Sapphire Queen

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Sapphire Queen Page 5

by L C Taylor

  “No, they didn’t.”

  A child who looked to be about two, sat alone, crying on one of the cots. “Where are his parents?”

  “Dead.” Heath looked at the child with a forlorn expression.

  “What? Who will take care of him?”

  “Social services will probably take him. We haven’t been able to locate any other family.”

  “Orphaned?” Sarifena slowly made her way to the toddler, “Hey there, fella.” She held her hand out, trying not to scare him.

  Sarifena was shocked when he leaped into her arms and clung to her neck. He buried his head into the crook of her neck and sobbed. She pressed her hand to his back, rubbing gently as she tried to ease his distress.

  “There, there. I got you.” Sarifena smiled at Heath as she swayed with the boy in her arms. “Do we know his name?”

  “Yes. His name is Alex Brigham.”

  “Alex,” Sarifena whispered, “He’s so scared, Heath.”

  Heath stepped up next to her, placing his hand on the toddler's head, “Come over here, let me check him over again.”

  “Come on, Alex, we’re going to look you over, ok?”

  Alex squeezed Sarifena tighter, his sobs echoing through the tent.

  “Hey, little man,” Sarifena sat down, propping him up in her lap, “We just want to make sure you’re not hurt.”

  Peeling his hands from around her neck, she turned him around, so he was facing out. Keeping her arms snug against his waist, she nodded toward Heath.

  “This is my friend Heath, he’s a doctor. Do you know what that is?”

  Alex stared at Heath, his eyes filled with trepidation. As Heath approached him, Alex stiffened in Sarifena’s arms.

  “Hey, it’s ok. He won’t hurt you.”

  Heath ran his fingers over the boy, checking him for any apparent injuries. After listening to his chest with a spare stethoscope, and changing his dirty diaper, Heath was confident he was only suffering from shock and confusion.

  “Amazingly enough, he had no injuries – aside from some smoke inhalation, he’s good to go. Should I call social services?”

  Sarifena looked at Heath and then to the boy. Something in her gut told her she couldn’t just walk away from Alex.

  “No… I can’t send him off like that.”

  “Ok…” Heath tilted his head, “Sarifena, are you saying you want to take him back to the castle?”

  Alex nestled into her arms, relaxing against her chest. A warm sensation pooled in her belly and radiated throughout her soul.

  “Yes…” She looked up at Heath, “I know you don’t understand, but something inside me is saying I can’t toss him aside. Just for a few days, then once he seems better, we’ll call them.”

  Heath ran his hand down her hair, tangling her locks in his fingers, “I think that’s a brilliant idea. He seems comfortable with you.”

  Sarifena stood, “I should get back. They should be back with my mother,” her voice cracked.

  “You aren’t alone, baby.” Heath hugged them both to his chest, “We’ll get through this, together.”

  Sarifena nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't speak for fear of losing it in front of the child. He was an orphan now, just like her. Sarifena knew deep down, taking him home wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but she couldn’t let him go.

  Chapter 17

  Heath stood off in the corner, watching Sarifena. She held onto Alex like a mother would, making him long for things he would never voice out loud. He loved her with all his heart, but his desire for a family with her was intense. Perhaps one day, they could have a family – but first, he needed to convince her to marry him.

  “He’s asleep. Haley offered to sit with him while I…” her words blurred as she buried her head against his shirt, the tears no longer holding.

  Heath pressed his lips to the top of her head, “I got you, baby. Let’s go do this together. They’ve brought her remains to the medical wing.”

  “Ok,” she sucked in a breath, tears flowing freely as he guided her down the hall.

  “I need to warn you, she isn’t in good shape, Sarifena. She was buried beneath the rubble, causing severe damage to her body.”

  “I still need to see her, Heath.”

  Pushing the door open, he led her inside a tiny room off the main medical wing. Pausing at the doorway, he held her against him. Queen Stephanie’s body was laid out on a table, covered with a white sheet. Heath walked her to the side, holding her tightly, worried she’d collapse when she saw how badly her mother looked.

  “Are you ready?”


  Heath peeled back the sheet, revealing what remained of her mother. Her body was still covered in soot and blood, but that was nothing compared to the swelling and bruising. While it was clear who laid in front of her, her mother’s face was tattered and destroyed. Her blonde hair was stained pink and brown from the blood and dirt caked in the once golden tresses.

  Sarifena couldn’t breathe. This woman, lying on the cold metal table, was her mother. She’d never gotten around to telling her she’d forgiven her – that she loved her.

  Constable James was right. She would live with this regret for the rest of her life. Reaching out, she touched her mother's beaten flesh with the tip of her finger. She needed to feel her, needed to prove to herself this was real. Her skin was icy beneath the pad of her fingertip. Jerking her hand back, she covered her mouth to silence the sob bubbling up.

  Heath pulled her into his arms, a place she frequented often. His shoulders shielded her from the torment lying in front of her.

  “Come on, let’s go back to the living room. Alex could be awake and might freak out you’re gone.”

  Walking in a trance, she allowed him to guide her down the hall. Pausing at the open doorway, she allowed herself to cry against him.

  Haley watched from the chair, her own eyes filling with sadness. “He hasn’t stirred, Your Majesty.”

  Sarifena glanced toward her friend, smiling through the swollen eyes she now wore. Heath pulled her into the room, leading her to sit on the couch opposite of the sleeping toddler.

  “Thank you, Haley. Will you let me know when the others arrive?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Others?” Sarifena looked toward the door, Haley just exited.

  “The other Queens will arrive shortly.”

  “I don’t want to see anyone right now.”

  “Your sisters will not take kindly to me refusing their entry. As for Amalee and Rory, they are your cousins.”

  “Cousins?” Sarifena rubbed her head

  “In a roundabout way, yes. You’re Onika’s sister. That makes them your cousins since her mother is related to their fathers.”

  “God, this is so confusing.”

  “Sarifena, I know you want to be alone in your grief,” Heath sat down beside her, “But there are too many people who love you to allow that to happen.”

  Sarifena stayed silent. Heath was right. She had a family now, and forcing them away would be cruel. The truth was she didn’t want to do this alone. She was feeling so much guilt that if she gave in to the darkness threatening to consume her, she’d surely stop existing.

  Chapter 18

  “Wow… I wasn’t expecting to see that.”

  Emersyn glanced at Sarifena, sleeping on the couch. Snuggled against her was the most adorable boy. His raven hair curled around his porcelain face, which was pressed against Sarifena’s chest. Her arm was draped around his tiny body as if to hold him in place.

  “She tried to fight sleep, but her emotions have taken a toll on her today.” Heath stared at her still frame, watching her breaths rise and fall. “We found the boy in the village. He is an orphan now – his parents were killed in the explosion.”

  “Why didn’t you turn him over to social services?” Emersyn glanced back at the tiny toddler.

  “Sarifena wouldn’t have it. He was immediately taken with her and wouldn’t a
llow anyone but Sarifena to hold him. I have a feeling she won’t be giving him up.”

  “And how does that make you feel?” Emersyn smiled, “You’re in love with her, so this affects you too.”

  “I want a family. She wasn’t wrong when she told you that… but I don’t care if our family consists of our biological baby or not. Nothing will make me walk away from her.”

  “Emersyn,” Sarifena blinked the sleep from her eyes as she yawned. Realizing Alex was in her arms, she smiled and pressed a kiss to his head. “I’m sorry, I fell asleep. How long have you been here?”

  “Just got here. He’s adorable.”

  Sarifena slowly eased herself up, shifting Alex in her arms so as not to wake him. Once he was cradled in her arms, she glanced at Heath and smiled.

  “He is. I couldn’t leave him with some stranger. Not after he lost everyone, he knew. We’re both orphans now.” Sarifena wiped at the tear with her free hand.

  “Oh, Sari.” Emersyn sat down beside her and pulled her into a side hug. “You’re not an orphan. You have me, Onika and Heath. You’re not alone.”

  “I know… it’s just,” she swallowed back the bile creeping up her throat, “my mom died not knowing I forgave her. I never told her I was sorry and that I loved her.”

  “Oh, sweetheart. Your mom knew you loved her. Stop beating yourself up for her death. It wasn’t your doing. She wouldn’t want to see you drowning in grief.”

  Nodding, “I know… it’s just,” Sarifena couldn’t hold in tears any longer. Heath scooped Alex from her arms, allowing Emersyn to tug her into a firm embrace.

  “Cry it out, Sari. You’re allowed to be sad.”

  Sarifena allowed the tears to spill, holding her sister with all her strength. Even though her mother was gone, she still had the support and love of her newfound sisters.

  “Where is Onika?” Sarifena asked through the tears.

  “I’m here!” Onika ran into the room, “Sorry… I had to deal with an issue at home.”

  Squeezing in beside her and Emersyn, Onika wrapped her arms around Sarifena.

  “What do you need?” Onika brushed her hair from her face.

  “Nothing… everything,” she sighed, “Hell, I don’t know.”

  Just as she rested her head on Onika’s shoulder, Alex began to cry. Sarifena stood abruptly, taking him from Heath’s arms.

  “It’s ok, I got you.”

  Alex immediately calmed down and relaxed. He scanned the room, his eyes full of apprehension and curiosity.

  “Sarifena?” Onika glanced at Emersyn, then at Heath, “Why do you have a toddler in your arms?”

  “His parents were killed today. He wouldn’t let anyone else help him but me. I couldn’t just let him go.” She nuzzled his hair, smiling at her sisters whose mouth’s hung open in shock.

  “You’re good with him. It’s like he belongs in your arms.” Emersyn smiled, sauntering toward her and Alex. “Can I hold him?”

  Holding her arms out, Emersyn stood still, hoping the tiny toddler would let her take him.

  “It’s ok. She’s my sister, Alex.”

  Alex glanced between the women, before finally reaching out towards her. Emersyn slipped her arms around him and braced him on her hip.

  “How old is he?”

  “He’s two.” Heath smiled from his position against the wall.

  “Sarifena,” Onika stood, “What can I do to help you? I know you don’t want to hear this, but your mother will receive a Queen’s burial. You know as well as I do that means it will be overwhelmingly large.”

  Sarifena shrugged, “I haven’t given it much thought.”

  “How about you let me handle the details?”

  Alex whined, reaching out toward Sarifena. Opening her arms, she took him from Emersyn.

  “Besides…” Onika grinned, “It looks like you will have your hands full getting him set up here in the castle.”

  “Oh…” Sarifena glanced toward Heath, “I didn’t know what would happen.”

  “Well, I called social services – I had to. But they said it was your decision. They can come pick him up and place him in temporary care, or,” Heath paused, “We could just keep him here.”

  “Keep him here? In the castle?”

  “If you want…” Heath stepped close to them, “He seems comfortable with you. Perhaps you need him as much as he needs you.”

  Chapter 19

  Sitting at the kitchen table, Sarifena watched the tiny human she had fallen in love with eating. It’d been three days since they both lost their parent, well parents in his case. Emersyn had helped her gather everything to make his room age-appropriate. It astonished her how fast her sisters had worked to get furniture and decorations together.

  Amalee had sent over some toys and clothes, saying she couldn’t wait to see the toddler that had taken her heart. Sarifena smiled, everything about him made her heart full of joy.

  “How’s our boy today?”

  Sarifena smile at Heath’s words. He’d also been staying in her quarters since everything happened. Alex had warmed up to him, allowing Heath to hold him or play with him when she needed to shower or have a moment to herself.

  “Good. He still isn’t saying anything. Is that normal?”

  “Medically, there is nothing wrong with him. Children start speaking around his age, and the trauma of what happened may be causing his silence. Do not fret, my love.” Heath pressed a kiss to her lips, “He will speak when he is ready.”

  “I just worry.”

  “The way you are with him makes me fall in love with you more every day. Have you spoken with Onika?”

  “Yes. She said everything is planned. Mother’s funeral will be in two days. I still can’t believe she’s gone.”

  Heath pulled a chair next to her and sat down. “I know, Sari. It’s not something we ever imagined happening.”

  Sarifena still felt numb when she thought about her mother. But Heath and Alex helped ease the pain. Heath had confided his pain to her about when his own mother died. He was still a boy himself, but there was a part of him that would never heal from her loss. He knew precisely what Sarifena was feeling, and he wished he could erase her heartache.

  “Rory called me, she was worried about me. I told her about Onika being my sister… it just slipped out. I hope Onika can forgive me. I know she wanted to tell Rory and Amalee together.”

  “She’ll forgive you. You’re under a lot of pressure right now. Stop beating yourself up for mistakes.”

  “Would you like to go to the beach with us?”

  Sarifena smiled, “I wanted to let some of my energy out. It stopped raining.”

  “Perhaps that’s because you stopped crying at night.” Heath’s eyebrow raised.


  “Don’t play coy with me, Sarifena. I am sharing your bed now. Just because you think I’m sleeping doesn’t mean I am.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Because I knew you needed to cry.”

  “Was that why your arm always seems to tighten around my waist?”

  “Yes,” he popped a piece of fruit in his mouth, “let’s go get changed so you can show this young man your beautiful magic.”

  Sarifena changed into a two-piece swimsuit and hurried to gather Alex some toys and a towel. Heath had already changed them both into swim trunks and was waiting for her on the back porch.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Sarifena couldn’t stop the grin spreading across her face. Alex was propped on Heaths' hip, wearing a pair of red trunks. His swim diaper peeked out from beneath the material, making Sarifena smile. Alex had on a hat and the cutest pair of sunglasses, making him look like a movie star. Heath was wearing blue trunks, a matching hat, and sunglasses as well.

  “Speak for yourself. You two are damn cute.”

  “Come on, let’s go before I embarrass myself in front of the lad.”

  Sarifena’s laugh sent shock waves straight to h
is groin. Even though they were sleeping in the same bed, they were only sleeping. He knew she needed time to process everything happening, but that didn’t stop him from wanting her.

  He sat Alex down on the sand and spread out a blanket. Alex toddled with Sarifena towards the water’s edge, holding her hand. Heath couldn’t see ever giving him up. Even though it’d only been a few days, he knew he wanted Sarifena and Alex forever. When the time was right, he’d asked her to marry him and adopt the orphaned boy.

  Sarifena played in the water with Alex while Heath watched from the shore. He giggled and laughed as she created animals out of water. Carrying him from the ocean, Sarifena set him down beside Heath.

  “I think he’s ready for a nap and a diaper change.”

  Sarifena glanced at him, watching him rub his eyes.

  “Let me gather this stuff up. You go on ahead to the house. I’ll meet you there.” Heath leaned in, pressing his mouth to hers. “I love you, Sarifena.”

  “I love you too, Heath. Come on, little man, let’s go get you changed.”

  Heath watched them head up the path to the castle. He caught Officer Holberg watching them as they ducked inside.

  “You’re a lucky man,” Officer Holberg greeted him at the door.

  “Thank you. I love her more than she will ever comprehend.”

  Chapter 20

  The sky was dreary as the precession of cars moved along the blacktop. Sarifena stood beneath the umbrella Heath held above her. Alex fit snug against her hip as she pressed against Heath for support.

  The rain was her fault.

  As much as she wished to bury her mother in the sun, it would not happen. The only person who could have altered the rain was still missing. Emersyn had created a beautiful flower garden around her mother's gravesite. It was the only thing aside from the two men holding her heart that made her smile.

  Sarifena smiled at all the people gathered to bid her mother farewell. Rory stood beside her husband and wife, tears filling both women’s eyes. Rory was the only other person who could understand the pain she was feeling. Her father was running out of time. Soon his cancer would cause us all to be here again – burying a parent.


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