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Hex to the No

Page 5

by Constance Barker

  Two seats? What is he saying...who else is missing? Lilith’s curiosity and detective instincts made her legs move on their own as she followed Deacon Thorne and Harrison Midnight.

  Harrison Midnight pressed his hand against the middle of one of the double doors that led to the high table’s meeting room. A glowing orange outline appeared around it followed by the click of the lock disengaging. Slowly the door swung open.

  This is my chance if I can just speed my way past them in there...

  “Please think about it Mr. Midnight. I’m going to go back to coven headquarters to see if there’s any progress in the search for Armando.” Deacon Thorne was about to leave when Harrison Midnight stopped him by grabbing him by the arm.

  “No. I think it’s best you come with. The other members of the table should hear about Marcus Blackward’s death from the man who tried to save his life.”

  Lilith stopped breathing. Her legs felt weak underneath her. Both of her green eyes were wide, body trembling. Marcus Blackward’s death?

  “Of course.” Deacon Thorne followed Harrison Midnight inside.

  That’s not...he has to be lying. Right? There’s no way, father’s No, no, this isn’t, there has to be some kind of mistake. Lilith stood there, tears rolling down her cheeks in shock as the door to the high table meeting room slowly closed.

  At the last minute Lilith managed to snap herself out of it and ran into the high table meeting room before the doors closed. She was too upset to appreciate the sheer beauty of the space.

  Paintings from history’s masters lined the walls of the hexagon shaped high table meeting room. They hung next to statues of chimeras at each corner. The ceiling above was open to a perfect night sky, shooting stars and everything.

  In the middle of the room was the high table itself. The majority of it was carved out of ivory and onyx, delicate yet strong. Installed into the floor there were no legs, the bottom appeared as a large tree trunk with vines running up the side. On top was a large slab of marble with a map of not only Devil’s End but Southern California, in the center.

  Lighting the room were floated balls of fire above bronze arms jutting out from the wall. Against one wall was a door that would’ve caught Lilith’s attention if not for the bombshell that just obliterated her.

  Etched into the top of the high table were roman numerals from one to five. Harrison Midnight sat down in the chair by the number two. There were two other high table members there.

  Tabitha Talon, matriarch of the Talon family, whom by default always had a seat, sat by the roman numeral one. She was skinny, looked to be in her mid fifties. Her facial features were sharp, almost harsh. Her black dress looked plain but cost more than most witches or warlock’s houses. Most knew her as “One Eye Talon”, but never to her face. This was due to her only having, well, one eye that almost glowed red. That was not due to illness or injury but choice. All magic especially the most powerful forms came with a price.

  Lisabeth Essex, matriarch of the Essex family and mother to Sterling and Amadeus Essex, sat across from Tabitha Talon at roman numeral five. She was elderly and looked frail. But looks can and in this case were deceiving. The no nonsense woman was as strong as an ox with a will to match. There was good reason she was chosen over her husband to not only represent her clan but the coven.

  Deacon Thorne stood next to Harrison Midnight with a put on solemn look on his face. Lilith in her confusion, grief and growing rage wanted to rip his always insincere face off.

  “Thank you all for coming. Unfortunately this meeting was called under the worst and most tragic of circumstances,” said Harrison Midnight.

  “Is this about Armando?” asked Tabitha Talon. “Has he been found?”

  “No he has not. Not yet at least but I’ve been assured by the coven police that they are doing everything in their power to find him. As soon as he is found, which rest assured he will be, we will be notified. But no, the tragedy I speak of does not have to do with Armando but has to do with another one of our members who’s absence I’m sure you’ve noticed.”

  “Marcus Blackward? Where is he?” asked Lisabeth. Her voice was nearly as unpleasant as her demeanor.

  “This, as I’m sure you all know is Deacon Thorne of the Thorne clan, a very important and trusted family in Devil’s End. Deacon, please tell them what you told me.” Harrison presented Deacon Thorne to the rest of the high table.

  “Thank you Mr. Midnight,” Deacon Thorne nodded at Harrison Midnight then turned to the other two.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t listen to this,” Lilith heard OLG’s voice in her head.

  I have to. Lilith’s lip quivered as she wrung her hands nervously. Part of her hoped she heard wrong at first and that nothing had happened to her father. Evil or not he was her dad and she did love him.

  “Earlier tonight I got a call from Alizia Blackward pleading for me to come over to Blackward Manor.” Deacon started walking around the table. “ I inquired as to why she needed me to come at such a late hour. She told me that it was an emergency and didn’t elaborate much past that.

  “So, seeing that Alizia is a good friend and such a valued member of this coven, I agreed to come over. My driver, Klaus, sped me over to the manor as quickly as possible. And when I got there, well my friends, I couldn’t believe, no I didn’t want to believe what I found.”

  “And what exactly is the nature of your ‘friendship’ with Mrs. Blackward?” asked Lisabeth Essex. “We’ve heard...rumors that it might have been inappropriate considering she’s a married woman.”

  “I’ve known Alizia since we were children. I admit I do harbor love for her but no different than a brother has for a sister.”

  You slimy...he had something to do with this. I know it. Deacon’s every word filled Lilith with anger. It was terrible that her father had died but the fact that it was Deacon Thorne reporting the news made it so much worse.

  “Your relationship with Mrs. Blackward aside, please continue,” said Tabitha Talon.

  “When I arrived, Alizia met me at the door.”

  “She met you at the door? What happened to her man servant, what was his name? The man made of stone?” asked Lisabeth. Being skeptical was second nature to an Essex. Which was why they historically ran the inquisitor service within the coven.

  “Sir Kain? I’m not sure. He disappeared about a month ago alongside Alizia’s daughter Lilith. She’s believed to have finally run away from the coven after failing her judgment. After all she was not truly a witch. That kind of shame must’ve been hard to bare. “

  “Enough theorizing about her daughter. What did Alizia call you over for?” Tabitha Talon stared at and examined Deacon Thorne with her one glowing red eye.

  “Sorry. As I was saying, Alizia led me to their dining room. And there he was on the floor, dead. It looked as if he had a heart attack or had succumbed to some manner of illness during his dinner. Whatever the case, Marcus Blackward has died.”

  There was a brief silence as the members of the high table digested what they were just told. From their body language, Lilith could tell that they didn’t necessarily buy Deacon’s story. Nor did she. Everything about him just screamed for someone not to trust him.

  “He died at dinner?” asked Tabitha.

  “Was he checked? He died at dinner? Did anyone make sure he wasn’t poisoned?” Lisabeth Essex sat up in her chair.

  “Of course. I called the coven police and had Detective Theodus come over and ch-”

  “Detective Theodus? Last I checked you two were very close,” pointed out Lisabeth Essex.

  “We are.”

  “Why is he not here with you?” Lilith couldn’t tell for sure but it looked like Tabitha Talon’s eye changed size from bigger to smaller as it focused on Deacon Thorne.

  They don’t believe him. Thank God they don’t believe him. The events of the last couple months understandably caused Lilith to lose faith in the coven’s power structure. But it looked like, for once, a
member of the Cold Dawn would pay for their crimes.

  “He couldn’t make it. But I assure you I will have him present his report to this table as quickly as possible.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. Thorne but that’s just not good enough. Too many things don’t add up.” Lisabeth Essex shifted into full attack mode.

  “It’s best if you don’t resist. You’re not under arrest, yet.” Tabitha Talon stood up.

  “This is all just a misunderstanding, I assure you Mrs. Talon, Mrs. Essex. But I get it. Really I do. I’d be suspicious too.” Deacon Thorne was calm.

  Why is he so calm? What is he up to? Lilith knew something was wrong. Deacon Thorne was a powerful warlock and arrogant but even he must’ve known he couldn’t take on two high table members. That was especially true in the case of Tabitha Talon and Lisabeth Essex. Either one alone could handle him, two at the same time, she couldn’t think of a single witch who could withstand them. So why wasn’t he nervous?

  “I can clear this all up,” assured Deacon Thorne.

  “I hope you can but for righ-, what is that?” Tabitha’s glowing red eye suddenly got wide. Then she stopped talking. In fact she stopped moving all together.

  “Do you mean that odd tight feeling throughout your body? Takes a bit getting used to really,” asked Deacon Thorne with a wicked smile.

  “What have you done?” Lisabeth Essex couldn’t move either. She’d never felt it before, being helpless. But her mouth still worked and that’s all she needed to magic her way out of the situation. “Kaerb-” Then her mouth stopped obeying her mind and didn’t budge.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” Someone walked into the meeting room. Lilith looked over and saw a young man in a flannel shirt, long tied back black hair and sneakers on walk in. She didn’t know him but knew he wasn’t a member of the high table. So how did he just stroll in like he owned the place? “Can’t have either of you talking anymore. At least not with your own words. Hey what’s up dude, sorry I’m late.” The young slacked looking man waved at Deacon Thorne.

  “You sure took your time Amadeus. I was about to be skewered by the cyclops.” Deacon Thorne’s words said he was annoyed but his face only conveyed happy smug self satisfaction.

  “Yeah well, your werewolf friends sure know how to party. Took awhile before they fell asleep and allowed me to Houdini my way outta there. Anywho’s...” Amadeus almost danced his way over to his mother.

  You can’t do anything about this right now Lil. Buck up, get what you came for, you can nail these bastards later. Dad can wait. It was hard, but Lilith managed to snap herself out of her shock and sadness. She had a job to do and revenge to get. Good thing for her, it was becoming more and more likely that those would come as a pair.

  Lilith set her sights on that second door in the high table meeting room. She figured no matter where it led to it was an exit. Hopefully it led to members' offices. That was why she came after all, to find evidence.

  “Mommy dearest...what’s up?” asked Amadeus Essex as he leaned on his mother Lisabeth Essex, arm around her shoulder. His mother’s eyes were wide and filled with rage as they were the only things she seemed able to move. “Just hanging out?” He smiled and plucked at what looked to be thin air but for the duration of it vibrating, a glowing red thread, attached to her back lit up. “That’s cool dude. Don’t worry momma dukes, I’m not gonna hurt you or anything. He might but I’d, never. Buuuuutttttt, with that said, you’re gonna have to take a bit of a timeout. You and old Tabitha over here.”

  “I never get sick of seeing this,” laughed Deacon Thorne as walked around the table.

  “And I never get sick of doing it. Simple spell really.”

  “Really? Is that why no one else can do it?”

  “I guess I’m just talented.” Elated, Amadeus Essex got up from his mother and moved over to Tabitha. He got really close so he could examine her eye. “That’s really freaky dude.”

  No, that can’t be possible. That...that spell, it’s just supposed to be a theory. Making a puppet out of a person, who is this guy? Lilith watched as Amadeus Essex and Deacon Thorne toyed with two of the most powerful witches not only in the Devil’s End coven but in the whole state. Then she remembered there were three high table members there, not two. What was Mr. Midnight in all this?

  “Thank you Harrison, sorry, Mr. Midnight,” Deacon Thorne sat down in the chair at the high table previously reserved for Marcus Blackward. “If it wasn’t for you all of this wouldn’t have been possible.”

  “And I trust you’ll get me what we agreed upon Thorne?” Harrison Midnight kept one eye on Amadeus as he talked to Deacon Thorne.

  “Always the capitalist,” snickered Amadeus as he admired the decor in the high table room.

  “Once this, well, coup d’etat is over, and the world is remade in our image, all of our image, the markets are yours. You’ll be one of the richest men in the world. That sound worth it?” Deacon Thorne was so pleased with himself.

  “Very much so, yes,” replied Harrison Midnight. His mind filled with the lucrative possibilities of this new world Deacon spoke of plastered a Chesire grin across his face.

  This is bad. This is really, really bad. I need to warn Aunt Rose, Winter, Sir Kain heck I need to warn everybody. First things first though.

  “As good as this feels buddy, I think it’s time to get things underway.” Deacon Thorne got up and headed towards the entrance/exit of the high table meeting room. He held the door open.

  “Okay guys. Let’s go have some fun.” Amadeus Essex wiggled his fingers. Tabitha Talon and Lisabeth Essex both stepped away from the table and headed towards the door, against their will. Their whistling puppet master Amadeus followed close behind.

  Lilith waited for everyone to leave the high table meeting room before making for the other door. She cautiously opened it. Just as she hoped the door revealed a hallway. What she didn’t expect was to see a large wolf waiting for her, licking her paws.

  “Eve?” asked Lilith. The wolf enthusiastically ran up and jumped on her, almost knocking her over. “Come on Eve. We got work to do.”

  Chapter 6


  “You’re nothing Amadeus, a stain on our family name and a failure as a man and as a warlock.”

  Life can be hard for those who grow up in a family of talented witches and warlocks. Especially if an individual is thought to be less than his siblings. That was how life started for an awkward boy named Amadeus Essex.

  Amadeus was the youngest of three boys and one girl. His brothers, Sterling, Harold and Arthur were all powerful warlocks. Sterling was in training to become an inquisitor. Harold enrolled in the coven police and Arthur was a sergeant well on his way to his eventual position as chief of coven police.

  The pressure on Amadeus to be great, live up to the family standard, was high. And that never fit well with his more laid back personality. It didn’t really help that he was naturally a very talented warlock. Things came easy to him making it hard for him to take anything seriously.

  Everyone’s life can really be broken down into a series of moments. Some innocuous and forgotten. Other moments were integral ingredients into what made someone who they eventual become.

  The first big moment in Amadeus’ life happened when he was young, maybe seven or eight years old. Instead of going out hunting with his father and siblings, he preferred to stay home and play with his action figures. He’d try to stage big productions, battles and story lines with his toys that could take up the better part of a day. Only there were limitations to what he could accomplish.

  It wasn’t Amadeus’ imagination that limited him. It was the fact that action figures weren’t alive and had to be handled each, by hand, to perform any action in the elaborate scenarios he thought up. So he had an idea. Why not use magic to control his toys.

  Knowing that he didn’t have the knowledge to perform any spell that would animate the action figures, Amadeus turned to his father’s office. In
there was a library that had spell books and grimoires that dated back to ancient Rome. Somewhere in there must’ve been the right incantation.

  Young Amadeus discovered a book called “Daemonum Liber Exponentia”. Written by a witch in Salem right after the infamous witch trials, it listed the spells used to whip a whole town into mass hysteria. One spell stood out, the Pupa or Puppet Spell.

  The puppet spell allowed the caster to control other living creatures, like its namesake, a puppet. Well that was a whole lot better than controlling action figures. At that age Amadeus didn’t quite understand it or how to actually cast the spell but again, he was gifted and a very fast learner.

  Amadeus Essex started experimenting. He had victims, squirrels, birds and other small woodland creatures. Through trial and error and a couple years time, he finally perfected the puppet spell. The first time he used it was on one of his family’s house keepers.

  “You’re nothing Amadeus, a stain on our family name and a failure as a man and as a warlock.”

  Though certainly not morally sound, Amadeus’s first successful use of the puppet spell was for personal gain at the cost of his mother. He took over one of the housekeepers and had them steal money and jewelry from her. The housekeeper got caught, fired and no one was the wiser. That was the first moment that truly shaped him.

  The second moment was in middle school. All of Amadeus’ friends were starting to notice girls and seemed too preoccupied with the pursuit of them to play video games with him. Wanting to know what could be so fascinating to take his friends from him, he pursued a girl in his math class, Francine Marsh.

  Like most boys of middle school age, Amadeus had no idea how to flirt or woo a girl. After several failed attempts he figured there was an easier way to win her over, by force. Thirteen year old Amadeus used the puppet spell on Francine, forcing her to go out on little dates with him and spend time with him.


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