content to stand by and do what he was told. If he was honest, it was hot to watch Choal and Bishop work side by side as they were.

  “Hey, since you’re not doing anything and it’s getting a bit late, why don’t you come help me start the grill up,” Kian called to Shayde.

  “Alpha, just be aware he’s never used a grill,” Bishop called from his place inside one of the bottom cabinets.

  “You’re staring.” Silver whispered as he walked up beside Shayde and dropped a box off in the laundry room. “He does have a nice ass, so I can’t blame you. Just don’t tell Cade I said that.”

  Shayde groaned as he turned and raced out back in the hopes no one else would see the blush he was sure to be wearing. Thank the gods Kian wanted company….outside...away from the others smirking looks.

  An hour later and he wasn’t sure if he’d made the right choice after all. Kian was a nosy bastard from hell, who’d spent the whole time grilling him about everything and anything he could think of. He wasn’t stupid, he knew the ‘Rainbow Squad’ would know everything by bedtime that night, but he just hoped it wouldn’t go past them.

  As they carried the platters of hot dogs and hamburgers inside, Shayde had to stop and stare in shocked amazement at the transformation the house had undergone in such a short time. It was almost completely put together and looked inviting and warm. That could be in part because it was full of people standing and sitting around, drinking and laughing. Or it could be the warm look Choal gave him, or the heated lustful one Bishop offered.

  Everyone ate, talked, and laughed and generally got to know each other. He was laughing with Cailean about some of the things that he’d experienced since coming to Black Hollow when they were interrupted.

  “Better get your boy,” Cade said as he came up to stand beside him. “He’s over there asking Jason what it feels like to kiss someone.”

  What?” Shade yelped as he spun around to find Choal, “Tell me you’re not serious?”

  Bishop groaned, “That talk we were supposed to have, I think it's a bit overdue.”

  “I’ll be right back,” Shayde called out as he headed over to the kitchen and grabbed Choals’ arm. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure,” Choal agreed. “What’s up?”

  “Just a minute.” Shayde muttered as he caught Bishop’s eye and nodded toward the laundry room.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Bishop followed them in and pulled the door shut and moved to stand against the wall opposite from where Shayde leaned against the washing machine.

  Shayde sighed as Choal stood there waiting, hands on hips, eyebrows raised in a what did you want to talk about manner.

  “What were you talking to Jason about?” Shayde finally asked.

  Bishop quirked his eyebrow and smirked at Shayde, before turning his attention back to Choal, “Yes, please tell us.”

  “I was curious what it was like to kiss someone. Why?”

  Shayde’s head dropped backward as he groaned out loud.

  “You can’t ask people things like that. They’ll think you’re giving them an invitation.” Bishop explained patiently.

  “An invitation to what?” Choal threw his hands up in exasperation.

  “Sex.” Bishop and Shayde announced at the same time.

  Choal cocked his head to the side in confusion, “What does kissing have to do with sex? In the movies, they don’t kiss.”

  “Gods help us,” Bishop muttered as he moved to stand in front of Shayde. “Come here.”

  Shayde leaned forward without hesitation as he licked his lips, making Bishop grin. He loved that this man was so responsive to his commands.

  “Choal.” Bishop called softly. “Come over here next to me.”

  Shayde groaned at the command. Bishop smirked as he scanned Shayde’s body and saw the proof of just how much he loved being dominated.

  “Why?” Choal asked as he moved to stand where he was told without question.

  “You want to know what a kiss feels like. Watch closely and you’ll see.”

  Bishop watched as Shayde’s eyes flicked to Choal before coming back to rest on Bishop where he whispered a quiet ‘yes’. Bishop loved this feeling, of watching such a strong man, give in and accept what he needed without hesitation. “Good boy.” He whispered before speaking louder for Choals benefit. “Choal, see how his eyes are dilated, his breathing is raspy and shallow. See how hard….” Bishop flicked his eyes downward for a moment before continuing, “He’s trying to be patient.”

  Choal moved closer and nodded, “I see.”

  Bishop leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to Shayde’s slightly parted lips, before pulling back just slightly. “Kiss me, baby.”

  Shayde didn’t have to be told twice, much to Bishop’s delight. The taste of his lips pressed against his, the tentative way his tongue traced along Bishop’s bottom lip was intoxicating. He leaned and groaned. He wasn’t so far gone that he didn’t notice when Choal tried to take a step back, he quickly reached out and fisted the front of his shirt and pulled him close as he closed his eyes and lost himself in the kiss.

  Bishop sighed as he slowly pulled back, releasing Shayde’s mouth. “Let him see, baby. Show Choal, no more hiding.” He whispered as he planted soft kisses to his jaw.

  “Knock, Knock,” A voice called as the door was pushed open far enough for Jonathan to put his head through. “Shit, sorry to interrupt. But be glad it’s me. Some of the gang is ready to go, and I thought I should warn you before they come and see…. Well, this.” he gestured to Shayde.

  Bishop pulled back and surveyed the scene and smirked, “Yup, you’re right.” He agreed with pride as Shayde sat there in a lust-induced haze. “Thanks, man, appreciate that.”

  Choal nodded but kept shooting them looks that Bishop wasn’t sure how to interpret just yet. “Let’s go say goodbye.” Bishop gently turned Choal and pulled Shayde up and away from the washing machine. “Walk, baby. Then we can continue this….discussion with Choal.”

  He didn’t miss the knowing glance Jason and Jonathan shared as they entered the living room. But thankfully nothing was said at that moment to embarrass anyone. “You guys are leaving?” Bishop questioned as he glanced around.

  “Well, Cade and Silver are. They’re a bit antsy to get home….” Tristan admitted with an exaggerated wink. “And I think Jonathan was heading out as well, right?”

  “Yeah, I have some things I need to do at the clinic and then I’m heading home to relax a bit.” Jonathan agreed as he offered his hand to Bishop, Shayde, and Choal. “It was a pleasure meeting you two, and helping the three of you move into this next chapter of your lives.”

  Bishop sighed but didn’t bother to say anything. Not that there was much he could say after what he’d seen a few minutes ago. Even if they hadn’t been doing anything when Jonathan had opened the door, he wasn’t an idiot.
/>   “Where’s Johnny?” Bishop asked as he looked around and noticed his friend missing for the first time. He waved goodbye to the group leaving as he waited for someone to explain.

  “He got a call.” Blake offered, then hesitated… “Actually I’ve been wanting to ask you about that. You and him and the odd treatment you’ve both been giving us since we showed up.”

  “Can we do that later?” Bishop pleaded, “I need to do something and it really can’t wait.”

  Blake studied him for a moment before nodding, “Fine. But tomorrow be at Stoney’s at two p.m. sharp and be ready to talk.”

  Bishop scowled but nodded his agreement, before moving off to make a call of his own. He wouldn’t be able to relax until he knew all was good with Johnny. This was the second time he’d gotten a call and disappeared without an explanation.

  The next hour was torture as the last of the Rainbow Squad hung out and made small talk. Finally, it was time for Kohen to say goodnight and go to bed. Not that he wanted the kid gone, but he was hoping it would be an incentive to get the rest of the bastards out of the house.

  “Kohen, time for you to get ready for bed. You all set for school tomorrow?” Bishop waited as Kohen nodded a yes, “Good,” he pulled the kid into a one-armed hug. “Tell everyone good night squirt.”

  “I think that’s our que.” Tristan said with a yawn. “Thanks for dinner and it was great getting to know you both.”

  The rest of the group followed suit and within minutes the house was quiet. Bishop let out a sigh of relief as he flopped backward on the couch. “What a day.”

  “Goodnight, I love you guys,” Kohen called.

  Bishop smiled and said good night as he watched the kid disappear into his room. He turned in time to see Shayde shift from foot to foot and glance at Choal wearily.

  Shayde caught his eye, “Let me guess, it’s time for that talk?”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Why did you say it like that?” Choal questioned as he studied Shayde. “Why would talking make you so uncomfortable?”

  Bishop snickered, as Shayde grimaced, “It’s not the talking really, it’s more the subject matter.” Shayde finally replied with a resigned sigh. “Why did you ask what it felt like to kiss?”

  Choal shrugged, “I was curious. You guys looked like you were enjoying it and then all day today I saw people hugging, kissing, and doing a bunch of other little things that seemed to bring pleasure to the other.”

  “I’m afraid to ask what other things you saw,” Bishop interjected as he sat forward and met Choals’ eyes.

  “Like Cailean winked at Tristan and he blushed. And when Cade … uh… patted I guess you’d say Silver’s butt. Silver glared at him and said later before giving him a kiss.”

  “Okay, yeah… that’s…,” Shayde paused, licked his lips, and glanced around. “Why don’t we move this to the other room, so that we don’t disturb Kohen. I don’t want him hearing things he shouldn’t at his age.”

  Choal nodded and stood up, he led the way to their bedroom. He figured this would give them privacy the guys seemed to want. Though he didn’t understand what the big deal was in the first place. He glanced around the room before moving to sit on the end of the bed. There wasn’t anywhere else to sit, and he was tired. It’d been a long day already.

  “Move over and sit against the headboard.” Bishop nudged Choal. “This way we can all sit and it gives us a backrest.”

  “Plus, I won’t have to stare at him and make this more awkward.” Shayde mumbled as he climbed up on the bed from the other side.

  “So….” Choal began with a shrug. “What exactly is it we need to talk about? I’m a little confused on that part. I mean, I get it, no asking people about the kissing thing, right?”

  Bishop nudged his shoulder against Choal, “Well, it’s more like wait until you’re interested in someone to do that. But no that’s not what we’re here to discuss, well not exactly.” Bishop leaned forward to look at Shayde, “Talk, big man.”

  “Okay, so…” Shayde paused, licked his lips, and blew out a big breath. “You mentioned that you’d seen porn, and know that humans have sex. The other day you asked if I’d ever done it, remember?”

  Choal nodded, “Yeah I remember it wasn’t that long ago, and you never did answer me.”

  “That’s the thing, just because we’re psychopomps doesn’t mean we can’t do pretty much everything humans can do, including sex.” Shayde explained.

  “You’re stalling,” Bishop announced with a chuckle. “For the record, I’ve had sex and I love it.”

  Choal nodded slowly, “So, that means I can have sex and find out myself what it feels like. Instead of watching it on TV and wondering?”

  “Yes.” Shayde nodded vigorously. “And yes, I can say from experience that it’s pretty fucking amazing.”

  “Is that why you spend so much time on the human realm?” Choal exclaimed in surprise. “You’re always coming here when you’re off duty. Why didn’t you ever take me with you? I’d like to have experienced sex too.”

  Bishop choked back a laugh as Shayde groaned softly. “It’s not that easy, Choal.”

  “It isn’t? Porn sure makes it look like that.” Choal paused as he thought about all the videos he’d seen. “Yeah, they just meet up and start having sex. I’m sure of it.”

  “Bishop, if you don’t stop laughing I’m going to hurt you.” Shayde growled. “Choal, porn is staged, it’s not real. The people having sex aren’t in a relationship, some of the time they’ve only met just before they start filming. It’s a job to them, nothing more.”

  “So,” Choal scrunched up his face as he summarized, “Anyone can have sex is what you’re saying, but it’s not available on every street corner.”

  “Well,” Bishop started to say before he was cut off with a look from Shayde.

  “Well, what?” Choal demanded. “Shayde stop that, Bishop tell me what you were going to say.”

  Bishop hesitated for a moment before sighing, “There are some people that work in clubs or on actual street corners, where you can pay them for sex or sexual acts.” Bishop turned so he was facing Choal. “There’s one thing you have to understand. Porn is sex, but there’s something so much better than sex out there. It’s called intimacy. When people who have feeling for each other have … well… sex. It’s different.”

  Shayde shook his head, “Yeah that cleared it up.”

  “Well, you try, then asshole,” Bishop growled in frustration. “It’s not easy to explain.

  “Choal, babe.” Shayde froze as the word slipped out, “Uh…”

  Choal cocked his head and smiled, “What?”

  “You know how Silver and Cade and Cailean and Tristan were acting with each other today. The touches, looks, and gestures they’d share with each other.”


  “That’s because they love each other, care about one another and it gives them a deeper attachment, so when they do have sex… it’s more meaningful and um… I guess you could say they enjoy it more.”

  Choal frowned as he studied the two men, “So you’re telling me that sex is better when in a relationship, but you’ve both had it without being in one? That doesn’t make sense to me. Why wouldn’t you just find someone you like and do it with them then?”

  “This is getting complicated.” Bishop acknowledged with a sigh of regret. “Okay, so there’s a thing called lust. Where you see someone and you just want a quick, meaningless fuck, that’s where that comes in. Sex is great even without having a connection, it feels good, relieves stress, and helps you sleep. But when it’s with someone or someone’s that you care about, that you’ve gotten to know and love; you learn what they like and how to pleasure them, how to make them squirm and moan your name. It’s an intoxicating feeling.”

  “So, when you two were kissing this morning? Which one was that?” Choal bit his lip to hide his laugh as he felt the tension that radiated off both men. He wasn’t totally stupid
, he knew porn was a show like everything else on TV. But that didn’t mean the people weren’t enjoying themselves. They looked and sounded like they were, after all. “What does it feel like…? I do you know…….” Choal trailed off as he tried to figure out how to ask what he wanted to know.

  “Are you asking what sex feels like or …. Uh….” Shayde hedged as he cringed and looked to Bishop with a pleading expression.

  “Or are you asking how you know you want to have sex?” Bishop finished with a perplexed shrug. “You need to be more specific, we’re guessing at what you’re asking, here.”

  “How…” Choal hesitated, closed his eyes, and tried again, “Yes, how do you know you want sex? What made you two kiss? How did you guys know the other was enjoying it?”

  He could feel his face flame in embarrassment, but he was really curious. When he’d watched porn he’d had a few odd feelings, but it wasn’t enough that he wanted to explore it. But this morning watching them kiss, he’d gotten stronger feelings. Things he wasn’t sure were normal since it’d never happened to him before.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Shayde shifted on the bed as he tried to come up with a response to Choal’s question without making a fool of himself. This was not a position he’d ever thought he’d find himself in. “I kissed Bishop because I’m attracted to him.” He finally answered hoping it would be enough, but deep down knowing it wouldn’t be.

  “Choal have you ever been attracted to anyone? Ever feel a stirring in your…. Stomach or lower. Craved to touch them, taste their lips and hold them close to you?” Bishop asked as he adjusted himself on the bed so he was laying down and facing Choal.

  “See.” Shayde interjected as he mirrored Bishop’s position. “When I see Bishop, I feel like that. It’s almost like a physical ache.”

  “Maybe, yeah,” Choal admitted after a moment’s silence. “But how do I know they would reciprocate those feelings? I still don’t get how you two knew the other wanted the same thing. That you wanted each other.”


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