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East Side Academy

Page 16

by K. E. Woodward

  “You looked like you needed help there,” he says and then smiles at me.

  “Thanks, Lexi,” I say and see that he has led me into a corner, making an escape more difficult.

  “You remember me,” Lexi says as a joke because how could I forget him? “I was worried you would have forgotten me at that new school of yours.”

  "The captain of the hockey team is not an easy person to forget." I smile. There are no hockey teams for the school, just for the town, and Lexi is the best player in the league. I guess he and George play on the same team then, something I never thought of.

  “Is that all I am to you?” Lexi jokes and I laugh at him. "You look great tonight, Arya," Lexi says, looking me over from head to toe. I notice his eyes stay on my chest for too long. "But you always look great.”

  “How are you?” I ask, trying to make conversation. We haven’t spoken since I left West Side.

  “Good,” Lexi says. “We’re in the playoffs right now.”

  “That’s good to hear,” I say.

  “I’ve missed you, Arya,” Lexi says seriously, cutting to the chase. “You just up and left West Side so quickly. I didn’t know you were leaving until you were already gone.”

  “It was a quick decision,” I say, looking away from him.

  Lexi steps in closer, leaving little room between us. I'm in the corner but he's left me with an escape route to my left if I need it. He puts a hand on the doorway above my head, leaning slightly. To anyone, it would look like he is flirting with me, trying to get lucky. "Leaving West Side to go to East Side?" Lexi says. "Why would you do that?"

  “I just needed a change,” I say. “Needed to get away.”

  “From something or someone?” Lexi asks and I glance up at him. He just smiles at me and then touches my bare shoulder, running his hand along my arm and then squeezing my hand before he lets go. “Don’t worry, Arya, you don’t have to explain anything to me.”

  “What do you want, Lexi?” I ask, already knowing I can’t give it to him.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Lexi says. “To pick up where we left off. You left West Side before anything could happen.”

  The truth is Lexi is impossibly handsome, with a smile that makes your knees wobble. And he’s a hockey player. He’s like crack. Every girl wants to be with him. He was always nice to me. He flirted with me, and I shamelessly flirted back, the only guy I have ever given any opportunity or any hope. Until I came to East Side of course. I usually just brush guys off, but not with Lexi. Originally, I thought that he heard that I don’t date and wanted a challenge. Wanted to be the only guy to get with me to prove to everyone that he can get any girl he wants.

  But I was wrong. Lexi’s selective. He doesn’t date around, he’s too focused on hockey. He’ll only date a girl if he’s serious about her and she understands how important hockey is to him. I guess he figured I would because of my soccer. Would something have happened with Lexi if I had stayed? We were on track for it. We became friends, we flirted, but it never went further than that. Okay, except for one intense kiss that left me breathless. At the time, to me, it was an amazing kiss. But it doesn’t matter now. I’m with James now and he means everything to me. I meant it when I told James that there is no comparison to him.

  "I'm sorry, Lexi," I say, crossing my arms, putting my hands on opposite shoulders, and looking away from him. I’m now very aware of how much skin I'm showing.

  “Hey,” Lexi says softly, putting a hand to my face to force me to look at him. “I’m not upset with you. I still want to try this.” He lets his hand fall from my face, and I uncross my arms. “I’ve always had feelings for you, Arya. You know I don’t just date anyone. You know you’re special to me.”

  “So special you never called or messaged me?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “You know I’m busy with hockey,” Lexi says. Translation: You didn’t fit so easily into my life anymore, so I didn’t put in the effort. “But the phone works both ways, Arya. I haven’t heard from you either.”

  “You know I’m busy with hockey,” I say, trying to imitate him. Lexi just laughs at me and I laugh with him. The truth is, when I transferred, I thought it would be better to cut off all ties to West Side.

  “I am sorry, Arya,” Lexi says. “Maybe I thought that it was better to leave things as they were when you left. But when I saw you tonight, I knew I couldn’t do that. All the feelings came back.” He brushes the hair off my shoulders, putting a hand to my bare shoulder in the same movement. He lets his thumb travel underneath my spaghetti strap, travelling along my shoulder from front to back until he takes his hand away. He slides his other hand further down the door opening, still holding onto it.

  “Lexi…” I start, knowing I can’t let this go on any longer.

  "I seem to remember a time in the drama room closest with a very pretty girl," Lexi says, and while I try to hide my blush at the memory, I know he sees it, and he steps in closer, letting go of the door frame. "She wrapped her legs around me, pressed her body against mine, ran her fingers through my hair, and bit my lip just softly enough to drive me wild." Lexi smiles at me but I can't return it. "I ran my hands up the soft skin of her thighs and across all her body, I played with her hair and I heard her moan ever so slightly during the kiss."

  “Nice memory,” I say.

  “I’m just sorry we only have one,” Lexi says and smiles, “‘til now.” Lexi reaches an arm to my waist, but I brush it away.

  “I can’t,” I say sternly to Lexi, looking him straight in the eyes.

  “What do you mean you can’t?” Lexi says confused. “Is this because you’re at East Side now? Because I really don’t care, Arya.”

  “No, that’s not it,” I say. “I have a boyfriend, Lexi.”

  He barks out a laugh, not believing me. “You can’t be serious.” I just stare at him, waiting for him to realize it’s not a joke. “Seriously, Arya?” I nod. “You don’t date.” He glares at me. “What pathetic guy did you find to shack up with at that school?”

  “Excuse me?”

  He takes a step towards me and I take a small step back, but he’s still very close to me. He takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Arya, I just…”

  “Thought that I’d always be available for you?” I ask, crossing my arms.

  “I guess I never thought you would find another guy,” Lexi says. “Especially not at East Side. Didn’t take you very long.”

  “I’ve been gone for three months, Lexi,” I say.

  “You didn’t give any guy at West Side a second look for two and a half years, Arya!” Lexi yells at me. “And now in less than a term at that school you already have a boyfriend?”


  “I’m naturally exclusive with you, Arya,” Lexi says. “I don’t want to be with anyone else. I like you. A lot.”

  “I liked you too,” I say. It’s true. I did like Lexi and if I had stayed at West Side, it would have developed to something more, but I didn’t stay.

  “Liked?” Lexi says.

  “Yes,” I say. “Past tense. I have a boyfriend now that means everything to me.”

  “Is he here?” Lexi raises an eyebrow and I nod. “He’s an idiot to leave you alone then. He does realize that his girlfriend is from West Side and that all the guys here know you?” He looks me over again. “And that you’re wearing that.” I roll my eyes. “I personally don’t mind.” Lexi smiles sheepishly. “But he might.”

  “I should go find him,” I say, turning away from Lexi, but he grabs my arm at the elbow.

  “Is this what you want, Arya?” Lexi asks, looking me in the eyes. “I know you have feelings for me. Present tense. Those types of feelings don’t just go away.”

  “I’m sorry, Lexi…” I start.

  "What's going on here?" I hear a voice say and turn to see James. Obviously he was looking for me when he saw that Diana, Eleanor, and Sarah were already here.

  Lexi let's go of me and stares at James, sizing him up. Lexi
is taller than James, and both of them are fit and strong from the sports they play, though James is leaner. Soccer body versus hockey body. "I'm guessing this is him?" Lexi says to me while looking at James.

  "Lexi, don't," I say as a warning.

  “Word of advice,” Lexi says to James, “all the guys here know your girlfriend and would love the chance to get her drunk and try to get lucky, so I wouldn’t leave her alone. She’s the biggest prize. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bet going around already.”

  “Is that what you were doing?” James says angrily. “Trying to win a stupid bet?”

  Lexi laughs. “That’s funny, but no. I’m just warning you. West Siders like to gamble with high stakes. They have plenty of money to burn. Not something you would understand.”

  “Oh, fuck off,” James says.

  “Lexi,” I say to him, “you need to back off.”

  "Arya may go to your school now, but you know that she's still a West Sider," Lexi says, completely ignoring me. “Good luck keeping up.”

  “I think you should go,” James says. “And if West Side was so great, she wouldn’t have left.”

  “Worked out well for you,” Lexi says. “Your friends must be impressed that you were able to snag a rich girl so out of your league it isn’t even funny.”

  “Lexi, is it?” James asks and Lexi nods. “Good. I wanted to address you by name this time to tell you to ‘fuck off, Lexi’.”

  Lexi smiles. “I like this one, Arya,” he says to me and then walks away, leaving me and James.

  “Who’s that guy, Arya?” James comes up to me when he’s gone.

  “No one,” I say, and James gives me a look. “James, really, don’t worry about him.”

  “I just want to know what I’m up against,” James says. “I thought you said you’ve never had a boyfriend.”

  “We just kissed. Once,” I say. Okay, it was more of making out than a kiss, but I’m not going to tell James that. No need to get him worked up over Lexi.

  “Just one kiss?” James asks and I nod at him. Then he whistles. “Geez, Arya, I didn’t realize how promiscuous you were.” I smile and then hit his stomach with the back of my hand, coming up very close to him ‘til there’s no space between us.

  “I already told you there is no comparison to our kiss,” I say to James.

  “Did you?” James smiles. “I think I might need a reminder.”

  I smile at him, putting a hand to his cheek to give him an intense and deep kiss. He wraps his arms around me to pull me in close and I know this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

  Chapter 25 – Bet On It

  “I'm not gonna stop, that's who I am / I'll give it all I got, that is my plan / When I find what I lost / You know you can / Bet on it, bet on it” – Bet On It, Zac Efron

  No POV

  “So the ice princess has a boyfriend,” Noah says to his friend and teammate, Lexi.

  “Don’t call her that,” Lexi says, taking a sip of his drink.

  “Jealous?” Noah smiles at his friend.

  “No,” Lexi says, staring at Arya and her newfound boyfriend. “I highly doubt he’ll be able to keep her for long.”

  “There’s a bet going around,” Noah says. “Whoever can get the ice princess home wins.”

  “I hope being conscious is a requirement?” Lexi says and Noah rolls his eyes.

  “Of course,” Noah says, “we’re not animals.”

  “Wouldn’t put it past the East Siders,” Lexi says. “Most of them can’t even afford to bet on her anyway. How much is it now?”

  “$850, last I heard,” Noah says.

  Lexi would never make a bet on Arya, but he knew something like that was going to happen when the guys found out she was here. If things had gone his way, he and Arya would be off somewhere to repeat what they had done in that drama room closet months ago, and all bets would be off. He’d make sure of it. But now he just looks at Arya and her East Side boyfriend. Smiling at each other, talking to each other, his hands on her. What does she see in him? What can he offer that Lexi can’t? If this guy is going to date a West Side girl, then he needs to learn what it’s like to deal with the West Side crowd. “Let’s see if this East Sider can protect his girlfriend like he should,” Lexi says.

  “Are you going to warn him?” Noah asks.

  Lexi smiles. “I already did.”


  “You look beautiful tonight, Arya,” James says as we stand in the kitchen with Malcolm and Richard that are pouring drinks.

  “You clean up pretty well yourself,” I say.

  “You in, Arya?” Richard asks, and I look to see they have a line of three shot glasses on the table.

  “Sure!” I say.

  "You don't have to," James says to me quietly. He doesn't want me to feel pressured by his friends.

  “I know I don’t,” I whisper back and then grab one of the shot glasses from the table.

  We clink them together and shoot them back.

  “Oh, gosh.” I put the glass back on the table. “That tastes terrible!”

  “Round 2?” Malcolm smiles.

  “Not of that,” I say.

  “I’ll pour something else,” Malcolm says, going to grab a different drink.

  “Just be careful, Arya,” James says to me.

  “You think we are going to get her drunk?” Malcolm calls.

  “She’s half your weight, Malcolm,” James says. “You’ll do it without even trying.”

  “I promise we’ll be good,” Malcolm says, pouring a second round of shots.

  I do the second round with them.

  “Better?” Richard asks.

  “Worse.” I cough, feeling the burning in my stomach. I rarely drink, so James is right to warn me to be careful. This is the cut off for me.

  “Third times the charm!” Malcolm says.

  “No, I’m good,” I say.

  “Come on, Arya,” Malcolm says. “I know you can handle…”

  “No,” James says sternly.

  “Fine,” Malcolm says. “More for us.” They start inviting other guys over and suddenly it’s a line of seven shot glasses on the kitchen table. All East Siders.

  “Come on, James!” one of the guys calls.

  “Driving,” James says, and then grabs me to hold me close.

  “Then your girlfriend!” another guy calls.

  “Come on, Arya!” the first one calls. “Prove to us that you are more than just a West Side princess.”

  “Screw off,” James calls at them.

  “Leave her alone,” Richard says. “She’s already had two. One more shot in that tiny body and we’ll have a drunk West Side princess.”

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing that,” a guy says.

  “Let’s go,” James says, pulling me away from all the guys.

  “Bedrooms are the other way, James!”

  He throws up a certain finger at the guys and I can hear them laugh behind us.

  “They want you to get lucky with me,” I say when James pulls me to him as he leans against a wall, grabbing my hips.

  “I’m already lucky,” James says.

  I smile at him. I put my hands on his shoulders, stand on my toes, and I almost come up to his height. “You know, I think if I wore really high heels, I’d be taller than you.”

  James laughs. “A little drunk there?”

  I pinch my fingers together. "A very little," I say, which is true. "Nothing to concern yourself with." And then I kiss him because that's what I really wanted to do.

  “You taste like alcohol,” James says.

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Not when it’s you I’m kissing,” James says. I look at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You’re perfect,” I say.

  “Far from it,” James says.

  “Perfect for me then,” I say. James smiles. “An East/West couple. I don’t know the last time that’s happened.”

  “We are not an East/
West couple, Arya,” James says. “You are an East Sider, whether you like it or not.”

  “Well, you’re the only one that thinks that.”

  “Because they don’t know you like I do,” James says. “Everything on the outside about you screams West Side, but on the inside, I know you don’t belong with these West Siders. You like being at East Side. You like the people at East Side. You are your true self at East Side.”

  “And with you,” I say.

  “And with me.” James smiles and then kisses me.

  “Come on,” I say and start to pull him away from the wall. “We don’t want to be that couple that comes to a party and just makes out the entire time.”

  “I don’t mind being that type of couple.” James pulls me back to him.


  “Fine,” James says.

  We rejoin the party scene with a lot of teenagers that have drunk way too much already. We chat with our friends and mingle with people we don’t talk to a lot. We aren’t on each other’s hip the entire time, we spread out and talk with different groups, knowing that no matter what, we would be back together by the end of the night.

  But I should have known something was going to happen tonight. I should have known the West Siders would do something to me. West Side wants to have everything, so seeing me at East Side is a blow to them. I should have warned James. I should have warned him what these West Side guys are like. That they think they are entitled to everything. Even girls.


  The past hour and a half, any time I look over at Arya, I see some West Side guy talking to her, obviously flirting with her. I try to keep close to her, but any time I let her out of my sight, even for a minute, I find another West Side guy talking to her. Even when I’m with her they come up to her, trying a shot at her. It’s not until I tell them to ‘fuck off’ and that ‘I’m her boyfriend’ do they leave. But now, not even that isn’t working anymore. I thought Lexi was making some sick joke when he said there would be a bet on Arya, but now I’m not so sure. Was he right? Would the West Siders actually do this kind of thing? Who am I kidding, of course they would. They’ve probably pooled together huge sums of money to make a game out of this. ‘She’s the biggest prize’ Lexi had said.


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