Sapphire Queen

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by L C Taylor

  Heath’s body tensed as his cock swelled inside her. He didn’t think it was possible to fill her anymore, but his dick felt like it was going to burst out of her warm center. Her walls sucked him tighter, forcing the release that was building in him to explode.

  Heath grunted, his body jerking as he spilled his seed deep between her legs. Her screams and quivers nearly caused him to blackout as he pumped through his orgasm. Releasing her hips, he sat back on his feet, his cock sliding out from between her pussy lips. Their combined juices dripped along her thighs, the sight making him feel almost animalistic. He smiled, staring at the cum seeping out of her, marking her as his.

  “That was…” Sarifena leaned onto her, elbows, “Wow.”

  “Wow is right.”

  Chapter 12

  Sarifena couldn’t hide the smile as she stepped into the Constable’s office. She and Heath had made love one more time in the shower, before parting ways. There was a part of her that still worried he’d regret being with her since there was a considerable possibility, she couldn’t have children. But for now, she decided she would let things happen naturally.

  “Constable James,” Sarifena pulled the chair out and sat opposite of him. The large oak desk separating her from her most trusted advisor, “Where are we at on finding the person responsible for the attack on the village?”

  “I wish I had more to tell you, but there is nothing. Not a single trace of who or what created the devastation.”

  “What about Amalee’s kingdom?”

  “The explosion was in an unpopulated area. We think it was just a diversion tactic. I spoke with Commander Fritz… he is concerned about motive. I called the Onyx Kingdom yesterday and informed them of my concerns about The Diamond Queen’s wellbeing. Onika has agreed to meet sooner. She will arrive this afternoon, as will Emersyn.”

  “They’re coming here - today?”

  “Yes. Time is of the essence, Your Majesty. It’s been nearly three months since she was taken. You know the likelihood of her return dwindles with each passing day. And her mother feels the kingdom will unravel without their true queen ruling.”

  Sarifena sat stunned. The Constable was right… the longer she stayed missing, the less likely they would find her – alive.

  “Why didn’t you notify me last night, that they were coming?”

  “You were… preoccupied.” His face reddened with his words.

  “Oh… about that,” Sarifena muttered, but he put his hand up, ceasing her words.

  “No need to explain, Your Majesty. You’re free to have a private life. I will say I’m glad to see you two finally together.”

  “Wait… what do you mean?”

  “Silly girl… I may be a man, but I recognize love when I see it. And that man loves you.”

  “Well, it’s complicated.”

  “I assume you mean your physical set back?”

  “Set back… more like life-altering.”

  “Sarifena,” he swallowed, “May I be frank?”

  “Of course.” she smiled at him.

  “Dr. King doesn’t care about how you make a family – he only wants that with you. And since we are on the topic of family,” he sighed, “Don’t you think it’s time you spoke to your mother? I am sure she had her reasons for the lies, but she’s still your mother.”

  “Look,” Sarifena pushed her chair back to stand. Bracing her hands on his desk, she leaned close to him, “I agree, Heath, and I can figure this out. And I appreciate your input. But regarding my mother… you should keep your opinion to yourself. She lied about who my father was – that’s major.”

  “I hear you. I’m not discounting that fact. But what happens when you don’t mend this and something happens to her? You’ll regret it.”

  “Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

  “I have many regrets, Sarifena. Take my advice, talk to her.”

  “Maybe once I speak with Onika and Emersyn, but no promises.”

  “Good. You should go eat something, they’ll be here in an hour.”

  Sarifena smiled as she left the Constable’s office. She knew he was right about her mother, but there was so much hurt and betrayal, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever been able to forgive her.

  Chapter 13

  Sarifena stood outside, staring at the ocean. Emersyn and Onika would arrive any minute, and she worried about what Onika had to say. The journal held nothing but heartache so far, so she imagined it wasn’t anything good.

  “Sarifena,” Emersyn called out as she bounded down the path towards the water’s edge.

  “Emersyn, how are you?” Sarifena pulled her into a hug, “Is Onika here?”

  “She arrived at the same time as me. She said she’d meet us here in a second. She and Luca were in a heated discussion.”

  “Lover’s quarrel?” Sarifena laughed.

  “No… more like he didn’t want her to come outside without him.”

  “Actually, I'm surprised Drake let you wander outside alone.” Sarifena cocked an eyebrow, her smirk goading Emersyn.

  “Well…” she smiled, “He didn’t let me come out alone exactly.” She pointed over her shoulder to the balcony. “He said he’d keep his distance.”

  Sarifena peered over Emersyn’s shoulder and noticed Drake standing on the balcony with Heath. Smiling at the two men, she wasn’t surprised to see Luca step out beside them. His eyes tracked Onika as she made her way down the path towards the two of them.

  “Here comes Onika,” Sarifena jerked her head toward the Onyx Queen.

  “Onika,” Emersyn turned, “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “You may not be when I tell you what I’ve learned,” Onika growled, eyes pinning Emersyn in a deadly stare.

  “Well… I didn’t figure you were coming to announce your nuptials.” Emersyn snapped.

  “Crap, I'm sorry. I told myself I would not handle this poorly, yet here I am, biting your head off. Can we sit down?” Onika pointed toward the sandy beach, “I think you’ll want to be sitting for this.”

  The women plopped down into the warm sand, “Onika, whatever it is, you can tell us.” Sarifena smiled, “Hell… what could be worse than me finding out my father wasn’t the man I’d believed to be all these years? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled that Emersyn is my sister, but it sucked to learn about it now.”

  “So, you’re not angry, you have a half-sister?” Onika questioned Sarifena, “What about you, Emersyn? Are you mad that your dad fathered other children?”

  “I’m mad I didn’t have the chance to grow up with her. But,” she paused, “My mother seemed to love him regardless of his affair, and with them gone, I can’t ask. Holding on to that anger doesn’t do me any good. Besides, with them dead, I thought I had no family left.” She pulled Sarifena’s hand into hers, “now I know that’s not true. I have Sarifena.”

  Onika glanced toward the ocean, “When the journal showed up, I didn’t know what to think. I knew it held nothing good, but I wasn’t prepared for…” her voice trailed off.

  “Onika, you can tell us,” Sarifena gripped her hand in hers, “what did the journal say?”

  “Much like you, Sarifena, it held truths I would have never learned without it. My mother,” she sighed, “met my father after she learned she was pregnant with me. You know how this works as an elemental. When we find our compliment, nothing or no one else matters. Besides, my biological father had met the woman he complimented. My mom struggled with keeping the secret. Funny thing is my dad, I mean Dane, knew I wasn’t his all along. He couldn’t have his own children, so he looked at this as a blessing. It wasn’t the dark hair that gave it away, no, he knew. I always wondered where I got the black hair, he is blonde like my mother.”

  “Wait, what are you saying, Onika?” Emersyn leaned forward, glancing between Sarifena and Onika.

  “My mother and your father were together. I’m assuming because Sarifena and I are the same age, he was sleeping with our moms at the same ti

  “Holy shit,” Sarifena’s mouth dropped. Her heart beating fiercely against her chest, “Are you trying to tell me that your father was Dax, Emersyn’s and my father, the Emerald King?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.”

  “Ohmygod, ohmygod,” Emersyn stood, pacing the beach. The ocean thundered behind her, the waves growing in size as they rolled toward the beach. The ivy planted along the path began creeping toward the edge of the water.

  “Emersyn, calm down, please. Your magic is out of control. You too, Sarifena, take a breath.”

  Muscular arms lifted Sarifena off the ground, “Take a breath, baby. Please. The ocean is feeling your anger.” Heath whispered into her ear.

  Sarifena drew in a lengthy breath and glanced around. She noticed the newly grown ivy and the turbulent waters stirring off the sandy earth. Emersyn was being calmed by Drake while Onika stood off with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I’m fine,” Sarifena pulled out of his embrace, “Onika,” she reached out to the Onyx Queen and tugged her into her arms.

  Emersyn joined them in their awkward embrace, “We’re sisters,” She spoke, “Holy shit… we’re sisters!” she screamed.

  Chapter 14

  “Let me get this straight,” Heath paced the room, “You’re telling me that Dax, the Emerald King, was a playboy and had been sleeping with two women before he met Emmalyn?”

  “Pretty much sums it up.” Onika sighed, “Hell, he could have been sleeping with others. I’ll never know because the journal is missing again.”

  “No. It’s not.” Emersyn smiled, “Amalee has it now, she told me she hasn’t read it yet but will let us know when she finds something. She has her hands full right now – something she said was more important than a book filled with hate.”

  “What could be more important than that journal?” Sarifena threw herself onto the couch, “We need answers. The longer we go without finding Dimitra,” she paused.

  “Don’t say it. She’s alive, and we’ll find her.”

  “I want to believe that, I do. But you know as well as I do, Onika, the longer it takes to find her, the less likely she’ll be alive.”

  “We can’t give up.” Luca pressed his hand against Onika’s back.

  Sarifena smiled at Onika, “Why’d you run off like that? You could have come to us when you found out.”

  “I know. I should have, but I need some time to figure things out.”

  “Figure things out, huh?” Emersyn smiled at Luca, who was casually rubbing Onika’s back.

  “Hush. Just because we’re sisters doesn’t mean you can nose into my personal life.”

  “Does that mean there is a personal life to nose in to?” Sarifena chuckled.

  “Maybe… what about you?”

  Sarifena stiffened, “What about me?”

  “Do you have a personal life to share with us?” Onika smirked, her eyes holding mischief.

  “It’s complicated.” Sarifena glanced down at her hands, afraid to make eye contact with Heath.

  “Complicated?” Onika sat down on the couch next to her, “Complicated is the love triangle our parents were in. Complicated is finding Dimitra, but Sarifena,” she laced her hand in Sarifena’s, “finding someone who loves you shouldn’t be complicated.”

  Sarifena watched as Onika looked back toward Luca, who rested against the wall, “When you find that person, hold on to him. He can be your shelter during this storm.”

  “I take you’ve found your shelter?”

  Glancing at him one more time, “You could say that.”

  “Well, it’s not as simple for me.”

  “Why not?” Onika probed, “Do you love him?”

  Sarifena could feel Heath’s eyes boring a hole in the back of her head. She refused to look at him, knowing what she’d see when she did.

  “Yes,” she heard the intake of his breath, “More than I show or tell him. But it’s that love that makes me hesitate.”

  “That’s the silliest thing I’ve heard of. Why on earth would you hesitate?”

  “He wants children…” she sucked in a breath, “and I may not have them.” She let the air out of her lungs, forcing her eyes closed to keep the tears from spilling.

  “Oh, Sarifena.” Emersyn slipped in front of her, coming to sit on the table. “You think he wouldn’t want to be with you if you can’t give him children? If that’s true, he doesn’t deserve you.”

  Emersyn glanced toward Heath, whose jaw was set in a tight frown.

  “I couldn't care less if she gives me children.” He broke the silence, causing all eyes to turn toward him.

  “I was right,” Onika smiled. “I had my suspicion it was you. Do you hear him, Sarifena – he doesn’t care about whether you can have babies.”

  “It matters to me. Heath,” she stood, pushing passed Onika and Emersyn, “You’ve always wanted kids. I can’t take that from you. I won’t.”

  “Sari,” he grabbed her hand, pulling her close, “you can’t make that decision for me. I told you, and I meant it, I want you. Sure, I want children. But if we must adopt, we will. The only thing I’m certain of is that I can’t go on living without you.”

  “Awe,” Emersyn stood, “I think you two need to talk this out. Drake and I will go, Onika,” she turned to the Onyx Queen, “I’m sorry your life was a lie, but I’m not sorry I have another sister. We’ll talk more later, ok?”

  Onika hugged Emersyn goodbye and turned to Sarifena, “Stop running, Sarifena. I did that, and it nearly broke me. The love of a good man is worth more than any treasure in the world.”

  Sarifena hugged her goodbye, leaving her and Heath alone in the room. She didn’t speak a word to him as she laced her fingers with his. Tugging him slowly from the room, she led him down the hallway toward her quarters.

  “I’ll have the kitchen send us some dinner. For now, I want to be alone with you. Can you handle that?”


  Chapter 15

  The next few weeks passed by without incident. Heath and Sarifena spent every moment together, including their nights. Still apprehensive about committing to anything, they avoided the conversation of their future. Sarifena continued to distance herself from her mother, unsure how she could move past the lies and hurt.

  Sitting in the library, she was reviewing some additional information on the deadlands. Several of her men had made it across the border into the territory, but still found no trace of Dimitra. She was sure they’d missed something, so she was looking over the maps and notes again.

  “Sarifena,” Heath ran into the room, nearly breathless.

  “Heath,” jumping to her feet, “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “There’s been another attack.”


  Heath gathered his breath, “Sit down first.” He pointed back toward the couch.

  “You’re scaring me, Heath. Just tell me, what’s happened?”

  “There were multiple attacks made on the border between the Amethyst kingdom and ours,” he paused.

  “Oh, God.” Sarfiena covered her mouth.

  “Several homes have been destroyed. Sari, it was your mother’s village.”

  Sarifena dropped to the floor, the air whooshing out of her lungs. Heath was there, wrapping his arms around her body. Lifting her into his lap as he pulled them both into the seat.

  “My mother…” her voice cracked, “Is she…”

  “I’m so sorry, Sarifena.”

  Sarifena’s body shook as the sobs wracked through her chest. The tears poured from her eyes like a never-ending waterfall.

  “Your mother died trying to rescue another woman and her child. The roof collapsed on top of them, killing everyone inside.”

  “Oh God,” she clutched his body like it was the only thing anchoring her to the earth, “I never told her I forgave her. Heath,” Sarifena cried into his chest, “she died, thinking I hated her.”

  “Shhhh,” Heath kissed
her head, brushing her hair with his hand, “She knew you loved her. Your mother understood you needed time, Sarifena. But don’t for a second think she was angry with you. I talked with her often, and she told me how proud she was of you.”

  “You… you talked to my mother?” Sarifena wiped her eyes.

  “Often. I wanted her to know how much I loved you. I enjoyed hearing stories of your childhood, and she was happy knowing you had someone that would take care of you.”

  Sarifena pressed her head against his shoulder, “Can you take me to see it, the village.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Sarifena. There have been multiple explosions since. I wouldn’t want to risk your safety.”

  Sarifena peeled herself off him and pushed to stand, “I need to see it, Heath. Please.”

  “Fine, let me call Commander Brady. He is still there and asked me to come and speak with you. Constable James is tied up in a call with the Amethyst Kingdom’s constable. He’s trying to get some aide from them.”

  Sarifena stood with her arms folded across her chest, “Where is my mother now? Her body, I mean.” She hiccupped a sob, trying to force them at bay.

  “She will be brought here. Do you want to wait to see her before we go?”

  “No… I need to be strong for my people.”

  Heath nodded, “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 16

  Broken houses littered the land. Smoke continued to billow into the sky, turning it a somber gray. The ground was charred, covered in rock and debris. People were stumbling around, confused, and injured. Guards searched the area for anyone who might still be alive. Sarifena couldn’t hold back her cries of anguish.

  “I will kill whoever is responsible.”

  Heath wrapped his arm around her shoulder, fitting her against his side. “We will, but for now, we need to help the wounded. My staff tells me there are more than they can accommodate, right now.”

  “Let’s go. I can bandage someone if I need to.”

  Hand in hand, they walked the short distance to the makeshift medical center. It was a large white tent, lined with sheets covering several deceased. Sarifena sucked in a breath, “These people didn’t deserve to die.”


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